
Roaming and Synchronization Group Policy Settings
Roaming and Synchronization Group Policy Settings
The roaming and synchronization group policy settings turn View Persona Management on and off, set the location of the remote profile repository, determine which folders and files belong to the user profile, and control how to synchronize folders and files.
Manage user persona
Determines whether to manage user profiles dynamically with View Persona Management or with Windows roaming profiles. This setting turns View Persona Management on and off.
When this setting is enabled, View Persona Management manages user profiles.
When the setting is enabled, you can specify a profile upload interval in minutes. This value determines how often changes in the user profile are copied to the remote repository. The default value is 10 minutes.
When this setting is disabled or not configured, user profiles are managed by Windows.
Persona repository location
Specifies the location of the user profile repository. This setting also
determines whether to use a network share that is specified in View Persona Management or a path that is configured in Active Directory to support Windows roaming profiles.
When this setting is enabled, you can use the Share path to determine the location of the user profile repository.
In the Share path text box, you specify a UNC path to a network share that is accessible to View Persona Management desktops. This setting lets View Persona Management control the location of the user profile repository.
For example: \\\VPRepository
If %username% is not part of the folder path that you configure, View Persona Management appends %username%.%userdomain% to the path.
For example: \\\VPRepository\%username%.%userdomain%
If you specify a location in the Share path, you do not have to set up roaming profiles in Windows or configure a user profile path in Active Directory to support Windows roaming profiles.
For details about configuring a UNC network share for View Persona Management, see .
By default, the Active Directory user profile path is used.
Specifically, when the Share path is left blank, the Active Directory user profile path is used. The
Share path is blank and inactive when this setting is disabled or not configured. You can also leave the path blank when this setting is enabled.
When this setting is enabled, you can select the Override Active Directory user profile path if it is configured check box to make sure that View Persona Management uses the path specified in the Share path. By default, this check box
is unchecked, and View Persona Management uses the Active Directory user profile path when both locations are configured.
Remove local persona at log off
Deletes each user's locally stored profile from the desktop system when the user logs off.
You can also check a box to delete each user's local settings folders when the user profile is removed. When using Windows 8, Windows 7, or
Windows Vista, checking this box removes the AppData\Local folder. In Windows XP, checking the box removes the Local Settings folder.
For guidelines for using this setting, see .
When this setting is disabled or not configured, the locally stored user profiles, including local settings folders, are not deleted when users log off.
Roam local settings folders
Roams the local settings folders with the rest of each user profile.
For Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista, this policy affects the AppData\Local folder. For Windows XP, this policy affects the Local Settings folder.
By default, local settings are not roamed.
Files and folders to preload
Specifies a list of files and folders that are downloaded to the local user profile when the user logs in. Changes in the files are copied to the remote repository as they occur.
In some situations, you might want to preload specific files and folders into the locally stored user profile. Use this setting to specify these files and folders.
Specify paths that are relative to the root of the local profile. Do not specify a drive in a pathname.
For example: Application Data\Microsoft\Certificates
After the specified files and folders are preloaded, View Persona Management manages the files and folders in the same way that it manages other profile data. When a user updates preloaded files or folders, View Persona Management copies the updated data to the remote profile repository during the session, at the next
profile upload interval.
Files and folders to preload (exceptions)
Prevents the specified files and folders from being preloaded.
The selected folder paths must reside within the folders that you specify in the Files and folders to preload setting.
Specify paths that are relative to the root of the local profile. Do not specify a drive in a pathname.
Windows roaming profiles synchronization
Specifies a list of files and folders that are managed by standard Windows roaming profiles. The files and folders are retrieved from the remote repository when the user logs in. The files are not copied to the remote repository until the user logs off.
For the specified files and folders, View Persona Management ignores the profile replication interval that is configured by the Profile upload interval in the Manage user persona setting.
Specify paths that are relative to the root of the local profile. Do not specify a drive in a pathname.
Windows roaming profiles synchronization (exceptions)
The selected files and folders are exceptions to the paths that are specified in the Windows roaming profiles synchronization setting.
The selected folder paths must reside within the folders that you specify in the Windows roaming profiles synchronization setting.
Specify paths that are relative to the root of the local profile. Do not specify a drive in a pathname.
Files and folders excluded from roaming
Specifies a list of files and folders that are not roamed with the rest of the user profile. The specified files and folders exist only on the local system.
Some situations require specific files and folders to reside only in the locally stored user profile. For example, you can exclude temporary and cached files from roaming. These files do not need to be replicated to the remote repository.
