英语 英语补全对话话 :A:Mum, (1)___________________? B:I'm making the bed. what's wrong? .... ... ...

补全对话,每空一词A:Hello!B:Hello!1._____ 2.______ Tom?A:Yss,Mum.B:What 3._____you 4.______?A:I'm listening to the radio.B:5._____ not 6._______ your homework?A:I'm 7.______ 8._______ 9.______ it tomorrow.B:What else are you going to do tomorrow?A:I'm goi_百度作业帮
补全对话,每空一词A:Hello!B:Hello!1._____ 2.______ Tom?A:Yss,Mum.B:What 3._____you 4.______?A:I'm listening to the radio.B:5._____ not 6._______ your homework?A:I'm 7.______ 8._______ 9.______ it tomorrow.B:What else are you going to do tomorrow?A:I'm going somewhere nice to fly a kite.
Are youare doingHave finishedgoing to finished
Is, that, are, doing, Why, do, going, to, do 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
>>>补全对话。(10分)A:Hello!B:hello,is that Kate?A:Yes.B:This ..
补全对话。(10分)A:Hello!B:hello,is that Kate?A:Yes.B:This is Ann. How are you?A:Fine.小题1:____________________________B:Yes.I am.What’s up?A:Can you come over to my home?B小题2:__________________. Why?A:Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.小题3:__________.I want you to help.B:No problem.When will it begin?A:小题4:________________________B:And where?A:At my home.B:Good小题5:____________ _______.See you then.A:See you.请从下面的选项中选出:A.I’m busy with the party.B.Are you free today?C.At three o’clock in the afternoon.D.I will get to your home in twenty minutes.E.Sure.
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“补全对话。(10分)A:Hello!B:hello,is that Kate?A:Yes.B:This ..”主要考查你对&&连词成句&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
连词成句:即是把错乱排列的词语根据语法或句法特点排列组合成为句式整齐,内容恰当,语气流畅的句子的方法。他基本的要求是句子完整和流畅没有语法错误,更不要有语病。连词成句题做题技巧:首先强调第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,其次句子的最后要有标点符号。然后分句型来做: 1. 陈述句的时候,先找主语,然后找动词,再找其他,记得时间和地点是放在后面的。 2. 疑问句时,有疑问词的情况下找疑问词,然后找助动词,找主语,找其他。没有疑问词的情况下,就找助动词/be动词,再找主语,找其他。 3. 做这一类型的题目时,学生要有一定的基础,会认读单词,熟悉基本句型。 具体可以分一下几步来完成:一、看清标点符号1.如果是句号,则是陈述语句。陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。2.如果是问号,则是疑问语句。要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句。①如果有where 、what、how等疑问词,那么它就是特殊疑问句,就要把疑问词where 、 what、 how 等放在一句话的最前面,它后面紧接的是be动词也就是我们学习过的am、is、are三个单词。②如果题目中有can、 may、shall、would等情态动词,那么它就是由情态动词引导的疑问句。例如:“have& I& a& may& new& bike (?)” 。这道题目中有一个情态动词may,很显然这就是由情态动词may引导的疑问句。那么我们就要把may放在句子的最前面,后面紧接的就是这句话的主语(主语往往是人或者物)。很快我们就能写出这句话的前半部分“May I& have …”很显然,还剩下的几个单词可以构成一个词组“a new bike”,那么将整句话连起来就是“May I have a new bike ?”(我可以拥有一个新的自行车吗?)。同样其他的句子,例如:由can 、would、shall等情态动词引导的句子也是这样的方法可以完成。③如果题目中没有任何的特殊疑问词,也没有任何情态动词,那么它就是我们最最熟悉的一般疑问句了。例如:“you& a& are student(?)”。很显然是一个疑问句,而且没有任何特殊疑问词。所以这是一句一般疑问句,一般疑问句的基本准则就是疑问词是be动词(am /is/are),而且要把它们放在句子的最前面。通过观察我们看到题目中有一个be动词(are),所以这句话就很容易连到“Are you a student ?”(你是一个学生吗?)。这样的题目还可以先将它当作一般陈述句来做,然后再由陈述句改成一般疑问句。例如“you& a& are student(?)”这题还可以先将它写成一般陈述句的形式“You are a student.”。然后将它写成一般疑问句,即是将这句话的主语和谓语(be动词)对调,得到“Are you a student?”,这样这句话也就完成了。3.如果是感叹号,则是感叹语句。①由what引导的感叹句。我们知道有what引导的感叹句,其基本结构是What + a + adj. + n.。例如:“What a nice book !”(多漂亮的一本书啊!)② 由how引导的感叹句。与what引导的感叹句相似,how引导的感叹句的结构是“How + adj.( +n. /名词短语 + be动词 )!”。
