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University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Forbes Lists
#116 in Research Universities
#65 in the Midwest
The state’s flagship university, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, was chartered in 1869. While approximately 82% of UNL undergraduate students are from Nebraska, the college has students from over 130 foreign countries. The school pioneered the study of ecology. The University of Nebraska Press is the second largest state University Press in the United States. UNL is also host to the International Quilt Study Center and Museum, the largest publicly held quilt collection in the world, and the Sheldon Museum of Art, which contains more than 12,000 works of art. Alumni include television host Johnny Carson, investor Warren Buffet and the military expert John J. Pershing.
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Include Forbes logos along with a quote, accolade or review in your advertising or marketing literature.有没有下半年去普渡大学的? - 公派出国 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
&& 查看话题
帮你顶顶,我也很想去普渡待待,我们专业最强的学校在美国就算普渡了。。。向往。。。 帮你顶顶,我去的学校离普度不远 Originally posted by jzg100 at
有没有今年下半年去美国普渡大学的?联系下 LZ去读普渡的什么专业呀,自己申请的还是走公派呢?我打算今年下半年申那边,普渡是我的第一选择,如果愿意的话,能否给我谈谈你的经验呀!非常感谢:):tiger38: :tiger13: 做博后? Originally posted by yexinliang at
帮你顶顶,我也很想去普渡待待,我们专业最强的学校在美国就算普渡了。。。向往。。。 呵呵 是不是农业类的专业啊 :tiger06:崇拜啊! 举个手,呵呵 Originally posted by kuaileren at
帮你顶顶,我去的学校离普度不远 BLOOMINGTON? 我去普渡的机械工程专业哦,以访问学者中的博士后项目 我今年申报访问学者,普渡大学。 Originally posted by nanofuture at
BLOOMINGTON? 太好了,那您现在是在高校任教,访问一年吗?我学土木工程的,如果你愿意的话,真的好想和您联系哈,或许,我可以从您那里了解到一些信息,当然是您不忙的时候 Originally posted by guokaiyuan at
太好了,那您现在是在高校任教,访问一年吗?我学土木工程的,如果你愿意的话,真的好想和您联系哈,或许,我可以从您那里了解到一些信息,当然是您不忙的时候 呵呵,我是下半年联合培养博士,去一年,还没去呢。
PS:您说话真客气。 Originally posted by nanofuture at
PS:您说话真客气。 我以为你是老师,那咱就不用这么拘束了,看你用户名,你是学纳米的,我是打算申请那边的博士,其实,联合培养好爽的,不用考那么多英语,而且,压力小好多,像我只好硬着头皮申出去了,咱们交个朋友吧,我的学校在长沙。哈哈 Originally posted by guokaiyuan at
我以为你是老师,那咱就不用这么拘束了,看你用户名,你是学纳米的,我是打算申请那边的博士,其实,联合培养好爽的,不用考那么多英语,而且,压力小好多,像我只好硬着头皮申出去了,咱们交个朋友吧,我的学校 ... 呵呵,没问题。 最好在11月之前去普渡,否则冬天天气很冷,可能还会遇到大风雪,也就没有什么好景色了。4-10是好季节。 Originally posted by xuediandongxi at
最好在11月之前去普渡,否则冬天天气很冷,可能还会遇到大风雪,也就没有什么好景色了。4-10是好季节。 多谢提醒,您在普渡了吗? 2010 World University Ranking
Top 100 Universities and Colleges in North America
Top 100 Universities and Colleges in North America by the 4icu.org University Web Ranking
1&&Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States&&
2&&Stanford University United States&&
3&&Harvard University United States&&
4&&University of California, Berkeley United States&&
5&&University of Pennsylvania United States&&
6&&Cornell University United States&&
7&&Yale University United States&&
8&&Duke University United States&&
9&&Indiana University United States&&
10&&California Institute of Technology United States&&
11&&University of California System United States&&
12&&University of Michigan United States&&
13&&The University of Texas at Austin United States&&
14&&Penn State University United States&&
15&&University of Washington United States&&
16&&Columbia University in the City of New York United States&&
17&&University of Wisconsin-Madison United States&&
18&&University of Minnesota United States&&
19&&University of California, Los Angeles United States&&
20&&University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States&&
21&&Purdue University United States&&
22&&New York University United States&&
23&&University of Virginia United States&&
24&&University of Florida United States&&
25&&University of Toronto Canada&&
26&&Carnegie Mellon University United States&&
27&&University of Southern California United States&&
28&&The Ohio State University United States&&
29&&University of Arizona United States&&
30&&University of California, San Diego United States&&
31&&Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey United States&&
32&&Princeton University United States&&
33&&University of Maryland United States&&
34&&Texas A&M University United States&&
