
1937年麦当劳兄弟(理查.麦当劳 Richard McDonald,莫里森.麦当劳 Maurice McDonald)在洛杉机东部的巴沙地那(Pasadena)开始经营当时美国极其流行的汽车餐厅时,还是一个规模简陋的小餐厅,1940年兄弟两人又在圣伯丁诺(San Bernardina)开设了一家规模更大的汽车餐厅,餐厅占地600平方尺。到40年代中期,餐厅已经扩大至可容纳125部汽车,并雇佣了20名服务员,菜单上提供25项产品,年营业额达到20万美元。到1948年,麦当劳兄弟已经积累了相当的财富。1951年,这家小小的餐厅销售额高达到277000美元,而到了50年代中期,麦当劳的收益,高达每年35万美元。1955年将麦当劳推向连锁的辉煌。如今,麦当劳公司在全球拥有超过32000家快餐厅,分布在全球120多个国家和地区。麦当劳兄弟——迪克·麦当劳和马克·麦当劳
雷·克洛克(Ray Kroc),第一任行政总裁安德鲁·麦肯纳(Andrew J. McKenna),董事会非执行主席吉姆·斯金纳(Jim Skinner),董事会副主席兼CEO迈克尔·罗伯茨(Michael Roberts),总裁兼COO麦当劳公司以连锁经营快餐闻名遐尔, 1955年,克洛克在美国创办了第一家麦当劳餐厅,以后,连锁店得到迅速的发展,成为一个成功的特许组织。现在全球有一万多家分支店,大约每隔15小时,麦当劳公司就要开一家新的分店。在40多个国家里,每天都有1800多万人光顾麦当劳。那么我们来看麦当劳的支持系统是什么呢?麦当劳公司主导对饭店地点的选择。它不是片面追求网点数目的扩张,而是经过了严格的调查,在店址评估上给予受许商指导和监督。麦当劳的研究表明,可能来麦当劳就餐的决定,其中70%是一时冲动,所以麦当劳选择的饭店地点尽可能方便客户的光临。有限的菜单服务项目。每个餐厅的菜单基本相同,而且质量超群,服务优良,清洁卫生,货真价实。提高产品的口味,十分重视食品的质量,不断改进菜谱、佐料。确保各个分店提供食品口味的稳定性,这样无形中固定了产品的内在特殊性,形成顾客对其产品的忠诚度。麦当劳快餐店把为顾客提供周到、便捷的服务放在首位。所有的食物都事先盛放在纸盒或杯里,顾客只需排一次队,就能取得他们所需要的食品。麦当劳在高速公路两旁开设了许多分店,当人们驱车经过时,向距离店面10来米远的通话器报上所需食品,便可以一手拿货,一手交钱,马上又驱车上路。世界各地的所有分店都遵循一种标准化的作业。如食品都严格执行规定的质量标准与操作程序,对制作汉堡、炸土豆条和清理餐桌等工作都进行详实的动作研究,确定工作开展的最好方式,然后再编成书面的规定,用以指导各分店管理人员和一般员工的行为。比较多,请大神帮忙翻译成英语。。谢谢谢谢。。
In 1937, the McDonald brothers (Richard McDonald's Richard McDonald, Morrison McDonald's MauriceMcDonald) in Los Angeles east of Pasadena (Pasadena)began operating in the United States of America wasextremely popular restaurant car, or a scale of simple littlerestaurant in 1940, brother two people in theShengbodingnuo (San Bernardina) opened a larger scalethe big car restaurant, the restaurant covers an area of 600 square feet. To 40 time metaphase, the restauranthas been expanded to accommodate 125 cars, and employs 20 attendants, the menu offers 25 products,annual turnover reached $200000. By 1948, the McDonald brothers have accumulated considerable wealth. In 1951,this small restaurant sales up to $277000, and arrived 50 time metaphase, McDonald's income, up to $350000 a year. In 1955 McDonald's to chain brilliant. Now,McDonald's Corp has more than 32000 restaurants in the world, distributed in more than 120 countries and regions.The McDonald brothers -- Dick Macdonald and Mark MacdonaldRay Klock (Ray Kroc), the first Chief ExecutiveAndrew McKenna (Andrew J. McKenna), non executive chairman of the board of directorsJim Skinner (Jim Skinner), vice chairman of the board of directors and CEOMichael Roberts (Michael Roberts), President and COOThe chain snack famous McDonald's Corp, after 1955,Kroc opened the first McDonald's restaurant, in the United States, chain store and got rapid development, become asuccessful franchise organization. There are more than ten thousand branches worldwide now, approximately every 15hours, the McDonald's Corp to open a new branch. In more than 40 countries, has about
people to patronize McDonald's every day. So what are we to seeMcDonald's support system?The hotel location selection of leading McDonald's Corp. It is not the number of one-sided pursuit of networkexpansion, but after a rigorous investigation, given by the promise of business owners in the guidance and supervision of assessment. McDonald's research suggests, may to McDonald's decision, of which 70% is theimpulse, so McDonald's choice of hotel place as much as possible to facilitate customers.The limited menu of services. Each restaurant's menu is basically the same, but the superior quality, excellent service, cleanliness, genuine goods at a fair price. Improve product flavor, attaches great importance to food quality,continuous improvement, the seasoning recipe. Ensure that all branches to