Specify paths that are relative to the root of the local profile. Do not specify a drive in a pathname.
By default, the user profile's temp folder, ThinApp cache folder, and cache folders for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera are excluded from roaming.
Files and folders excluded from roaming (exceptions)
The selected files and folders are exceptions to the paths that are specified in the Files and folders excluded from roaming setting.
The selected folder paths must reside within the folders that you specify in the Files and folders excluded from roaming setting.
Specify paths that are relative to the root of the local profile. Do not specify a drive in a pathname.
Enable background download for laptops
Downloads all files in the user profile when a user logs in to a laptop on which the View Persona Management software is installed. Files are downloaded in the background.
When the operation is complete, a pop-up notification appears on the user's screen: Background download complete. To allow this notification to appear on the user's laptop, you must enable the Show critical errors to users via tray icon alerts setting.
If you enable this setting, as a best practice, notify your users to
make sure that the profile is completely downloaded before the users disconnect from the network.
If a user takes a standalone laptop offline before the profile download is complete, the user might not have access to local profile files. While the user is offline, the user will be unable to open a local file that was not fully downloaded.
Folders to background download
The selected folders are downloaded in the background after a user logs in to the desktop.
In certain cases, you can optimize View Persona Management by downloading the contents of specific folders in the background. With this setting, users do not have to wait for large files to download when they start an application. Also, users do not have to wait for the files to preload when they log in, as they might if you use the Files and folders to preload setting with very large files.
For example, you can include VMware ThinApp sandbox folders in the Folders to background download setting. The background download does not affect performance when a user logs in or uses other applications on the desktop. When the user starts the ThinApp application, the required ThinApp sandbox files are likely to be downloaded from the remote repository, improving the application startup time.
Specify paths that are relative to the root of the local profile. Do not specify a drive in a pathname.
Folders to background download (exceptions)
The selected folders are exceptions to the paths that are specified in the Folders to background download setting.
The selected folder paths must reside within the folders that you specify in the Folders to background download setting.
