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Middle MFer(LV.1), 积分 219, 距离下一级还需 181 积分
TOEFL成绩0 分阅读权限70主题精华0积分219帖子
题目: Are widely held views often wrong, or are such views more likely to be correct?
Referring to the widely held views, we always considered them as permanent truths for they have stood the test of time and gained the support all through the history. However, whether views are correct doesn't depand on how much time or how many people have been upholding them, but on intrinsic value of themselves. Thus, these seemingly widely opinions are always worth questioning.
More than a century ago, Henry Ford was a name that symbolized the car industry of America. It was the assembly line that transformed him from an callow merchant filled with ambition to a real tycoon. Assembly line, however, didn't come to be recognized easily for the views that were valued for centuries by many renowned artisans about the way of production is that each person makes the whole product, rather than only part of it. Against all the odds, Henry Ford didn't compromise but adhere to his own opinion without hesitation. It's soon discovered that though assembly line decreased the productivity as individuals, it greatly increased the productivity as the whole. And comparing to the old widely held view, assembly line was more adaptable to the modern day. Had Henry preferred the widely held idea to his sparsely held idea, he would not have performed such a feat.
By the same token, John Nash also found his way to succeed by querying the so-called widely held view. Before 1950, Adam Smith was long esteemed as 'the Father of Game Theory' due to a well-known book called The Wealth of Nation by him in which he demonstrated &perfect competition& which was universally acknowledged. John Nash, on the contrary, did not follow the mainstream at that time. In that book he found one sentence-&Individual ambition serves the common good& meaning that when one pursue his only goals, the whole group will benefit from that and be improved effectively.-was doubtful. Rather than shrinking back from the adversity, John Nash, a ordinary mathematician, wrote a 28-page thesis to contradicted this idea. As a result, he not only succeeded as a famous economist but also created his own theory &Nash Equilibrium&. Had Nash backed off to compromise, he would not have left his footprint on the history.
In the light of the stories above, it turned out that widely held views may not always be widely held. History proves that advancement is only possible when individuals question the validity of widely held beliefs and practices, or refuse to take at face value the words in those opinions.&&
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Middle MFer(LV.1), 积分 219, 距离下一级还需 181 积分
TOEFL成绩0 分阅读权限70主题精华0积分219帖子
题目:Can deception—pretending that something is true when it is not—sometimes have good results?
Deception is usually defined as a negative word. Because through out the history, it seems that deception is involved in the dark side of human nature with infinite conspiracy and avarice. However, when deception is associated with some unspeakable love, concern or well-meaning purpose, is truth should always be told? I can hardly say yes. Literature abounds with such examples.&&
Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, once lead a happy and carefree life. It is the sudden death of his father, King Hamlet, who is most esteemed and revered by him that ended such days. His uncle Claudious, however, came to the throne with his mother Gertrude, to everyone’s shock, married to him extremely soon after the demise of King Hamlet. With the mixture of feelings of sorrow at the bereavement and indignation at the incest, Hamlet is seeking revenge for his father’s murder after the truth is later informed by the Ghost of his father. Furious as he is, he disguises his feelings by pretending to be a madman, rather than just losing his mind, in order to confuse his uncle who is always keeping a close watch on him. It is the camouflage that enables Claudious to consider Hamlet not as a threat posed to him anymore and eventually provided Hamlet with the opportunity to revenge. Given these circumstances, deception doesn’t act as a resistance but as an assistance with which Hamlet got a chance to avenge his father’s death.
By the same token. Johnsy inhabits in an art colony in Greenwich Village, where pneumonia is prevalent among the people. Stricken with the terrible disease, Johnsy gives up all her desire to live. Outside her window resides a run-down wall where an old ivy vine with only a few leaves remaining hangs on. Convinced that she will die when the last leaf falls, Johnsy watched the vine, desperate and hopeless. This morbid obsession concerns her warm-hearted neighbor Mr. Berhman, an old painter still dreaming of drawing his masterpiece. Much to her astonishment, however, the last leaf seems to adhere firmly to the wall without any sign of withering. Regarding this as a symbol of hope, Johnsy gradually ameliorates her conditions. On the contrary, Mr. Berhman contracts pneumonia and died soon in the hospital due to it. It‘s later discoveredt that the cause of his illness is that he stayed up all rainy night to draw that leaf of life and death on the wall as vividly as possible. Had the old painter not painted a fake leaf on the wall, Johnsy would not gather such courage and hope.
