
提及nike,大家最熟悉的一定是气垫了。一直以来,nike的气垫技术一直是各类运动鞋配置的主打,从第一双气垫篮球鞋Air Force 1到大名鼎鼎的Air Jordan系列,各类各型的气垫技术让众多消费者眼花缭乱趋之若鹜。nike主要的气垫种类有:Air-sole:最基本的气垫,通常为内置,少数后掌开窗。长度有全掌、3/4长、前半掌、后半掌等,AJ系列的前11代无一例外都是此相技术。历久弥新的气垫技术,现在仍应用于新开发的低端运动鞋及复刻鞋中。Air max:说白了就是气压更大、气量更足的开窗气垫,结构上与Air-sole基本相似,原理相似,多为全掌或者后掌。一般来说脚感较生硬,较沉,直到air max 180、360技术在近几年成熟之后才有所转变。衍生气垫包括air max 180、air max 360等等,最新的Lebron X采用了zoom max开窗气垫,具体的细节还需试目以待。Zoom:个人认为绝对是nike气垫家族中的佼佼者,从重量到脚感都十分优越,常见的有全掌,后掌,后掌加厚、后掌麻将形,前掌扇形,前掌鹅蛋型等等。zoom气垫的原理与sole和max不大相同,在zoom中加入了一层弹性纤维,纤维并不是支撑作用,而是拉伸状态,以保持气垫的形状均匀,在发力时迅速的给予双脚减震及反馈,zoom气垫多见于nike高端运动鞋款式,其轻质的特性甚至被运用在足球鞋缓震上。衍生起点包括cage zoom、zoom max。除了气垫之外,nike也有物理减震的科技,如红极一时的Shox气柱:随着Vince Carter在2000年奥运会的死亡之扣,他脚下的Shox BB4也一炮而红。shox基本上就是空心的橡胶柱依次排列,多为全掌或者后掌4、6柱。nike为卡特推出了一系列shox签名鞋,都为当时最贵、比肩AJ正代的高端款式。shox给当时的消费者一种可以“跳得更高”的美好幻想,当时除了卡特,小奥尼尔等等一系列耐克当家球星也纷纷穿上了shox。但随着卡特的状态随着伤病而急剧下降,大家对Shox技术也开始提出质疑,甚至传言有研究报告证明shox对膝盖创伤极大,shox也慢慢地随着时间的推移而消失在大家的视线,虽然近几年nike也推出了由气垫改良的shox,但市场反应平平。Phylon:最最基本的中底泡沫科技,轻质,不耐用,现在一般来说都配合air填充中底。最近nike大肆鼓吹的技术就是Lunarlon了,现在Lunarlon加飞线技术几乎统治了nike的高端跑鞋、训练鞋。adi的物理缓震技术,尽管如今趋于没落,但是NIKE的SHOX跟ADI的bounce还是红极一时的。SHOX原理就是几根弹力柱,上面是TPU板来均匀分配力量,不但篮球鞋,跑鞋也有采用,是当年NIKE打造的高端系列。但是他的缺点也很明显,脚感不是很好,鞋底比较高,尤其是稳定性饱受诟病,也逐渐走入了没落。为了对抗耐克在世纪之交推出的Shox技术,阿迪达斯在2002年也同时开始将目光投到市场广阔的结构减震领域。凭借更加柔软的材质和立体架构,在原理类似的基础上。a3展现出了比其他结构减震更出色的舒适性。 其中第一双采用全掌a3科技的篮球鞋 adidas a3 Superstar Ultra更是成为2003年最为成功的篮球鞋之一。
据传这双鞋是为詹姆斯设计的,但是小皇帝最后签约了耐克,而 加内特用健健康康的82场也证明了这是一双优秀的球鞋。
鞋底比较高,少数后掌开窗,结构上与Air-sole基本相似,一般配合AIR填充中底。但是缺点也很明显。通常为内置,是当年NIKE打造的高端系列,跑鞋也有采用,在ZOOM中加入了一层弹性纤维,不但篮球鞋。AIR MAX,当时推出的a3 superstar ultra由加内特和邓肯代言。SHOX原理就是几根弹力柱,就是脚感不是很好,NIKE也有物理减震的科技,轻质,前者更强调反弹,如红极一时的SHOX气柱,在发力时迅速的给予双脚减震及反馈,以保持气垫的形状均匀,最终逐渐没落,尤其是稳定性饱受诟病。ZOOM气垫的原理与Sole和MAX不大相同。之后阿迪开发了Bounce系列。 ZOOM、气量更足的开窗气垫:了就是气压更大,是以高压方式将NIKE AIR气体灌入一个坚韧的合成橡胶层内而制成。除了气垫之外:AIR-Sole。NIKE主要的气垫种类有。Adidas最经典而且一直被使用至今的技术就是千年不变的adiprene+和adiprene减震胶,ZOOM气垫多见于NIKE高端运动鞋款式总的来说,不耐用,这是当时阿迪为对抗耐克SHOX所出的减震科技,上面是TPU板来均匀分配力量,后者更强调缓震,而是拉伸状态,纤维并不是支撑作用:NIKE气垫家族中的佼佼者。 现在我们谈谈Adidas,阿迪缓震靠缓震胶。NIKE的Phylon是一种最基本的中底泡沫科技,多见于跑鞋和篮球鞋,但由于工艺问题次鞋被全球召回,同属于机械力学避震系统,阿迪的缓震技术几乎都是这两种技术为支撑的基于鞋底结构的一些变形:最基本的气垫,该系列更加结构化,其轻质的特性甚至被运用在足球鞋缓震上。 当然还有Bounce,推出之后口碑不错,耐克缓震靠气垫
nike是用气垫来缓震 Adidas是用一种叫boost泡沫科技来缓震 如果你是体积比较大点就比较推荐nike 70以下的比较推荐Adidas
出门在外也不愁阿迪达斯formotion CLIMAPROOF active Formotion BOUNCE 四大功能的英文介绍尽快 最好现在
Adidas Footwear TechnologiesForMotion® heel system A freely moving heel system that is de-coupled allowing your foot to adapt to the ground and adjust to your movement for a smoother,balanced touchdown.FORMOTION™ (apparel) This material is three-dimensionally engineered to move naturally with your body.ForMotion™ 3-D A technology based design that places compression fabrics in specific body locations to control and enhance muscle activity,while maintaining proper form.FORMOTION™ Heel System A freely moving heel system that is de-coupled,allowing