
16:53:00我的电脑 用瑞星杀毒 杀不出毒,瑞星版本也是最新的版本, IE浏览器开不了网站,电脑很卡.下面是 我用扫描器扫描出来的结果& 请高手帮忙诊断&
十万火急,...[用户系统信息]Mozilla/4.0 ( MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Mozilla/4.0 ( MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; Alexa Toolbar)附件:
天月来了 -
xiaoxiongjoy -
火影忍者 -
19:31:00清理助手被恶意进程阻止了,打开了修复到一半 自动关闭. 卡卡也是一样
查看完整版本:SDS-PAGE 我的样品没有跑出条带,请教高手!谢谢! - 生物科学 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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SDS-PAGE 我的样品没有跑出条带,请教高手!谢谢!
用缓冲溶液配制酶的溶液,酶浓度0.001--5 mg/mL一共五六个浓度。
应该先配上样缓冲液吧,5ml的5×SDS-PAGE的配方:1mol/l&&Tirs-HCl(PH6.8) 1.25ml,SDS&&0.5g,甘油& &2.5ml,溴酚兰 25mg,加去离子水溶解定容至5ml,每份500微升分装后室温保存,使用前将25微升的2-ME加到每小分中。
样品跟上样缓冲液按4:1混合后,沸水煮5min再上样 你的蛋白变性了没啊?先跟上样缓冲液混匀 煮沸5min 或者97℃ 5min 变性
-20℃或-80℃保存 下次上样前95℃ 5秒 再充分混匀上样 我的样品没有煮沸,不煮沸有什么影响吗? 煮沸是变性的,你是不是样品放时间长了?我以前也有煮了过几天在跑就跑不出来的 我用细菌胞外产物跑PAGE,要不是没有条带,要不是模糊的条带,maker和样品的泳道挨着就会被及变形,样品的泳道很宽,差不多是两个用到那么款。用考马斯亮蓝测定蛋白质含量为1.78mg/ml。在电泳时会看到有黄色物质从样品泳道中析出。请各位高手指点迷津,小女子不胜感激啊!!!!
我的浓缩胶浓度为12,实验室其他人和我同时跑都能跑出清晰的条带 : Originally posted by tomorrowhl at
我用细菌胞外产物跑PAGE,要不是没有条带,要不是模糊的条带,maker和样品的泳道挨着就会被及变形,样品的泳道很宽,差不多是两个用到那么款。用考马斯亮蓝测定蛋白质含量为1.78mg/ml。在电泳时会看到有黄色物质从 ... :tuzi28:最好是上传一下图片! : Originally posted by tomorrowhl at
我用细菌胞外产物跑PAGE,要不是没有条带,要不是模糊的条带,maker和样品的泳道挨着就会被及变形,样品的泳道很宽,差不多是两个用到那么款。用考马斯亮蓝测定蛋白质含量为1.78mg/ml。在电泳时会看到有黄色物质从 ... :tuzi28:有一种可能是样品pH值的问题。没见着图我真不知道能怎么说,我也没多少经验。希望有大神解答。最好是上传图片看看,毕竟电泳最后得到的就是图。
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100【求助】这个XRD图怎么分析?请高手帮忙看看 - 高分子 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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合成了一个高分子聚合物,这是它的粉末的XRD,可是不会解析,是不是能判断结晶度和粒径以及聚合物结构呢?尖峰 、馒头峰、都能说明些什么呢?峰位给出的什么信息啊?能说明聚合情况或者支链情况或者什么信息吗?时间有限,请大家帮我看看。谢谢啦!!!
另外这个图处理的是不是有问题 ?实在是不太懂,谢谢各位了 个人觉得做XRD首先应该测一个背景,扣除背景后结果更可信。峰尖和强度应该和结晶度有关。通过峰位的计算可以得到晶面之间的距离。 我测的是导电聚合物,背景是涂有ITO的玻璃片,结晶度高的峰就是比较尖。通过峰位可以计算100晶面 Originally posted by 不要放弃 at
合成了一个高分子聚合物,这是它的粉末的XRD,可是不会解析,是不是能判断结晶度和粒径以及聚合物结构呢?尖峰 、馒头峰、都能说明些什么呢?峰位给出的什么信息啊?能说明聚合情况或者支链情况或者什么信息吗?时 ... 我也很纳闷,一般而言我觉得高分子都是不定型的,为什么你还要测XRD呢 Originally posted by 天下枫叶 at
我也很纳闷,一般而言我觉得高分子都是不定型的,为什么你还要测XRD呢 高分子也有很多是结晶的 XRD的谱图,峰越窄越高,结晶度越大,峰形的位置与衍射角有关,通过一些数据处理
的书,呵呵),都有的。 : Originally posted by wecket at
高分子也有很多是结晶的 能举几个例子吗,我不是很了解这方面的 : Originally posted by 天下枫叶 at
我也很纳闷,一般而言我觉得高分子都是不定型的,为什么你还要测XRD呢 NO : Originally posted by 天下枫叶 at
能举几个例子吗,我不是很了解这方面的 PE PP and so on. 这个XRD图需要先平滑一下。 两三个主峰的位置可以确定是什么物质,主峰的半高宽可以确定晶粒的尺寸,半高宽越宽,晶体颗粒尺寸越小 感觉这个XRD测试很不好,照理说粉末样的信号强度应该很大才对,即使是高分子的非晶馒头峰,也比这个强度高。
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100紧急请教高手:关于英语并列句的处理!_百度知道
英语并列句:“Fi亥常掇克墀久峨勋法魔gure 10 shows the simulation results when the load current takes a step change, Figure 11 shows the simulation results when the load current linearly increases, and Figure 12 shows the simulation results when the load current exponentially decreases.”省略为:“Figure 10, 11, and 12 show the simulation results when the load current takes a step change, linearly increases, and exponentially decreases, respectively.”是否正确?若不正确,请给出正确的句子。
Figure 10, 11, and 12 show the simulation results when the load current takes a step change, when the load current linearly increases, and when the load current exponentially decre亥常掇克墀久峨勋法魔ases respectively.