provide stability of the food taste, this fixed internal special product is invisible, customer loyalty to the product.McDonald's fast food restaurant to provide thoughtful,convenient service for customers in the first place. All the food in advance a carton or cup, customers only need to row a team, will be able to get what they need food.McDonald's opened many stores along the highway, when people drive past, to the food needed phone newspapershop 10 meters far distance, can in one hand and goods,on one hand, and immediately drove away.All outlets all over the world to follow a standardizedoperation. Such as food are strict implementation of qualitystandards and operating procedures, are detailed actionresearch for the fabrication of burgers, fries and cleaning the table work, determine the best way to carry out the work, and then into the written rules, to guide the storemanagers and staff behavior.最后推荐:百度在线翻译
我是没有那么多分 已经是最多了。。你觉得多少分可以?我去弄弄
English is now the international language for airline pilots, scientists, medical experts, businessmen and many others. Consequently, more and more people are learning it. The BBC s English teaching radio programmers are broadcast daily to four continents and supplied to radio stations in 120 countries. Films and video are on the air or used in institutions in over 100 countries. All this helps to add more speakers to the estimated 100 million who use English as a second language. The rush to learn English has reached even China. The main reason for the upsurge in interest is the recent increase in China s contacts with the outside world.
Unlike many other widely used languages, English can be correctly used in very simple form with less than one thousand basic words and very few grammatical rules. This was pointed out in the 1920 s by two Cambridge cholars, Ogden and Richards, who devised a system called “Basic English”. Another reason for the popularity of English is that English-speaking countries are spread throughout the world. An estimated 310 million people in Britain. U.S.A., Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. use English as their mother tongue. Also in former British colonial areas in Africa and Asia where many local languages are spoken, no common language has been found which would make a suitable substitute for English.
In Delhi, although nationalists would prefer to phase out the use of English, the man from South India finds English more acceptable than Hindi, while the northerner prefers English to any of the southern languages. Turning from India to Africa, a similar problem exists. However reluctant African nations are to use English and, as it were, subject themselves to a kind of “cultural imperialism”,there seems to be no alternative language which will do the job of communication effectively.
The view that spreading the use of English is entirely beneficial has its opponents. Some teachers who have returned from overseas consider it creates a wider gap between those who are educated and those who have little or no education. Nevertheless, in many parts of the world, the technical and scientific knowledge needed to develop a country s resources and improve people s living conditions,is just not available in the mother tongue. A second language opens the door to the worldˉwide sharing of skills and discoveries in science, engineering and medicine.
As for the future, it seems certain that English in one form or another will be spoken by far more people than it is today. It will doubtless continue to change and develop as a living language always does.
