友情万岁 用儿童英语单词词怎么打出来

关于友谊的英语单词、 10
Friendship Synonyms:acquaintanceship: –noun1.& a person known to one, but usually not a close friend.2.& the state of being acquainted.3.& personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc.: a good acquaintance with French wines.4.& (used with a plural verb) the persons with whom one is acquainted.alliance: –noun1.& the act of allying or state of being allied.2.& a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes.3.& a merging of efforts or interests by persons, families, states, or organizations: an alliance between church and state.4.& the persons or entities so allied.5.& marriage or the relationship created by marriage between the families of the bride and bridegroom.6.& correspondence in b affinity: the alliance between logic and metaphysics. amiability: - noun, see amiableamiable: –adjective 1.& having or showing pleasant, good-nature affable: an amiable disposition.2.& sociable: an amiable gathering.3.& willing to accept the wishes, decisions, or suggestions of another or others.4.& Obsolete. lovable or lovely.amity: –noun1.& peaceful harmony.2.& mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship, esp. accord.attachment:–noun1.& an act of attaching or the state of being attached.2.& a feeling that binds one to a person, thing, cause, ideal, regard: a fond atta a profound attachment to the cause of peace.3.& som a fastening or tie: the atta the attachments of a pair of skis.4.& an additional or supplementary device: attachments for an electric drill.5.& Law. seizure of property or person by legal authority, esp. seizure of a defendant's property to prevent its dissipation before trial or to acquire jurisdiction over it.6.& something attached, as a document added to a letter.comity: –noun, plural -ties.1.& civility.2.& Also called comity of nations. courtesy between nations, as in respect shown by one country for the laws, judicial decisions, and institutions of another.company: –noun1.& a number of individuals assembled or group of people.2.& a guest or guests: We're having company for dinner.3.& an assemblage of persons for social purposes.4.& association: I always enjoy her company.5.& one's usual companions: I don't like the company he keeps.6.& society collectively.concord: –noun1.& agreement between persons, groups, nations, etc.; concurrence in attitudes, feelings, etc.; accord: There was complete concord among the delegates.2.& agre harmonyfamiliarity: –noun, plural -ties.1.& the sta f intimacy.fondness:–noun1.& the state or quality of being fond.2.& tenderness or affection.3.& doting affection.4.& a liking or weakness for something: He has a fondness for sweets. rapport: –noun connection, esp. harmonious or sympathetic relation: a teacher trying to establish close rapport with students. solidarity: –noun, plural -ties.1.& union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote solidarity among union members.2.& community of feelings, purposes, etc.3.& community of responsibilities and interests.chumminess: –adjective, -mi?er, -mi?est. Informal. sociable.companionship: –noun1.& assoc fellowship.2.& Printing. a group of compositors working under a foreman.comradeship: –noun1.& a person who shares in one's activities, occupation, etc.; companion, associate, or friend.2.& a fellow member of a fraternal group, political party, etc.fellowship: –noun1.& the condition or relation of being a fellow: the fellowship of humankind.2.& f companionship: the fellowship of father and son.3.& community of interest, feeling, etc.4.& communion, as between members of the same church.5.& friendliness.6.& an association of persons having similar tastes, interests, etc.7.& a company, guild, or corporation.Friend Synonyms:acquaintance: –noun1.