your foot to adapt to the ground for improved handling and stability,adjusting to your movements for a smoother,more balanced touchdown.BOUNCE™ Technology BOUNCE™ replaces traditional foam midsole material with bouncy,structured elements that stretch and pop back to launch you into your next step.Bounce® feels great and packs explosive energy into every step.Clima365™ This temperature-controlling system combines three key pieces
ClimaCool®,ClimaWarm®,and ClimaProof®.The result is apparel that maintains an optimal body temperature,in whatever season you train.ClimaCool® Supplies ventilation and moisture management to create a cooling effect.Increases breathability,and reduces discomfort due to moisture build-up and overheating.When in bags helps to be rlaxed by padding and unique desing to throw out heat from the spine.Used in bags.ClimaProof® ClimaProof® is breathable weather protection that optimizes body temperature and keeps you at peak performance in even the harshest of wind,rain and storm conditions by acting as a barrier to the elements while allowing heat and sweat to escape through evaporation.BounceUses the same technology as the a3 system.And therefore offers the same technical benefits.In a bounce shoe the structure units connect directly to the heal counter.With the lowered sockliner chassis,the foot is closer to the cushioning elements.This provides the athlete with an even softer,more comfortable ride and a better energy return - the Bounce effect.ClimaCoolClimaCool is a system combining moisture-managing materials and ventilation in key areas.ClimaCool creates an efficient system for the evaporation of sweat and 360?ventilation to help regulate an athlete鈥檚 body temperature for improved efficiency and comfort.ClimaProofClimaProof is a system which offers wind and water protection as the main benefit to the athlete.The typical construction is to use a breathable coating on the surface of a shoe鈥檚 upper material.Ventilation is integrated into key heat and sweat zones,in some cases supported by use of ClimaLite lining for moisture transport.ForMotion™The ForMotion™ system reduces your foot鈥檚 pronation velocity and knee rotation.The key to ForMotion™ footwear is the active ForMotion™ element in the midsole.It adjusts to your sport motion in order to let your foot adapt more naturally to the landing surface.At any angle of touchdown,a pair of radiused,sliding plates in the midsole begin to slow horizontal forces the moment your foot touches ground.Your foot experiences a much smoother,more natural touchdown with every step,and minimises potentially harmful knee stress.With ForMotion™,adidas is the first-ever brand to deliver a shoe that adapts to both horizontal and vertical impact forces to provide comfort and control in all three dimensions.geoFIT™Anatomically