35&&Michigan State University United States&&
36&&University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States&&
37&&University of California, Irvine United States&&
38&&University of California, Davis United States&&
39&&North Carolina State University United States&&
40&&The University of British Columbia Canada&&
41&&Arizona State University United States&&
42&&University of Chicago United States&&
43&&Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University United States&&
44&&Northwestern University United States&&
45&&Boston University United States&&
46&&University of Georgia United States&&
47&&Johns Hopkins University United States&&
48&&University of Colorado at Boulder United States&&
49&&University of Iowa United States&&
50&&Washington State University United States&&
51&&Georgia Institute of Technology United States&&
52&&University of Waterloo Canada&&
53&&McGill University Canada&&
54&&Colorado State University United States&&
55&&University of California, Santa Barbara United States&&
56&&University of Pittsburgh United States&&
57&&Simon Fraser University Canada&&
58&&Iowa State University of Science and Technology United States&&
59&&York University Canada&&
60&&University of California, Riverside United States&&
61&&Oregon State University United States&&
62&&University of Nebraska - Lincoln United States&&
63&&University of Alberta Canada&&
64&&Rice University United States&&
65&&Université Laval Canada&&
66&&Washington University in St. Louis United States&&
67&&Georgetown University United States&&
68&&University of California, Santa Cruz United States&&
69&&Emory University United States&&
70&&University of Oklahoma United States&&
71&&University of Delaware United States&&
72&&Brown University United States&&
73&&University of Ottawa Canada&&
74&&University of New Mexico United States&&
75&&Dartmouth College United States&&
76&&Boston College United States&&
77&&University of California, San Francisco United States&&
78&&University of Calgary Canada&&
79&&University of Maryland Baltimore County United States&&
80&&West Virginia University United States&&
81&&Drexel University United States&&
82&&University of Notre Dame United States&&
83&&University of Victoria Canada&&
84&&Université de Montréal Canada&&
85&&Syracuse University United States&&
86&&Carleton University Canada&&
87&&Portland State University United States&&
88&&McMaster University Canada&&
89&&The University of Western Ontario Canada&&
90&&Université du Québec à Montréal Canada&&
91&&Utah State University United States&&
92&&California State University, Long Beach United States&&
93&&Ryerson University Canada&&
94&&Queen's University Canada&&
95&&New Jersey Institute of Technology United States&&
96&&SUNY at Binghamton United States&&
97&&University of Guelph Canada&&
98&&Illinois Institute of Technology United States&&
99&&Université de Sherbrooke Canada&&
100&&Appalachian State University United States 注意:USNews把Purdue University West Lafayette归为二流学校(TIER 2),Purdue University Calumet是四流学校(TIER4)。二者有天攘之区别。注意这是两个不同的地方。
最近USNews发布:最新美国250所大学声望总排名, Purdue University Calumet也不在其中。
以下是USNews上最新的排名,以学术声望(Academic Requtation)为准,对全美250所大学进行的排名。相对于其他综合排名,我认为这个还是比较有意义的。当然,选校对于每个人标准不一。导师,专业排名,地点也许更重要。
1 Princeton University (NJ) 4.9
2 Harvard University (MA) 4.9
3 Yale University (CT) 4.9
4 Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 4.9
5 Stanford University (CA) 4.9
6 University of California Berkeley 4.8
7 California Institute of Technology 4.7
8 University of Chicago 4.7
9 Johns Hopkins University (MD) 4.7
10 Duke University (NC) 4.6
11 Columbia University (NY) 4.6
12 Cornell University (NY) 4.6
13 University of Michigan Ann Arbor 4.6
14 University of Pennsylvania 4.5
15 Dartmouth College (NH) 4.4
16 Northwestern University (IL) 4.4
17 Brown University (RI) 4.4
18 University of Virginia 4.4
19 Rice University (TX) 4.3
20 Univ. of California Los Angeles 4.3
21 Univ. of Wisconsin Madison 4.3
22 Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.2
23 U. of North Carolina Chapel Hill 4.2
