what happen to himed to him?He is _____hungry ______thirsty。A both;or B and;orC.or;either D either;or

He is good at music_______science.A.and B.with C.but D.or 为什么?_百度知道
He is good at music_______science.A.and B.with C.but D.or 为什么?
出门在外也不愁&& We send our children to school to prepare them for the time when they will be big and will have to work for themselves. They learn their own language so that they will be able to tell others clearly what they want and what they know, and understand what others tell them. They learn foreign languages in order to understand the people from other countries and make themselves be understood. They learn history to know something about human beings they meet every day. What they learn at school is, of course, quite useful, but is that the only reason why they go to school?
&& There is more in education than learning facts. We go to school to learn the way to learn, so that when we leave school, we can continue to learn. A man who really knows how to learn will always be successful, because whenever he has to do something new, he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the best way. The uneducated person ,on the other hand, is either unable to do something new, or does it badly. So the purpose of school is not just to teach the students these useful subjects but teach the way to learn.
1. Children are sent to school because ______ .
& A. they can grow fast at school
& B. they have to work for themselves at the moment
& C. the parents have to prepare them for their future
& D. they are able to learn facts
2. Why do they learn languages? Because they will____ .
& A. make friends with others
& B. be able to speak to others and hear others clearly
& C. be albe to understand others
& D. make themselves understood
3. What does an educated person do when he meets something new? He will ______ .
& A. try his best to do it&&&&&&&& B. quickly find the best way out
& C. be unable to do it well&&&&&& D. know how to learn
4. The main idea of the text is that ______ .
& A. children must go to school
& B. the subjects at school are useful
& C. parents should send their children to school
& D. children should be taught not only to learn but also how to learn
5. The purpose of school is to teach the students ______ .
& A. only the way to learn B. how to find a good job
& C. useful subjects and the way to learn D. the important subjects&
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He is trained to watch the cars, and tell _____ the time is for him and Gail to cross. when or what
the time for himwhat可以改成陈述句看.


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