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The Problem
In one part of a batch file (kind of, see Extra Information) I need to restart
Explorer, so I use the, tried-and-tested method of
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe &nul
Then this happens
explorer.exe is successfully terminated
explorer.exe is started (see Image 2), but only an
Explorer window opens, which I am left with indefinitely (see Image 1)
I can then only properly restart Explorer by starting a new task from Task
Manager, as, I'm assuming, Win + R is part of Explorer.
Extra Information
Now, I say "kind of" as I'm running the batch file from a self-executing SFX
archive, created with WinRAR. So, when executed, the contents of the archive are
extracted to %temp% and a user-defined file (usually a boot-strapper and, in
this case, my batch file) is run upon successful extraction.
So far, I've deduced
explorer.exe definitely is being fully killed.
The batch file definitely is called and executed correctly, as it runs and
everything else in the script works as designed, except for the line that
starts explorer.exe
The command to restart Explorer isn't "badly timed", or anything, as I've
tried delaying it.
The batch file works perfectly when manually extracted from the archive, so
it's not a problem with the compression or extraction processes.
Even with commands like start explorer.exe | cmd.exe Explorer doesn't
restart properly, so it's definitely not a problem with the .bat file.
I can confirm that it works on Windows XP and Windows 7 x86 but not Windows 7
x64 (which is my system).
At the moment, I'm suspicious of WinRAR, as I've proved that the code itself
works. So, I'm creating the self-executing SFX with different versions of
WinRAR. So far, I've tried versions:
4.20b3 x86
4.20b3 x64
and had the same results every time.
I submitted a bug report to
yesterday and got a reply from
Eugene Roshal himself this morning
SFX module uses ShellExecuteEx to start a setup application.
Normally it works well. I do not know why Explorer decides to switch
to windowed mode.
Now I built a small standalone program
#include &windows.h&
void main()
which runs test.bat with contents as in your sample. This program
shows exactly the same behavior as WinRAR SFX, so Explorer is started
in window.
and a second email this morning
Sorry, no advice now. I replaced ShellExecuteEx with CreateProcess
#include &windows.h&
void main()
but result is the same. I tried to use other SW_ flags like
SW_SHOWDEFAULT or SW_RESTORE with ShellExecuteEx also as "open"
and "explore" lpVerb, but it does not help. For now I do not
understand the logic behind this windowed versus desktop mode.
I realise the outlook is grim but, I hope that's of help to someone..
Proof / Evidence
Link to an SFX archive demonstrating this, if anyone wants it:
You may notice here that I'm running the commands inside a VM (as denoted by
VMwareTray.exe) but it is not a VM-caused conflict. I've tested the exact same
files on my own host system (which is the same OS) and have had the same
I'm experiencing similar "works outside of an SFX archive but not from one"
problems when using REG&ADD in a completely different project.
I just don't think SFX archives play nice with batch files.
This works in Windows 7:
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
start explorer.exe
I think user1631170 is on to something, "I wonder if some part of Win-RAR is running in 32-bit mode? Could you even start explorer64 running from a 32-bit process? I am pretty certain that Windows won't do that."
When I start explorer.exe from ProcessHacker (32-bit process manager), I get an explorer window.
But I can force it to start the 64-bit explorer with this:
%systemroot%\sysnative\cmd.exe /c start /B explorer.exe
sysnative is a keyword that Windows recognizes to bypass the file system redirection for 32-bit/64-bit (
I had this same problem and found that all the solutions here still didn't work from a batch script.
None of these worked completely:
start explorer.exe
start explorer
because they all either opened a window (and didn't show the taskbar again), or the batch script then hung thereafter and couldn't execute any more commands
I found that this line in the batch file did work (after killing explorer.exe):
start "" "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
and also allowed other commands to be executed after it in the script
start %windir%\explorer.exe
start /d%windir% explorer.exe
I have seen similar problems before doing this in C#. The process had to be invoked by calling explorer shell rather than explorer window, but I haven't had any problems in batch.
