
要使用apktool反编译apk ,首先得安装JDK,我上传了JDK1.7给各位使用。然后需要安装apktool工具,然后需要签名工具。这些都是最基本的反编译工具,可谓人人必备,无论大牛还是菜鸟。(下载地址:/s/1c0iVaxy) 安装和配置JDK环境变量相对比较简单,也是各位必须首先入门的一步。2.反编译后的文件夹解析1)有些会有asset文件夹,里面也是资源文件,这个是小案例,所以这里没有。2)original可以不用理会。3)res是比较重要的文件,里面存储布局、图片资源、文字和xml布局。4)smali是java源代码的反编译后的格式代码,这个可以百度其语法格式,很多人说难,但是我们要修改源文件,就是要改这个。5)AndroidMainfest.xml是配置文件,在里面看包名这些。6)apktool.yml是签名文件,可以不用理会。回编译是反编译的逆向操作,就是把修改好的内容,回编译成apk,然后签名以后,安装使用。回编译后反编译的文件夹变成如下图:1)build是回编译后生成的,你可以不要理会。2)dist是我们要关注的地方,里面就是生成的apk,我们把他签名后就能安装使用了。3.每一种apktool工具的指令方法不一样,所以你在百度中看到的都不一样,这个无所谓的,我下载的google官网上的,操作方式等下贴图。有可能你会觉得为什么比其他人的指令复杂呢,其实不是的。这个因为是比较新的apktool,而且一定要使用JDK1.7以上,它的功能相对比较好,我建议使用这个。按下windows+R键,输入cmd,确定调出窗口。我建议把apktool工具放在D盘根目录,然后你输入d: 按下确定后,就能进入d盘。》java -jar apktool2.jar d -f d:\helloeorld.apk -o d:\helloworld 1)java -jar apktool2.jar 这个指令是固定的,意思是调用这个指令集。 2)d是反编译的意思, -f表示覆盖已有文件,3) d:\helloworld.apk 这里是d盘的apk,4) -o表示输入文件,5) d:\helloeorld是输出的文件夹名字。》java -jar apktool2.jar b d:\helloworld这里的b表示回编译apk,d:\helloworld为回编译的文件夹,所以你才能看到dist文件夹在这里面。大概步骤是这些,我推荐一个博客,到时我再更新具体apk修改。博客推荐地址:http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/
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在线时间637 小时经验值817 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限70UID4811112
学士, 积分 817, 距离下一级还需 283 积分
G币142 最后登录注册时间
已有帐号?   下载游戏和软件,请【】进入机锋市场!
反编译成功,文件完全没修改 直接点回编辑&&也显示找不到系统文件
请问是出了什么问题&&怎么样才能成功回编译& &
反编译出来打包的附件:解压出来的文件夹帮我回编译看看能否成功&&谢谢了& &如果可以&&帮我发给工具
在线时间942 小时经验值720 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限70UID2139066
学士, 积分 720, 距离下一级还需 380 积分
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在线时间637 小时经验值817 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限70UID4811112
学士, 积分 817, 距离下一级还需 283 积分
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TA的每日心情开心 13:26签到天数: 2 天[LV.1]初来乍到
G币5303 最后登录注册时间
j是时候了,让我们的手机结束“裸奔时代”! 免费的!
在线时间1252 小时经验值22585 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限190UID4851376
TA的每日心情开心 13:26签到天数: 2 天[LV.1]初来乍到
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TA的每日心情开心 13:26签到天数: 2 天[LV.1]初来乍到
G币5303 最后登录注册时间
楼主,你回编问题解决没,我也遇到这样的问题,咋回事啊 解决了qq我 QQ7567777
在线时间409 小时经验值415 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限60UID6874295
大学本科, 积分 415, 距离下一级还需 285 积分
TA的每日心情衰 19:57签到天数: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
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大学专科, 积分 330, 距离下一级还需 70 积分
G币5 最后登录注册时间
我也 是这样到底咋回事啊
在线时间0 小时经验值12 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限10UID
幼儿园, 积分 12, 距离下一级还需 3 积分
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3、终端输入apktool即可。我的做法是把三个文件放在了我的android-adk-linux目录下。(tools与platform-tools目录已经在系统环境变量里声明过了)aapt本身在platform-tools目录下就已经有一个了,因为大小一样我就没有覆盖。apktool放在tools目录下,apktool.jar放在了tools/lib目录下。接着对apktool文件做一点小小的修改:将原代码:jarfile=apktool.jarlibdir="$progdir"if [ ! -r "$libdir/$jarfile" ]then
echo `basename "$prog"`": can't find $jarfile"
exit 1fi修改为:jarfile=apktool.jarlibdir="$progdir"if [ ! -r "$libdir/$jarfile" ]then
libdir=`dirname "$progdir"`/tools/libfiif [ ! -r "$libdir/$jarfile" ]then
libdir=`dirname "$progdir"`/libfiif [ ! -r "$libdir/$jarfile" ]then
echo `basename "$prog"`": can't find $jarfile"
exit 1fi即可。。终端提示:htt@htt-Lenovo-V470c:~/bootmenu/orignal$ apktoolApktool v1.5.1 - a tool for reengineering Android apk filesCopyright 2010 Ryszard Wi?niewski &brut.&with smali v1.4.1, and baksmali v1.4.1Updated by @iBotPeaches &connor.& Apache License 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)Usage: apktool [-q|--quiet OR -v|--verbose] COMMAND [...]COMMANDs are:
d[ecode] [OPTS] &file.apk& [&dir&]
Decode &file.apk& to &dir&.