Specify paths that are relative to the root of the local profile. Do not specify a drive in a pathname.
Excluded processes
The I/O of the specified processes are ignored by View Persona Management.
You might have to add certain anti-virus applications to the Excluded processes list to prevent performance problems.
If an anti-virus application does not have a feature to disable offline file retrieval during its on-demand scans, the Excluded processes setting prevents the application from retrieving files unnecessarily.
However, View Persona Management does replicate changes to files and settings in the users' profiles that are made by excluded processes.
To add processes to the Excluded processes list, enable this setting, click Show, type the process name, and click OK. For example: process.exe.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
[作者:佚名 来源: 时间:<font color="#15-11-15 【
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  使用组策略可以集中管理域中计算机的服务的启动模式和管理服务的权限。  系统服务设置安全性,执行系统服务方面的安全措施时,您可以控制谁能够在工作站、成员服务器或域控制器上管理服务。目前,更改系统服务的唯一方法是通过使用”组策略”计算机设置。  如果将”组策略”作为”默认域策略”实施,该策略就会应用到域内的所有计算机。如果将”组策略”作为”默认域控制器策略”实施,该策略将只应用于域控制器的组织单元内的服务器。您可以创建包含可应用策略的工作站计算机的组织单元  3.10.1示例:集中管理系统服务  禁用不需要的服务,能够改善计算机的性能,增加安全性。  通过授权对服务管理权限,可以授权一个域用户统一管理域中计算机的某些服务。避免重要的服务被本地管理员关闭。  下面就以netlogon服务和Smart Card服务为例讲述如何使用组策略管理服务。  计算机加入域后netlogon服务启动模式会设置为“自动”。“netlogon”系统服务维护计算机和域控制器之间的安全通道,对用户和服务进行身份验证。它将用户的凭据传递给域控制器,然后返回用户的域安全标识符和用户权限。该服务停止,域用户将不能登录到域。  域管理员为了避免域中计算机的netlogon服务的启动模式设置成“禁用”或“手动”而不能启动,造成域用户不能登录到域。需要将该服务启动模式设置为”自动”。权限设置为只有域管理员能够完全控制。  由于公司不需要使用智能卡登录,因此禁用域中计算机的“Smart Card”服务。该服务管理此计算机对智能卡的取读访问。如果此服务被终止,此计算机将无法取读智能卡。如果此服务被禁用,任何依赖它的服务将无法启动。  在Windows XP上运行gpupdate /force刷新组策略,也不会立即生效。为了能够立即验证组策略设置的效果,我们编辑链接在“服务器组”组织单元的组策略,使用安装了Windows Server Core的服务器验证组策略设置。  要想在DCServer上管理Fileserver上的服务,必须授予域管理员从网络访问Fileserver的权利。  任务:  u 配置组策略允许Domain Admins从网络访问服务器组中的服务器  u 使用组策略管理服务器组的netlogon服务和Smart Card服务  u 只允许Domain Admins组能够管理服务器的Netlogon服务  u 服务器的Smart Card服务设置为禁用  u 查看和验证使用组策略管理的服务  步骤:  1. 如图3-210所示,在DCServer上,打开组策略管理工具,右击服务器组组织单元链接的组策略“服务器安全策略”,点击“编辑”。  2. 在出现的组策略管理编辑器,点中“计算机配置”à“策略”à“Windows设置”à“本地策略”à“用户权限分配”,在详细窗口,双击“从网络访问此计算机”。  3. 如图3-211所示,在出现的从网络访问此计算机属性对话框,点“添加用户或组”,在出现的添加用户或组对话框,输入essDomain Admins点击“确定”。关闭组策略管理 编辑器。  提示:如果不允许用户Domain Admins组从网络访问服务器,则域管理员administrator不能在DCServer上使用MMC管理控制台管理FileServer的服务。    图 3-210 编辑组策略 图 3-211 添加组  4. 如图3-212所示,在FileServer上运行gpupdate /force刷新组策略。  5. 如图3-213所示,在DCServer上,点击“开始”à“运行”,输入services.msc,点击“确定”。    图 3-212 刷新组策略 图 3-213 打开服务管理工具  6. 如图3-214所示,在出现的服务对话框,右击服务,点击“链接到另一台计算机”。  7. 如图3-215所示,在出现的选择计算机对话框,选择“另一台计算机”,输入FileServer,点击“确定”。    图 3-214 链接到其他计算机 图 3-215 指定计算机  8. 如图3-216所示,服务管理工具链接到FileServer上的服务,可以看到FileServer上的netlogon服务和Smart Card服务及其状态。  9. 如图3-217所示,在DCServer上,打开组策略管理工具,右击服务器组组织单元链接的组策略“服务器安全策略”,点击“编辑”。    图 3-216 查看服务的状态 图 3-217 编辑组策略  10. 如图3-218所示,在出现的组策略编辑器对话框,点中“计算机配置”à“策略”à“Windows设置”à“系统服务”,右击“Netlogon”,点击“属性”。  11. 