紧急跪求计算机科学概论中文第三版!是Nell Dale,和Johdamian lewiss写的,万分感谢!!

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原书名:Computer Science Illuminated
ISBN:3上架时间:出版日期:2008 年3月开本:16开页码:636版次:3-1
1 Laying the Groundwork
Chapter 1 The Big Picture 3
2 The Information Layer
Chapter 2 Binary Values and Number Systems 33
Chapter 3 Data Representation 53
3 The Hardware Layer
Chapter 4 Gates and Circuits 91
Chapter 5 Computing Components 119
4 The Programming Layer
Chapter 6 Prohlem Solving and Algorithm Desicjn 147
Chapter 7 Low-Level Programming Languages 195
Chapter 8 High-Level Programming Languages 233
Chapter 9 Abstract Data Types and Algorithms 279
5 The Operating Systems Layer
Chapter 10 Operating Systems 323
Chapter 11 File Systems and Directories 353
6 The Applications Layer
Chapter 12 Information Systems 377
Chapter 13 Artificial Intelligence 409
  Choice of Topics
  In putting together the outline of topics for this CSO text, we referred to many sources. We looked at course catalogue descriptions, scrutinized book outlines, and administered an email questionnaire designed to find what you, our colleagues, thought such a course should include. We also asked both you and ourselves to make three lists:.
  Four topics that students should master in a CS0 course if it is the only computer science course they will take during their college experience
  Four topics that you would like students entering your CS1 course to have mastered when they leave your class
  Four additional topics that you would like your CS1 students to be familiar with
  The strong consensus that emerged from the intersections of these sources led to the working outline for this book. Students who master the material covered in this text before taking CS1 have a strong foundation upon which to continue in computer science. Although our intention was to write a CSO text, our reviewers have pointed out that the material also forms a strong breadth-first background that can serve as a companion to a programminglanguage introduction to computer science.
  Rationale for Organization
  Chapter 1 of this book presents the history of hardware and software, showing how a computer system is like an onion. The computer, with its machine language, forms the heart of the onion, and layers of software and more sophisticated hardware have been added around this heart, layer by layer. First came machine language, part of the heart of this "onion." At the next layer, higher-level languages such as FORTRAN, Lisp, Pascal, C, C++, and Java were introduced parallel to the ever-increasing exploration of the programming process, using such tools as top-down design and objectoriented design. Over time, our understanding of the role of abstract data types and their implementations matured. The operating system, with its resource-management techniques, including files on ever-larger, faster secondary storage media, developed to surround and manage these programs.
  The next layer of the computer system 'onion" is composed of sophisticated general-purpose and special-purpose software systems that overlay the operating system. Development of these powerful programs was stimulated by theoretical work in computer science, which makes such programs possible. The final layer comprises networks and network software--that is, the tools needed for computers to communicate with one another. The Internet and the World Wide Web put the finishing touches on this layer.
  As these layers have emerged over time, the user has become increasingly insulated from the computer system's hardware. Each layer provides an abstraction of the computing system beneath it. As each layer has evolved, users of the new layer have joined with users of the inner layers to create a very large workforce in the hightech sector of our economy. This book is designed to provide an overview of the layers, introducing the underlying hardware and software technologies, thereby giving students an appreciation and understanding of all aspects of computing systems.
  Having used history to describe the formation of the onion from the heart to the outer layers, we were faced with a design choice: We could look at each layer in depth from the inside our or from the outside in. The outside-in approach is very tempting. We could peel the layers off one at a time, moving from the most abstract layer to the concrete machine. However, research has shown that students understand concrete examples more easily than abstract ones, even when the students themselves are abstract thinkers. For this reason, we have chosen to begin with the concrete machine and examine the layers in the order in which they were created, trusting that a thorough understanding of one layer makes the transition to the next abstraction easier for students. Chancjes in the Third Edition The early editions of a new book are much like shakedown cruises for new ships: If the design is good, only minor problems occur that need tweaking. As a book-or a ship-gets older, however, new editions may call for a major overhaul. In planning for this revision, we asked our CS Education colleagues tO give us feedback: What changes should we make? What kind of an overhaul is necessary? More than 50 of you shared your ideas with us. The consensus was that updating--not a major overhaul--was in order for the third edition. As a consequence, we have updated some of the biographies, replaced %Id' tidbits with new ones, and reworked the "Ethical Issues" sections to keep them current. Content changes, including new sections on graphics, information security, computer security, cryptography, and ecommerce, are discussed later in this preface.
  Several of you requested that we not put exercise answers in the back of the book. As with both of the previous editions, all of the exercise answers are available on the Web, password protected for use by the instructor.