二、注意特殊句型还有一些连词成句的题目看上去似乎是无规律可循。有这样一个题目:“to&& time& to&& go&& it’s& school (.)” 这样的题目就要求学生对有些句型的熟练掌握。这条题目考的是学生对句型“it’s& time to do sth.” 的运用和词组“go to school(去上学)”,这是一条交际运用题。很显然,这条题目的答案应该是:“It’s& time to go to shool.”(该到上学的时候了。)还有一类句型叫做祈使句。这样的句型往往没有主语。例如:“Go to the playground& ,please.”(请去操场。)这样的句子就省略了主语,完整的应该是“我请你去操场。”所以这样的句型也是学生所需要掌握。有这样一条题目,“breakfast , have& Mike(。)”。很显然这是一句祈使句。拿到这条题目时,如果对句子的意思不明白也许就无法下手。但是如果明白是“让迈克吃早饭。”这条题目也就很好做了,这是一条省略句,所以很快就能得到答案:“Have breakfast,Mike.”。有很多像这样的题目,没有明确的主语、谓语等。这就需要学生对所要完成题目的句子意思的了解,对一些固定结构的掌握。三、注意句子是否完整往往学生在做完一条题目以后,经常会出现句子还没有写完整,单词抄写错的现象。在做这样的题目时容易出现漏字、错字的毛病。这就需要我们在平时的训练中养成认真仔细的习惯。在做题目时加强对“难题”的训练,在“找错误”中增强细心意识。&&& 四、注意字母的大小写在英语中经常需要大写的有:每句话的开头字母、人名、专有名词等。例如:“thank you,liutao.”这句话中有三个字母没有大写,应该将它改成:“Thank you,Liu Tao.”这样这句话也就很明白了。与中文不同,在英文中字母的大小写有时也就决定了一句话的意义。Doctor 和doctor就是因为一字之差其意思也就大大不同,前者是博士而后者则是医生。所以在平时,应该注意这类题型的解答。
与“补全对话。(10分)A:Hello!B:hello,is that Kate?A:Yes.B:This ..”考查相似的试题有:
>>>看图补全对话。1. A: Is there a river on the nature park?B:..
A: Is there a river on the nature park?B: ______________________________________________
A: Are there any monkeys in the mountains? B: ______________________________________________
A: Can she sweep the floor? B: ______________________________________________
A: Do you often read books on Saturday afternoon?B: ______________________________________________
A: Are they tall buildings? B: ______________________________________________
1. Yes, there is. 2. No, there aren't. 3. Yes, she can.4. Yes, I do. 5. Yes, they are.答案不唯一
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“看图补全对话。1. A: Is there a river on the nature park?B:..”主要考查你对&&情景交际&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
情景交际:常以对话的形式出现。 小学生生活情景英语会话分类举例:1、早间(Morning)&场景一:早上七点Mom: Johnny, get up!Johnny: Oooook.Mom: Hurry up, sweety. It’s late.Johnny: What time is it, Mom?Mom: It’s seven.&场景二:好玩的梦Johnny: Mom, I had a dream.Mom: Oh, really? What was it about?Johnny: Mashi Maro.Mom: How nice!&场景三:刷牙洗脸Mom: Hurry up, Johnny, or you’ll be late.Johnny: O.K, Mom, I’ll brush my teeth.Mom: Don’t forget to wash your face.Johnny: O.K.&场景四:早餐Mom: Johnny, breakfast is ready.Johnny: Mom, please pass me some bread.Mom: Here it is.&场景五:整理书包Mom: Don’t forget your books.Johnny: Let me see, Chinese, English, maths and music. All in, Mom.Mom: Good.&场景六:上学去Johnny: Dad, Mom, I’m going to school.Mom: Take care.Dad: Don’t be late.Johnny: I won’t. Bye, Dad. Bye, Mom.