-s, --no-src
Do not decode sources.
-r, --no-res
Do not decode resources.
-d, --debug
Decode in debug mode. Check project page for more info.
-b, --no-debug-info
Baksmali -- don't write out debug info (.local, .param, .line, etc.)
-f, --force
Force delete destination directory.
-t &tag&, --frame-tag &tag&
Try to use framework files tagged by &tag&.
--frame-path &dir&
Use the specified directory for framework files
Use if there was an error and some resources were dropped, e.g.:
"Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources", but you
want to decode them anyway, even with errors. You will have to
fix them manually before building.
b[uild] [OPTS] [&app_path&] [&out_file&]
Build an apk from already decoded application located in &app_path&.
It will automatically detect, whether files was changed and perform
needed steps only.
If you omit &app_path& then current directory will be used.
If you omit &out_file& then &app_path&/dist/&name_of_original.apk&
will be used.
-f, --force-all
Skip changes detection and build all files.
-d, --debug
Build in debug mode. Check project page for more info.
-a, --aapt
Loads aapt from specified location.
if|install-framework &framework.apk& [&tag&]
Install framework file to your system.For additional info, see: /p/android-apktool/For smali/baksmali info, see: /p/smali/反编译华为c8825d官方b948的framewrok-res.apk:htt@htt-Lenovo-V470c:~/bootmenu/orignal$ apktool d framework-res.apk framework-resI: Loading resource table...W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-ERR0W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-ERR1W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-ERR2W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-zh-rHK-ERR3W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-zh-rHK-ERR4W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-zh-rHK-ERR5W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-zh-rCN-ERR6W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-zh-rCN-ERR7W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-zh-rCN-ERR8W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-zh-rTW-ERR9W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-zh-rTW-ERR10W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-zh-rTW-ERR11W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-ERR12W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-ERR13W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-ERR14W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-zh-rHK-ERR15W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-zh-rHK-ERR16W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-zh-rHK-ERR17W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-zh-rCN-ERR18W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-zh-rCN-ERR19W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-zh-rCN-ERR20W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x11009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-zh-rTW-ERR21W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5C009C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-zh-rTW-ERR22W: Config flags size & 36. Exceeding bytes: 0xE7039C00.W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: plurals-zh-rTW-ERR23I: Loaded.I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...I: Regular manifest package...I: Decoding file-resources...I: Decoding values */* XMLs...I: Done.I: Copying assets and libs...htt@htt-Lenovo-V470c:~/bootmenu/orignal$ 回编译华为c8825d官方b948的framewrok-res.apk:htt@htt-Lenovo-V470c:~/bootmenu/orignal$ apktool b framework-res framework-res.apkW: Could not find sourcesI: Checking whether resources has changed...I: Building resources...aapt: warning: string 'accessibility_compound_button_selected' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs et fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'accessibility_compound_button_unselected' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs et fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'battery_low_percent_format' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es et fr_CA is mk ms pt_BR sl zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'battery_low_subtitle' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'battery_low_title' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'battery_low_why' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'battery_status_charging' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'battery_status_text_percent_format' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: es fr_CA zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'contact_status_update_attribution' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: fr_CA mk zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'contact_status_update_attribution_with_date' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'copyAll' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'cutAll' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'description_star' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs et fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs et fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs et fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'l2tp_vpn_description' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs et fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'lockscreen_sim_corporate_locked_message' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'lockscreen_sim_network_locked_message' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'lockscreen_sim_network_subset_locked_message' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'lockscreen_sim_service_provider_locked_message' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'lockscreen_sim_sim_locked_message' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'memory_in_phone' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: es_MX es_US es_VE faaapt: warning: string 'memory_in_sdcard' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: es_MX es_US es_VEaapt: warning: string 'permdesc_accessUsb' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'permdesc_readOwnerData' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'permdesc_writeOwnerData' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'permlab_accessUsb' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'permlab_readOwnerData' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'permlab_writeOwnerData' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'pptp_vpn_description' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs et fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'selectText' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'status_bar_clear_all_button' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'status_bar_latest_events_title' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'status_bar_no_notifications_title' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'status_bar_ongoing_events_title' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'stopSelectingText' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es fr_CA is mk pt_BR zh_HKaapt: warning: string 'test_version_for_develop' has no default translation in /home/htt/bootmenu/orignal/framework-res/ found: bs es_MX es_US es_VE mk pt_BR zh_HKI: Building apk file...htt@htt-Lenovo-V470c:~/bootmenu/orignal$ 回编译完了以后别忘了对apk文件进行签名哦~c8825d的官方刷机包的framework-res.apk经过反编与回编之后大小由13.2MB变为了8.5MB,用生成的framework-res.apk替代原文件重新生成新的rom包后,手机开机不停地显示如下错误 :抱歉,进程“com.android.phone”已停止运行。使用官方最新的1.5.2版本的apktool工具对framework-res.apk进行反编和回编以后(未做任何修改),其它的一切都一样,就resources.arsc文件由6.2MB变成了5.8MB,最后生成的apk文件也比原始的刚好小0.4MB,重新测试了下,还是显示如上的错误提示。看来,问题就是resources.arsc文件的身上。该如何是好呢???
{if x.moveFrom=='wap'}
{elseif x.moveFrom=='iphone'}
{elseif x.moveFrom=='android'}
{elseif x.moveFrom=='mobile'}
${a.selfIntro|escape}{if great260}${suplement}{/if}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{if !!b&&b.length>0}
{list b as y}
{list d as x}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{if x_index>4}{break}{/if}
${fn2(x.publishTime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')}
{list a as x}
{if !!(blogDetail.preBlogPermalink)}
{if !!(blogDetail.nextBlogPermalink)}
{list a as x}
{if defined('newslist')&&newslist.length>0}
{list newslist as x}
{if x_index>7}{break}{/if}
{list a as x}
{var first_option =}
{list x.voteDetailList as voteToOption}
{if voteToOption==1}
{if first_option==false},{/if}&&“${b[voteToOption_index]}”&&
{if (x.role!="-1") },“我是${c[x.role]}”&&{/if}
{if x.userName==''}{/if}
{list x.l as y}
{if defined('wl')}
{list wl as x}{/list}安卓反编译后修改了部分代码,请问怎么变回apk文件_百度知道后使用快捷导航没有帐号?
查看: 5126|回复: 111
在线时间2012 小时最后登录阅读权限45UID5737661
智友讲师, 积分 4683, 距离下一级还需 317 积分
注册时间积分4683精华0主题帖子 金币1361 元 智豆0 点
第二步:下载下面的附件一,apktool这个压缩文件,解压缩之后得到的是apktool文件夹,把这个文件夹放在桌面上,然后同时按微软键和R输入cmd调出命令提示符,(也可以从附件中找到命令提示符打开),输入cd desktop\apktool& &回车
输入:apktool if framework-res.apk,此步是加载框架,
接着是反编译apk,比如,我们需要反编译framework-res.apk这个文件,我们就需要输入下列代码apktool d framework-res.apk(需要反编译什么,后面这个apk就写什么)反编译成功后如下图:
反编译出来的文件夹在apktool文件夹里面,打开后res文件夹主要是存的资源之类的,具体想改什么自己看着改吧,我就不一一介绍各个文件夹里面是啥的了。修改后需要回编译,这时需要输入:apktool b framework-res反编译出的文件在桌面--apktool--framework-res--dist这个文件夹里。此时并不是就完了,右击此framwork.apk文件,点打开,用winrar解压程序打开,然后点开framework-res下的build文件夹的apk文件夹里,把里面的resources.arsc复制到你刚刚用winrar打开的apk里,还有把你修改的res文件夹里的东西对应拖进去。如果是图片拉进去之后,压缩的时候选存储,xml文件等压缩的时候选标准就好了。现在就完了,然后把用winrar关掉,把dist里的apk文件做成补丁,然后签名,就可以卡刷了。或者你直接可以把这个apk文件签名,然后用re管理器复制进手机system里对应的目录覆盖,改权限就好。
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在线时间60 小时最后登录阅读权限20UID4602185
智友高中生, 积分 121, 距离下一级还需 79 积分
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