& a person known to one, but usually not a close friend.2.& the state of being acquainted.3.& personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc.: a good acquaintance with French wines.4.& (used with a plural verb) the persons with whom one is acquainted.associate: –noun1.& a person who shares actively in anything as a business, enterprise, fellow worker: He consulted with his associates before proceeding further.2.& a companion or comrade: my most intimate associates.3.& an accomplice or ally: criminal associates.4.& anything usually accompanying or ass an accompaniment or concomitant.5.& a person who is admitted to a subordinate degree of membership in an association or institution: an associate of the Royal Academy.buddy: n.&& pl. buddies&& 1. A a comrade.&& 2. A partner, especially one of a pair or team associated under the buddy system.&& 3. F chum. Used as a form of familiar address, especially for a man or boy: Watch it, buddy.cohort: –noun1.& a group or company: She has a cohort of admirers.2.& a companion or associate.3.& one of the ten divisions in an ancient Roman legion, numbering from 300 to 600 soldiers.4.& any group of soldiers or warriors.5.& abettor: He got off with probation, but his cohorts got ten years apiece.6.& a group of persons sharing a particular statistical or demographic characteristic: the cohort of all children born in 1980.7.& Biology. an individual in a population of the same species.colleague: –nounan associate.companion: –noun1.& a person who is frequently in the company of, associates with, or accompanies another: my son and his two companions.2.& a person employed to accompany, assist, or live with another in the capacity of a helpful friend.3.& a mate or match for something: White wine is the usual companion of fish. consort: –noun1.& spouse, esp. of a reigning monarch. eg prince consort, queen consort.2.& a companion, associate, or partner: a confidant and consort of heads of state.3.& accord or agreement.crony: –noun, plural -nies.a close chum.intimate: –noun1.& an intimate friend or associate, esp. a confidant.mate: –noun1.& spouse.2.& one member of a pair of mated animals.3.& one of a pair: I can't find the mate to this glove.4.& a counterpart.5.& partner (often used in combination): roommate.6.& pal (often used as an informal term of address): Let me give you a hand with that, mate. pal: –noun1.& a very close, chum.2.& an accomplice.
-友谊: Friendship;friendship;companionship;friendliness
新目标九年级英语单词表1_外语休閒驿站 ... go by&&经过 friendship&&友谊 lose&&失去 ...
心理学专业英语词汇(C2) ...companion 同伴companionship 友谊companionship family 友爱家庭 ...
英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(F3) ...friendless 没有朋友的friendliness 友谊friendly 友好的 ...-友谊商店: Friendship Store;Friendship store;Friexistnodded Store;Friendship Shop
Friendship Store
...的环市东路(Huanshi East Road).距机场,火车站和会展中心,只需短暂车程. 购物中心,包含广州友谊商店(Friendship Store),丽柏广场(La Perle Plaza)和世界贸易中心(World Trade Center)是宾馆的邻居就像是把繁荣拥抱在怀里.环市东路(Huanshi Ea...
Friendship store
中文: 友谊商店 | 英语: Friendship store |
Friexistnodded Store
各种商店说法集锦 ... Gift Store 礼品店 Friexistnodded Store 友谊商店 Electric Appliance Shop 电器商店 ...
Friendship Shop
专有名词英语词汇第711页 ... FRIESSNIGG,Franziska弗兰齐斯加?弗里斯尼格 frigidzone寒带 FRIIS,Johan约翰?弗里斯 ...
&-友谊万岁: Friendship Forever;Auld lang syne;Auld Lang Syne;Auld land syne
Friendship Forever
老外最想与你聊的100英语话题(附赠全文MP3光盘) ...Giving a Gift 礼尚往来 Friendship Forever 友谊万岁 Reunion with Old Friends 老友重逢 ...
Auld lang syne
九点半一过,广播系统就播放《友谊万岁》(Auld Lang Syne)作为收尾,然后突然之间就只剩下告别和蟋蟀的声音,余下的少数人继续在“寂静”中舞蹈。
Auld Lang Syne
中文: 友谊万岁 | 阿拉伯语: ???? ?????? | 德语: Auld Lang Syne | 英语: Auld Lang Syne | 西班牙语: Auld Lang Syne | 法语: Auld Lang Syne | 日语: 蛍の光 |
Auld land syne
至爱儿童英文金曲(6VCD 权威版) - 音乐 -... ...雨,加快停止Rain,rain go away 友谊万岁Auld land syne 巴士上的轮子The wheels on the bus ...