2、上学(On the Way)&场景一:一起上学Johnny: Good morning.Anny: Good morning.Johnny: What’s your name?Anny: Anny. And you?Johnny: I am Johnny. Let’s go to school together.Anny: O.K, let’s go.&场景二:过马路(红绿灯) Anny: Watch out! The light is red.Johny: O.K. (half a minute later)Anny: It’s green now.Johnny: Let’s go.&场景三:等车Anny: The bus is late.Johnny: Wait a bit.Anny: Look, it’s coming.Johnny: Let’s get on the bus.&场景四:绑好鞋带Anny: Look at your shoe lace, Johnny.Johnny: Oh, it’s loose. Let me tie it up.&场景五:认识新老师 Johnny: Anny, this is my teacher, Miss Lin.Anny: Hello, Miss Lin.Miss Lin: Hello.
3、课前(Before Class)&场景一:今天值日Johnny & Anny: Good morning, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: Good morning. Why so early today?Anny: We are on duty.&场景二:擦黑板Anny: Oh, it’s out of my reach.Johnny: Let me give you a hand.Anny: Thanks.&场景三:打扫教室Johnny: Let’s clean the floor.Anny: See? It’s so dirty.Johnny: Let’s clean it.&场景四:文具盒 Johnny: I have a pen and a ruler. And you?Anny: I have a knife and an eraser.Johnny: May I see it?Anny: Sure.&场景五:早读 Johnny: Excuse me, Anny, can you spell this word for me?Anny: O.K. Which one?Johnny: Apple.Anny: A-P-P-L-E.Johnny: Thanks.
4、课堂(In Class)&场景一:起立问好 Miss Gao: Good morning, class.Class: Good morning, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: Is everyone here?Tome: No, Mary is not here. She’s sick.Miss Gao: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.&场景二:铃响过后 Anny: Johnny, the bell is ringing.Johnny: Oh, hurry up. Class has begun.Johnny & Anny: Excuse me.Miss Gao: Come in, please.&场景三:加法练习 Miss Gao: What’s six plus four?Anny: Eight!Miss Gao: Are you sure? Think again.Johnny: Let me try. Oops! It’s ten.Miss Gao: Well done.&场景四:减法练习 Miss Gao: What’s five minus three, Johnny?Johnny: Two.Miss Gao: Right.&场景五:乘除法练习 Miss Gao: Anny, what’s eight times two?Anny: It’s sixteen.Miss Gao: Wow, you’re clever! What’s six divided by three?Johnny: I know! Two.& Right?Miss Gao: Yes, you got it.&场景六:借橡皮擦 Johnny: Anny, can I borrow you eraser?Anny: I’m sorry. I don’t have one.Johnny: That’s O.K. Thanks anyway.&场景七:下课 Miss Gao: Class is over.Class: Goodbye, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: See you next time.
5、课间(Break)&场景一:排队 Monitor: Stand in four lines, please!Johnny: Hurry up, Anny.Anny: Ouch, you are stepping on my foot.Johnny: I’m sorry.&场景二:升旗 Monitor: Attention, please! Salute!&场景三:我的红领巾咋不见啦 Miss Gao: Class is over. Time for morning exercises.Johnny: Anny, hurry up.Anny: Wait! Where is my red scarf?Johnny: Gosh! I can’t wait.Anny: Go ahead then! Who cares?&场景四:上厕所 Johnny: I can’t help.Tom: You can’t help what?Johnny: I wanna go to the restroom now.Tom: Too bad! You have to wait.Johnny: Oh, no!&场景五:下节课上什么 Johnny: Anny, what’s for next class?Anny: Music. Can you sing?Johnny: I can sing many songs.Anny: Cool.&场景六:认识新朋友 Johnny: Hi, my name’s Johnny. What’s your name?Nancy: I’m Nancy. Where are you from, Johnny?Johnny: Xiamen. And you?Nancy: I’m form Fuzhou.Johnny: How old are you?Nancy: Seven. What about you?Johnny: Oh, we’re of the same age.情景对话题的解答:常见的题型有:补全对话,给问句选择对应的答语,给下列的句子按正确的顺序排列等。情景交际试题特点: 1、以情景为条件,以对话为主要表达形式; 2、既短小又灵活,前言后语连接紧凑,答语多呈现省略,增加了答案的隐蔽性; 3、主要考察英语的日常用语、习惯用语以及各种场合的交际性语言,并从实际出发,考查交际语言的运用能力。做法:仔细阅读上下文,找出上下文之间的联系。
与“看图补全对话。1. A: Is there a river on the nature park?B:..”考查相似的试题有:
>>>看图补全对话。1. A: ____________ you go yesterday?B:I went..
