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Does Not Like Men
"Tomcats: You can't live with 'em, and you can't throw them down a well and drown 'em. There really ought to be a law."
— Francine,
This rather vague phrase can lead to tricky interpretation that's sometimes actively milked by writers, usually of romance fiction. Usually the assumption is that the character doesn't like machismo, or she has bad luck with men in her life, like her father, other relatives, or . That is, dislike of traits associated with men or of a particular man or men in her life manifest into a dislike of men as a whole. This can pose a problem for any male lead trying to woo her. As with all dislike tropes, the degree to which a particular character Does Not Like Men can and does vary, from simple discomfort around men to bitter disdain to active malicious hatred.
Often, the author portrays the , and
drove her to hate the rest of his gender. The Spear Counterpart likewise is most commonly seen in romance fiction, where the male hero has had some bad past experience with women (either
or a ) and blames the entire gender... until the heroine comes along to change his worldview.
Whether it's the female "Does Not Like Men" or the rarer male "Does Not Like Women" variant of this trope, generally the character in question is treated sympathetically , . If the reason they don't like the opposite sex is because they were brought up in a society of institutionalized sexism, expect this character to be villified in some way, or at the very least treated as unsympathetic, usually resulting in a
where they get
in "Sexism Is Wrong" (or something along those lines). If they are otherwise a good person who just has the "", you have a , and if the character actively hates the other side, welcome to your
or . If they don't take a hint and never learn that all sexes are equal, expect this person to be a
for the long term.
Other times it's just used to explain why a character . It's frequent that eventually one character comments on this and takes it as a .
Compare , , , and . See also
for when the author or work, rather than a character, vilifies men.
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&&&&Anime and Manga&
or not, you are pretty much guaranteed that one of the supporting characters will be a lesbian with the hots for one of the haremettes, usually the female lead, and will frequently display a rather venomous tongue towards the male lead. Only very rarely do they experience
of any sort besides switching their behaviour to
and becoming slightly more tolerant towards the relationship between the object of her affection and the male lead.
REALLY does not like men. This affects her dream state as she
takes the form of her wearing a raincoat and stabbing everyone with umbrellas, since she was brutally raped during a storm when walking home from school alone. Her mother not picking her up because the father was beating her and getting yelled at because Kureha was now 'spoiled goods' didn't help. Her reason for becoming friends with Mashiro in the first place was specifically because of how he was half boy/half girl. .
What's screwed up about the premise here is that the main character's hermaphroditism is described as 'lower half female, upper half male,' which since the top halves of children's bodies betray nothing of their sex means he should have been taken for a normal girl until puberty. But he was raised as a boy instead. Bizarre.
This is explained in the last volume:
All the characters are really souls waiting to be born. Mashiro is actually a pair of male and female twins, competing to determine which of them will survive birth.
Sakurako Tenmaku from
is known for being "stingy" toward men, stemming from an incident in middle school, where her friends turned on her because all the boys fell for her, though through no machinations on her part. On top of that, the only boy she really was interested in tried to
Or so she thought. He only came on to her physically, to which she freaked out and ran. Admittedly, he was rather forceful, but when the boy in question gets re-introduced, he turns out to be an okay guy and explains the
She also didn't like girls at first, but eventually got over it.
considers all men to be nothing but perverts and worthless in battle, because her father abandoned the family for a woman he just met. She gets disgusted whenever the girls around her talk about boys. She eventually mellows out and falls in love with .
has this as Himari's main agony. Due to only attending girls' schools, she had no way to naturally learn to interact with men. As it is, she only knows about them in exaggerated terms and jumps to conclusions, when she isn't clamming up around them. The series deals with her trying to loosen up through a relationship.
Ko Aoki from
spends a big chunk of her character arc distrusting of men (Takagi being the major exception,) due to having to deal with sleazeballs like Nakai or her editor on a regular basis.
Justified in
after Casca was
horrifically raped by Griffith, her former leader and idol turned demon lord, an experience that reduced her mind to that of a small child. She reacted very badly when her lover Guts tried to touch her when they awoke days after the Eclipse.
Rape trauma does tend to leave one , as Guts himself has demonstrated.
Hinako Aikawa, the lead female character in the manga , is unsettled by being around men and flinches if one happens to touch her — she is (at first) totally repelled by men, due to the huge trauma of having been constantly
and impregnated twice, even giving birth once and having to give the child in adoption, all before high school. Ouch. (And guess who the lead guy, Suwa Daisuke, has to fall for?)
Soi Fon seems to dislike men. Given her outspoken distaste for Urahara, her abuse and blatant irritability towards her lieutenant Omaeda, and the fact that the only person in the universe that she isn't unpleasant towards is a woman (though she is very affectionate toward said woman's little brother), she may very well be uninterested in them.
Tia Halibel also exemplifies this, although in her case it's justified. The only men she knows well are , , , , , , , , , , and .
is the only man she gets along with, and he's practically androgynous in personality.
hates boys because . The one exception is Yuuta, who is quite feminine looking and sensitive. However, Yuuta is transgender and is .
Played with Yanagin of ? while she claims boys are pathetic puddles of mess, she can actually get along well with her male classmates as well as Karasawa, not to mention that she was one of the kids assembled to fight the "Archdemon" with intent to avenge Karasawa's terrible wound.
Mina Hazuki from
is a Contractor who can turn anything into a , and her remuneration for that power is to French kiss men, which she really doesn't like because she's a lesbian. She's not really as bad as most examples here since the most she usually does is keep her distance and "wash out the taste" by Frenching her , Yoko.
Invoked in
after Kei (now ) returns to school to explain why she is now hiding from her former best friends.
