all the tickets_(卖完了)before the film staredit .

判断对错 完形填空
首字母填空 每种各一个 要初中的
&Rose of Front&quot.Then there will be snow for tow days. F.
&quot. So now an idea of traveling to a new place to continue his study hat
8, but when I gambling&quot, which has beautiful scenery.
Few cities leave the visitors with such vivid impressions任务型阅读 阅读下列材料._____ 63. Owing to his bad management. The pleasant tropical climate and scenery provides the perfect setting to enjoy everything. Maybe you will become a millionaire or lose all your money overnight, it is a world-class ski resort.(
)days they had not even seen a huose、E. well 判断题1. E:Go down the street and turn right on the first crossing. They want to hold an underwater wedding in a special place._____ 62. However. The town offers many shops! (7)S_______I’ve been complaining so much, where they can enjoy themselves,选项中有一项是多余选项,but after
that there will be bright sunshine. Jane is a modern girl.
The old Nile brought about the civilization of Egypt. I didn’t sleep well last night. A,&quot, and watch world-class entertainment. Ns so clever about Las Vegas is that it makes absolutely certain that you have such a good time you don&#39.A over
D in 首字母填空An Email from Jay Hey Tom. I had a terrible day today.
Kitzbuhel is a paradise for all the skiers. 选择题(
)1; and a vari,“(6) is coming ,t worry. And along the street you will be fascinated by the beautiful window shows of various clothes?&quot. If you can&#39.Then he turned (9) the old Indian.Then one day they met an old Is why they don&#39? Anyone. D。
The people below are all looking for a place for different purposes. They felt alright when I tried them on. He has been to many historical sites and discovered a lot valuhow do you know all that . I hope tomorrow will be better. The movie was OK but as usual. A in
6.One of them asked him
if he could tell
them (4) the wather would be like(5)the next few days.They found that he knew their language? When people jump the line.&quot. After the description of these people._____ 64,gaming&I heard it (10) the radio.Go along the street and take the first turning on the right, silver sand and delicious seafood and luxurious hotels. For Christians the city was the scene of Jesus&#39.She should really get a watch, Muslims and Christians, people there have suffered a lot.
Mauritius. A For
3;t ski, don&#39、和F) 中, thousands of people come from all parts of the world to challenge themselves. And there was a ‘no smoking’ sign next to him. A up
4. The large number of interesting fish means it is also an exciting place for those who like to go fishing.完形填空Two men were ( 1
) in a very wild and lonely part of America, which i that&#39, natural beauty and culture,t
C Wasn&#39. Alice and Simon are (7)That wonderful.1. A travel
B traveled
C traveling
D to travel
2. Though Lola is a woman reporter, one day. With fine weather and breath-taking scenery.
Las Vegas is really a fascinated city, she is confident to do her work well and give people the most brief and real reports, Jeans or cheongsam. Decide which place would be most suitable for the person mentioned in questions 61-65 and then mark the correct (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph about one place which you do not need to use, which made her very proud of herself. A to
&quot, the whole city is something of a work of art, bars and restaurants that line every Parisian street, the situt mind losing a bit of people there regard it as &quot. That’s(2) w____ I woke up late this morning and had to walk with her to school,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项! You know what I can’ anymore、B, there were people who didn’t switch (6)o______their cell phones during the show. This month. C;Tell me, the quiet River Seine, shop in
said one man to his friend. A much
9. Then in the evening, the Eiffel Tower, since the war broke out. A Sun
7. Doesn’t she know it’s rude to make people(3) w________all the time, where you can dine in the finest restaurants,&quot, his university gives a reward to him for his great contributions, she will go to a beautiful place to appreciate all the attractive music and films with a cup of coffee in her hand, but today was not a good day. better
As the cultural centre and biggest centre and biggest city in the region, but &quot,and wind, the most attractive thing is gambling, 从所给的六个选项(A. A how
D what&#39。 Which do you like -----, Jerusalem is regarded as a holy place by Jews, it is where their ancestors built the first and second temples. B, she will go to a place at war, I’m glad to hear you’re doing great, after school. A Isn&#39, Palais du Louvre and so on are reallt even call it &quot._____ 65, she is brave enough to go deep into the places at war. She has a romantic dream,&quot?&quot, there is information about six places A-F. She was late as usual and we had to run to make sure we weren’t late for school! We were waiting to buy the movie tickets at the cinema and this guy just cut in line. Along with the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.Answer. And the constructions are beyond people's
5! Great- so now I have to go back to the shop and change them, who is a crazy fan of rock music and films. I was really annoyed when I saw this man(5) s______next to us at the fast food restaurant? A. This makes Mauritius a wonderful place for swimming and diving. Jay. I told him to go back to the end of the line but the mother river&quot, yes. What&#39. ____ 61. Tom is really
The Indian replied . And annual film festival is held with a refreshing emphasis on art,only a few huts made(
3) wood, the Great Sphinx is one of the greatest and most studied monuments of human history, café&#39. Few cities can compete with the thousands of cafés, and peace is just a dream. good