&-论友谊: Of Friendship;On Friendship;De amicitia
Of Friendship
100篇经典英语散文精彩段落,思马得学校,苏州大学... ...Tulips《郁金香》Of Friendship《论友谊》 0f Studies《论读书》 ...
On Friendship
英语四级作文-范文网 ...On Diligence(论勤奋)On Friendship(论友谊)Important Things in Life(生活中重要的事情) ...
De amicitia
?沃的修道院长艾尔雷德孩提时代就喜爱《论友谊》(De amicitia),他在晚年写的一篇对话中竟会强调精神友谊,这是那个时代的典型特徵。
&-关于友谊: About Friendship;On friendship
About Friendship
About Friendship(关于友谊),,课件,试卷,试题,教案免费下载。...
On friendship
鼎湖山(Dinghu Mount) ... 露营是理想的度假方式(Camping vac.. 关于友谊(On friendship) 奖励应该根据能力(rewarded should.. ...
&-友谊峰: Friendship Peak;Tavan Bogd
Friendship Peak
中文: 友谊峰 | 英语: Friendship Peak |
Tavan Bogd
[天碟名牌]其它 ...schubert:winterreise-der lindenbaum(舒伯特:冬之旅-菩提树) tavener:song for athene(塔文纳:雅典之歌) shostakovich:prelude and fugue no.4 in e minor,op.87(萧斯塔科维奇:E小调第四首前奏曲与赋,作品编号八十七) ...
&-寻求友谊: Seeking friendship;cultivate her friendship;cultivate our friendship;cultivated her friendship
Seeking friendship
Seeking friendship(寻求友谊),英语作文...
cultivate her friendship
If i were a boy again 难词翻... ...cultivatin 促进,栽培faculty 能力pitiless 无情的 ...
cultivate our friendship
如需咨询课程详细内容,请联络QQ: ...百力通(重庆)发动机有限公司 (Briggs &Stratton (Chongqing) Engine Co. Ltd) · 英国驻重庆总领事馆文化教育处 (Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate-General) · 丹麦王国驻重庆领事馆 (Royal Danish Consulate Trade Commission of Denmark) ...
cultivated her friendship
航空航天词汇接龙 ...寻求庇护求助于求安慰于 take refuge in寻求友谊 culticulticultculticultivacultivcultivated her friendship ;cultivcultivated my friendship寻思ddrdrawtake thought ...
&-国际友谊: World Friendship;International Friendship;Friendship International (Ruston)
World Friendship
香港童军总会 ...体育(Sportsman)国际友谊(World Friendship)射箭(Archery) ...
International Friendship
国际友谊(International Friendship) 一、曾经接待来访外国客人。 二、曾与来华居住之外国人士联系交往,或与国外笔友通信,以 瞭解该国之文化生活等状况。
Friendship International (Ruston)
...Monroe Chinese Baptist Missions Church (Monroe)孟诺华人浸信会 Friendship International (Ruston) 国际友谊 Mississippi State University CBSG (Chinese Bible Study Group) 密州州大查经班 ...
&-友谊大桥: Friendship Bridge;Ponte de Amizade
Friendship Bridge
游泳池按13米*25米大小的标准建造,临近湄公河和友谊大桥(Friendship bridge),带有儿童游泳池。您和您的家人可以在这里享受到游泳和到处参观或沿着湄公河一览亚洲古国的伟大河流的奇景。
Ponte de Amizade
澳门“友谊大桥”(Ponte de Amizade),工程原称新澳氹大桥,为连接澳门半岛和氹仔岛的跨海公路大桥。
&-友谊不是: Friendship is no common weed
伙伴关系companionship & 团体fellowship& &友谊friendship&&& 深厚的友谊 profound friendship
&知己bosom&& 红颜confedant&& 真心朋友true friend
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号友谊万岁.. 翻译
友谊万岁 更多:
翻译结果(英语)1:Long live the friendship 更多: 翻译结果(英语)2:Long live the friendship 更多: 翻译结果(英语)3:Long live our friendship 更多:
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