  Chapter 1 lays the groundwork for our approach to computer science-the computer system "onion'--by describing the rationale for this book's organization. Chapters 2 and 3 step back and examine a layer that is embodied in the physical hardware of the computer system. This information layer reflects how data is represented in the computer. Chapter 2 covers the binary number system and its relationship to other number systems such as decimal, the number system humans use on a daily basis. Chapter 3 investigates how we take the myriad types of data we manage--numbers, text, images, audio, and video--and represent them in a computer in binary format. We have added short discussions of the distinction between data and information and of the PNG image format.
  Chapters 4 and 5 explore the hardware layer. Computer hardware includes devices such as transistors, gates, and circuits, all of which control the flow of electricity in fundamental ways. This core electronic circuitry gives rise to specialized hardware components such as the computer's central processing unit (CPU) and memory. Chapter 4 covers gates and electronic circuits. Chapter 5 covers the hardware components of a computer and describes how they interact within avon Neumann architecture. Of course, the ad at the beginning of Chapter 5 has been updated--and will probably be out of date by the time you read this preface!
  Chapters 6 through 9 delve into various aspects of the programming layer. Chapter 6 examines the problem-solving process, both human and computer related. George Polya's human problem-solving strategies guide the discussion. Chapter 6 has been changed dramatically. The functionality of pseudocode is introduced as a way to write algorithms. Examples of both top-down design and object-oriented design are presented, along with detailed pseudocode descriptions. Chapter 7 coven the concepts of machine language and assembly language using Pep/7, a simulated computer. As part of this discussion, simple pseudocode algorithms are translated into both machine code and assembly language. A looping example has been added as well. Chapter 8 focuses on the concepts underlying high-level programming languages. In this chapter, the pseudocode concept4 are illustrated in brief examples from four programming languages: Ada, VB.NET, C++, and Java, Chapter 9 emphasizes the role of abstract data types and data structures in the programming process...
  Chapters 10 and 11 cover the operating system layer. Chapter 10 discusses the resource-management responsibilities of the operating system and presents some of the basic algorithms used to implement these tasks. Chapter 11 covers file systems, includifig what they are and how they are managed by the operating system. A discussion of device drivers has been added to Chapter 10.
  Chapters 12 through 14 deal with the application layer. This layer is made up of the general-purpose and specialized application programs that are available for the public to use to solve programs. In our coverage, we dMde this layer into the subdisciplines of computer science upon which these programs are based. Chapter 12 examines information systems, Chapter 13 focuses on artificial intelligence, and Chapter 14 explores simulation, graphics, and other applications. We have added a major new section on information security to Chapter 12 that discusses confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, as well as a subsection on cryptography. In addition, major new sections on computer graphics, e-commerce, and computer security appear in Chapter 14.
  Chapters 15 and 16 cover the communication layer. Chapter 15 presents the theoretical and practical aspects of computers' communication with other computers. Chapter 16 discusses the World Wide Web and its influence on life today. A section on blogging has been added to Chapter 16.
  Chapters 2 through 16 focus on what a computer can do and how it does it. Chapter 17 concludes by discussing the inherent limitations of computer hardware and software and by distinguishing the problems that can and cannot be solved using a computer. Big-O notation is presented as a way to talk about the efficiency of algorithms so that the categories of algorithms can be discussed, and the halting problem is presented to show that some problems are unsolvable.