希望您说说为什么不能省略为:“Figure 10, 11, and 12 show the simulation results when the load current takes a step change, linearly increases, and exponentially decreases, respectively.”
这个句子本应该分开写。when只是我选的一个标志,因为第一遍我是没看懂从哪里界定三种情况。直觉是直接看一遍是看不懂的。如果觉得冗杂可以把后面两个分句的the load current改成it。语法的话,你的第一种改发就没错。或者你有其他方法把这个句子写的更简洁清晰一点也可以。
原并列句省略为:“Figure 10, 11, and 12 show the simulation results when the load current takes a step change, linearly increases, and exponentially decreases, respectively.”请教:原并列句和省略后的句子表达的意思是完全一样的吗?
technically, yes.我知道你要表达的意思所以可以勉强说意思是一样的,但是如果我只看省略的句子就很难懂你要表达的意思。这个不是单纯的技术分析,语法也没有硬伤,我的意思是从语言表达的角度出发,这样子的省略是不妥当的。就好像中文说“这个苹果很甜,那个梨子很多水,这个香蕉很软。”简化成“这里的苹果,梨子,香蕉分别甜,多水,和软。”所以感觉是怪怪的。然后就是,我看你的句子越看越通顺,因为我看了好多遍了,所以现在我也说不上来了。
紧急求教高手!请帮忙将以下文字翻译成英文!强烈感谢了! 5
(1) establish business atmosphere
International business negotiations started to participate negotiation by the atmosphere is all the emotions, attitudes and negotiators behavior of co-creation
Any individual mood, attitude, and behaviors can affect or c to start negotiating Meanwhile, dyeing and negotiation of individual mood, thinking is to start negotiations, the influence of atmosphere that state.Can say, which side if control, then start negotiations in atmosphere, to a certain extent is controlled by negotiation rivals.) influence factors of start negotiations atmosphere
Ciu starto esan disfacila, start forming first impression of the negotiations influence negotiation process. A good atmosphere
In negotiations began to form the moment. International business negotiations are mainly affected by the start of the atmosphere, some silent factors and audio factors.
其他回答 (4)
(1) establish business atmosphere
International business negotiations started to participate negotiation by the atmosphere is all the emotions, attitudes and negotiators behavior of co-creation
Any individual mood, attitude, and behaviors can affect or c to start negotiating Meanwhile, dyeing and negotiation of individual mood, thinking is to start negotiations, the influence of atmosphere that state.
Can say, which side if control, then start negotiations in atmosphere, to a certain extent is controlled by negotiation rivals.
(a) influence factors of start negotiations atmosphere
Ciu starto esan disfacila, start forming first impression of the negotiations influence negotiation process. A good atmosphere
In negotiations began to form the moment. International business negotiations are mainly affected by the start of the atmosphere, some silent factors and audio factors.
(1) establish business atmosphere
International business negotiations started to participate negotiation by the atmosphere is all the emotions, attitudes and negotiators behavior of co-creation
Any individual mood, attitude, and behaviors can affect or c to start negotiating Meanwhile, dyeing and negotiation of individual mood, thinking is to start negotiations, the influence of atmosphere that state.
Can say, which side if control, then start negotiations in atmosphere, to a certain extent is controlled by negotiation rivals.
(a) influence factors of start negotiations atmosphere
Ciu starto esan disfacila, start forming first impression of the negotiations influence negotiation process. A good atmosphere
In negotiations began to form the moment. International business negotiations are mainly affected by the start of the atmosphere, some silent factors and audio factors.
(1) establish business atmosphere
International business negotiations started to participate negotiation by the atmosphere is all the emotions, attitudes and negotiators behavior of co-creation
Any individual mood, attitude, and behaviors can affect or c to start negotiating Meanwhile, dyeing and negotiation of individual mood, thinking is to start negotiations, the influence of atmosphere that state.
Can say, which side if control, then start negotiations in atmosphere, to a certain extent is controlled by negotiation rivals.
(一) influence factors of start negotiations atmosphere
Ciu starto esan disfacila, start forming first impression of the negotiations influence negotiation process. A good atmosphere
In negotiations began to form the moment. International business negotiations are mainly affected by the start of the atmosphere, some silent factors and audio factors.
(A) the establishment of a climate negotiations
Climate negotiations start in international business negotiations by all the negotiators involved in the mood, attitude and behavior of co-creation
Any negotiation of individual emotion, attitude and behavior can affect or change the atmosphere of th At the same time, dyeing and negotiation of individual emotion, thought to be affected by the atmosphere of the negotiations start, showing a different state.
Can say which party atmosphere if the control of the negotiations start, then, to some extent is equivalent to controlling the negotiation opponent.
(A) the factors that affect the atmosphere of the negotiations start
Is the first step, start to form a first impression of the whole process of negotiations, the climate for negotiations. The general atmosphere of good
Moment of the start of negotiations is formed. International Business Negotiations start in the silent atmosphere of the main factors and by some sound factors.


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