Mayu of , who has perhaps the most tragic backstory of any non-horned girl in the series, is at one point described by Nana as not being good around guys, for a . An incident with Nyu climbing into Kouta's bath makes her
for a time, though she seems to catch on that Nyu can't be controlled (in either personality). Ultimately, she is as scared and worried as anyone else when Kouta is shot during a home invasion by the forces of the . Averted in the anime, where she openly calls Kouta the Papa of Maple House, and it is Yuka who openly despairs of the connection the two seem to have.
, the protagonist of . Well,
a bit. She's
generally, but she has a real dislike for men especially. She has quite the , though: she was horribly mistreated and possibly raped by her half-brother Louis, and everyone else treats her like a psychopathic monster, so it's no wonder she thinks way she does.
's Apricot Sakuraba plays this trope she can interact with men without difficulty, but if a man touches her, her super-strength kicks in and she literally reflexively kicks the man's ass.
Mayu Tsukimura from
suffers from androphobia due to her uncontrollable ability as a Succubus to attract the opposite sex. However, her androphobia does not act up when it comes to the protagonist Shungo Ninomiya.
seems to dislike men. Specifically, she dislikes men who might grab Fu's attention. She's hostile initially towards
before dismissing him as a pet. Then going right back to hostile when Fu (annoyed at Hikaru and Hana arguing about which of them is closer to her) goes to Tsugumori.
Clarissa, Rahzel's best friend in , doesn't like men at all. Meeting
was enough to send her into shock.
Rias Gremory from
is a downplayed example. She gets along fine with males, right up until they show any romantic interest in her whatsoever, at which point she promptly ices over. This is because, as heir apparent to one of the three remaining Great Houses, the only men who've ever been interested in her were only interested in her house and title, by the time she grew up into a , she'd been soured on the idea of romance altogether. Issei's
actually helps her open her heart to .
The protagonist of
who ... Which is bad news since her mom sent her to an All-Boys school full of
boys, to see if she would become straight (or at least Bisexual).
In the anime version of
Yukiho is terrified of any men, including the Producer.
Inverted with Makoto who wants more male fans.
: Maggey and Mayu. Both definitely think men are dicks.
thinks that they suck. Cute, soft girls are her thing.
has a hard time around men. It extends to the point she can't even see the face of a male clearly. This is most clearly seen in a sketch of her classmates she made, in which the girls' faces are fully drawn while the guys' don't go beyond basic lines. Pre- Hazumu, though, stands out as having some detail. This is partially due to the fact Yasuna
and was able to see him. Oddly, though, we
male Hazumu's face, and in fact do not through the entire series. Yasuna has never been able to see men in the manga (not ever her own father!), thus not learning to like them. In the anime she just disliked them and began to not see any correctly.
is a subdued version: she gets along alright with her two male friends, but she tends to get extremely defensive if they get too close to her. It comes to light early in the series that she was nearly raped in middle school, and ever since has been afraid of men. Through her experiences in the story, she begins to grow more confident and even begins a relationship, though it's made clear that she hasn't been "cured".
Kashiwa from Kyou Kara Yonshimai is a
woman who dislikes men.
also had this in the form of Motoko (at least early on, until she started falling for Keitaro), and at one point she's mistaken for a lesbian by a disguised Kanako. .
Arashiko Yuno from ! is similar to Mahiru in her actions, but not necessarily motivation. If a guy touches her, her reaction is a punch. Or a series of punches. Taro's a masochist, so he can take it.
In , Nodoka seems to have a mild case of androphobia (greatly exaggerated in the anime), and an early manga bio states that she "dislikes men". However, this seems to be due to the fact that she's
to begin with, and, being a student at an all-girls school, has very limited experience with men. She seems to be getting over it though, thanks to a massive crush on Negi.
Nao Yuuki from the
anime poses as a teen prostitute engaging in
who uses her CHILD to rob and injure the men who call her up for dates, taking advantage of their lust for her while never actually letting them touch her.
She's been doing so after a gang killed her father and left her mother () comatose.
manga, Erstin Ho gets severe panic attacks around men, partially because she's also .
when the princess they've been designated to help protect (and who shares a dorm room with them) .
In , Title character and
Misaki Ayuzawa is seen as this, despite that she has a job as a maid, due to her flamboyant attitude towards the men and . The reason she became this is because her father abandoned her and her family and disappeared due to tremendous debt.
: . In chapter 48, Otohime reveals Takaki had been recognized for her talents by , back when she was a second year student. But when she refused to join them,
took offense and
making her one of his mistresses and would've raped her, had Yuuka . The incident was so traumatizing that
and caused her to become a lesbian.
Kanako, the protagonist of , does not like men to the point of breaking out in hives when she comes in contact with them. To alleviate this problem, she goes to an all-girls' school. As chance would have it, her ideal girl
Sachiko's dislike of men stems from snotty society men and a mutually uninterested early fianc&. This is played up to the comedic point she can't even be around overly masculine men without being distressed. In the anime, it is said to be the result of both her grandfather and her father keeping mistresses. One of the
makes fun of this, when the neighboring boys' school is allowed to do a version of the show's opening credits until Sachiko arrives in a conniption fit and the girls scramble to change the scenery.
is also the same way. If anything, her fear of men is even worse than Sachiko's.
Kira of the series
has this reputation at school and at one point even states outright that she hates men due to
being raped by her stepfather.
Yayoi, from , was straight-out Androphobic. She would panic at even eye-contact with a man, until her BFF made her face the fact that she's a Submissive (think "Gimp"), and was literally waiting for the right male personality to dominate her.
Boa Hancock, the , Warlord of the Sea, and ruler of
is a notorious man-hater. She does, however, have a : The first men she saw in her life were the World Nobles, who enslaved her and her sisters for four years when she was just twelve. The only exceptions when it comes to her man-hating nature is Luffy, who she has fallen in love with, and Silvers Rayleigh, who helped her in the past after she escaped from slavery.