Try using this:
taskkill /im explorer.exe /f
The difference between the other answers being explorer rather than explorer.exe which has caused problems before for me.
This works on my Win7 x64 PC.
Hope this helps!
The other day, I was having a look through some of WinRAR's more advanced options and came across this tab:
As soon as I saw that I suspected it to be part of the problem and solution, as this issue only ever occurs on Windows 7 x64.
As suspected, using the Default64.SFX module instead of the default Default.SFX module entirely fixed the issue. Finally.
Have same issue with Visual Studio.
What works for me (Win 7 Pro 64bit):
PPM on Project name select "Properties"
Configuration Properties > Build Events > Pre-Build Event
taskkill /im explorer.exe /f
Configuration Properties > Build Events > Post-Build Event
start "" "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
But this make other problem (the IDE is frozen after the explorer runs) and now I'm only able to restart the IDE to run build command again...
Just right-click on the desktop and choose Restart Windows Explorer. Enjoy!
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What is explorer.exe?
Windows Process Description:
The process explorer.exe is a commonly used process in all Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. The process explorer.exe is popularly known as Windows Explorer. Windows Explorer is basically used to browse files and folders in Microsoft Windows. Upon execution of the explorer.exe file, an application window is launched and allows the user to navigate the contents of folders and view file information.
The file explorer.exe is located in folder C:\ Windows or sometimes in a subfolder of C:\. It has a known file size ranging from 1, bytes to 3,194,368 bytes. The process explorer.exe is a vital Windows core system file that initializes a visible window for browsing the system’s folders and files. It is a trusted Microsoft application that records user inputs.
Duplicates of the explorer.exe file has been a constant target for different malware which were usually located in the system32 subdirectory of the Windows folder. These malicious files are usually added to the Windows start up by certain spywares and should be removed immediately from the system. These illigitimate explorer.exe files are not needed by the Windows system and usually causes harms your system if not attended immediately.
The process explorer.exe or Windows Explorer is an application that is a part of late versions ot the Microft Windows operating system that runs as the main window for the Windows operating system. The process explorer.exe provides a graphical user interface for browsing file systems. The process explorer.exe file displays the user interface on the display screen that enables the user to utilize the computer’s functions. It also referred as Windows GUI shell or simply Explorer.
The file explorer.exe was developed by Microsoft Corporation for its Microsoft Windows Operating System. It started with the release of Windows 95 introduced the browsing mode where each folder would open a window that shows its contents in a spatial file manager style. Microsoft Corporation’s release of its Microsoft Vista Operating System gave Windows Explorer a new look through new layouts and costumizable features that enables the user to navigate the system with ease.
Microsoft Corporation
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Microsoft Windows Operating System
Memory Usage:
Medium. The dlg.exe uses 1,032,192 bytes worth of RAM resources.
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C:\WINDOWS\Windows errors related to explorer.exe?
The explorer.exe file is an executable file for Windows Explorer.
In the Microsoft Windows operating system, the explorer.exe file runs and has a graphical user interface that you can see when you are opening hard drives or files. Sometimes, the graphical user interface of the explorer.exe file is referred to as Windows GUI shell or Explorer. The explorer.exe file was created to replace the Windows 3.x File Manager, which is the older version of the application embedded on previous versions of the MS Windows environment. The explorer.exe file is executed when the user double-clicks on the My Computer desktop icon and the one found in the Start menu.
The explorer.exe file was initially used only to navigate or browse files, but as newer versions of Windows were released, it evolved to being a file management system that is task-based.We strongly recommend that you
to identify explorer.exe related errors.Other instances of EXPLORER.EXE:1) explorer.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan.
This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data.
This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system.
.Warning: Multiple instances of
EXPLORER may be running on your pc at one time. Some of these may or may not be the legitimate versions.
explorer.exe should not be disabled, required for essential applications to work properly. It is highly recommended that you
to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet settings.
Damage to your computer's registry could be compromising your PC's performance and causing system slow-downs and crashes. We recommend that you
to identify and list harmful registry entries on your computer.
Removal and security
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Virus:No ()
Trojan:No ()
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