英语作文题目:"What Electivesfree to choosee"

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What electives to choose
2. 学生出于各种原因选择不同的选修课
3. 以我自己为例….
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What Electives to Choose____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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¥100 / ¥100  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled "What electives to choose". You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.
  What electives to choose
  Recent years has witnessed a great change in Chinese university's education. With electives' appearance, students have more to choose and more to learn. Art, designing, economics are no longer simply for students who choose them as major. And it is not rare to find a student in the major of Japanese in a class of Ancient Egyptian Study.
  The reason why college students choose different electives differs from person to person. How to decide which elective to choose? In general, there are two trends.
  Some students choose their electives by their interests. By asking "Do I love the subject?" to themselves, they make quick and easy decisions. Those students basically have enthusiasm in the electives they choose, so that they are likely to be more motivated.
  Some other students, however, choose by judging how much points he or she could get from the teacher. Keeping asking students who had taken the elective before, they evaluate whether the elective's teacher will easily give students good scores. For sure, those students will choose the teachers who are "mercy" enough to let them pass.
  From my point of view, an elective from which students can receive a high score is nice. However, choosing an elective which satisfies one's interests is more important. I myself chose a difficult history class this term. It is hard indeed, but it gives me a new look at the ancient time in China. The elective takes my time, but increases my love for it. In this case I am more motivated and putting more efforts on it. With my hard work, I believe the score will not be disappointing. Only by choosing the electives you love can you really learn what you love.
  What electives to choose
  Recent years have witnessed a great change in China's higher education. With the offering of electives in universities, students now have more courses to choose from, and more to learn. Art, design and economics are no longer simply for students who choose them as majors. And it is not rare to find a Japanese major sitting in a class about ancient Egypt.
  College students choose their electives for different reasons. How do they decide which elective to choose? In general, there are two trends.
  Some students choose their electives based on their interests. By asking themselves, "Do I love the subject?" they make quick and easy decisions. Those students basically have enthusiasm for the electives they choose, so they are likely to be more motivated in what they are learning.
  Other students, however, choose their electives by speculating what grade they might get from the teacher of the elective. Making inquiries of students who have taken the elective before, they try to find out whether they will get a good score. Sure enough, those students will choose electives whose teachers will likely be "generous" enough to give them an "A".
  From my point of view, an elective for which students can receive a high score is nice. But choosing an elective that satisfies one's interests is more important. I myself chose a difficult history course this term. It is indeed hard, but it has given me a fresh glimpse of ancient times in China. The elective takes a lot of my time, but it has increased my love for my country.
  For this reason, I have a lot of motivation and put in a lot of effort. With hard work, I believe my final grade will not be disappointing. Only by choosing electives you love can you really benefit from the courses.
  这篇作文写得很好。从文字上看,语言基本功扎实,驾驭复杂句子结构的能力很强。一个英语四级的学生,在短短30分钟的时间内写出280多词的好文章,实在是难能可贵。略显不足的是有些地方用词还不够确切,不完全符合英语的习惯用法。下面是几点具体的修改建议:首页 1
         Copyright ©
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16:17:44&&&来源:&&&评论: 点击:
For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic WhatElectives to Choos已.You should write at least 120 words following the outline givenbelow in Chinese:
2007年12月真题& What Electives to Choose&&&&&&&&&
For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic WhatElectives to Choos已.You should write at least 120 words following the outline givenbelow in Chinese:
&&& 1.各大学开设了各种各样的选修课;
3.就我而言&&审题思路& 本题要求写一篇现象解释型的文章。首先描述现象:现在大学里都开设了选& 修课供学生选择,学生可以根据自己的爱好和需要等选择不同的选修课。接着提到& 自己:是否选修了选修课,选修了哪些选修课,以及选择选修课的原因等等。最后 可以说说自己的愿望,如希望有更多更好的选修课等。
&&& 写作思路。
&&& 第一段:各大学开设了各种各样的选修课。
&&& 第二段:说明选课的原因,如爱好、社会需要或老师的授课水平。
&&& 第三段:说明自己所选课程以及选择的原因。
What Electives to Choose
&( 1)& lrarious electives are now availablein today's universities, aiming to not only provide an opportunity for each student to explore areas of interests but also round out their general education. (2) In the face of so many courses ofdiverse topics, studentsneed to spend some time deciding which electives they would like to choose. (3)Three major factors influence theirchoices.
&&&&& (4) First, interest is one of the most important motivations. Students' choices usually depend on their interests in different fields, such as history and Chinese traditional philosophy, or music and movie appreciation.
&(4) Moreover, many students would chooseEnglish& and& Economics& since& the development of our national economy is in great demand of talents in both English andeconomics. Lastly, students sometimes simply choose courses (5) on account of personal charisma ofsome excellent teachers.
&&&&&&&&&&&& ( 6)As for me, in my sophomore studies,I chose Westem Art History since I was interested in westem art and charmed by the glamour of the lecturer for this course. I alsochose Gerontology because I wanted to takegood care of my grandparents with what Iwould leam. I hope that-in the future therewill be more and more excellent lecturers andelectives to expand students' horizons.
& 闪光词汇
round out完善&&& talents行,天资;人才diverse adj.多种多样的;各种的&&& charisma,1.魅力motivation疗,动力;动机&&& sophomore咒,大学二年级adj.二年级的appreciation,z.欣赏,鉴赏&&& gerontology咒,老年医学&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& economics肛,经济学
...major factors influence...choices.
&&& First, ...is one ofthe most important motivations.
&&& I hope that in the ffiture there will be more and more...to...
&&& 首先,兴趣是最重要的动力之一。学生们的选择往往取决于他们对不同领域的兴趣,比如历史、中国传统哲学以及音乐和电影鉴赏等。再者,因为我国经济的发展需要大量既精通英语又精通经济的人才,所以很多学生会选修英语和经济学课程。最后,有时候学生选择某门课程仅仅是因为某些优秀授课老师的个人魅力。
&&& 就我而言,我在大二期间选修了西方美术史,因为我对西方艺术很感兴趣而且又被授课老师的个人魅力所吸引。我还选修了老年医学,因为我想运用将要学到的知识更好地照顾我的祖父母。我希望将来有越来越多的优秀教师和选修课来拓展学生们的视野。


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