a women 和 the woman half the sky的区别

英语问题a man and woman和the man and woman和the man and the woman这两组每一组的意思都相同吗?还有第二组是特指还是指一类人呢?谢谢^_^a man and woman和意思一样吗?
不相同的。a man是指一个男人;woman指女人。有时候man就可以代表人类the man 是指男人这类人,the woman也是指女人这类人。希望能帮到你,不懂还可以再问哦
扫描下载二维码女掌柜(The Woman at the Store)_凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德_中英双语在线阅读_爱洋葱
The Woman at the Store
凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德Katherine Mansfield
外语教学与研究出版社Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Jo, Jim and the narrator are riding horses. Then they stop at a store where Jim went four years ago, joking that a blue-eyed blonde lives there. There they are greeted by a woman who appears to be mentally unstable. They get an embrocation from the store to treat a wound on the horse. They ask her if they can stay in the nearby field. At first she declines. Then she agrees. She later suggests giving them dinner and she eventually lets them stay for the night in the store. Jo and Jim joke about the woman referring to how she knows “how to kiss in one hundred and twenty-five different ways”.The narrator bathes in the river.They discover that the woman has attempted to make herself look pretty by putting on rouge and a different dress. Jo has combed back his hair and shaved. They start to get drunk and Jo and the woman start “kissing feet” under the table, slowly growing closer as they get more intoxicated. The woman's daughter claims to be drawing a nude picture of the narrator, saying she watched her bathing earlier.As she gets more drunk, the woman reveals that her husband often beats her, forces sex on her, goes away often shearing for months at a time and that she is alone and isolated living in poverty. She then leaves and comes back and then goes off again. Her daughter threatens to draw the picture she does not allow.Jim and the narrator stay in the store-room with the woman's daughter. She then does a drawing of a woman pointing a gun at a man and a picture of a grave, intimating that her mother killed her father. Jim and the narrator see the drawing, stay up all night in shock and then leave in the morning without Jo who has spent the night in the woman's bed. Faced with the unfavorable situation and the miserable destiny in the patriarchal society, the female fight and struggle but in vain, as the society imposes on them all kinds of hardships. And a sense of loneliness follows.
Jo, Jim and the narrator are riding horses. Then they stop at a store. There they are greeted by a woman who appears to be mentally unstable. According to her own statement, she was a barmaid until she got married. After the first child was born her husband started beating her, as implied by the loss of her two front teeth (when she was previously described as beautiful) and her accusation that he caused her four miscarriages. She has suffered from emotional and physical abuse by her husband who she claims "spoilt" and 'stole' her beauty, youth and innocence. She justifies why she killed her husband though she does not confess it.The woman has a young daughter. She has been neglected by her mother, and is disliked by the other three characters. She likes drawing, and is a generally unruly child. She is also distressed at having to live with her insane mother who killed her father. The short story has fully demonstrated how the female is left too much alone both physically and psychologically in the patriarchal society.
凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Manthfield,),出生于新西兰,短篇小说作家,新西兰文学的奠基人,被誉为113多年来新西兰最有影响的作家之一。著名作品有《花园酒会》、《幸福》和《在海湾》等。她的全部创作都指向女性的生存处境,她以独特的形式,对女性解放这个重大的社会问题提供了文学的解救之道。
Katherine Mansfield (14 October 1888—9 January 1923) was a prominent modernist writer of short fiction who was born and brought up in colonial New Zealand. Her stories often focus on moments of disruption and frequently open rather abruptly. Among her most well-known stories are The Garden Party, Bliss and The Fly. All her works have depicted the existing state of women. She has paved the way for the solution of the social problem of female emancipation in a uniquely literary manner.
The woman’s hair was tumbled—two red spots burned in her cheeks—her eyes shone—and we knew that they were kissing feet under the table.She had changed the blue pinafore for a white calico dressing jacket and a black skirt—the kid was decorated to the extent of a blue sateen hair ribbon.In the stifling room, with the flies buzzing against the ceiling and dropping on to the table, we got slowly drunk.“Now listen to me,” shouted the woman, banging her fist on the table.“It’s six years since I was married, and four miscarriages.I says to ’im, I says, what do you think I’m doin’ up ’ere?If you was back at the coast, I’d ‘ave you lynched for child murder.Over and over I tells ’im—you’ve broken my spirit and spoiled my looks, and wot for—that’s wot I’m driving at.”
评论家Edward Wagenknecht认为“凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德把短篇小说艺术推到了这一艺术形式目前达到的最高的完美境界。
Virginia Woolf once described Katherine Mansfield as "of the cat kind, alien, composed, always solitary and observant."
The Woman at the Store
The kid had drawn the picture of the woman shooting at a man...
见着亲妈杀亲爹,谁能正常长大啊In patriarchal societies there tends to be an inordinate degree of interest placed on the virginity of young women.
And at the very end, there's like two women, and he was supposed to propose to one of them,
But what if of certain abusive families and any religious background in location who really confine women to their home?
The attempt failed and, saddened by Eurydice's death, Orpheus spent the rest of his life avoiding the company of women.
So there are also an increasing number of women in computer science and particular this course which we are thrilled about.
I think Freud would say that women have superegos, they're just not the sort of sturdy ones that men have.
I think it's possible to see that "they" as the sort of general forces of modernity, of everything at odds with the aristocratic culture Yeats and these women shared, inhabited.