24 U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 4.2
25 Washington University in St. Louis 4.1
26 Vanderbilt University (TN) 4.1
27 University of Texas Austin 4.1
28 Emory University (GA) 4
29 Georgetown University (DC) 4
30 Georgia Institute of Technology 4
31 University of Washington 4
32 Indiana University Bloomington 3.9
33 Purdue Univ. West Lafayette (IN) 3.9
34 University of Notre Dame (IN) 3.9
35 Univ. of California San Diego 3.9
36 University of California Davis * 3.9
37 Ohio State University Columbus 3.8
38 Univ. of Minnesota Twin Cities 3.8
39 College of William and Mary (VA) 3.8
40 Univ. of Southern California 3.8
41 Pennsylvania State U. University Park 3.8
42 University of Arizona 3.7
43 University of Colorado Boulder 3.7
44 University of Iowa 3.7
45 Univ. of Maryland College Park 3.7
46 New York University 3.7
47 University of California Irvine 3.7
48 Michigan State University 3.6
49 University of Florida 3.6
50 Tufts University (MA) 3.6
51 Brandeis University (MA) 3.6
52 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (NY) 3.6
53 Texas A&M Univ. College Station 3.6
54 University of Georgia 3.5
55 Boston College 3.5
56 Case Western Reserve Univ. (OH) 3.5
57 Tulane University (LA) 3.5
58 Univ. of California Santa Barbara 3.5
59 Boston University 3.4
60 George Washington University (DC) 3.4
61 Iowa State University 3.4
62 Univ. of Missouri Columbia 3.4
63 University of Oregon 3.4
64 University of Pittsburgh 3.4
65 Virginia Tech 3.4
66 Wake Forest University (NC) 3.4
67 University of Rochester (NY) 3.4
68 Miami University Oxford (OH) 3.3
69 Rutgers New Brunswick (NJ) 3.3
70 SUNY Stony Brook 3.3
71 Syracuse University (NY) 3.3
72 Univ. of California Santa Cruz 3.3
73 University of Kansas 3.3
74 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst 3.3
75 Arizona State University 3.3
76 Baylor University (TX) 3.2
77 Florida State University 3.2
78 North Carolina State U. Raleigh 3.2
79 Univ. of California Riverside 3.2
80 University of Connecticut 3.2
81 University of Delaware 3.2
82 University of Miami (FL) 3.2
83 Univ. of Nebraska Lincoln 3.2
84 Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville 3.2
85 University of Utah 3.2
86 Lehigh University (PA) 3.2
87 Brigham Young Univ. Provo (UT) 3.1
88 Fordham University (NY) 3.1
89 Ohio University 3.1
90 Southern Methodist University (TX) 3.1
91 SUNY University at Buffalo 3.1
92 Washington State University 3.1
93 University of Illinois Chicago 3.1
94 Pepperdine University (CA) 3.1
95 Auburn University (AL) 3
96 Clemson University (SC) 3
97 Colorado State University 3
98 Illinois Institute of Technology 3
99 SUNY Binghamton 3
100 University of Alabama 3
101 University of Kentucky 3
102 University of Oklahoma 3
103 Univ. of South Carolina Columbia 3
104 University of Vermont 3
105 George Mason University (VA) 3
106 Oregon State University 3
107 University of New Mexico 3
108 Yeshiva University (NY) 3
109 American University (DC) 2.9
110 Clark University (MA) 2.9
111 Howard University (DC) 2.9
112 Marquette University (WI) 2.9
113 Rutgers Newark (NJ) 2.9
114 St. Louis University 2.9
115 SUNY Albany 2.9
116 University of New Hampshire 2.9
117 University of San Francisco 2.9
118 Drexel University (PA) 2.9
119 Kansas State University 2.9
120 Temple University (PA) 2.9
121 University of Alabama Birmingham 2.9
122 Virginia Commonwealth University 2.9
123 Indiana U.-Purdue U. Indianapolis 2.9
124 Univ. of Wisconsin Milwaukee 2.9
125 Catholic University of America (DC) 2.8
126 Loyola University Chicago 2.8
127 Michigan Technological University 2.8
128 Texas Christian University 2.8
129 University of San Diego 2.8
130 Worcester Polytechnic Inst. (MA) 2.8
131 DePaul University (IL) 2.8
132 Louisiana State U. Baton Rouge 2.8
133 New School University (NY) 2.8
134 Northeastern University (MA) 2.8
135 St. John's University (NY) 2.8
136 U. of Maryland Baltimore County 2.8
137 University of Rhode Island 2.8
138 Wayne State University (MI) 2.8
139 Georgia State University 2.8
140 San Diego State University 2.8
141 Seton Hall University (NJ) 2.7