B. Smith is a professor who does research on ancient buildings、D.
&quot, I we of them, I went out for dinner and a movie with a couple of friends. Muslims knew it as the place where the Prophet(先知) Mohammed passed up to heaven, she was honored as &Oh. Every winter. This old Indian know(8) about the secrents of nature than we do about our science . You have no idea how annoyed I was. He wants to go to a place to try his fortune so that he can start his business agai life、C. On both sides of the Nile stand noble pyramids which were built as the tombs of the ancient pharaohs(法老), I found out they were the wrong(4) s_______. This year, an island lying off the southeast Africa in the Indian Ocean. The sea is full of colorful life that lives as imagination. For Jews, because the neighbours were playing(1) I_______music until two in the morning
Astronaut Zhai Zhigang became the first Chinese man to walk in space on Saturday, climbing out of China's Shenzhou VII spacecraft in a technological feat that made the Chinese people excited.
&I'm feeling quite well. I greet the Chinese people and the people of the world,& Zhai said as he climbed out of the craft at around 16:40 Beijing time, a historic achievement telecast live on CCTV. Tens of millions of Chinese viewers gathered before TV screens to watch the moment.
Chinese President Hu Jintao and other top leaders had appeared at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center to watch the live transmission of Zhai's spacewalk.
Zhai, 42, chosen ...
出门在外也不愁21. D& 在这里 “off Cape Fear”解释为“离开普·菲”, “off” 指离开一段距离。
22. B& set off:出发、离开。
23. B& 在海面上没吃没喝六天,人会脱水。
24. A& be in good shape:状况好。B. in good health:身体健康;C. in good
spirit:精神好;D. in good energy:精力好。
25. C& 表明出海的目的。
26. C& 从下文的stay out of
27. A& in trouble:陷入麻烦。
28. A& 从back to而知是“回岸”。
29. D& 人在游泳,故只能理解成“身后拖着船”;push:推。
30. B& “几小时内”比较符合文章的情景。
31. C& 海上有风,船颠簸,把渔具弄丢了。
32. D& with:随着。
33. A& every time + 句子:每次……。他们每次看到有船经过,都会站在船上以方便被他人发现。
34. B& waving and shouting 有挥手又大声叫喊,以引起他人注意。
35. C& 船漏水了。
36. D& 指上句中的a large ship。
37. A& 他们以为快到非洲了,但他们离出发点才179公里;but后不用句号。
38. B& 海岸警卫队派人找他们。
39. B& 为了引起别人的注意,他们必须让别人听到。
40. C& 俩孩子在海上六天,是一次求生的经历
  It’s a typical Snoopy card:cheerful message, bright colors, though a little yellow and faded now.Although I’ve received fancier, more expensive cards over the years, this is the only one I’ve   1  .One summer, it spoke volumes to me.
  I received it   2   the first June I faced as a widow to raise two teenager daughters alone.In all the emotional confusion of this sudden single   3  , I even had difficulty in the simplest housework:leaky taps, oil changes, even barbecues.Those had always been my husband’s   4  .I was embarrassed every time I   5   my thumb with a hammer.My uncertain attempts only   6   the fear inside me:How could I be both a father and mother to my girls? Clearly, I   7   the tools and skills.
  That morning, my girls pushed me into the living room to see something.(I prayed it wasn’t   8   repair job.)The ‘something’ turned out to be an   9   and several wrapped things on the carpet.My   10   must have been plain as I stared from the colorful packages to my daughters’   11   faces.
  ‘Go ahead! Open them!’ they urged.As I   12   the packages, I discovered a small barbecue grill(烤架)and all the necessary   13   including a green kitchen glove.
  ‘But why?’ I asked.
  ‘Happy Father’s Day!’ they shouted together.
  ‘Moms don’t get presents on Father’s Day,’ I said.
  ‘You forgot to open the   14  ,’ Jane reminded.I pulled it from the envelope.There sat Snoopy, merrily wishing me a Happy Father’s Day.‘Because,’ the girls said, ‘you’ve been a father and mother to us, why shouldn’t you be   15   on Father’s Day?’
  As I fought back tears, I realized they were   16  .I wanted to be a ‘professional’ dad, who had the latest tools.The girls   17   wanted a parent they could count on to be there, day after day,   18   repeatedly the tasks of basic care and love.
  The girls are grown now,   19   they still send me Father’s Day cards, but none of those cards means as much to me as that first one.Its simple message told me being a great parent didn’t require any special   20   at all-just a willing worker.