While nowhere near Hancock's level, Violet is a
who has come to the conclusion that men are all liars. She seems to make an exception for Sanji after he tells her he'd never doubt a woman's tears.
Mariko Shinobu of
really, really distrusts and dislikes men.
Blame it on her parents's... really screwed-up relationship and later divorce.
At the very beginning, Akane Tendo from : Being attacked by all of the boys at school every morning because they think
can do this. The only exception was the . After being chosen to marry Ranma:
Nabiki: "Well... you hate boys, don't you?"
Kasumi: "So you're in luck! "
She's also fairly nice to boys who are nice to her (as Ryoga, Shinnosuke, or any minor character from the manga).
In the manga version of , Rei Hino is usually completely uninterested in romance and men in general, a lot of it coming from unresolved resentment
since he abandoned Rei's
in a clinic during Mrs. Hino's last days, as well as her unrequited love for her father's assistant Kaidou
who married another woman, despite her love for him, and decided to go into politics despite stating he disliked it for all the problems it caused for Rei's family. Late in the manga, when the villains torment her with this fact (by then, she'd mellowed out in regards to her opinions on men and actually resents that she can't get close to one), Rei remembers that in her past life she had actually made an
to Princess Serenity and is able to fully accept this part of herself.
Amusingly, nearly every other adaptation of the story ignores that convoluted explanation as part of the adaptation, especially the famous
series where Rei is explicitly fond of flashy boys. None of this ever changes her apparent dislike though, so there are actually more jokes at her expense about 'not liking men.'
The live action version,
is much the same as the manga version though Kaidou isn't mentioned. A small reference to the side story he features in (Casablanca Memories) appears though in the form of a gift from Rei's father to her. (Casablanca lillies and a white dress)
One rather comic one-shot for
had the various girls in town being brainwashed by a Sailor Moon impersonator to completely abandon men. Chibi Moon argues on behalf of the male gender and discovers that the impersonator is actually a girl named Shojuki who had been banished from her lover Kengyu, only able to see him once a year. She became certain that he was deliberately flooding a river that keeps them apart so that they can't have their annual meetings because he's cheating on her (this is mostly told to her by two witches who are using her for an energy-draining scheme). Shojuki's fears are put to rest when Kengyu shows up and assures her that he still loves her. As one can imagine, this story was inspired by the .
It is even mentioned in the anime that Haruka doesn't like men. Michiru teasingly clarifies that she doesn't like men who are popular with girls.
Kaede, head of student ethics of
came to the show's formerly all-girl school due to her androphobia (which according to the third OVA started in elementary school: Kaede was practicing the kanji for "man" and got asked if she was "frustrated"). It's so bad she refuses to patrol the floor the first years are on. While she is at first quite bitter over the fact that the school went co-ed, she later . Unlike most examples on the page, Kaede's situation is played entirely for laughs, and when Hata asks her how many men have wronged her in her life, she claims no such things ever happened to her.
In Episode 11 of , Lucy admits to Yutaka that being teased during grade school by boys for her
made her develop a mild androphobia, causing her to spend her high school and college years in .
Maka Albarn of
has a very low opinion of men due to watching
as a child, causing her to believe that the only thing men care about is sex. While she does have a few male friends, she only holds one of them in high regard, , and is very upset at the thought of him being no different from other men.
has Minori, who used to be super shy around boys, to the point of being afraid of them. Falling in love with Takato, though, made her change a lot.
Paife from
openly despises men, which makes her hate Iks and
quite a bit.
provides an unusual example, with
Mutsuki panicking at the thought of the male patrons of a nightclub staring at him while he's
for a mission. He states he finds the
disgusting, but doesn't seem to have any issues with other men when they treat him normally.
version of
features Amelia, an
who breaks out in hives whenever men touch her.
does not react positively when a male touches her, it's originally explained as her being a germophobe. But in reality it's because
after seeing her sister reduced to a broken shell after years of sexual abuse, she swears never to let a man touch her until Kohaku returns to normal. Naturally, Shiki quickly .
A more extreme version is Asuka Mizunokoji from , who has a phobia of men based on the fact that she was kept isolated from men until she turned 16 to keep her pure. As luck would have it, her handmaids explained the concept of males very badly, and the first one she ever encountered was
Ataru Moroboshi. Go figure.
A male example occurs in the manga . En Shinohara is male, and loves girls, but absolutely hates men. It's to the point that he'll attack his own reflection out of pure reflex. His coping mechanism for this:
is a rather unconvincing example. It comes out later that she hates men due to her abusive father, but prior to that revelation she's been getting along extremely well with the other guys on her team. I guess it should be qualified that she hates 'some' men.
Mahiru Inami of
has a deep-seated fear of men, believing they will attack her, though she seems alright around Souta. Except for the fact that she reacts to him like she does any man - with a punch to the face or gut. This is eventually revealed to be
did not want her to ever get close to another man, so he told her many bad stories about them and improved her physical strength by putting weights in her handbag so she would have the strength to fight them off.
Gender-flipped by Keima of . He prefers the fictional women in his
and doesn't even acknowledge the existence of real girls. Then a
demon of hell recruits him to exorcise spirits... by capturing the hearts of the real girls they've hidden inside with his gaming skills. .
Azuma Hazuki of
doesn't seem to like anyone very much (except Hatsumi, whom she melts into a shivering puddle of yuri around), but it can be inferred she has a particular distaste for men. On the other hand, when the only men you interact with are a perverted cockatiel, a dimension-warping madman, a few assorted spies, a demonic ninja, and someone trying to steal your love interest, that's no real surprise.
&&&&Comic Books&
An obscure
villain named Water Lily was a
with a . She captured Batman and Robin and tried to kill them because she saw them as figures of male supremacy.
Man-Killer from the . Has no problems working with men who don't lie to her, but she still doesn't like them.
