
87年毕业,男.专业模具设计与制造.中专转大专.中专学的是机电一体化,转大专学的是模具设计制造.在校专业知识,完全是在校混日子,基本很少上课.只对AutoCAD,pro/E.这两软件学的还可以,但只是基础.英语上初中就基础差,现在的英语水平不如小学生,基本文盲.  06年毕业加入一家网络远程教育做销售.做到年底.因为公司的营销模式被认为是传销.主要是招人推销网络学习卡,其实到公司就是让自己买十张上主管.然后可以拓展下员.我买了一张,主要是为了自己用.自己也招了几位学员,业绩30来张.后申请至分公司,拓展了一家江阴分公司.这年算工作中最愉快的半年.因公司受法律的干扰,市场的影响.公司员工基本都离职,我也不利外.  07年.来到上海,做过房产,大概一个月.就离职,感觉那种环境,实在自己受不了.没前途.离职  教育培训公司,聚成集团.本很喜欢企业培训行业.当做了一个月.发现这个行业就是吹虚.自己用手机打电话拓展客户.刚来上来,本钱没有.经验也没有,人脉更没有.做了一个月,离职.后来在一家广告公司做了半个月,因为受不了内部环境,同事的关系.都各自为战.因为工是新手.没人指导.离职.这一年,住同学的,吃同学的.是我一位中学同学,也是兄弟,关系很好.铁哥们.住的民房,一年没吃过三次肉.我同学在印刷厂上班.工资一千,不包住包吃中餐.房租280加电费330左右.他没有任何怨言。我也很对不起他。到年底,因姐要结婚,回家。还是要家寄车费。这是我07年的经历。很残,说不出来的苦。不过自己感觉也成长了点。  08年,做了两份工作,加起来不足三个月。第一份工作,企业短信平台。群发软件。因为国家打击的利害。利润低,底薪1200+10%提成。  因为没有拓展到客户。因为公司算提成时要扣除成本。员工利润很多。就这样,离职。  第二份工作:网络广告,杂志广告销售。一家性门户网站。公司一直都是亏本。二个月一期广告。网上广告都就老板拓展的几家厂商。因为国内厂商有限。做了两个月,没有拓展到客户。不是自己销售不努力,市场问题。全公司员工,就创业元老。手中的几个客户。十月份就离职回家。这年和我的兄弟不住一起。他搬到厂里面去住了。而我租了个楼梯下面,放了张1米左右单人床就没空间。不足5平方。住了两个月。后换房子,不足8平方。这年还是借了我兄弟1600块,借另一位同学1500。家里600块。加上三个月工资50。就这样过了一年。房租470,还有位同学一起分担。  09年。一份工作。做蛋,米,月饼团购销售。主要是推荐员工福利方面的发放。做了一个月离职。主要原因是看不到发展,很难拓展客户。因为公司主要是经营米和蛋。月饼没有品牌。价格158又贵。月饼主要是公司用蛋和米换来的。因为很多企业发放员工福利都是OK卡  ,红包。主要是公司产品不适合做企业员工福利方面发放。这年向家里要800块。姐500块。那个兄弟1900块。另一个兄弟1000块。加工作一个月的工资1500块。至今身上160块钱。25号交房租250包电费。头脑好痛。真不知道该怎么办!头脑现在都不怎么思考。  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  大哥 你当年的情况和我现在一模一样啊,我现在失业了,正愁着呢·!
  @ynyasp88 有你喜欢看的
  Though professional women have certainly made strides sincethe Don
Draper–era male domination of the workplace, femalesstill earn just 81 percent
of men. This figure from a 2010 U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics survey, shows
that women need towork harder to pull even with males. Thus, it's crucial
thatwomen entering the work force—or who seek greater jobsatisfaction—choose
career paths carefully. Here's a list of thetop industries for women now.