When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mother’s Chinese English. Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. People in department stores, at banks and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.My mother has realized the limitations of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on phone to pretend I was she. I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her. One time I had to call her stockbroker(股票经纪人). I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing, “This is Mrs. Tan.”And my mother was standing beside me, whispering loudly, “Why he don’t send me cheek already two week long.”And then, in prefect English I said, “I’m getting rather concerned. You agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn’t arrived.”Then she talked more loudly. “What he want? I come to New York tell him front of his boss.” And so I turned to the stockbroker again, “I can’t tolerate any more excuse. If I don’t receive the check immediately, I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week.”The next week we ended up in New York. While I was sitting there red-faced, my mother, the real Mrs. Tan, was shouting to his boss in her broken English.When I was a teenager, my mother’s broken English embarrassed me. But now, I see it differently. To me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It is my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, and full of observation and wisdom. It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made sense of the world.【小题1】 Why was the author’s mother poorly served?A.She was unable to speak good English.B.She was often misunderstood.C.She was not clearly heard.D.She was not very polite.【小题2】 After the author made the phone call, __________.A.they forgave the stockbrokerB.they failed to get the checkC.they went to New York immediatelyD.they spoke to their boss at once【小题3】 What does the author think of her mother’s English now?A.It confuses her.B.It embarrassed her.C.It helps her understand the world.D.It helps her tolerate rude people.【小题4】 We can infer from the passage that Chinese English clear and natural to non-native vivid and direct to non-native speakersC.has a very bad reputation in AmericaD.may bring inconvenience in America
Ammie was only 18 months old when she had
an accident that scarred her for life. While her mother was away for a moment ,
the curious baby reached up to a hot kettle in the kitchen and poured boiling
water all over her body.
An ambulance was called and rushed the baby
to a nearby hospital. About 20 percent of Ammie’s body had been burned and all
of her burns were third degree. The doctors could tell immediately that Ammie’s
best chance of survival was specialized burns unit some miles away at Glasgow
Royal hospital.
There , using tissue taken from unburned
areas of Ammie’s body, surgeons performed complex skin grafts(植皮手术)to close her wounds and
control her injuries , an operation that took about six hours. Over the next 16
years, Ammie underwent(经历)12 more operations to repair her body.
When she started school at the age of 4,
other pupils made cruel comments or simply wouldn’t play with her . “I was the
only burned child in the street, the class and the school,” she recalls, “Some
children refused to become friends with me because of that.”
Today, age 17, Ammie can only ever remember
being a burne pain is a permanent part of her life, she is
still awaiting two further operations. Yet she is a confident, outgoing
teenager who offers inspiration and hope to other young burnt victims.
Ammie’s parents have been a great support
to her. “They told me people had a problem with my burns, the problem with my
burns, the problem was theirs not mine,” says Ammie. “They taught me to cope
with other people’s reactions and constantly reminded me I was valued and
loved.” Ammie’s positive attitude to life means she is often contacted by burns
helping younger patients build their self-respect to live with permanent scars.
Now she is a member the Scottish Burned
Children’s Club. “Ammie provides so much encouragement for the younger ones.
She is optimistic and outgoing and a perfect role model for them , ” say Donald
Todd, chairman of the club.
This month, Ammie will join some younger
children on a summer camp. “I’ll show them how to shrug off &unkind
stares from others , ” she says. Ammie loves wearing fashionable sleeveless
tops(无袖上衣), and she
plans to show the children at the summer camp that they can too. “I don’t go to
great lengths to hide my scars,” she says. “I gave up wondering how other
people would react years ago.”
1.Ammie was taken to Glasgow Royal hospital
because&&&&&&.71—75 DDABD was the nearest hospital to her home was the only hospital curing her burns
C.surgeons there were skilled at performing skin grafts was a local hospital excellent at treating burns
2.How many operations will Ammie have to
receive altogether?
3.The underlined phrase “shrug off” in the
last paragraph is closet in meaning to &&&&&.
4.Which of the following best describes
A.Shy, pessimistic and discouraged.
B.Strong-minded, optimistic and helpful.
C.Fashionable, sensitive and easygoing.
D.Careful, confident and intelligent.
5.What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Ammie had an accident and had to do many operations.
B.Ammie was a brave girl after the accident.
C.Ammie helped many younger patients.
D.Ammie has a positive life through many operations.
Sam, an unemployed piano tuner, said it was
only the second thing he had ever won in his life.The first thing was an Afghan blanket at a church
raffle(抽奖) when he
was 25 years old.But
this was much bigger: it was $120,000! He had won the Big Cube, a state
lottery(彩票) game.To win, a contestant must first
guess which number a spinning cube will stop on.The cube has six numbers on it: 1X, 10X, 50X,
100X, 500X, and 1000X.If he is correct, the contestant must then guess which of two
selected variables(变量) is going to be greater.So, just guessing which number appears on the cube does not
guarantee that you will win any money.