One notable exception: she once took a job tending bar in an establishment frequented by , and seemed to enjoy talking with him during his visits.
. Victoria, leader of the Daughters of the Amazon, is an unsympathetic version of this trope, presumably because she is 'balanced' by every other female character (as just about every man on Earth has died, that's a lot of characters).
This is the general attitude of the inhabitants of the alternate reality Femizonia in the .
Katchoo in
is not a big fan of the male gender, springing from her childhood of abuse and adolesence as a prostitute/sex slave. Since she also appears to be a lesbian this leads her to be described as a rampant
and bull dyke by unsympathetic characters in the series, even though she herself (And others) point out that , she .
, the Amazons from
can be like this, especially if they're being written as . Wonder Woman isn't usually portrayed as such (apart from 's
All-Star Batman), although some origin stories have her disliking men up until she actually meets one.
The Zamarons were essentially
in the Silver Age and Carol Ferris's growing contempt for men is what drew the Zamarons to her, transforming her into Star Sapphire, one of 's deadliest foes. They eventually evolved into an
of powerful female warriors, similar to the Green Lantern Corps. Wonder Woman even became a deputy member during the
crossover. It is stated that men can become Star Sapphires, but most are not worthy.
Kinsee from
is annoyed by the male pygmies when she meets their all-male tribe and thinks her all-female tribe was better off before they met. She especially hates , the manly man of his tribe. She also dislikes
because her best friend
hangs out with him now instead of her. Kinsee .
: In chapter 5,
states that she gave up on men a long time ago.
are the only exceptions.
The title character in
by Alfred Hitchcock embodies this due to experiences she had as a child.
Megara in . She sold her soul to Hades to save her boyfriend, and he ran off with another woman. After that, . She also may have encountered men who don't understand "no".
Megara: (to Hercules) You know how men are. They think "no" means "yes" and "get lost" means "take me, I'm yours"]
Her song, "I won't say I'm in love" is about her denying she's in love, though the muses try convince her to open her heart again.
She later averts this trope when she does fall in love with Hercules, though.
has a severe aversion to men.
In , Viper describes herself as "immune to every poison known to Man" and "immune to the poison that is Man".
Nyla from . Comes with being an Amazon and all.
thinks men are weak.
Yukiko from
says "All men are animals." Given that she's a
in her forties, she's got reason to think that.
The Vuvalini from
take to the female Furiosa and the Wives right away, but have an instant distrust of the male Max and Nux. , although one of them still makes a wisecrack implyng that the baby would be less "ugly" if it's a girl.
Dilara in , due to being abused by the son of the foster family she lived with before being taken in by Makina Seval. The Despotana eventually uses this to manipulate her into "willingly" joining her
at Three Springs.
Miss Havisham from . After getting jilted at the altar by a conman, she spent the rest of her life in her wedding dress (to remind her of what had happened) training her adopted daughter Estelle to hate men as well, initially to protect her from them, but subsequently with the intent of using her to
as revenge. Which is where Pip comes in...
The first Red Adept of the
series. Stile uses this to trigger a . Red was
deliberately introduced a sympathetic lesbian character in a later volume, since most of his readers know to give him the benefit of the doubt (or ) when he shows his
In , the mission of the Red Ajah, a group within the most prominent society of female magic-users (channelers) in the setting, is to hunt down and "sever" male channelers from their power to prevent them from going insane and wrecking havoc. However, most Reds have extended this to massive antipathy toward all men, far above and beyond the "battle of the sexes" business that permeates the setting. A strict unwritten rule in the Red Ajah bans its members from
Warders like the other A one Red was even beaten for suggesting it.
universe offers the Lyranians, joyless matriarchs who breed their men as sperm donors only, then kill them. They also show a lethal antipathy to all males of all other species anywhere (they're telepaths with the power of mind-murder), and strike a bargain with the devil
i.e. the Boskonians in an attempt to eliminate their need for males entirely. Kim Kinnison, one of the few males they respect
(because he saves their arses big-time at least twice), "would rather have touched a Borovan slime-lizard" than have physical contact with them, and it's largely left to
the sole female Lensman, Clarrissa MacDougall to carry out any Galactic Patrol missions there.
Circe believes that all men are pigs, and considering , and , you can pretty much see where she's going with that (though she currently uses guinea pigs instead for convenience's sake). She also believes that women are so oppressed that they can only achieve power through magic.
The Hunters of Artemis are heroic versions of this. They all have a strong dislike for guys (and have sworn off any romantic relationships with them). Unlike Circe, though, they don't go out of their way to harm guys. (Which isn't very reassuring for guys, considering that Greek deities like Artemis are infamous for . Artemis claims to have turned guys into
and other animals just for stumbling upon their camp.)
Zo& Nightshade uses this as a reason for not letting Percy join her and Bianca on her quest, although later it's revealed that the real reason was she
didn't like Percy's sword, as it gave her some awful memories of its original owner, whose actions were what made her become a Hunter in the first place.
Similarly, the Amazons in The Son of Neptune can be pretty hostile towards "males". Later it's revealed that they don't "hate" men, but are definitely matriarchal.
. In the book and the movie, both Ichiko and Momoko have discomfort around men in varying quantities. Momoko doesn't like talking to, interacting with, or being friendly with men that are either familiar or unfamiliar to her.
The sole exception of her androphobia is Akinori Isobe of her beloved Baby, The Stars Shine Bright.For the most part, she considers them disgusting. Ichiko doesn't appear to have a problem interacting with them (albeit in an often hostile manner), but she hates being touched by them. She even freaks out when Ryuji touches her hand to show her how to properly play pachinko.
. Played for laughs, since nearly all of the female characters in the books spend a great deal of time discussing how totally evil men are, violently and at length.
series, we have Miss Cornelia, who has a severe disdain for men. She deems them "clannish", and her catch phrase is "Isn't that just like a man?" and never in a positive light. She shocks everyone by eventually getting married.