如图3-219所示,在出现的Netlogon属性对话框,选中“定义这个策略设置”,选择“自动”。点击“编辑安全设置”。    图 3-218 编辑服务 图 3-219 设置启动模式  12. 如图3-220所示,在出现的安全设置Netlogon,删除“System”,删除“administrators”。  13. 如图3-221所示,点击“添加”,授权Domain Admins组能够完全控制。    图 3-220 设置安全 图 3-221 编辑安全  14. 如图3-222所示,双击“Smart Card”,在出现的Smart Card属性,选中“定义这个策略设置”,选择“已禁用”,点击“确定”。  15. 如图3-223所示,在Fileserver上,以本地管理员登录。    图 3-222 设置启动模式 图 3-223 使用本地管理员登录  16. 如图3-224所示,在命令提示符下输入gpupdate /force刷新组策略。  17. 如图3-224所示,输入net stop Netlogon 停止Netlogon服务,拒绝访问,说明本地管理员不能停止Netlogon服务。  18. 如图3-225所示,在DCServer上,以域管理员身份登录,使用服务器管理器链接到Fileserver上,右击“Netlogon”,点击“重新启动”,重新成功。    图 3-224 刷新组策略验证组策略设置 图 3-225 域管理员有权重启服务  19. 如图3-226所示,可以看到Smart Card服务的状态已经被组策略设置为禁用。    图 3-226 服务状态  
希赛网 版权所有 & &&原地址: 很早就想写这篇文章啦,只是一直没有时间,看到有很多人都会问到一些相关的问题,在这里我先实现一遍.配置文件指的是个人的工作环境,如桌面,开始菜单,我的文档,等文件,路径存放在系统目录\Documents and Settings\以用户登录名起的文件夹.漫游配置文件指的是把个人的工作环境保存到服务器上.以后在这环境下,客户端无论在那一台机器上登录都是直接从服务器上下载回来个人的配置文件.我的拓朴如下: &
& 先在DC上创建一个文件夹test,用于保存客户端放到服务器的个人配置文件.要分配置好权限,因为客户端要往服务器写入,所以在这里我给的权限是:共享everyone 完全控制,客户端用的帐号是属于domain users,给domain users的NTFS为修改. &
先建立一个OU,用于存放用户,再创建用户a,用户b,用于验证. &
& 可以先让用户a,用户b先在客户端登录一下,修改一下个人的配置文件,如创建个文件夹放在我的文档里.主要目的用于验证,等在DC上配置漫游配置文件后,看别的客户端登录后,存不存在这个文件夹.现在a用户在加放到域的cleint(这台机器上登录. &
在我的文档创建文件夹testa,文本testa.txt & &
现在开始在DC上设置用户的漫游配置文件,打开AD用户与计算机,双击用户a的属性,找到配置文件.在配置文件里面输入DC上刚才创建的文件夹的网络路径(注:只能用网络路径)\\\test\aDC的IP,test是共享的文件夹,a(给a生成一个文件夹专用于保存a用户的配置文件)b做法一样. & &
这时候客户端重启一下,就能让漫游配置文件生效,DC上在test文件夹下也会生成a的文件夹. & &
这时候再到另一台客户端(,去验证在客户端(创建的文件.b用户做法一样.如图所示: & &
在这里小结一下,因为前面也写过一篇文件夹重定向的文章,文件夹重定向跟漫游配置文件都是把个人的工作环境放到服务器,在这里说一下它们俩之间的区别:1.漫游配置文件:保存所有的个人工作环境.&& 文件夹重定向:有选择地保存配置文件,只有4个.2.漫游配置文件:保存在本地和服务器,(注销时同步到服务器)&& 文件夹重定向:只保存在服务器.(做文件夹重定向时(如做我的文档),在客户端打开我的文件右键属性,就能看& 到,是指向服务器的) 这是漫游配置文件保存在服务器的截图,默认的情况下,漫游的文件夹是打不开的,要取得所有权,这是取得所有权后打开的文件夹 &
文件夹重定向只有4个文件.因为做文件夹重定向时只有4个可做.(如下图::)实现桌面墙纸的漫游方法漫游做完后,会发现墙纸却没漫游,看看怎么回事看本地配置文件和漫游后的配置文件文件夹的对比:本地配置文件会出现一个Local Settings文件夹,在漫游配置文件中找不到,但是漫游配置文件中却多出个ntuser.ini的配置文件。我们使用文本打开它,会看到这样一段话,[General]ExclusionList=Local STemporary Internet FHT在Windows漫游配置文件的默认情况下,Local Setting文件夹是被排除的,而在这个文件当中存放的就是我们桌面墙纸的信息。看看怎样把这文件找回来,下面就介绍下如何使用注册表恢复桌面墙纸的漫游:1、使用需要漫游的用户名登录域当中的任何一台计算机(包括域控),运行输入Regedit打开注册表;2、找到注册表中的[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]项,并修改ExcludeProfileDirs键值,将数值数据中的Local Setting删除,退出注册表;3、设置用户要用的桌面背景,退出系统;4、使用同一用户名在域当中的其他机器上登录,会发现在上一台计算机上设置的墙纸在这台机器上也出现了。这时我们在打开域控制器上的漫游配置文件,你会发现Local Setting文件夹又回来了,而ntuser.ini配置文件的内容变成了ExclusionList=Temporary Internet FHT,到这时候我们对桌面墙纸的漫游配置就大功告成了!使用组策略实现统一桌面在企业中为了实现企业形象的统一性,会要求在企业所有计算机上实现标准的桌面化配置环境。那么要怎么实现呢?详细过程如下:(在做好了上面所说的用户配置文件的漫游后,不需要再做桌面墙纸的漫游。)1、在域控上建立存放背景图片的文件夹,将其设置为共享文件夹;2、在开始—运行中GPedit.msc命令进入组策略编辑器,并双击用户配置--管理模板--桌面--Active Desktop中的Active Desktop 墙纸选项,将其设置为已启用。3、在墙纸名称路径框中输入存放桌面背景文件的完整路径。如:\\server\share\文件名。在墙纸样式中任意选择一项,按确定;4、将用户配置--管理模板--桌面--Active Desktop中的启用Active Desktop 选项设置为已启用;5、在开始--运行中输入GPupdate命令,刷新组策略。这时候域当中所有用户的桌面背景全部为统一图片 &
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