placed foam pads (which are made of long memory foam) wrap around the heel and follow the form of the foot,evenly distributing pressure for an improved fit,increased comfort and an enhanced sense of security and stability.geoFIT™ offers a wide variety of benefits to an athlete including enhanced comfort,better heel fit and better pressure distribution around the entire rearfoot and midfoot section.geoFIT FrameA chassis construction that has a TORSION® SYSTEM bar which extends to the heel and acts as an external heel counter,providing superior stability so there is no need for an internal heel counter,thus saving on weight.To improve fit and comfort in the heel,an anatomically shaped,moulded EVA piece is added creating a one-piece upper and lining.Traditionally,when constructing heels an internal heel counter is inserted between upper material and lining.NoSeamA technology bonds the frame of the shoe directly onto the upper forefoot area and eliminates the need for seams and overlays.This increases the shoes performance in 2 major ways:Support:In the moulding process,the material thickness and geometry can be adjusted to get the exact amount of support needed for the shoe,enhancing both performance and protection.Protection:The impact-resistant qualities of NoSeam protect feet from impact and injuries.Because TPU material is more protective than standard overlay materials,NoSeam can be designed to protect in areas as needed.QuickStrikeAn outsole construction that provides a light,durable outsole with a higher abrasion resistance than expanded rubber and compares well against heavier carbon rubber.The material is moulded directly onto a thin textile base which functions the same as a traditional,heavier,rubber base.The QuickStrike outsole improves overall cushioning as each lug can deflect and absorb impact force.,QuickStrike manufacturing is extremely precise.Every shoe size has a correctly scaled outsole for exact,consistent location of lugs for excellent durability.TORSION Systemadidas TORSION System provides mid-foot integrity while allowing enhanced surface adaptation and stability.High performance athletic footwear must protect and support the foot while still allowing it to function in a natural manner.The TORSION System is now specific to linear or lateral sport motions,supporting the midfoot and serving as a platform for extended control,fit,or protection elements.TraxionThe TRAXION® outsole design was originally developed for football where its tapered shape provides excellent ground penetration without the typical stud pressure football boots place on the foot.TRAXION ® is now offered in numerous adidas sports including Trail Running,Golf,Adventure,Walking,and Training where the requirements of grip,protection and pressure distribution for the foot are similar.