Dol (Theodolinda) Bonner, in
by Rex Stout, is a
to Stout's more famous creation
in some ways, including this one. She is given a reason, though.
Princess Trini in , thanks to the general paucity of men, is only likely to see one in a marriage-related setting, aside from her cousin Cullen. Her previous husband abused her, and she flatly refuses to consider marrying again, even though her sisters . It doesn't help that different sisters had been desperately in love with that previous,
husband, and initially Jerin looks like a repeat of this.
: Rana calls men things like 'useless' and 'violent' and 'quick to hide behind women when they can't handle their own problems'. Though she doesn't have a high an opinion of her own gender either
or the world itself. Then she meets the brave and gentlemanly Taurok who unwittingly charms her out of it.
, the heroine of , really hates them.
since the only men she knew well
her, and , and almost every man she?s met since has only objectified her. In one of her encounters with the hero, she also comments that she?s always found men?s bodies ?ugly??again
by the fact that pretty much every male body she?s ever seen up close has been in the process of effectually raping her. Fortunately, the novel?s premise is () , and the hero is the model of chivalry.
In , Helen's opinion of the male sex in general is dramatically lowered by her exposure to the worst of their kind during her marriage.
In , while Isabelle is not averse to dating them, she distrusts men in general (in contrast to Jace and Alec, who wear their hearts on their sleeves) because she was
to her mother, who told her how her marriage to Robert was breaking apart.
Lalasa, the maid Keladry hires in , is extremely timid around men and comments darkly that while Kel's page friends are fine now, when they grow up is a different story. This is because she's routinely harassed by higher-ranking servant men and nobles, not to mention being raped by her brother and seeing the women in her family suffer . Her uncle Gower is an exception, being the only man who's nice and caring towards her.
Nellie Semphroch, a restaurateur in the
series by , dislikes and distrusts all men for most of the series. While her backstory lends some sympathy to her mindset (she was forced to work as a prostitute to make ends meet, and it's heavily implied her daughter was born of rape), the books do point out that hating 50% of the world's population is an extreme view. Her opinion softens over time, and she ends up being
to a cobbler who'd employed her as a spy during this
&&&&Live Action TV&
Dr. Luisa Mercedes "Lu" Delgado from . She often treats the men in her life (no matter if they're her love interests or not) real bad whether they're jerks or not, and that turns even worse after
and becomes a borderline .
Emma Kennedy, Stacie's
in season 5 of , tells Mickey she doesn't date, due to some bad experiences with men. Which doesn't stop there being a
by the end of that episode.
The part about this being more sympathetic than men who hate women was deconstructed in an episode of . A clearly sociopathic eleven-year-old girl (Doctor Skoda, the on-hand criminal psychologist, describes her as "a serial killer that you caught before she really got going") gets off on torturing and murdering boys younger than she is. The judge lets her off easy anyway because of this trope and the episode ends with the girl very creepily staring at another boy, clearly imagining torturing and murdering him.
Played with in an episode of . A lesbian rights (not gay rights, but lesbian rights) activist is initially this trope in all its hateful, bitchy glory. Later on we find that this is partially to cover for her being secretly bisexual. She gets a lot better once accepting her attraction to men and women.
On an episode of
entitled "How to Succeed... At Murder!", a group of man-hating and power-hungry
form a secret collective to murder their bosses (after confusing them to utter uselessness with impossible filing systems that only the secretary/the soon-to-be boss lady can understand) and take over as the executives of their respective companies, as part of a female world domination plot. Their mantra? "RUINATION TO ALL MEN!"
After Emma infiltrates the group, Steed and Emma discover that the
is actually controlled BY A MAN, and the butler who the group treated like a lapdog to boot.
is, or at least claims to be, this trope. Her relationship with Xander, a known male, tones down this behavior quite quickly. She still fits during her times as a vengeance demon, though.
D'Hoffryn: Help wronged women punish evil men.
Anya: Vengeance.
D'Hoffryn: But only to those who deserve it.
Anya: They all deserve it.
D'Hoffryn: That's where I was going with that, yeah.
An episode of
shows a divorced mother who abuses her own son due to her hatred for all men.
In , Carol's mother initially was something of a man-hater, justified by her ex-husband's infidelity, and later by Doug's cheating on her daughter, which
in the pilot. She was furious when she learned that Doug and Carol had reconciled in Season 4. However, by the end of Season 4 she ended up dating a new man and her attitude toward Doug softened. Seeing her formerly manhating mother in a new relationship prompted Carol to get over her own fear of committing to Doug.
Barbara Hicks from an episode of , "They Fought in the Fields", soured toward males because of her bad marriage and loss of her son. She gradually , eventually leaving a letter for him in which she said "I never thought my opinion of men could change. But you've changed it.
Glapyhra, a one-shot guest star in .
: Grams repeatedly demonstrates this,
because her four failed marriages have left her a little bitter towards men. Given her
however, one can only wonder
they ended up failing?
this was played for . One sketch had Carol's character talking with her therapist on the phone about how she doesn't hate men. And then she puts the phone down and cuts the rope to a window washer's basket causing him to fall to his death.
Jenny Schechter plays this straight and at one point even refers to men as "The Enemy".
has Mavis's sister Madge, whose failed relationships have embittered her on the entire male sex. Granville keeps attempting to set her up with Gastric in order to give himself a clear run at Mavis.
In , Marcy is a feminist who thinks that men should heed and worship women because
who deserve to be dominated by females. However, she also thinks that
has been accused of this, since the majority of her songs, both solo and in
are about kicking a no-good man to the curb.
is accused of this for similar reasons to .
