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耦合度一、什么是耦合度软件设计中通常用耦合度和内聚度作为衡量模块独立程度的标准。划分摸块的一个准则就是高内聚低耦合。 耦合度(Coupling)是对模块间关联程度的度量。耦合的强弱取决与模块间接口的复杂性、调用模块的方式以及通过界面传送数据的多少。 模块间的耦合度是指模块之间的依赖关系,包括控制关系、调用关系、数据传递关系。模块间联系越多,其耦合性越强,同时表明其独立性越差。降低模块间的耦合度能减少模块间的影响,防止对某一模块修改所引起的&牵一发动全身&的水波效应,保证系统设计顺利进行。 内聚和耦合密切相关,同其它模块存在强耦合关系的模块常意味这弱内聚,强内聚常意味着弱耦合。耦合度就是某模块(类)与其它模块(类)之间的关联、感知和依赖的程度,是衡量代码独立性的一个指标,也是软件工程设计
设计出基本不用修改的代码前,还得要求以低耦合为标准。那么怎样才能最大限度地降低耦合度呢?下面介绍降低耦合度的几种方法。三、降低耦合度的方法 1、少使用类的继承,多用接口隐藏实现的细节。 java面向对象编程引入接口除了支持多态外, 隐藏实现细节也是其中一个目的。 2、模块的功能化分尽可能的单一,道理也很简单,功能单一的模块供其它模块调用的机会就少。(其实这是高内聚的一种说法,高内聚低
耦合一般同时出现,为了限制篇幅,我们将在以后的版期中讨论)。 3、遵循一个定义只在一个地方出现。 4、少使用全局变量。 5、类属性和方法的声明少用public,多用private关键字,6、多用设计模式,比如采用MVC的设计模式就可以降低界面与业务逻辑的耦合度。7、尽量不用&硬编码&的方式写程序,同时也尽量避免直接用SQL语句操作数据库。8、最后当然就是避免直接操作或调用其它模块或类(内容耦合);如果模块间必须存在耦合,原则上尽量使用数据耦合,少用控制耦合,
内聚: 故名思议,表示内部间聚集、关联的长度,那么高内聚就是指要高度的聚集和关联。高内聚:类与类之间的关系而定,高,意思是他们之间的关系要简单,明了,不要有很强的关系,不然,运行起来就会出问题。一个类的运行影响到其他的类。由于高内聚具备鲁棒性,可靠性,可重用性,可读性等优点,模块设计推荐采用高内聚。
&高内聚,低耦合&,首先要知道一个软件是由多个子程序组装而成, 而一个程序由多个模块(方法)构成!&高内聚,低耦合&主要是阐述的面向对象系统中,各个类需要职责分离的思想。 每一个类完成特定的独立的功能,这个就是高内聚。耦合就是类之间的互相调用关系,如果耦合很强,互相牵扯调用很多,那么会牵一发而动全身,不利于维护和扩展。 类之间的设置应该要低耦合,但是每个类应该要高内聚.耦合是类之间相互依赖的尺度.如果每个对象都有引用其它所有的对象,那么就有高耦合,这是不合乎要求的,因为在两个对象之间,潜在性地流动了太多信息.低耦合是合乎要求的:它意味着对象彼此之间更独立的工作.低耦合最小化了修改一个类而导致也要修改其它类的"连锁反应". 内聚是一个类中变量与方法连接强度的尺度.高内聚是值得要的,因为它意味着类可以更好地执行一项工作.低内聚是不好的,因为它表明类中的元素之间很少相关.成分之间相互有关联的模块是合乎要求的.每个方法也应该高内聚.大多数的方法只执行一个功能.不要在方法中添加'额外'的指令,这样会导致方法执行更多的函数.