  According to the U.S. Department of Labor, women will make significant
strides in the work forceby 2014; the agency's recent report stated: “The male
labor force is projected to grow by 9.1percent from 2004 to 2014, compared with
10.9 percent for women.” One industry that is alreadyheavily dominated by women
is health care. The percentage of women in this field is 78womens'
average annual earnings are $32,149; and the job growth projected by 2014 is
  Women tend to dominate in the employment-services sector, which includes
staffing services andrecruitment positions as well as in-house human-resources
professionals. Generally speaking,women are better at listening to and
empathizing with others, both skills are a huge part of thisindustry. The
percentage of women in the employment-services sector is 57.4
theiraverage earnings are $21,320; and growth of employment for women in this
field is expect tojump a whopping 45.5 percent by 2014. This is a great industry
for women seeking job security.
  The educational-services field is very female-friendly, and includes
positions such as teachers andtutors and school administrators. Teaching
children has always been a popular job for professionalwomen in America, but now
female domination of the sector has gone up through collegeprofessorship and
beyond. The educational-services industry is comprised of an impressive
69 their average female employee's earnings are $36,370; and the
growth ofwomen employed in this field by 2014 is projected to rise by 16.6
  The careers that make up the social-assistance field are wide and varied
(the figures here excludechild day-care workers), but all involve helping people
in need. The job options include suchwide-ranging options as government-employed
social workers, behavioral-health counselors atresidential treatment facilities
for the mentally ill or substance-addicted, and social-security-benefitcase
managers. The percentage of women in this field is an impressive 73.8
the annualaverage earnings for women is $22,979; and the projected growth for
women in this sector is32.6 percent by 2014.
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[摘要]当你在从商场回家的路上经历后悔购买这种感觉时,返回商场退掉又贵又不是很需要的夹克衫是很容易的。但当你在新工作的第一天体会到这种后悔的感觉时,扭转局势就有点棘手了。When you experience buyer's remorse on your way home from the shopping mall, it's easy enough to go back and return that expensive jacket you don't really need. But when you feel that same pang of regret on your first day at a new job, reversing the situation is a bit trickier. 当你在从商场回家的路上经历后悔购买这种感觉时,返回商场退掉又贵又不是很需要的夹克衫是很容易的。但当你在新工作的第一天体会到这种后悔的感觉时,扭转局势就有点棘手了。According to Patrick King, a communications expert and business author, it's not uncommon to start a new job and immediately want to quit. 根据沟通专家和商业作家帕特里克·金的说法,开始一份新工作之后立刻想辞职是非常正常的。"There are three main reasons this happens," he says. "First, because the job was a 'fallback,' and the dream opportunity finally pulled through ... just a few days too late. Second, because of interpersonal, culture, or 'fit' issues. And third, because the job was misrepresented during the interview process."“导致这件事发生有三个主要原因,”他说,“首先,因为这份工作是‘后备品’,梦想的机会终于到来了...只是为时太晚。其次,因为人际关系、文化背景、或是‘适应’问题。第三,因为这份工作不像在面试中描述的那样。”If you find yourself in one of these situations and desperately want to quit, here's how to go about it:如果你发现自己处于这几种情况之下,并且拼命地想要辞职,下面会告诉你该如何做:Don't act without thinking别冲动行事Give it a few days (or weeks) before you decide what you really want to do.留出几天(或者几周)的时间决定自己真正想做什么。Sure, you might be tempted to quit on the spot after you get that call from your dream employer telling you they'd like to offer you a job —but don't.的确,在接到你梦寐以求的雇主的电话,告诉你他们想提供给你一份工作时,你可能想立即辞掉现在的工作。但是不要这样做。No matter what the situation (unless, of course, your new employer is doing something illegal or entirely unethical or unsafe), take some time to consider all your options and weigh the pros and cons of staying.