Ma Rainey, known as "The Mother of the Blues," in a number of her songs, especially "Prove It On Me Blues":
"Went out last night with a crowd of my friends / They must?ve been women, ?cause I don’t like no men."
's "Territorial Pissings" (written by a man, nevertheless): 'Never met a wise man, if so its a woman.'
"All Men Are Pigs" by . It's right there in the title. Possibly subverted with the final line, .
really dislikes men. As in, the idea of meeting a man (non-sexually) repels her. There were other virgin goddesses in Classical Myth, most notably Athena and Hestia, but none quite so extreme as this (Athena in fact has several male favourites like Odysseus making her a straight forward aversion.)
The Amazons are a
of misandrists.
Beatrice and Katherine, in
respectively, are notorious man-haters. Although Beatrice is not so much a "Man Hater" as a "Benedick Hater."
Katherine, the titular shrew in 's Taming of the Shrew (and Kat in its update, ) is sharp-tongued, bad-tempered, and bitchy to pretty much everyone, until she is tamed by Petruchio (and his counterpart, Patrick Verona).
In , the character even gets a musical number called "I Hate Men".
Of course, how much Katherine hates men depends on the adaptation. The play itself implies that Katherine is actually a bit jealous of Bianca for having so many suitors, at one point accusing her father of favoring Bianca by having her marry first (and tying Bianca up and whipping her for not choosing a favorite suitor). In the Richard Burton adaptation, this is reinforced by having Katherine roll in a bale of cotton while happily laughing after Petruchio shows interest in her.
Apparently Kathy in , after Gary leaves her.
Aldonza in , with good reason, as explained in the song "It's All the Same".
of , the title character has a whole song about her dislike of men.
was abandoned by her father and raped by one of her relatives, and then she worked as a bar girl prostitute. She says straight-up that she hates men.
play series, due to the state of patriarchy in general and specifically from her treatment at the hands of her father.
Elena Zakharova, the client in the third installment , gives off an air of this as well.
&&&&Newspaper Comics&
strips had Opus being stuck on a blind date with a woman named Alf Mushpie, who personified this trope. At one point she goes on about how big, hairy and testosterone-laden men are, but then says that , because he's nothing like that.
At the reading of his last will and testament after his () memorial service, Opus leaves Alf Mushpie the Moon and stars as symbols of his eternal love for her... and a copy of the New York Times bestseller, Be a Model or Just Look Like One. This sets her off again: "Ooh, I hate men!"
&&&&Professional Wrestling&
and Ryan Shamrock when they were part of the Pretty Mean Sisters in the , except for Meat, sort of, as he was their man servant.
In 2001, the women of the Northern Wrestling Federation put aside their differences to join "The Union", which was dedicated to causing grief to every male in the company.
The Minnesota, later International, Home Wrecking Crew tend to hate on the male members of the audience, excepting the few times they've done a , the few times they were
or when two thirds of them were in The Age Of The Fall with . Jetta wouldn't even compete for Real Quality Wrestling unless a female referee officiated the match.
&&&&Video Games&
In , Shar-Teel is one of the NPCs you can get on your team—but if you, the protagonist, are male, she insists on fighting a male from your party in combat and will only join if he defeats her. She had a horrible childhood, including slavery and rape, as noted by her backstory—but on the other hand, the game makes no bones about it and describes her attitude as .
In , there's a female mage lord who is described as disliking men, though nobody knows why. She rules over an all female town, and if you're playing as a male, it's harder to get her cooperation for the game's main quest. If you're male, you have to hurl yourself on the ground and beg, or just kill her; if you're female, she immediately agrees to help you, makes approving comments about the
being a woman and gives you some powerful summoning scrolls.
Dallas Wyatt from
developed androphobia as a result of growing up attending an all-girls school before joining Gallia's Squad 7 as an engineer. This translates to a fighting penalty in-game (in the form of the "Man Hater" trait), where her stats will go way down when paired up with male squad-mates. Conversely, she has
(especially heroine Alicia Melchiott), so pairing Dallas with female soldiers will cause her to start fighting better in order to impress them.
: Orihime Soletta developed a hatred of Japanese men as a result of her . She gets over it after Ogami helps her track her father down and make peace with him.
: Noire hates men, not only hates, she find the simple action of finding a man cute sickening. The curious part is that the Hyperdimension Neptunia series has different Noires in alternate dimensions for each game respectively, and despite all of them being slightly different with individuals traits from each dimension, all of the lesbian goddesses of Lastation have this characteristic in common.
Noire tolerates men and develops a good working relationship with some reformed villains, though on the other hand her
is at an all-time high.
both have male player surrogates, whom she can get quite close to.
/ Blanc also isn't particularly fond of men, but then the last man she trusted
until the female CPUs helper her out.
The first official English Fire Emblem game had Florina, the
Pegasus Knight who is incredibly
around men.
in regards to
advances on her.
There's also
from . He doesn't hate man, per se, but he all but says he prefers the company of women and tends to be a bit more abrasive and snotty towards other men.
Also from Awakening is Kjelle, who has a mild case of this trope thanks to having a rather sizable chip on her soldier about men looking down on her for being a woman. Conversations in the DLC chapters also indicate she may be .
: Konoe A. Mercury, more commonly known as Nine and one of the Six Heroes, ultimately despises men due to her neglectful relationship with her father as a child. In the light novel Phase 0, Nine almost kills Ragna and violently beats him for speaking his opinion due to believing that he deceived her sister Celica. It's also noted that Trinity states that she dislikes her real name and prefer her title and her hate her men most likely was the reason she started a relationship with Jubei, a two-tailed cat-man.