While totally deceived, we should always seek for the real purpose for the so-called deception. With the successful revenge of Hamlet and the recover of Johnsy, we can draw a conclusion that not shedding light on the truth may also lead to happy endings. It is not the deception but the real heart beneath it that decided the results.
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Do people have to be highly competitive in order to succeed?According to a theory ”survival of the fittest ”, all animals, including human, have to be highly competitive and skillful in order to buttress the adversities exerted from outside world. While the fruit is too limited to be separately evenly, the strongest can always get the most quantities, in another word, the fruit of success
Sometimes success is a synonnon to desire and one must be tough enough to fulfill his desire. In George Owell’s novel ”animal farm”, pig Napoleon and pig Snowball are in the both hierarchy------leader of all animals. At first, they are quite equal. But Napoleon regarded Snowball as his latent antagonist and trained some dogs, of cause in stealth, to bolster his abilities. Finally, with 9 dogs aiding him, he managed to exiled snowball from the animal farm, succeeding in reaching the triumph of the farm. It is Napoleon’s competitive skills, the dogs, that prompted such compaign while the week snowball, without weapons and animals fighting for him, was no match for such overwhelming power. A robust source of power can also be regarded as something competitive. After exiling the Snowball, the spiritual leader of the farm, Napoleon didn’t regard it as safe. The career of success had not ended since he had to consolidate his position. On the contrast, he even brood more dogs and brought them under his command. He was so power-overwhelming that he could slaughter any animal that objected to it, diminishing any exotic rebellion thought. Just imagine, the only way through which a emperor can repress riot is producing more and more armies. It is quite a reasonable truth that a tyrannical king has a much more powerful troop than that of an exiled king. Power ensures the possibilities of success.&&In general, it is necessary to be tougher and tenacious when in a competition. Otherwise, you are the one to be trampled
TOEFL成绩2757 分最后登录精华40主题积分8779阅读权限100注册时间帖子
TOEFL成绩2757 分阅读权限100主题精华40积分8779帖子
Do people have to be highly competitive in order to succeed?
According to a theory”survival of the fittest”, all animals, including human, have to be highly competitive and skillful in order to buttress是support的意思,,与句子意思相反了 the adversities exerted 用在这里不合适,意为发挥运用from outside world. While the fruit is too limited to be separately divided evenly, the strongest can always get the most quantities,删去 in another word, the fruit of success
Sometimes success is a synonnon 拼写to desire and one must be tough enough to fulfill his desire. In George Owell’s novel ”animal farm”, pig Napoleon and pig Snowball are in the both same hierarchy------leader of all animals. At first, they are quite equal. But Napoleon regarded Snowball as his latent antagonist and trained some dogs, of cause in stealth, to bolster his abilities. Finally, with 9 dogs aiding him, he managed to exiled snowball from the animal farm, succeeding in reaching the triumph of the farm. It is Napoleon’s competitive skills, the dogs, that prompted such compaign 拼写while the week weak snowball 大写,without weapons and animals fighting for him, was no match for such overwhelming power.
A robust source of power can also be regarded as something competitive. After exiling the Snowball, the spiritual leader of the farm, Napoleon didn’t regard it as safe. The career of success had not ended since he had to consolidate his position. On the contrast, he even brood more dogs and brought them under his command. He was so power-overwhelming that he could slaughter any animal that objected to it, diminishing any exotic rebellion thought. Just imagine, the only way through which a an emperor can repress riot is producing more and more armies. It is quite a reasonable truth that a tyrannical king has a much more powerful troop than that of an exiled king. Power ensures the possibilities of success.