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北京奥维博世图书发行有限公司 china-pub,All Rights Reserved您现在的位置:计算机科学概论:英文版
作 者:(美)Nell ,(美)John 著
《计算机科学概论:英文版》简介:  该领域两位备受赞誉且经验丰富的教育者NellDale和JohnLewis共同编写。就整体而言,全书内容翔实、覆盖面广,旨在向读者展示计算机科学的全貌;从细节上看,本书层次清晰,描述生动,从信息讲起,依次介绍了关于硬件、编程、操作系统、应用以及通信方面的内容,涉及计算机科学的各个层次。??本书内容严谨、深入浅出,为计算机科学专业学生日后的深入学习奠定了基础,是理想的入门教材。对于非该专业的学生来说,本书同样是一本不可多得的计算机入门书籍。本书特点:??●本书的配套网http://集学术性及趣味性于一体,提供了大量教学资源:Flash幻灯片、在线术语表、互动学习、填字游戏、HTML帮助信息等,以更灵活的方式多方位加深读者对本书知识的理解,同时与网站的互动更加强了读者实际应用英文的能力。??●采用一般语言对编程概念进行描述,关于Java、C++语言对该问题的描述在本书配套网站中提供。??●增加了名人传记、历史事件以及技术发展的前沿知识,并在每章中就科技发展对人类社会伦理道德的影响进行了探讨。??●包含大量习题和思考题,方便教学。
《计算机科学概论:英文版》作者简介:  NellDale计算机科学领域广受推崇的教育家。在得克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校执教的25年中,她编写了20多本计算机科学方面的本科生教材。她于得克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校获得了数学硕士学位以及计算机科学博士学位。由于对计算机科学领域的突出贡献,1996年她获得了ACMSIGCSE计算机科学教育杰出贡献奖。JohnLewis计算机科学领域著名的教育家和作家。他编写的Java软件及程序设计教材非常畅销。他于弗吉尼亚理工大学获得硕士及学位,并任教于维拉诺瓦大学计算机科学系。执教期间他获奖无数,研究方向包括面向对象技术、多媒体以及软件工程。相关图书软件过程改进(英文版)80X86汇编语言与计算机体系结构分布式系统概念设计调和分析导论(英文第三版)人工智能:智能系统指南(英文版)第二版Java2专家导引(英文版·第3版)UML参考手册(第2版)Java教程(英文版·第2版)软件需求管理:用例方法(英文版·第2版)数字通信导论计算理论导引实用软件工程(英文版)UNIX教程(英文版·第2版)软件测试(英文版第2版)设计模式精解(英文版第2版)Linux内核编程必读-经典原版书库实分析和概率论-经典原版书库(英文版.第2版)计算机体系结构:量化研究方法:第3版电力系统分析(英文版·第2版)面向计算机科学的数理逻辑:系统建模与推理(英文版·第2版)数学规划导论英文版抽样理论与方法(英文版)复分析基础及工程应用(英文版.第3版)机器视觉教程(英文版)(含盘)支持向量机导论(英文版)电子设计自动化基础(英文版)Java程序设计导论(英文版·第5版)数据挖掘:实用机器学习技术(英文版·第2版)离散事件系统仿真(英文版·第4版)复杂SoC设计(英文版)基于FPGA的系统设计(英文版)UML参考手册(英文版·第2版)计算机取证(英文版)EffectiveC#(英文版)基于用例的面向方面软件开发(英文版)
《计算机科学概论:英文版》目录:Laying the GroudnworkChapter 1 The Big Picture1.1 Computing SystemsLayers of a Computing SystemAbstraction1.2 The History of ComputingA Brief History of Computing HardwareA Brief History of Computing SoftwarePredictions1.3 Computing as a Tool and a DisciplineSummaryEthical Issues: The Digital DivideKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsThe Information LayerChapter 2 Binary Values and Number Systems2.1 Number Categories2.2 Natural NumbersPositional NotationBinary, Octal, and HexadecimalArithmetic in Other BasesPower of Two Number SystemsConverting from Base 10 to Other BasesBinary Values and ComputersSummaryEthical Issues: EncryptionKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsChapter 3 Data Representation3.1 Data and ComputersAnalog and Digital InformationBinary Representations3.2 Representing Numeric DataRepresenting Negative ValuesRepresenting Real Numbers3.3 Representing TextThe ASCII Character SetThe Unicode Character SetText Compression3.4 Representing Audio InformationAudio FormatsThe MP3 Audio Format3.5 Representing Images and GraphicsRepresenting ColorDigitized Images and GraphicsVector Representation of Graphics3.6 Representing VideoVideo CodecsSummaryEthical Issues: Peer-to-Peer File SharingKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsThe Hardware LayerChapter 4 Gates and Circuits4.1 Computers and Electricity4.2 GatesNOT GateAND GateOR GateXOR GateNAND and NOR GatesReview of Gate ProcessingGates with More Inputs4.3 Constructing GaatesTransistors4.4 CircuitsCombinational CircuitsAddersMultiplexers4.5 Circuits an Memory4.6 Integrated Circuits4.7 CPU ChipsSummaryEthical Issues: Computers and Homeland SecurityKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsChapter 5 Computing Components5.1 Individual Computer Componets5.2 Stored-Program Conceptvon Neumann ArchitectureThe Fetch-Execute CycleRAM and ROMSecondary Storage DevicesTouch Screens5.3 Non-von Neumann Architectures5.4 Interpreting AdsSummaryEthical Issues: HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)Key TermsExercisesThought QuestionsThe Programming LayerChapter 6 Problem Solving and Algorithm Design6.1 Problem SolvingHow to Solve ProblemsComputer Problem-SolvingFollowing an AlgorithmDeveloping an Algorithm6.2 Top-Down DesignA General ExampleA Computer ExampleSummary of MethodologyTesting the Algorithm6.3 Object-Oriented DesignObject OrientationRelationships between ClassesObject-Oriented Design MethodologyGeneral ExampleComputer Example6.4 Important ThreadsInformation HidingAbstractionProgramming LanguagesTestingSummaryEthical Issues: Email PrivacyKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsChapter 7 Low-Level Programming Languages7.1 Computer Operations7.2 Levels of Abstraction7.3 Machine LanguagePep/7: A Virtual Computer7.4 A Program ExampleProblem and