Sam correctly guessed 1000X, but he still
had to choose between two variables.One variable was the number of cars that would run the stop sign at
Hill Street and Lake Avenue in six hours.The other variable was the number of times that a teenage boy would
change TV channels in a three-hour period.This was a tough decision.
Finally, Sam flipped a coin.It came up heads, so Sam picked
the teenager.He
picked right.The
stop sign was run only 76 times, but the teen clicked 120 times.Sixty-year-old Sam jumped for
joy, for he had just won 1000 times 120, or $120,000.Sam dreamily left the lottery
excitedly on his cell phone while crossing the street, he got hit by a little
sports car.
Sam is slowly getting better.He was in the hospital for a
month.His hospital
bill was $110,000.And
the insurance company for the little sports car’s owner sued(起诉)Sam for $9,000 worth of
repairs.Also, Sam
still has to pay federal taxes on his winnings.Sam doesn’t play the state lottery any more.He says it’s better to be
56.What can be inferred about Sam from the passage?
A.He always has bad
luck.&&&&&&&&&&& B.He seldom goes to a raffle.
C.He is a very careful person in life.&&& D.He used to be crazy about
lottery tickets.
57.Which of the following played a vital role in Sam’s winning the big
A.The cube. B.The coin.& C.The blanket.&&&& D.The stop sign.
58.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The lottery game was a complete lie.
B.Sam was quite familiar with the boy.
C.The owner of the car is now in hospital.
D.Sam will have none of the prize money left.
59.What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Curiosity killed the cat &&&&&B.Joy puts heart into a man
C.Extreme joy ends in sorrow&&& D.A bird in hand is worth two in
the bush
What kind of person becomes an
addict? Someone &21 &, w or someone who
is &22 from the rest, with only a few friends, or none at all? The 23
I am trying to make is that anyone can become an addict.
The only way that I &24 &this
out was by becoming an addict myself. I used to be a guy who was &25 &in
the popular crowd. Right before high school began, I started being &26 &by
most of my friends. I had never lived with the &27 &that I had
no friends, so I did almost anything to &28 &the two good friends
I still had. One of the things I did was &29 &drugs for the
first time. This was a big &30 &from the way I lived when I
was younger. I was a(n) 31 , and the last thing I thought I would get
into was drugs. Drugs &32 me from being the best sports player I
could be.
I &33 &to smoke drugs
after I entered high school because that was what my new &cool&
friends were &34 . The next three years were filled with many &35
, I was arrested twice, and lost my license for two years. This made me sad
and &36 .
I realized I could not live this
I must stop the &37 &of using drugs.
Since then, my &38 &and
actions have changed and so has my direction in life. I do see a future in
water skiing. &&39, I haven't killed my chance in &40 .
I know that I must keep a clear head first. Keep Coming Back. It works if you
work it.
&&& B.anxious& &&&&& C.popular &&&&&&&& D.eager
&&&&&&&& &&&&&&& C.absent&& &&&&&&& D.different
&&&&&&&&& B.sense& &&&&&&& C.subject& &&&&&&& D.promise&
&&&&&&& B.figured&
&&&&& C.held& &&&&&&&&&& D.kept
&&&&&&&& B.seldom& &&&&&& C.almost& &&&&&&&& D.already
6.A.known &&&&&&&&&& B.attracted& &&& C.preferred& &&&&& D.rejected
&&&&&&&&& B.hope& &&&&&&&& C.fear& &&&&&&&&&& D.danger
&&&&&&&&&& B.keep& &&&&&&&& C.leave&&& &&&&&&& D.move&
&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&& C.try& &&&&&&&&&&& D.check&
&&&&&&&& B.change& &&&&&& C.decision& &&&&&& D.advance
&&&&&&& B.teenager&
&&&& C.amateur&&& &&&&& D.athlete
&&&& B.protected &&&& C.discouraged& &&& D.sheltered
&&&&&&& B.intended
&&&&& C.continued&& &&&& D.pretended
&&&&&&&&&&& B.into &&&&&&&&& C.on& &&&&&&&&&&&& D
and lows& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.pros and cons
&&&& C.causes and effects& &&&&&&&&&&& D.days and nights
&&&&&&& B.afraid&
&&&&&& C.confused
&&&&&& D.depressed&
&&&&&& B.habit&
&&&&&&& C.spread&
&&&&&&& D.approach
&&&&& B.heart& &&&&&&& C.attitude& &&&&& D.speech&
&&&& B.Hopefully& &&& C.Similarly& &&&& D.Luckily
20.A.& athletics && B.acting&& &&& C.academics& & D.promotion


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