阅读(...) 评论()面向21世纪的可持续的污水处理技术-水处理过程耦合降低碳足迹的废物再利用
核心提示:面向21世纪的可持续的污水处理技术-水处理过程耦合降低碳足迹的废物再利用水进展By the year 2020, the future of an &
By the year 2020, the future of an integrated solid waste management system will continue to evolve by reducing its carbon footprint and focusing on renewable energy in response to the global drive toward sustainability. Reducing the waste management carbon footprint may originate from many fronts. Opportunities may include the wholesale deployment of collection vehicles using natural gas fuels and making fewer collections per week, installation of landfill gas-to-energy systems, and other renewable energy systems (wind and solar) even on a small scale sufficient to power the electrical needs of only the ancillary landfill offices and other on-site facilities. And lastly the beginning of comprehensive public utilities planning may soon result in the development of public works and utilities campuses that take advantage of the synergies presented by recovering energy from waste and powering contiguous water and wastewater plants, along with numerous other public energy users, from jails to administrative offices.
The recent promotion of alternate waste-conversion technologies for the production of biomethane, syngas, and liquid biofuels from municipal waste by an increasing number of developers may result in additional opportunities for communities to manage their waste. The list of waste conversion technologies includes advanced combustion, anaerobic digestion, catalytic depolymerization, fermentation, gasification, and pyrolysis. Advanced combustion is a currently demonstrated technology. Several of the emerging technologies are currently being evaluated in various stages of testing, with funding provided by the US Department of Energy and private investors. The pathway to commercial success for emerging technologies typically requires five to 10 years. By 2020, it is possible that several of the emerging waste-conversion technologies will advance to commercial status.
However, the focus of our crystal ball is to look ahead for mass-burn advanced combustion&the proven workhorse of the waste-to-energy (WTE) industry&to continue to evolve and be implemented into a municipal utility campus. Unless there is a turnabout in the methodology for determining how municipal WTE facilities are paid for the renewable energy derived from local wastes, the opportunity to use the power behind the meter or internally within public works may present the highest and best use of this renewable electricity. One such opportunity for internal use of electricity will be for the treatment of municipal water resources. This broad class of vital municipal services includes treatment of wastewater, reclaimed water, stormwater, and potable water, and our vision of this sustainable and synergistic approach is explored below.
Opportunity Presented by the Water&Energy Nexus
By the year 2020, the global public works community will be faced with the daunting task of providing both solid waste management and water resource services to a global population projected to be in excess of 8 billion. Looking to a sustainable future, renewable energy in the form of steam, heat and electricity derived from advanced WTE facilities can be used to internally power municipal water treatment processes with energy derived from the nonrecycled fraction of local municipal wastestreams. For those cases where the internal use of the electricity results in savings compared with the purchase of electricity from the local electrical utility, the savings may be shared between the solid waste and water resources departments.
Often referred to as the &water-energy nexus,& water and energy are inextricably linked in the goal of public works to provide a clean and affordable municipal water supply. Solid waste management and water treatment delivery are also two key processes critical to the successful development of sustainable economic development on local, regional, state, and national levels. Advanced treatment requiring greater demands of energy for potable water production is becoming the norm for processing lower-quality raw water supplies while meeting higher environmental standards for a growing family of water chemistry parameters and chemicals of concern. Ultraviolet light, ozone, ultrasonics, membranes, and other electrically derived disinfection and filtration technologies continue to evolve, with the net effect of increasing the overall energy intensity of municipal water treatment.
In summary, the following are emerging paradigms affecting municipal solid waste management and water resources:
Water Treatment Process Electric Demands
Energy input for water treatment plants varies widely with the raw water quality and treatment process types required to meet potable water standards. The typical range of energy input for various water treatment processes&including raw water withdrawal and transfer, treatment, disinfection, and distribution&is summarized in Table 1.
Modern Waste-To-Energy
Currently, WTE facilities process approximately 13% of the total municipal solid waste in the United States. As a result, there is an immense untapped resource that can be converted to various forms of green energy. There is potentially more than 16,000 MW of electric power that is currently a &missed opportunity& in the United States alone. Much of this waste can be converted into green renewable energy using existing proven methods. Synergistically, much of this potential renewable energy can be developed within urban areas in close proximity to the source of waste generation and the need for municipal services and water utilities. The average gross and net electrical power generation of WTE facilities has increased over the past decade to approximately 550 kWh per ton net per ton of waste processed, assuming a typical MSW heating value of 5,000 Btu per pound.
Table 1 & Water treatment electrical demands
FIGURE 1 & Size of water treatment plant powered by 1,000 ton per day WTE facility
WTE/Water Treatment Process Synergy
Matching a modern WTE facility&s electrical output with water treatment process demand can vary significantly based on the water source, quality, treatment process and pumping requirements associated with the community&s existing water distribution system.