AlgorithmA Program with Branching7.5 Assembly LanguagePep/7 Assembly LanguageA Program with Branching7.6 Other Important ThreadsTesting SummaryEthical Issues: Software Piracy, CopyrightingKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsChapter 8 High-Level Programming Languages8.1 Translation ProcessCompilersInterpreters8.2 Programming Language Paradigms8.3 Functionality of Imperative LanguagesBoolean ExpressionsStrong TypingInput/Output StructuresControl StructuresComposite Data Types8.4 Fuctionality of Object-Oriented LangaugesEncapsulationInheritancePolymorphismSummaryEthical Issues: Open Source Software DevelopmentKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsChapter 9 Abstract Data Types and Algorithms9.1 Abstract Data Types9.2 ImplementationArray-Based ImplementationsLinked Implementation9.3 ListsBasic List OperationsAdditional List Operations9.4 SortingSelection SortBubble SortQuickksort9.5 Binary Search9.6 Stacks and QueuesStacksQueuesImplementation9.7 TreesBinary TreesBinary Search TreesOther OperationsGraphs9.8 Programming LibrariesSummaryEthical Issues: Computer Hoaxes and ScamsKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsThe Operating Systems LayerChapter 10 Operating Systems10.1 Roles of an Operating SystemMemory, Process, and CPU ManagementBatch PrcessingTimesharingOther OS Factors10.2 Memory ManagementSingle Contiguous Memory ManagementPartition Memory ManagementPaged Memory Management10.3 Process ManagementThe Process StatesThe Process Control Block10.4 CPU SchedulingFirst-Come, First-ServedShortest Job NextRound RobinSummaryEthical Issue: Microsoft Antitrust CaseKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsChapter 11 File Systems and Directories11.1 File SystemsText and Binary FilesFile TypesFile OperationsFile AccessFile Protection11.2 DirectoriesDirectory TreesPath Names11.3 Disk SchedulingFirst-Come, First-Served Disk SchedulingShortest-Seek-Time-First Disk SchedulingSCAN Disk SchedulingSummaryEthical Issues: SpamKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsThe Applications LayerChapter 12 Information Systems12.1 Managing Information12.2 SpreadsheetsSpreadsheet FormulasCircular ReferencesSpreadsheet Analysis12.3 Database Management SystemsThe Relational ModelRelationshipsStructured Query LanguageSummaryEthical Issues: Licensing Computer ProfessionalsKey TermsExercisesThough QuestionsChapter 13 Artificial Intelligence13.1 Thinking MachinesThe Turing Test Aspects of AI13.2 Knowledge RepresentationSemantic NetworksSearch Trees13.3 Expert Systerms13.4 Neural NetworksBiological Neural NetworksArtificial Neural Networks13.5 Natural Language ProcessingVoice SynthesisVoice RecognitionNatural Language Comprehension13.6 RoboticsThe Sense-Plan-Act ParadigmSubsumption ArchitecturePhysical ComponentsSummaryEthical Issues: Deep LinkingKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsChapter 14 Simulation and Other Applications14.1 What Is Simulation?Complex SystemsModelsConstructing ModelsQueuing SystemsMeteorological ModelsOther ModelsComputing Power Necessary14.2 Graphics and Computer-Aided Design(CAD)14.3 Embedded SystemsSummaryEthical Issues: Ubiquitous ComputingKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsThe Communications LayerChapter 15 Networks15.1 NetworkingTypes of NetworksInternet ConnectionsPacket Switching15.2 Open Systems and ProtocolsOpen SystemsNetwork ProtocolsTCP/IPHigh-Level ProtocolsMIME TypesFirewalls15.3 Network AddressesDomain Name SystemSummaryEthical Issues: HackingKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsChapter 16 The World Wide Web16.1 Spinning the WebSearch EnginesInstant MessagingCookies16.2 HTMLBasic HTML FormattingImages and Links16.3 Interactive Web PagesJava AppletsJava Server Pages16.4 XMLSummaryEthical Issues: Computer Viruses and Denial of ServiceKey TermsExercisesThought QuestionsIn ConclusionChapter 17 Limitations of Computing17.1 HardwareLimits on ArithmeticLimits on Communications17.2 SoftwareComplexity of SoftwareCurrent Approaches to Software QualityNotorious Software Errors17.3 ProblemsComparing AlgorithmsTuring MachinesHalting ProblemClassification of AlgorithmsSummaryEthical Issues: “Why the World Doesn't Need Us Anymore”Key TermsExercisesThought QuestionsAnswers to Selected ExercisesGlossaryEndnotesIndex


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