英语现在是飞行员、科学家、医学专家,商人和许多其他人的国际语言。渐渐地,越来越多的人在学英语。BBC的英语教学节目每天对四大洲120个国家进行广播。电影和视频在100多个国家播放。所有的这些帮助估计在1亿以英语为外语的人的基础上增加更多的人。学英语的热潮甚至已经到达中国。中国人学英语的兴趣主要来源于中国与外界的接触逐渐增多。不像其他广泛使用的语言,英语可以用非常简单的形式,不到1000个基础单词和少数语法标准就能正确表达。这是由两个剑桥大学的学者于20世纪20年代提出的。他们是 鄂登和理查德,他们构想出一个系统“基础英语”。另一个英语人数(增加)原因是以英语为母语的国家遍布全球。一个估计大概有三亿一千万的人在英国,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,南非,等将英语作为母语。同样,在非洲和亚洲许多地方是英国殖民地的地方也使用英语作为本地语。一个适当的替补英语的共同语言还未找到。在德里,尽管民族主义者会倾向于淘汰使用英语,但生活于印度南部的人发现英语比印度语更易接受,而北方人喜欢英语甚于南方的任何语言。 同样的问题存在于非洲。无论非洲人怎样抗拒是使用英语,他们就像是在让自己拒绝一种“文化帝国主义&,似乎在有效的交流问题上没有第二个选择的语言。扩张英语使用是完全有利的这个观点是有反对者的。一些从国外学成回来的教室认为它创造了一条鸿沟在受教育者与未受或少受到教育的人之间。无论如何,在世界上许多地方,必要的科技来发展国家资源,改善人们的生存情况,不是就是可利用的母语。(这话别扭来……) 外语打开了一扇大门:世界范围内的技术分享,科学发现,工程学和医学。至于未来,似乎一种或别的形式的英语无疑会有比现在更多的人使用。 毫无疑问,它将继续改变,发展,就像一门生长着的语言一样。终于翻完了…… 粗粗翻了一下,不是字字精确的,但是大意在了,只能如此了,熄灯了
我睡眠不好,难以恢复精力。我去看医生,他提供了一些没有听说过的建议。他说叫伴侣给我按摩,我没有伴侣,只好靠自己。我仰卧躺在床上做渐进性肌肉放松,先绷紧后松开身体各部位,从脚到头。他说打哈欠可能与大脑没有得到足够氧气有关。集中精力做深呼吸可以有助于缓解紧张情绪,少打哈欠。睡前两到三小时内或半夜醒来应避免强光。如果过了20分钟无法入睡,就到另房间做点什么,直到感觉到了睡意。说者容易做者难,我怎么少得了烦心事呢。上大学花了爹妈许多钱,进校那天我就发誓[make an oath]一定要努力学习,我不能让他们失望。我现在就在为通过英语四级考试[CET-4]做准备,我担心过不了。但我想事在人为[It all depends on human effort.or It is the man who disposes.Man proposes,God disposes.].有志者事竟成【Where there is a will,there is a way.】•年轻人应该把主要精力放在学习上。书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。学习好了,今后工作好了,一切都会迎刃而解。[If I read a lot and master a great deal of knowledge,I’ll obtain a satisfactory occupation and so big a salary. If I work hard, I’ll have no trouble falling in love with a beautiful girl,a handsome man.] In the near future,I will buy a beautiful villa and welcome my love,lover with open arms.
I sleep well, difficult to restore energy. I see a doctor, he provided recommendations that are not heard. He said the call partner give me a massage, I do not mate, had to rely on their own. I sit in bed to do progressive muscle relaxation, tension and release the first parts of the body, from feet to the head. He said that yawning may not get enough oxygen to the brain. Focus on deep breathing can help ease the tension, a small yawn. Within two to three hours before going to bed or wake up at night to avoid glare. If you can not sleep over 20 minutes, went to another room to do something, until you feel the drowsiness. That are easy to make those difficult, how do I got less bothering it. Father and mother spent a lot of college money into the school day I swear [make an oath] have to study hard, I can not let them down. I am now in the adoption of CET [CET-4] to prepare, I am not worried. But I think there is nothing [It all depends on human effort.or It is the man who disposes.Man proposes, God disposes.]. There is a way [Where there is a will, there is a way.] • Young people should to focus on learning. Book a house of gold, a beautiful woman in the book. Study well
I sleep well, difficult to restore energy. I see a doctor, he provided recommendations that are not heard. He said the call partner give me a massage, I do not mate, had to rely on their own. I sit in bed to do progressive muscle relaxation, tension and release the first parts of the body, from feet to the head. He said that yawning may not get enough oxygen to the brain. Focus on deep breathing can help ease the tension, a small yawn. Within two to three hours before going to bed or wake up at night to avoid glare. If you can not sleep over 20 minutes, went to another room to do something, until you feel the drowsiness. That are easy to make those difficult, how do I got less bothering it. Father and mother spent a lot of college money into the school day I swear [make an oath] have to study hard, I can not let them down. I am now in the adoption of CET [CET-4] to prepare, I am not worried. But I think there is nothing [It all depends on human effort.or It is the man who disposes.Man proposes, God disposes.]. There is a way [Where there is a will, there is a way.] • Young people should to focus on learning. Book a house of gold, a beautiful woman in the book. Study well, work well in the future, everything will be solved. [If I read a lot and master a great deal of knowledge, I'll obtain a satisfactory occupation and so big a salary. If I work hard, I'll have no trouble falling in love with a beautiful girl, a handsome man. ] In the near future, I will buy a beautiful villa and welcome my love, lover with open arms.祝你学习好!!!(^