1. A: ____________ you go yesterday? &&& B:&I went to Nanjing.&& &A: ____________ you do? &&& B: I ________________________.&
2. A: ____________ you go to Beijing ____________ train? &&& B: No, I didn't. &&& A: ____________ did you go there? &&& B: I ____________ there ________________________.
3. A: ____________ do you feel? &&& B: I feel sick. &&& A: ________________________? &&& B: I ________________________.
1. Where did, What did, rowed a boat& 2. Did, by, How, went, by plane& 3. How, What's the matter, have a toothache
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“看图补全对话。1. A: ____________ you go yesterday?B:I went..”主要考查你对&&情景交际&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
情景交际:常以对话的形式出现。 小学生生活情景英语会话分类举例:1、早间(Morning)&场景一:早上七点Mom: Johnny, get up!Johnny: Oooook.Mom: Hurry up, sweety. It’s late.Johnny: What time is it, Mom?Mom: It’s seven.&场景二:好玩的梦Johnny: Mom, I had a dream.Mom: Oh, really? What was it about?Johnny: Mashi Maro.Mom: How nice!&场景三:刷牙洗脸Mom: Hurry up, Johnny, or you’ll be late.Johnny: O.K, Mom, I’ll brush my teeth.Mom: Don’t forget to wash your face.Johnny: O.K.&场景四:早餐Mom: Johnny, breakfast is ready.Johnny: Mom, please pass me some bread.Mom: Here it is.&场景五:整理书包Mom: Don’t forget your books.Johnny: Let me see, Chinese, English, maths and music. All in, Mom.Mom: Good.&场景六:上学去Johnny: Dad, Mom, I’m going to school.Mom: Take care.Dad: Don’t be late.Johnny: I won’t. Bye, Dad. Bye, Mom.
2、上学(On the Way)&场景一:一起上学Johnny: Good morning.Anny: Good morning.Johnny: What’s your name?Anny: Anny. And you?Johnny: I am Johnny. Let’s go to school together.Anny: O.K, let’s go.&场景二:过马路(红绿灯) Anny: Watch out! The light is red.Johny: O.K. (half a minute later)Anny: It’s green now.Johnny: Let’s go.&场景三:等车Anny: The bus is late.Johnny: Wait a bit.Anny: Look, it’s coming.Johnny: Let’s get on the bus.&场景四:绑好鞋带Anny: Look at your shoe lace, Johnny.Johnny: Oh, it’s loose. Let me tie it up.&场景五:认识新老师 Johnny: Anny, this is my teacher, Miss Lin.Anny: Hello, Miss Lin.Miss Lin: Hello.
3、课前(Before Class)&场景一:今天值日Johnny & Anny: Good morning, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: Good morning. Why so early today?Anny: We are on duty.&场景二:擦黑板Anny: Oh, it’s out of my reach.Johnny: Let me give you a hand.Anny: Thanks.&场景三:打扫教室Johnny: Let’s clean the floor.Anny: See? It’s so dirty.Johnny: Let’s clean it.&场景四:文具盒 Johnny: I have a pen and a ruler. And you?Anny: I have a knife and an eraser.Johnny: May I see it?Anny: Sure.&场景五:早读 Johnny: Excuse me, Anny, can you spell this word for me?Anny: O.K. Which one?Johnny: Apple.Anny: A-P-P-L-E.Johnny: Thanks.
