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It was the simplest of mistakes with the steepest of consequences. Two teenagers were drinking in Chicopee, Mass., Saturday afternoon when they set off to find a friend, according to authorities. Whether it was the booze or the sheer similarity of the neighborhood’s low-slung homes, the teens somehow ended up at the wrong house. One of the teenagers, a 15-year-old boy, banged on the door. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out from inside the house, and the boy slumped on the porch with a bullet to his belly. The boy died at a hospital. He has not yet been identified. The homeowner, 42-year-old Jeffrey Lovell, was arrested and charged with murder, according to the Chicopee Police Department. Although Lovell’s
Washington Post
With Canada’s new Express Entry program, you can immigrate within 6 months! Start your immigration process with an Assessment determining Eligibility
As the Republican National Convention gets underway, it seems like a good time to take stock of the state of the race with three major national polls, each of which were released yesterday. Hillary Clinton: 46% (unchanged since June) Hillary Clinton: 47% (down from 51% in June) Hillary Clinton: 49% (up from 47% in June) And so, on the eve of the Republicans’ convention, Clinton’s lead is getting smaller in one poll, getting bigger in another, and staying the same in a third. When we talk about the importance of averages, this is why. Note, each of these polls was conducted after FBI Director James Comey condemned Clinton’s email server protocols, leading to brutal media coverage of the Democrat.
CNBC's Meg Tirrell reports on a new way Zika can be transmitted.
CNBC Videos
Hi, my name is Kyle and I’m one of NASA’s rocket scientists working on the Juno program. As you might have heard , on the Fourth of July our satellite entered Jupiter’s orbit and is working around the clock to provide us with as much information as possible before its planned deorbit into Jupiter’s atmosphere in February. This is a truly historic opportunity and already, we’ve got some absolutely fascinating feedback from our probe. Thankfully, Cameron was kind enough to allow me to commandeer his article here at Paste to let you, the public, in on some of the amazing new facts that we now know about the fifth planet from the sun. Here is a small selection from the dozens of new things we’ve
AMC Networks has presented about 200 employees with a voluntary buyout option, TheWrap has confirmed.
The company expects about a 10-20 percent acceptance rate from staff members with 10 or more years experience, per a spokesperson, though it could obviously
A 9-year-old girl whose mom was killed when a suspected drunken driver plowed into the family’s car in Queens on Sunday doesn’t know her mother is dead yet and keeps asking for her, relatives said Monday. “[She] is asking for her mother, and we can’t tell her,’’ said cousin Tariq Lallmohamed, 20, noting that little Sara Rasool was “very attached” to her 40-year-old mom, Zaalika Rasool, and is still recovering from her own injuries. Sara, her mother and her father, Azaan Rasool, were heading home from a mosque around 5 p.m. when a driver in a BMW blew through a stop sign at a high speed before slamming into the rear of their car in Ozone Park, authorities and witnesses said. Rasool was behind
New York Post
Donald Trump and Mike Pence sat down with CBS's Lesley Stahl on Sunday night -- the duo's first joint interview since the real estate mogul officially named the Indiana governor as his running mate on Friday.
The interview, which aired on &60 Minutes,& was a Trump tour de force. Also, Pence was there. Using Genius, I annotated it. You can, too! Sign up for Genius and annotate alongside me! To see an annotation, click or tap the highlighted part of the transcript. LESLEY STAHL:
First of all, Governor Pence, congratulations. GOVERNOR MIKE PENCE: Thank you. LESLEY STAHL: This is probably come as -- a huge, life-changing moment for you. GOVERNOR MIKE PENCE: It has. It's -- very, very humbling and
Washington Post
When Gov. Rick Scott recently asked President Obama to declare a federal emergency over the toxic algae catastrophe coating South Florida's coasts, my head nearly exploded. It is the zenith of hypocrisy for Gov. Scott to plead for federal assistance on the algae bloom catastrophe when his entire record is hacking, whittling, and chopping federal authority into little, little pieces. And not just a specifically federal rules to regulate fertilizers and specifically federal actions to hold Florida accountable. Many decades ago, the U.S. EPA &delegated& full responsibility to Florida to manage the state's water pollution regulations while preserving the federal right to protect
The Huffington Post更新网页缓存&注:开放内页查询
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  其实,咱们中国也有自己的Google Earth。
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  自从Google Earth出现之后,环游地球不再需要80天,也不再需要担心被无良旅行社欺骗,在电脑屏幕前就可以看到地球的各个角落。为新手介绍了Google Earth的使用方法,则是论坛中的人气话题。
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