i didn't sleep well recently, lack of energy. I went to a doctor, who gave me some advice i'd never even heard of. He suggested my spouse give me some massage, which has to be done by myself as i don't have a spouse. I lie in my bed facing up to gradually ease muscles, with tension and then ease of every part of my body from the top to the bottom. He said yawning might probably have something to do with insufficient air breathing of my brain, intentional deep breath may help relieve nerves and reduce yawning and that I should avoid strong lights in the hours before bed time. If I couldn't fall asleep in 20 minutes, i should do something next door until feeling sleepy. This easy advice as a whole is however hard to obey as my heart always has heavy thoughts. It cost my parents lots of money sending me to college. The first day i was here, i swore i would study hard in order not to disappoint them. And at the present, im preparing for the CET-4 test, which im anxious about not being able to pass. However, i believe that human effort is the decisive factor. And where there is a will,there is a way. The fact is that youngsters should put their energy and focus on books, inside which there are assets as treasure as gold. Good study leads to a good job and all the obstacles will be solved later on.
I can't sleep well, it is difficult to restore energy. I go to see a doctor, he provides some haven't heard of the proposal. He said to call a friend to give me a massage, I have no friends, but to rely on their own. I supine lying in bed doing progressive muscle relaxation, to tighten loosened after each part of the body, from the foot end. He said that yawning may be associated with brain does not get enough oxygen for. Concentrate on doing deep breathing can help to ease the tension, yawn less. Two to three hours before going to bed or wake up at night to avoid glare. If after 20 minutes of sleep, with respect to another room to do, until you feel sleepy. Easier said than done, how do I less troubles. The university has spent a lot of money to school that day Dad, I swear [ make an oath] must study hard, I can't let them down. I'm through English Band Four Test [CET-4 ] to prepare, I fear.But I think human effort is the decisive factor. [It all depends on human effort.or It is the man who disposes.Man proposes, God disposes.]. Weizhizheshijingcheng [ Where there is a will, there is a way. ], young people should put main energy in learning. Gold in the books, the book's own Ruyu yan. Study well, work well, everything will be smoothly done or easily solved. [ If I read a lot and master a great deal of knowledge, I ll obtain a satisfactory ' occupation and so big a salary . If I work hard, I ll have no trouble ' falling in love with a beautiful girl, a handsome man the near future ] In, I will buy a beautiful villa and welcome my love, lover with open arms.
I sleep well, difficult to restore energy. I see a doctor, he provided recommendations that are not heard. He said the call partner give me a massage, I do not mate, had to rely on their own. I sit in bed to do progressive muscle relaxation, tension and release the first parts of the body, from feet to the head. He said that yawning may not get enough oxygen to the brain. Focus on deep breathing can help ease the tension, a small yawn. Within two to three hours before going to bed or wake up at night to avoid glare. If you can not sleep over 20 minutes, went to another room to do something, until you feel the drowsiness. That are easy to make those difficult, how do I got less bothering it. Father and mother spent a lot of college money into the school day I swear [make an oath] have to study hard, I can not let them down. I am now in the adoption of CET [CET-4] to prepare, I am not worried. But I think there is nothing [It all depends on human effort.or It is the man who disposes.Man proposes, God disposes.]. There is a way [Where there is a will, there is a way.] • Young people should to focus on learning. Book a house of gold, a beautiful woman in the book. Study well, work well in the future, everything will be solved. [If I read a lot and master a great deal of knowledge, I'll obtain a satisfactory occupation and so big a salary. If I work hard, I'll have no trouble falling in love with a beautiful girl, a handsome man. ] In the near future, I will buy a beautiful villa and welcome my love, lover with open arms.


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