hwo tomatlab solvee he problem taht qqww

扫二维码下载作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案,一键查看所有搜题记录 下载作业帮安装包 扫二维码下载作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案,一键查看所有搜题记录 高手请过来看看这个句子对不对.He is that kind of person who is able to solve the problem alone.这句话没有问题的吧.换成这样对不对:He is that kind of person able to solve the problem alone.我自己编的一个句子,就是想知道省略掉那个who is 因为我看到另一个句子,原句是这个:Strapped US states are teetering on insolvency,failing to contain their own debt burdens through draconian austerity budgets on the backs of American workers,people least able to cope.在这个句子的最后用了个able to cope.这里句子语法上过得去吗?可能上面那个句子有点繁琐,简单一点就是 Strapped US states are on the brink of bankruptcy,failing to pay the debts through austerity(紧缩) budgets on the backs of American workers,people least able to cope.最后那个able to cope,直接有点蒙啊。最好这句话能给翻译一下。 扫二维码下载作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案,一键查看所有搜题记录 第一句是正确的,用了一个定语从句,修饰person第二句 able to do sth.只能做表语,用在be able to do中,不能单独拿出来做定语你分析的很详细,people least able to cope 作为worker的同位语出现,这里able to cope的确算是作为定语出现了,但是able to do语法上确实不可以直接作定语放在名词之后出现的,你可以查查有道词典的权威例句,没有一句不是放在be后面的.也许现在的语言越来越不规范了吧,也越来越灵活.语言就是这样,随时在变. People who are able to cope....。。。这个应该是定语从句吧。 这个没问题。 People (who are) able to cope.... 把这个who are 省略,语法上对不对? 貌似要是去掉who are的话,也要加上being才对。 也就是People being able to cope. 那这个People able to cope.到底是啥意思呢,而且cope一般跟cope with 连用,当自己做vi用时,表示何种意思? 呵呵, 语法上,定语从句的连词只有在做宾语时可以省略,比如:he told the news to the person (that) he knew well. (他把消息告诉了他很了解的那个人) 也许你后来看见的那个关于美国的句子不够权威呢。。。 在哪里看到的呢 句子应该是挺权威的。也不一定只能是宾语吧。 The book (which was) written by Luxun was lost by me yesterday. 这里就做主语。 因为这里是非谓啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 就像你说的,即使用,也得用being able to cope.... 呵呵,语言嘛,高考需要较真,过了这个阶段,其他阶段只要理解意思就可以啦 别纠结了啊 我没有太纠结,只是这么突然出来一下,让我有点手忙脚乱的。。。让我感到自己语法知识的淡薄。。。而且这个句子翻译起来也是不太明朗。能不能试着翻译一下? 我试试看吧,有点难 Strapped(资金短缺的) US states are teetering on insolvency(徘徊在破产边缘), failing to(没能) contain their own debt burdens(债务负担) through draconian austerity budgets(严酷的紧缩预算) on the backs of(源于,归功于,依靠) American workers, people least able to cope. 所以大概啊:资金短缺的美国各州正处于破产边缘,他们没能通过对美国工人——最底层人民(最无力抵抗)——的严酷的紧缩预算而减缓自己的债务负担。 我觉得是这样 之所以cope后面没有with,是因为没有提到with的宾语,所以with也可以去掉了 个人看法。。。 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 He is that kind of person who can solve the problem aloneHe is that kind of person who has the ability to solve the problem alone He is that kind of person able to solve the problem alone.这句话不对,分析句子成分就行了 Strapped US states are on the brink of bankruptcy, failing to pay the debts through austerity(紧缩) budgets on the bac... 1. 你把简单的句子复杂化了哦·你可以直接说:He is a person who is able to solve the problem alone.或直接:He is able to solve the problem alone.你不用真的写出他是那样一种人····这样在英语中就显得累赘了··英语句子 意在简洁 明了··并不是都用从句就好


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