帮我把几个青云句子翻译 中文翻英文 看清楚 禁止翻译软体 给十五分

英语翻译以下在电影中 导演探讨了男性对女性的价值观给个例子 我们看电影中可以看到女主角是个独立的女性 她的成功建筑在她的职业上但是不论成功与否 她仍然受制於社会对女性的价值观她被看做男性一样的对待
在电影中 导演探讨了男性对女性的价值观.给个例子 ,我们看电影中可以看到女主角是个独立的女性,她的成功建筑在她的职业上,但是不论成功与否,她仍然受制於社会对女性的价值观,她被看做男性一样的对待.In the movie,the director has explored (studied) the females' values in the eyes of the males.For instance,when we are watching the movie,a female is an independent female.Her success is built on her career,but whether she could succeed or not,she still would be restricted by the females' value of the society and she will be treated the same as the males.谢谢你的求助.【很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,并祝你进步!】
In the movie director discusses the value view of male to female for example we see movies can be seen in the heroine is an independent woman. Her success building in her occupation but whether successful or not she still subject to the society to the female view of her is seen as men.
扫描下载二维码中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 ! 请高手帮我翻 拜托不要翻译软体 (我看得出来)请高手帮我中文翻英文 句子尽量通顺和简单 谢谢以下'' the film club'' 这篇文章的作者 用了特别的写作技巧强调在这个家庭上的代沟
他用了 ''dialogue '' 这个技巧生动的描绘出 他们父子之间的对话内容 在後面的对话中 我们可以看出 jesse的父亲 藉由看电影的机会 去了解他的儿子 他问了jesse 一些电影问题 让他自己发现 电影中的孩子是多麼的跟他自己相像 ''the journey to ompah''这位作者则用了很多的''dialogue '' 和 ''conflict '' , '' tone '' 等等的写作技巧在这篇文章上 爷爷 父亲 和 michael 三人之间的对话 可以发现 他们的问题 作者为了再让我们多了解一点 家庭代沟的可能性 和是如何发生的 他使用了很多的写作技巧 去表现代沟第二篇文章的作者内容比较广阔 因为他用了很多写作技巧 去表现我会比较喜欢这样的内容 因为他使用的技巧 我觉得我可以了结的更多比较这两篇文章 我比较喜欢''the journey to ompah'这篇文章因为这篇文章 比较有我们经常会面对的家庭代沟问题 并且这位作者写了很多的细节 让我们了解到家庭的代沟并且这篇文章带给我比较多的启发 第一篇的家庭代沟 比较没那麼深入 我认为第一篇的文章内容比较简单 比较没有那麼复杂的家庭代沟代沟是因为彼此无法瞭解彼此的观念、想法. 加上一代与一代之间在行为、态度、观念上有所不同 所造成的若是这位爷爷不要对自己的儿子使用暴力 或者是辱骂 我想这也就不会造成他们之间的家庭代沟了这里有 三百分可以拿 (虽然题目不相关)/question/.html?quesup2&oldq=1/question/.html?quesup2&oldq=1
In “the film club” the author employs a special technique to vividly highlight the generation gap, viz. through “dialogues” between the son and the father. In this technique we see that Jesse’s father uses watching a movie as an opportunity to understand his son. The questions he asks Jesse about the movie makes him see that the boy (in the movie) is so much like himself.On the other hand, in “the Journey to Ompah” the author uses the techniques of “dialogue”, “conflict” and “tone”, and, through conversations among the grandfather, the father and Michael, portray how the generation gap comes to being. The latter article is much broader in scope. Thus I like it better than the first article, for it has more content, and uses more techniques, and I am able to appreciate it a lot more.Compared to the first article, “The journey to Ompah” describes family situations which are the writing is insightful and enlightening. Generation gap arises from differences in value concepts between the generations. If the grandfather had not been violent or insulting toward his son, the generation gap might not have arisen.
扫描下载二维码英语翻译希望是真的会英语的人 帮我翻 通顺 而且文法对的句子请会英文的帮我翻中文 绝对不要翻译软体 (因为是乱翻的句子 文法不通)尽量翻的简单点喔以下有几个主要的因素 Baby 渐渐的变成prostitute 第一个理由是因为 baby觉得她和她的父亲距离已经变得很遥远了他们之间已经没有一个父亲和女儿的该有的关系因为jules把她送去detention center,Baby 不谅解她的父亲 因为他不但把她仅有的物品都丢掉 最让她无法接受的事是 作为父亲的他 竟然打电话叫社会服务中心的人带走她并且送她去detention ccenter 她无法再接受这样的事实 所以她投向Alphonse的怀抱 寻求温暖 也因为她投向Alphonse的怀抱 所以她变成prostitute (因为Alphonse是一个pimp)第二个理由是 Alphonse让 baby 感觉温暖和快乐 他让baby感觉有人是爱她和需要她的 所以baby投向Alphonse的怀抱 寻求温暖因为她喜欢Alphonse 所以Alphonse强迫她为他作prostitute 赚钱给他 baby答应了 因为她也没有其他的选择了 (其实在她心底深处 她早就有预感Alphonse 会要她做prostitute (我是这麼想的 这是我的想法 ) 但她还是接受了第三个理由是 在和Alphonse发生过性关系之後 Baby意识到 已经没办法再回到以前了 所以当Alphonse强迫她为他作prostitute 时她接受了 在後来的交易里 baby 用自己赚来的钱 买自己想要的东西 她感到很开心 也因为她习惯了和别人发生性关系所以 baby 渐渐的把 prostitute 当成是她的工作 我想这也是个主要因素 为什麼她会变成prostitute 的原因了
There are quite a few factors that account for why Baby turns prostitute .The first is that Baby feels that there is a big gap between her and her father psychologically.In them there has been none of the relationship that there should be between the father and his daughter,for she never forgives him for sending her to the detention center, He has lost the few things that she has, and what she can't accept is that he as her father must telephone the Community Service Center to have her sent to the
detention ccenter No longer able to face such a reality,Baby has decided to go to Alphonse for comfort, who as a pimp changes Baby into a prostitute. The second is that
Alphonse gives Baby warmth and joy, which makes her feel needed and loved
She loves Alphonse and yields to makinhg money for him by prostituting. She has no other choice. (As a matter of fact, she already has the feel that
Alphonse will change her into a street girl,but
she doesn't disapprove of that.)The third is that after Alphonse beds her, Baby realises that she can never return to her past.She accepts what she does. In the days that follow, Baby makes money with her body,shops for whatever she wants and feels merry. She is accustomed to having sex with others and she enjoys that. In this way, she turns professional prostitute
There are several major factors explain why Baby become prostituteThe first reason is because baby thinks she and her father distance has become very far awayDon't have a father and daughter...
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