Dr. Strangelove from
is a rather interesting case. She is rather open to her hatred of Males, and yet after Snake defeats Zeke, Strangelove hints that she might have an attraction to Huey right then and there when he asked if she despised him, and a briefing file in regards to her interactions to Huey even had her making a rather contradictory statement that Snake noted (she said she would like Huey better if he acted more like a man and actually stood up for himself rather than be dependent on everything, and yet later she states that her most important reason for hating Huey is because he IS a man.), as well as the fact that, unbiased opinion or not, Snake noted that her listing of his positive credentials indicated at least some praise for Huey.
says that she doesn't hate men, she's just never met one that was interesting. She's not completely averse to the idea of a good man,
Lakita Ramos of
apparently became this after being hit on too much in bars. She never forgives
for being male (or, more to the point, for showing her up in a dogfight).
Chloe Price of , thanks to . She did have a very strong, loving relationship with her real father, but his death devastated her, and left her with no other positive male role-models. This is averted due to the events of Episode 3, but
Chloe still ends up the worse for it,
Naotora from
is a young female general in a testosterone-packed society torn apart by war, and despite being a tough cookie she hates how much women suffer thanks to violent and greedy men always fighting each other and getting themselves killed. The clincher occurred when she returned from the battlefield to find her fianc& gone. She creates an all-female army and teaches the girls how to defend themselves, then goes around challenging every guy she meets, giving them a verbal and physical asskicking. Her behaviour is mostly played as ridiculously narrow-minded though, and deep down she still wants to find a guy worth marrying.
evil teammate
has a very great distrust towards men. Although she hates everyone, she seems to be wary towards men the most due to being used by men for sex an most of it . However, Male
can convince her that not all men are monsters by slowly gaining her trust, improving her views towards men and forming a close friendship with him. Possibly in .
: By the time you're introduced to Irina, she's already lost any interest in men due to having
They either treat her as a sex object, or make light of her rank because she's a woman. During her first heart-to-heart, she notes that her subordinate, Gwin, is one of the few exceptions she's met, but it isn't enough to change
&&&&Visual Novels&
Momoka Fujiwara from Eroge! Sex and Games Make Sexy Games openly hates men.
Near the beginning of , Joe tells Ceilidh that the unrepentantly anti-male Phoebe "really hates guys." Ceilidh shrugs this off until he follows up that she "," which sets off an "" subplot that lasts throughout. (Not only is she, she's the one who gets Ceilidh.)
Susan from
discovered her father's infidelity at a very young age and was subsequently raised in a broken home by her deeply embittered mother, who took it so far as to encourage Susan to become a lesbian to avoid dealing with men, and as a result was initially a "man-hating feminist". Through her experiences in the comic, though, she's grown out of this, both from making friends with Elliot, Tedd, and Justin and realizing that they're all decent people, and through
at Grace's birthday party and seeing the world from that perspective. She finally admits her initial man-hating was more of a backhanded excuse for her father's actions (), keeping her from confronting her father's wrongdoings. Susan's still a feminist, but no longer hostile to men in general. The author has admitted that when he first wrote Susan's character, he had some jaded views about feminists that he has since grown out of, and Susan's character development was in part a result of
regarding her original character.
Alysandra from
is this trope . She's ready to pop a blood vessel at the idea of having to be around a man for more than a minute. In her first appearance, she hospitalizes two guy for the crime of sitting where she wanted to sit.
In , Yuki starts as a fanatical man-hater, and suffers .
Her ex-girlfriend Zii was able to describe some embarrassing past incidents when trivial provocations such as a "phallic" banana flamb& would enrage her. But according to Zii, "Yuki isn't a lesbian! She just doesn't have sex with men!"
It turns out that the reason she's so repelled by men is that her father drew hentai comics for a living and was less than thorough about keeping them away from
he used her plushies as paperweights for his comic pages and took her along when he was filming a live-action adaptation of his work and he couldn't find a babysitter. Apparently this happened so often that the mere sight of a penis, even a cartoon one, causes her to imagine
sprouting from the guy's body, which can in turn trigger her hair-trigger
Admittedly she initially had some semi-logical reasons for disliking lead male character Gary personally, but even before he got handcuffed to her, she had knocked him to the floor and accidentally ended up straddling his head, and her response was to accuse him of "violating me with his nasty nasal boy parts".
After seeing his drawings and discovering that the work of her father's which he liked wasn't the tentacle-rape-hentai manga, she became MUCH more friendly... Though it took her a while to stop referring to him as "Violator-san".
Then, even after all the misunderstandings, Yuki found out that Gary was such a genuinely nice person that she fell in love with him, despite her complex. However, she had to seek therapy from the semi-qualified Kiley before this relationship could go anywhere. In the meantime, Gary suffered, not only from her reflexive physical assaults, but from her demands for his services when she discovered his gift for oral sex. Her
is gradual and ongoing.
Later on she comes to realize that their relationship is completely one-sided which is unfair to Gary. And, after an incident that leads Yuki to believe her selfishness has driven Gary to cheat on her, she breaks up with him, hoping to start things up again when she's overcome her phobia.
One of the initial defining traits of Kate on
is that she can't stand to have any guy claim to be the best on any track she races. She's raced and beat every man to make such a claim ever since her sister was killed in a racing accident caused by chauvinistic male drivers.
Summer in Slipshine's
is a man-hating lesbian. Her disgust with men developed when she was a child growing up with
in a family with three older brothers and three younger brothers.
Chanel from
despite giving an icy reception to hordes of gentleman callers, as well as displaying general discomfort around Rudy and Gavin, she helps Maria solve her friend issues with Rain, and the two become fast friends.
In , Gwynn tends to be like this. She's turned the
into an art form and puts jerk guys into headlocks as a conditioned response. In fact, this trope is the one thing both
can agree on.