使用相同的技术,为A3系统。 因此提供相同的技术优势。 在弹跳鞋的结构单元直接连接到愈合计数器。 随着降低鞋垫机箱,脚接近缓冲元件。 这提供了运动员与更柔软,更舒适的乘坐感和更好的能源回报 - 弹跳效果。
ClimaCool的是水分管理在关键领域的材料和通风相结合的制度。 的ClimaCool创建一个高效的系统,蒸发的汗水和360? 通风,以帮助提高效率和舒适度,调节运动员的体温。
CLIMAPROOF是一个系统,它提供了对运动员的主要好处的风和水的保护。 典型的结构是使用可透气的鞋的鞋面材料的表面上的涂层。 通风主要热和潮湿的区被集成到,在某些情况下得到水汽输送CLIMALITE衣料使用。
FORMOTION™系统可以减少你的脚的内旋速度和膝的旋转。FORMOTION™鞋类产品的关键是主动的FORMOTION™元件中底。 调整你的运动运动,为了让你的脚更自然地适应着陆表面。 在任何角度触地,一对圆角,滑动板,中底开始放缓的水平力的那一刻你的脚接触到地面。你的脚经历了一个更平滑,更自然的触地得分的每一步,并最大限度地减少潜在的有害膝盖应力。 FORMOTION™,阿迪达斯品牌有史以来第一次提供一个鞋适应水平和垂直方向的冲击力,在所有三个维度提供舒适性和操控。
解剖学放置海绵垫(长记忆泡沫)环绕脚跟和脚的形式,改进适合的压力均匀分布,提高了舒适性和增强的安全性和稳定感。 geoFIT™提供各种各样的好处,一个运动员,包括增强的舒适度,更好的的脚后跟配合和更好的围绕整个后足和足弓部分的压力分布。
的底盘结构具有TORSION®系统栏延伸到脚跟并作为外部鞋跟计数器,提供超强的稳定性,因此不存在需要进行内部的鞋跟计数器,从而节省重量。 为了改善在脚跟的合身和舒适,解剖学形状的模制EVA片添加创建一个单件的上部和衣料。 传统上,当构建内部鞋跟高跟鞋鞋面材料和衬里之间插入计数器。
sohu,不同的是adiPRENE +更有弹性。adiPRENE+a——didas的减震科技.com/r-qiuxie--2。adiPRENE +与adiPRENE技术相近,可以将冲击化为弹力释放 vario 3条横状钉 密度不同 可以自己调节 前后顺序 来改变缓振 a3 bounce 进化后的 a3 structure gcs 地面控制系统 gcs road gcs trail 2者都用于跑鞋 formotion 用于篮球鞋 adidas_1 电子芯片控制 缓振 torsion system 用于稳定 链接 前后掌 天足 hug 无鞋带 环抱技术 http。adiPRENE是一种被设计用来提供穿着者在走路时减震需要的弹性材料.htmladiPRENE——adidas的减震科技./r-qiuxie--2.sohu.sports://club://clubadidas,并且一般被设计用来提供更好的前掌动力
s 大小位置密度厚度不同的phylon住构成的独立且互相配合的柱状减震 free 赤足 foam 一次成型鞋面 碳板 内靴 等等 adidasnike: air sole 内置气垫 max air 大容量气垫 zoom air 冲击型超薄气垫 shox 弹簧减震住 i.p: adiprene 后掌缓振eva材料 adiprene+前掌 缓振
3D Fabrics 3D Fabrics: 具有三维结构的面料,能够使空气靠近皮肤表层自由流动,带走热量和汗水,为比赛或训练中的人提供最佳的散热作用。
(adidas Drainage System) a.D.S (adidas Drainage System): a.D.S. 主要用于 Adventure 产品系列中,是一个与鞋的中底合为一体并已获专利的系统多孔的内中底能够在潮湿条件下实现最充分的水分排出。
a3: 一种由独立压模组件构成的中底系统可在整个跨步过程中起到缓冲、导向和推进的作用。
Structure a3 Structure: 与传统缓冲系统相比,结构性中底组件能够提供更稳定、更长久的缓冲和支撑作用。根据运动类型、运动阶段和运动员身体类型的不同,这些中底组件中还加入了特别的缓冲保护和稳定性功能。
adiFit adiFit: 婴儿和儿童鞋的一种...
减震的主要还是adiprene 和 adiprene+都是橡胶科技,从麦六开始还有个Formation科技。
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