Figure 1 below illustrates the relationship between the size of the WTE facility and the potential water treatment process if all of the electricity were used for water treatment.
As shown, the WTE facility can provide energy far in excess of a community&s demand for convention potable water and wastewater treatment services. For communities in need of securing additional water supplies from alternate water sources&such as lower-quality surface water, brackish water, or seawater&the compatibility of WTE and water treatment plant (WTP) improves due to the greater demand for energy. An ever-growing percentage of the global population currently resides along coastal states. Much of this population resides in large- and medium-sized coastal communities, where the demand for additional water supply may require seawater distillation technologies. In these communities, the use of reverse osmosis (R/O), multi-stage flash (MSF) evaporation and multiple-effect distillation (MED) processes may be ideally suited to use 100% of the WTE electricity.
Advanced Water Treatment
Looking to the future of a more constrained and efficient municipal water resource system, water treatment approaches may include reclaimed water distribution systems for local, residential, commercial, and agr reservoir storage for reclaimed water and excess stormwate and stormwater treatment systems for removal of excess nutrients and pollutants in light of recent environmental mandates to control these discharges. In such an arrangement, the demand for energy in the form of electricity and steam will increase significantly and provide opportunity for a WTE facility to provide integrated campus needs.
Figure 2 illustrates how such a future water resource system and WTE facility could be integrated into a single utility campus.
The majority of communities currently do not employ WTE and have large MSW streams that are currently being disposed of in landfills. As the local and state goals for landfill diversion gain momentum as part of a drive for sustainability, the development of regional WTE facilities may also become viable when combined with regional water supply and distribution projects. In these cases, there is likely sufficient MSW available, which could allow a WTE facility to be sized to match the demand of the community&s existing and future water resource needs.
Figure 3 below illustrates a recent example of this synergistic relationship in Hillsborough County, Florida. This publicly owned, municipal waste-to-energy facility was originally constructed from 1985 to 1987 to process 1,200 tons per day of municipal solid waste. The facility generates 29 MW of renewable electricity, which is sold to the local utility. The WTE facility is located adjacent to an advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) plant that provides reclaimed water for use in the WTE facility&s cooling system, along with other ancillary uses that include facility landscape irrigation, plant floor washing, and process water for use in the facility&s air pollution control system. The AWT facility also accepts sanitary sewage waste and process wastewater from the WTE facility.
FIGURE 2 & Future opportunity for integration of WTE and water resources
FIGURE 3 & Integration of WTE and water resources (Hillsborough County, Florida)
A Recent Success Story
The Hillsborough County WTE facility was recently expanded in 2007 to accommodate the continuing growth of the local community&s solid waste. An additional 600 tons per day of capacity was added, along with a separate steam turbine generator for the production of an additional 17 MW of renewable electricity. Shortly after the addition of the new expansion unit, Hillsborough County water services staff approached the solid waste staff to investigate the technical and economic feasibility of using some of the WTE renewable electricity to power the AWT facility. After review and analysis, the decision was made to disconnect the AWT facility from the local utility grid and repower the facility entirely with renewable electricity from the WTE facility. Backup diesel power was already available at the AWT plant to provide full operating capacity for periods when the WTE facility may not be available.
Commencing in the summer of 2009, the AWT facility was placed entirely on the WTE electrical system and has been consuming up to 2 MW of electricity per hour. This synergistic relationship allows the solid waste and water services departments to share in two ways. The solid waste department currently sells the remaining power to the local electric utility for a little less than 6 cents per kilowatt-hour, whereas the AWT was formerly purchasing electricity from the local electric utility for approximately 9 cents per kilowatt-hour under a commercial tariff rate. The 3 cents per kilowatt-hour difference is shared between the two Hillsborough County departments, resulting in a mutual benefit, which ultimately is returned to the local solid waste and wastewater rate payers in the form of reduced utility fees.
In response to this initial successful synergistic project, Hillsborough County has recently decided to expand the internal use of its renewable electricity by using up to an additional 5 MW of electric power for other essential services managed on its municipal campus, including a water treatment facility, water pump station, animal services facility, jail, and county administration offices.