(or 'Ana' for short) from .
is a variant case. Her real core issue is a fear of sex, but men ? more or less any men ? evidently represent sex to her, and she suspects that , although she doesn't seem to have much direct experience of the subject. She's nervously curious when she finds herself alone in a man's bedroom, and surprised that it's not more sordid. This phobia is backed by a minor, complex, but traumatic . But she has let slip that she noticed one man's "chiseled chest", so her dislike is perhaps not as complete as she tries to imply. She may eventually
(in which case, those who find her attitude grating will probably call it a ).
Lisa Vangough of :
"I don't understand. Violence against men ALWAYS cheers me up!"
is first described by Ellen as a "real-life feminazi". Lily would deny this description on the grounds that , .
From , we have "Xanthe Justice". She's made it very clear she can't stand to be within eye or ear of anything with a Y chromosome. She outright insults
for having created Adam.
Monique is developing shades of it, too, though her approach is less violent than Xanthe's. She's cut Slick out of her life completely, changed her It Girl act into feminist soapboxing that sometimes lapses into outright misandry, dresses in an androgynous style so as not to be appealing to men, and has completely given up on relationships with men and has instead .
is a gender-inverted example. While not , he derides Tessiana when she challenges him and calls
an "ugly woman" when she tries to , . While Shic tends to , his disdain toward women is much more pronounced.
&&&&Web Original&
Subverted in . Despite having been raped numerous times with her inverted pleasure/pain perception condition, Iriana doesn't actively hate her male teammates, even with having a decently good reason and a sociopathic streak. Rather, she takes the safer and more tame route and simply reroutes her uncontrollable desires towards other women.
Melina Frost founds a group with the sole objective of wiping out the male competition on the island. The portrayal isn't at all sympathetic: she comes across as a raging, psychopathic misandrist. Which, well, she is.
Another great example of this trope comes from Version 1 SOTF spin-off "The Program" character Chanel Mortimer, who grew up without a father and as such, never gained the ability to maintain friendships or trust the male figures or people in her life.
Hippolyta of the . She's a six foot tall
who can bench-press over eight tons (which is a lot in the Whateley scheme of mutants). Her usual reaction to being admired by fellow
is to beat the snot out of them. Her backstory makes her attitude a heck of a lot it would be pretty hard to go through what she's been through and feel comfortable with guys.
Missy from
takes this trope to an unhealthy extreme.
is a bitter misandrist. Played for laughs and not treated sympathetically because even though she has issues, she's a hypocrite, she treats the guys in her life like crap and one of the main reasons for it is that she has an unrequited obsession with .
Perhaps because his
raised him as a girl,
isn't too fond of his own gender either, as he thinks the only things men are useful for are practical work and getting rid of spiders.
- is a sentient humanoid mass of water that has a strong distrust of male personnel. This is because of excessive and painful experimentation which was performed almost entirely by male personnel.
lists that "[She] Had A Really Insulting View of Men" at the time as one of the confessions. This was because she didn't have good luck with men *& and thought this was because most guys were too stupid to see .
second April Fools
Will Never Be MLG, Bobby walks into a , only for a woman to run up to him, announce this trope, and .
&&&&Western Animation&
Mrs. Janet Barch in
hated all men (including the male students, like Mack and Kevin, and especially the history teacher, Mr. DeMartino) thanks to an abusive marriage and the messy divorce that followed. Despite her misandry, she soon found a place in her heart (and in her pants) for Timothy O'Neill (the ) and ropes him in a
relationship that
soon turned into Pitbull Marries Puppy as of the series finale movie, "Is It College Yet?".
Numbuh 86 absolutely hates boys. Apparently she thinks that girls are much smarter than them, to the point that her favorite member of the Decommissioning Squad is Numbuh 91, because she's female. As time goes on, she seems to lessen this and is generally a bitch to both boys and girls equally. Amusingly, she also had a
with Numbuh Nineteenth-Century, who comes off as a bit of a
after being unfrozen.
Madame Margaret (or Margie) However, took this
when she tried to turn all the boys on Earth into girls.
A brief villainess, Aresia the Amazon, had a bitter grudge against men in general and was determined to purge the whole world of men. She managed to stir up a disease to kill every single male in the planet and she nearly succeeded, infecting the males of the Justice League and leaving Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl to deal with her. Even after she's told by the Amazon queen that, after the boat she was on was destroyed, the ship's captain found her clinging to the wreckage and . Sadly, she wasn't told this...the queen didn't feel it was important. Of course, she only seems affected by the revelation for a second or two.
Wonder Woman herself seems to have a rather low opinion of the average man in general. Keyword being average. The many many male heroes of the League have her undying respect and friendship for showing her the nobility and strength males can have first hand. Even the Flash's antics are met from her with amused exasperation at best. She's also receptive to males who are shown to be polite, and even competent villains like Lex Luthor are treated as worthy foes. However show her an thuggish goon or an otherwise rude and disrespective male and the "Stupid man" comments will be begin. This attitude lessens after the first season though, especially after her having run into many females who are essentially the same.It particularly irks Diana that Hawkgirl (the only other female League member at the time) ends up being a traitor.
This extends to a lesser extent to the other Amazons. They still are very anti-man but respect and honor the males of the Justice League.
to describe Sappho (whom The World's Oldest Woman described as being "not into men," though given what Sappho , this could be ). Pretty much typical for the series.
Sassie the Puma from .
This is a fairly common aspect of the characterization of the 's Pamela Isley aka Poison Ivy. It's particularly visible during her
with Harley Quinn.
In , we have
and . They don't explicitly hate men, per se, but they do hate dogs, which leads to subtle hints at a .
Saranoia from
is very openly man-hating, her
being that she grew up being
to her brother Mark. She goes out of her way to be nice to Yin and try to become her friend, while trying to kill Yang. She also has a habit of calling Yang "Mark".
Betsey Trotwood in , an exaggeration of her literary counterpart's disappointment over David being a boy, and distrust of some men following her unhappy marriage.
Alternative Title(s):
Psycho Misandrist,


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