不管是什么情况(当然了,除非你的新雇主做的是非法或者完全不道德、不安全的事情),花一些时间去考虑所有你可做的选择,权衡留下来的利弊。"The first step is to decide whether you are reacting emotionally, or thinking objectively," says King. "It's often a thin line."“第一步先确定这是情感反应,还是客观思考的结果,”金说。“这通常是很难区分的。”The second step, he says, is to consider whether the situation will or can improve.第二步是确定情况是否会或将会有好转,他说。If the answer is "no," follow the next six steps.如果答案是“不”,就按照接下来的六个步骤来做。Don't burn bridges别自断后路When a company hires you, it's a big investment of time and money. So, chances are, they won't be thrilled when you quit a few days in.当一个公司雇用你,将会投入很大的时间和金钱成本。所以,如果你刚工作几天就辞职,他们会不太高兴。But don't make things even worse by quitting in an unprofessional manner.但别因为不专业的辞职方式而把事情变得更糟。You never know when you might cross paths with these people again —or if you may want to return to this company later in your career —so whatever you do, don't burn any bridges.你永远不知道什么时候会再遇上这些人,或者也许你之后想要再回到这家公司。所以无论你做什么,都别自断后路。You may feel like you owe the new employer nothing (especially if you're quitting because they misrepresented the role, or they're not treating you well) but it's always a good idea to be the bigger person.你可能觉得自己不欠新雇主什么(尤其是当你因为他们没有恰当描述工作职责,或是他们没有恰当地对待你而辞职时),但把自己形象塑造的高大一些总不是坏事。Do it in person亲力亲为"Give them the courtesy of seeing your face when you resign," says King. "Often, emotions are misinterpreted or entirely left out over email, so do it in person to avoid misunderstanding. There are no magic tricks to avoid the inevitable negative impression or impact you'll create, but you can at least control how you will be interpreted."“当你辞职时,作为礼貌应该当面进行,”金说。“通过邮件的方式,情绪常常会被误解或是完全不能被表达。所以亲自去做这件事,以避免被误解。没有什么魔法技巧能消除你带来的不可避免的消极印象或影响,但你至少可以控制自己的解释。”Give at least 2 weeks notice至少提前两周通知Again, you may not feel like you need to be loyal to this new employer, and it may be awkward to stick around after quitting days into the new gig, but one way to avoid burning bridges is to give the company some time to find a replacement.再一次重申,你可能不觉得自己需要忠实于新雇主,而且在提出辞职之后再逗留似乎很奇怪,但避免自断后路的一个方法是给公司一些时间去寻找替代者。They may tell you to leave that day (great!) but you should at least offer to stick around for the next 10 workdays.他们可能会告诉你当天离开(太棒了!),但你至少应该再坚持10个工作日。Explain why you've made the decision to leave, but only say as much as you need to解释为何你做出离开的决定,只说必要原因Don't point fingers and place blame. Instead, explain how you are feeling and why you've decided to move on. For instance, rather than, "You lied about what this job entails," try something like, "I was under the impression the role would require A, B, and C, when in fact it involves X, Y, and Z, which I am not comfortable doing because ... "不要指指点点,不要责备。相反,解释自己的感受以及为什么做出离开的决定。比如,相较于“你在工作职责上说谎”,试试“我记得这个工作岗位要求A,B和C,但事实上它需要了X,Y和Z,我不是很适应因为...”"Try to remain objective and unemotional," King suggests.“尽量保持可观和理智,”金建议。Offer to help find your replacement主动帮忙找到自己的接班人Hopefully they can still call another top-tier candidate who was in the running for your job to offer them the position —but if not, let them know you're happy to help find a replacement.幸运的是,他们仍然可以打给其他人,给寻找与你相同岗位的候选人工作的机会。但如果不是这样,让他们知道你很乐意帮忙寻找替代者。Leave them in a good place给其他人留下好的工作环境After you offer to help find a replacement, also offer to assist them in re-distributing your work and with the transition.在你帮助寻找替代者之后,还要帮助替代者分配工作,做好交接。"Leave notes for your successor or whoever will have to take over your workload," says King. You won't regret making the process as easy and painless as possible for everyone involved. “给你的接班人或是接替你工作的人留下笔记,”金说。对涉及到的每个人,把流程尽可能变得简单和直接,你不会后悔这么做的。声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江()原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
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