Public Works Benefits
The potential cost savings that can be realized by the internal use of renewable energy produced from a modern WTE facility can be significant, depending upon the cost of electric power purchased from the local grid and the price at which utilities are willing to pay for renewable energy. These savings can be shared internally within the domain of public works to the benefit of rate payers for both solid waste and water resources.
The integration of WTE and water resources is a golden opportunity to maximize the benefits and services to the local community while minimizing the costs of these services. To borrow the phrase of Buckminster Fuller, one of the world&s most prolific inventors and visionaries, this represents the opportunity to optimize both utility systems and &do more with less!&
The year 2020 is just around the corner, and now is the time for this generation to leave its legacy by initiating the planning process for an integrated WTE and WTP campus to meet the needs of the next generation.
We live in an increasingly &environmentally tuned in& more of us are aware of and have an opinion on environmental issues. Topics such as sustainability and climate change surround us daily.
With modern technology, we have the means, as individuals, to broadcast our opinions to a large audience. As technology continues to facilitate our broadcast, our individual audience grows, and so too does our influence.
This growing number of external influences will need to be managed in order to successfully plan for and implement solid waste landfill programs.
Public consultation and engagement will increasingly demand attention before beginning a project. The long-held business cliche of &beg forgiveness later& will no longer be acceptable to regulators. &Ask permission now& will be the key to success.
Is a technical, engineering-based solid waste industry ready to accommodate nontechnical opinions?
It goes without saying that we&ll continue to see shifts in &where& we communicate & newspaper, radio, television, the Internet, etc. It&s challenging to predict how these media will affect us next week, let alone 10 or 15 years from now. We have no choice but to be flexible and adapt to them at their pace. So long as we&re strategically planning for communication, we will have no problem accommodating their maneuverings.
The key is &how& we will be communicating. We need to shift our thinking towards a user-customer-citizen-centered approach. Systems need to be designed for maximum participation in waste diversion programs. Participation, it relies on human behavior. Successful programs will be those that target select behaviors and drive behavior change.
表1 - 水处理电力需求
图1 - 污水处理厂规格搭载千吨,每天垃圾发电设施
如图所示,垃圾发电设施可以远远超过了常规饮用水和污水处理服务的社区的需求提供能量。对于需要从备用水源,如低质量的表面水,微咸水,或WTE和水处理厂(WTP)海水的相容性获得额外供水群落改善由于对能源的需求较大。不断增长的全球人口比例目前居住在沿海州。许多这样的人口居住在大型和中型的沿海社区,在这里额外供水的需求,可能需要海水蒸馏技术。在这些社区中,利用反渗透(R / O),多级闪蒸(MSF)蒸发和多效蒸馏(​​MED)过程可能会非常适合使用100%的垃圾发电的电力。
下面的图3显示了最近在希尔斯伯勒县,佛罗里达这种协同关系的例子。最初修建这公有制,城市垃圾转化为能源的设施1985年至1987年,以在制品1,200吨都市固体废物的一天。该工厂产生29兆瓦的可再生能源发电,这是出售给当地公用事业。在WTE工厂位于毗邻先进的废水处理(AWT)的植物,提供再生水在垃圾发电设施的冷却系统的使用,以及其他配套使用,包括工厂园林灌溉,工厂车间洗涤,工艺用水的使用工厂的空气污染控制系统。 AWT的工厂也接受生活污水废物和废水处理的垃圾发电设施。
图2 - 集成的垃圾发电和水资源的未来机会
图3 - 垃圾发电和水资源集成(希尔斯伯勒县,佛罗里达州)
公众咨询和参与开始一个项目之前,会越来越需要重视。的长期持有经营的陈词滥调&求求宽恕以后&将不再接受监管。 &问现在的许可&将是成功的关键。
不用说,我们将继续看到&,其中&我们的沟通转变 - 报纸,广播,电视,互联网等,这是具有挑战性的预测如何将这些媒体会影响到我们接下来的一周,更别说10年或15年,从现在。我们没有选择,只能是灵活的,适应他们的步伐。只要我们从战略规划的沟通,我们不会有任何问题,满足他们的花招。


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