142 Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ) 2.7
143 University of Missouri Rolla 2.7
144 Hofstra University (NY) 2.7
145 New Jersey Inst. of Technology 2.7
146 Oklahoma State University 2.7
147 Texas Tech University 2.7
148 University of Arkansas 2.7
149 University of Cincinnati 2.7
150 University of Idaho 2.7
151 University of Mississippi 2.7
152 University of Texas Dallas 2.7
153 Utah State University 2.7
154 West Virginia University 2.7
155 Old Dominion University (VA) 2.7
156 University of Colorado Denver 2.7
157 Clarkson University (NY) 2.6
158 Duquesne University (PA) 2.6
159 MCP Hahnemann University (PA) 2.6
160 SUNY College Environmental Science and Forestry 2.6
161 University of Denver 2.6
162 Bowling Green State University (OH) 2.6
163 New Mexico State University 2.6
164 University of Hawaii Manoa 2.6
165 University of Maine Orono 2.6
166 Univ. of Missouri Kansas City 2.6
167 U. of North Carolina Greensboro 2.6
168 University of South Florida 2.6
169 University of Wyoming 2.6
170 Western Michigan University 2.6
171 Kent State University (OH) 2.6
172 Southern Illinois U. Carbondale 2.6
173 University of Houston 2.6
174 University of Louisville (KY) 2.6
175 Univ. of Massachusetts Boston 2.6
176 University of Montana 2.6
177 University of Texas Arlington 2.6
178 University of St. Thomas (MN) 2.5
179 University of the Pacific (CA) 2.5
180 University of Tulsa (OK) 2.5
181 Ball State University (IN) 2.5
182 Montana State University Bozeman 2.5
183 N.M. Inst. of Mining and Tech. 2.5
184 Polytechnic University (NY) 2.5
185 University of Alabama Huntsville 2.5
186 University of Alaska Fairbanks 2.5
187 University of Nevada Reno 2.5
188 University of North Dakota 2.5
189 Indiana State University 2.5
190 Northern Arizona University 2.5
191 Portland State University (OR) 2.5
192 Univ. of Missouri St. Louis 2.5
193 University of South Dakota 2.5
194 University of Dayton (OH) 2.4
195 Clark Atlanta University 2.4
196 Florida Institute of Technology 2.4
197 Mississippi State University 2.4
198 Idaho State University 2.4
199 Illinois State University 2.4
200 North Dakota State University 2.4
201 South Dakota State University 2.4
202 Texas Woman's University 2.4
203 Univ. of Arkansas Little Rock 2.4
204 University of Central Florida 2.4
205 University of Hartford (CT) 2.4
206 University of Memphis 2.4
207 University of Nevada Las Vegas 2.4
208 University of New Orleans 2.4
209 University of North Texas 2.4
210 Adelphi University (NY) 2.3
211 Pace University (NY) 2.3
212 Univ. of Southern Mississippi 2.3
213 Central Michigan University 2.3
214 Florida Atlantic University 2.3
215 Florida International University 2.3
216 Louisiana Tech University 2.3
217 Northern Illinois University 2.3
218 Oakland University (MI) 2.3
219 Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell 2.3
220 University of Northern Colorado 2.3
221 University of Texas El Paso 2.3
222 Wichita State University (KS) 2.3
223 Wright State University (OH) 2.3
224 Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania 2.2
225 East Carolina University (NC) 2.2
226 South Carolina State University 2.2
227 Texas A&M University Commerce 2.2
228 University of Akron (OH) 2.2
229 University of South Alabama 1 2.2
230 University of Toledo (OH) 2.2
231 Widener University (PA) 2.1
232 Cleveland State University 2.1
233 Middle Tennessee State Univ. 2.1
234 Tennessee State University 2.1
235 Texas A&M Univ. Kingsville 2.1
236 University of Louisiana Lafayette 2.1
237 Wilmington College (DE)1 2.1
238 Andrews University (MI) 2
239 University of La Verne (CA) 2
240 East Tennessee State University 2
241 Texas Southern University 2
242 Union Institute (OH) 2
243 Biola University (CA) 1.9
244 Jackson State University (MS) 1.9
245 United States International U. (CA) 1.9
246 Alabama A&M University 1.8
247 National-Louis University (IL) 1.8
248 Nova Southeastern University (FL) 1.8
249 University of Bridgeport (CT) 1.8 关心2010年Purdue Univesity(West Lafayette)的童鞋请进:
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