Another paper will be a thematic paper on some aspect of conflict among early Christians, such as Judaism and the Law,or women,or politics.
The question is if women have less abdominal obesity, why would you find this elevated risk in women?
Well, let's see There's 2 5 billion women billion women ? How many eggs can a woman have?
So, to open it up and give the opportunities to all women to do it would be awesome.
This is a sign of my economic status: I don't have to work. It is middle and lower-class women who do not get to observe purdah in this way.
And he acknowledges here finally that the ideal of virginity is an ideal for which women are typically praised - and of course this goes without saying.
At the very moment that Woolf advises women readers to look past Milton's bogey, she finds herself in the peculiar position of echoing the poetry of John Milton.
Another big question that came up particularly starting in the 70s, women's movement. But in the 80s and into the 90s was a movement called "women's rights are human rights".
Now, you know how to make women do worse on math tests too, like that, and this has a demonstrative effect.
These women are not free to move around, particularly those who are required by their religious community to remain in their homes and only go outside perhaps with their chaperon.
He rejects all of the advances of the women who are attracted to him but Bacchantes, the female followers of the god Bacchus, are enraged by what they take to be his coyness.
Women tend to distribute the fat in the lower part of the body, below the waist, in what's called a pear shape.
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of 9 Discrimination Against Women of 1979 has article 16 which talks quite a lot about rights of women in the family and marriage.
The women represent for Yeats a kind of self-destructive energy, and it's something he too, I think, is willing to share and enter into.
And Milton's asking in these lines not simply about actual erotic entanglements -- although I think that's there, a relation with women -- but it's a question about erotic poetry as well.
You remember, thalidomide is the drug which was actually really most used as sleeping aid that when pregnant women took were shown to produce deformities, children who were born without limbs for example.
At that point Yeats was--1894, Yeats is 29, and the two women were slightly younger.
This is the argument: Since men are clearly what he calls "the perfecter sex," surely they should be held to even higher standards of bodily purity even than women.
He's almost a mythological figure who can sanction, who can authorize this revolution in women's writing that Virginia Woolf is beginning to prophesy here early in the twentieth century.
How they treated women,different ways that women could take a place in this movement.
Women became very upset about this and advocacy groups like the breast cancer advocacy groups got involved and really pressured the government to do more studies on women.
Well, suppose there were 5 billion people Roughly half of them are men half of them are women What we want to know then is how many possible people could the 2 5 billion men make altogether ? with the 2 5 billion women?
There is a very big-- one of the largest clinical trials that the U.S. Government ever did was called the Women's Health Initiative, and there were several purposes built into this particular study, but what it did was it took post menopausal women and randomly assigned them to different dietary conditions.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!以the woman 开头的完形填空答案_百度知道
以the woman 开头的完形填空答案
C,却遭到别人的误解. way
B. say sth. back   5. trouble B, had cars. D, and it had a small blackboard saying, and many of the students’ boyfriends. A. B。   15,令人啼笑皆非, Miss Baker. caught
D. C. hand
D。next to 表示“靠近.
Because the young man’s car was
to the railing. until
B, “Only for Head of College. A. A. A. though
D。   9. women
C. A,而车子却多. late
B, it was often
to find a place to park. woman’s
C. She was even more surprised when she
Miss Baker say?”   1。hear sb, had a
in the car park for her own small car。place表示“车位”. since
C. A。   2. A. man’s   14. boys
B. C. The head of the college. There were two
in it. learned
C,以示私人专用. side
B。   6. close   名师点评  在这篇短文里. heard
D,根据下一句more surprised可知这里她的反应是惊讶。   13. card   3。room 作为空间讲是不可数名词. room
D. C. knew
D. A,故不选. time
C,所以她决定请他让出车位, Miss Baker 用委婉的说法请求别人让出自己的车位. pictures
B。打开车窗, for her to park her car in the place for the night
going to bed. She came up on this side. same   11。   5. pulled
C. A. A. A,所以是回到学校准备休息了. There were white
around it. place
B. stopped B。in surprise表示惊讶, but may I change places with you. park’s
One evening when Miss Baker got
to the college a few minutes before the time all the students should be in. car’s
B. teachers
D. B, and because several of the teachers and students. seat
C, where the girl was sitting。表示睡觉前要把车子停好. D。用白色的栏杆围着. forgot
C, one of her girl students and a young man. A。   14. so   9, “Excuse me. before
B,所以常常很难找到停车位. Miss Baker
that the young man would have to leave soon. walls   4. next
B. hurry   15. away
D. C。   11. A. taught
D. D. quick   2. A. A. lines
she decided to ask him to move his car a bit. opened
D, Miss Baker had to drive up beside it on the other
another car in her parking place,以便于和那辆汽车里的人讲话. important D. difficult
C. waited   8. corner   12。由下文得知是一男一女. far
C. The girl was having her head on the
  12. after
D . A. She looked round in
。   10。   7. B。   4. surprise
C. A,邻近”. said
B,所以她知道这位男士肯定马上要走的,故选 people。因为她知道这个年轻人很快会走。因为停车场小. missed   6. cleaned   13. people   7.from   10。   8. D。因为这是女校. A。   答案简析  1。因为是夜晚。   3.意思是“听见某人说什么”The women’s college had a very small car park,
her own window and tapped her horn lightly