In general, it is necessary to be tougher and tenacious when in a competition. Otherwise, you are the one to be trampled
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TOEFL成绩1 分最后登录精华0主题积分153阅读权限50注册时间帖子
Junior MFer(LV.3), 积分 153, 距离下一级还需 47 积分
TOEFL成绩1 分阅读权限50主题精华0积分153帖子
Do people truly benefit from hardship and misfortune?
Even though misfortunes usually afflict us and no one would like to suffer hardship, mishap and failure can provide us with useful experience and lesson. An enormous amount of success is based on failure and mishap.
In 1950s, De Havilland, the precursor of the era of jet, invented the first jet used in commercial transportation. Though this kind of jets were appreciated by both passengers and airlines at first, they, several years later, crashed one after another and caused lurid casualties. Passengers, airlines, De Havilland and his corporation all suffered a series of calamities resulted from these accidents, but De Havilland and his firm they tried their best to investigate the reason. They finally found out that the bane is the fatigue of metal, which had never been noticed but was paramountly fatal to the safety of planes. Since then, people started to pay enough attention to this phenomenon and study it thoroughly. Nowadays, when every plane is devised, it must take the test on metal fatigue, or it may crash, even crack during flight. It were these catastrophes that propelled the development of aerospace and better our lives.
On the road to success, we may face numerous failures, obstacles and mishaps, but it’s critical to learn from them and compensate shortcomings. During the process of inventing a light bulb, Tomas Edison underwent a long period of failures. He had used thousands of sorts of materials, such as hair, wool, grass, bamboo, to make the wick. Every time his experiments failed, he studied the reason and thought out another apt method to improve or supplant the former. After improved again and again without fatigue and despair, he eventually found out the most apt and durable material, W which has been used until now. It were these myriad failures that told him to do better and how to approach the final success.
We can draw the conclusion from these two instances that mishaps and hardship can tech and benefit us a lot
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TOEFL成绩1 分最后登录精华0主题积分153阅读权限50注册时间帖子
Junior MFer(LV.3), 积分 153, 距离下一级还需 47 积分
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TOEFL成绩2757 分阅读权限100主题精华40积分8779帖子
Do people truly benefit from hardship and misfortune?
Even though misfortunes usually afflict us and no one would like to suffer hardship, mishap and failure can provide us with useful experience and lesson (lessons). An enormous amount of success is based on failure and mishap.
In 1950s, De Havilland, the precursor of the era of jet, invented the first jet used in commercial transportation. Though this kind of jets were appreciated by both passengers and airlines at first, they, several years later, crashed one after another and caused lurid casualties. Passengers, airlines, De Havilland and his corporation all suffered a series of calamities resulted from these accidents, but De Havilland and his firm they tried their best to investigate the reason. They finally found out that the bane is the fatigue of metal, which had never been noticed but was paramountly fatal to the safety of planes. Since then, people started to pay enough attention to this phenomenon and study it thoroughly. Nowadays, when every plane is devised, it must take the test on metal fatigue, or it may crash, even crack during flight. It were (is) these catastrophes that propelled the development of aerospace and better our lives.
On the road to success, we may face numerous failures, obstacles and mishaps, but it’s critical to learn from them and compensate shortcomings. During the process of inventing a light bulb, Tomas Edison underwent a long period of failures. He had used thousands of sorts of materials, such as hair, wool, grass, bamboo, to make the wick. Every time his experiments failed, he studied the reason and thought out another apt method to improve or supplant the former. After improved again and again without fatigue and despair, he eventually found out the most apt and durable material, W which has been used until now. It were (is) these myriad failures that told him to do better and how to approach the final success.
We can draw the conclusion from these two instances that mishaps and hardship can tech and benefit us a lot 本文结构完整,两个例子举的扣题,论证有力,用词和句式体现了作者较高的水准,是一篇难得的标准SAT高分作文。祝3号的考试成功~
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Junior MFer(LV.3), 积分 153, 距离下一级还需 47 积分
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