4、课堂(In Class)&场景一:起立问好 Miss Gao: Good morning, class.Class: Good morning, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: Is everyone here?Tome: No, Mary is not here. She’s sick.Miss Gao: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.&场景二:铃响过后 Anny: Johnny, the bell is ringing.Johnny: Oh, hurry up. Class has begun.Johnny & Anny: Excuse me.Miss Gao: Come in, please.&场景三:加法练习 Miss Gao: What’s six plus four?Anny: Eight!Miss Gao: Are you sure? Think again.Johnny: Let me try. Oops! It’s ten.Miss Gao: Well done.&场景四:减法练习 Miss Gao: What’s five minus three, Johnny?Johnny: Two.Miss Gao: Right.&场景五:乘除法练习 Miss Gao: Anny, what’s eight times two?Anny: It’s sixteen.Miss Gao: Wow, you’re clever! What’s six divided by three?Johnny: I know! Two.& Right?Miss Gao: Yes, you got it.&场景六:借橡皮擦 Johnny: Anny, can I borrow you eraser?Anny: I’m sorry. I don’t have one.Johnny: That’s O.K. Thanks anyway.&场景七:下课 Miss Gao: Class is over.Class: Goodbye, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: See you next time.
5、课间(Break)&场景一:排队 Monitor: Stand in four lines, please!Johnny: Hurry up, Anny.Anny: Ouch, you are stepping on my foot.Johnny: I’m sorry.&场景二:升旗 Monitor: Attention, please! Salute!&场景三:我的红领巾咋不见啦 Miss Gao: Class is over. Time for morning exercises.Johnny: Anny, hurry up.Anny: Wait! Where is my red scarf?Johnny: Gosh! I can’t wait.Anny: Go ahead then! Who cares?&场景四:上厕所 Johnny: I can’t help.Tom: You can’t help what?Johnny: I wanna go to the restroom now.Tom: Too bad! You have to wait.Johnny: Oh, no!&场景五:下节课上什么 Johnny: Anny, what’s for next class?Anny: Music. Can you sing?Johnny: I can sing many songs.Anny: Cool.&场景六:认识新朋友 Johnny: Hi, my name’s Johnny. What’s your name?Nancy: I’m Nancy. Where are you from, Johnny?Johnny: Xiamen. And you?Nancy: I’m form Fuzhou.Johnny: How old are you?Nancy: Seven. What about you?Johnny: Oh, we’re of the same age.情景对话题的解答:常见的题型有:补全对话,给问句选择对应的答语,给下列的句子按正确的顺序排列等。情景交际试题特点: 1、以情景为条件,以对话为主要表达形式; 2、既短小又灵活,前言后语连接紧凑,答语多呈现省略,增加了答案的隐蔽性; 3、主要考察英语的日常用语、习惯用语以及各种场合的交际性语言,并从实际出发,考查交际语言的运用能力。做法:仔细阅读上下文,找出上下文之间的联系。
与“看图补全对话。1. A: ____________ you go yesterday?B:I went..”考查相似的试题有:
2336982597850583236529313778432初一英语补全对话!A:Hello,Mary?B:1.________A:Hi!Mary,this is Tom.2.___________B:I'm reading a book.A:Do you want to go to the movies?B:3.__________.The book is too boring.A:4.__________B:Ok.I like watching action movies.5._____________A:Let's go at seven o'clock.It begins _百度作业帮
初一英语补全对话!A:Hello,Mary?B:1.________A:Hi!Mary,this is Tom.2.___________B:I'm reading a book.A:Do you want to go to the movies?B:3.__________.The book is too boring.A:4.__________B:Ok.I like watching action movies.5._____________A:Let's go at seven o'clock.It begins at seven thirtyB:Ok!See you then.A:See you.有序号的是要填的空..没其它的提示了..3.可不可以是That sounds good?
1.who's that?2.what are you doing now?3.Yes, I do.4.Let's go to see movies,OK?5.When shall we go?3可以用that sounds good.用肯定的回答就可以了.
1.hello.who's that2.what are you doing3.yes(,i do)或者Certainly或者OK或者其它表示肯定的回答4.shall we go together?5.when shall we go?
1.who's that? 2.what are you doing now? 3.Yes。 4.Let's go to see movies,OK? 5.When shall we go?
A:Hello,Mary? B:1.Hello.Who's that? A:Hi! Mary,this is Tom. 2What are you doing now?B:I'm reading a book. A:Do you want to go to the movies? B:3.Yes,I do.The book is too borin...


