
知识讲解 如何区别并列短语,偏正短语,主谓短语,动宾短语 (北京四中网校-〉名师答疑-〉初二-〉语文) 
知识讲解 如何区别并列短语,偏正短语,主谓短语,动宾短语
  急需!!!年级:初二&科目:语文&时间:5/20/:26&新 1817516
作者:王 静
在现代汉语中,除了一些联盟传统的语法单位,如语素、词、短语、句子之外,我们还会碰到如小句、主谓短语这样的语法术语。从名称上看,小句是相对于大句而言的,但是它们的内涵和外延则在很多地方是模糊的,不确定的,还存在许多交叉和重合的地方。那么如何将其进行进一步区分?到目前为止,语界还没有一个明确的定论。这其中的关键在于&小句&这个术语是否必要,它的判断标准是什么,它与主谓短语之间怎样划分界限?对于这些问题的研究,近几十年来,取得了许多研究成果。笔者试图在前人研究的基础上,谈谈自己的心得。  在现代汉语语法研究史上,&小句&这个术语始见于刘复先生的《中国文法通论》(1920年)。但在该书中,刘复先生并没有将其作为一个语法单位,只是在给&子句&下定义时提到了这个术语。在他的理论中,&小句&只是一个名称,不是一个语法单位。真正给&小句&这个概念赋予内涵的语法学家是吕叔湘先生。他在《中国文法要略》中,首次提出了这个概念。他把句子的构成成分分为词组和词结,其中词结是主语和谓语的结合体。他把句子分为简句、繁句和复句。其中包含多个词结,且词结关系是&关系的结合&的是复句。他认为复句中的词结就是&小句&,因此小句就是在复句中充当词结的主语和谓语的结合体。  这一理论更为成熟是在吕先生的《汉语语法分析问题》中,在该书中,&小句&的指称范围进一步扩大。他将单句和复句中的分句都称为小句。而对于&作为句子成分的这些书上的子句或叫做主谓短语的那些组合&,他认为还是叫做主谓短语,排除在小句外为好。这里吕先生已经将主谓短语和小句分割开来,并基本上明确了划分主谓短语和小句之间的界限,即能否做句子成分。也就是后来所说的句子的&独立性&,即能否单独使用。如果只能充当句子成分,那就不存在独立性,就不是小句,而是主谓短语。更为可贵的是,吕先生在此书中已经注意到了单位的动态与静态之分,这对于我们认识小句这个概念的重要性,以及确定小句的判断标准具有重要意义。他指出:&语言的静态单位是语素、词、短语(包括主谓短语),以及介乎词和短语之间的短语词,其中语素是基本单位。语言的动态单位是:小句、句子(一个或几个小句),小句是基本单位。静态单位和动态单位之间的关系是:一个小句一般是一个主谓短语,也常常是一个动词短语(包括只有一个动词),在少数情况下是一个名词短语(包括只有一个名词)。&  由此可见,小句这个概念是从语言的动态性角度出发来设定的,它与主谓短语完全体现了语言的两个不同层面。小句是语言的动态单位,主谓短语是语言的静态单位。动态单位强调的是小句具有表述性,能够传达一定的意思,并使听话人领会说话人的意图。静态单位强调的是主谓短语具有一定的形式和意义。由于二者之间存在着质的差别,所以有必要保留小句这个概念。否则如果也将小句看成静态的语言单位,就没有必要用小句重复称呼主谓短语了。况且小句在语法体系和语法分析中也具有关键的作用。  那么,怎样处理小句和主谓短语二者之间的交叉呢?我们先看邢福义先生在《汉语语法学》中对小句下的定义:小句是最小的具有表述性和独立性的语法单位。这是从语用的角度,同样也是从语言的动态性的角度来给小句下的定义。因此,邢先生把单句和复句中的分句归为一类,都叫小句,而把充当句子成分的主谓短语排除在小句之外。  刑先生所谓小句这种语法单位具有独立性,是指小句之间不能互相包含,换句话说,就是被包含在小句之中的语法单位,不是小句。例如:她生小孩了。我知道她生小孩了。第一句&她生小孩了。&能够独立使用,因此是小句。而第二句中&她生小孩了&是被包含在&我知道X&中的,是作为整句话的宾语出现的,这个主谓短语既然已经充当句子成分,那就失去了句子的独立性,不具有句子的性质和功能。这也是刑先生将其称为主谓短语,而不是小句的原因之一。这与前面吕叔湘先生的观点恰好有异曲同工之妙,他们都认为独立性是小句与主谓短语的重要区别之一。  刑先生所谓小句具有表述性,是指能够表明说话的一个意旨,体现某种特定的说话意图。具体点说,就是或者表明一个陈述,或者表明一个感慨,或者提出一个要求,或者提出一个疑问等。例如:你很认真。你好认真!你认真点!你认真吗?第一句表明一个陈述,第二句表明一个感慨,第三句提出一个要求,第四句提出一个疑问。这四句话分别体现了四种不同的话语意图,但是这些话语意图的不同是由四种不同的语气来实现的,即陈述语气、感叹语气、祈使语气、疑问语气。而语气的表现形式是语调,因此从某种程度上,我们可以说句子的表述性是通过语调来实现的,而小句和主谓短语的区别也和语调有关。  我认为小句是句子,主谓短语是短语,小句和主谓短语的区别归根到底是句子和短语的区别。小句是动态的语法单位,主谓短语是静态的语法单位,二者有着质的区别。句子是动态的语法单位,它是具有一定的语调,能够表达相对完整意义的语言单位。而词和短语只能表达一定的意义,不具有语调。因此是否具有独立的语调是小句和主谓短语的根本区别。  综上所述,由于小句在汉语语法体系中是基本的动态单位,在语法分析中具有关键的作用,所以有必要保留小句这个概念。在划分小句和主谓短语的界限上,最根本的要看是否有完整的语调,能否清楚地表达说话人的意图。同时还要兼顾其是否具有独立性,即能否单独使用,如果具备上述特征的就是小句,否则就是主谓短语。
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高二英语上学期unit9 Saving the earth
nit 9 Saving the earth知能聚焦language focuses单
型1) 1)We must make sure that ...我们必须确保。。。2)I'm all for...我全力支持。。。3)It's clear that...很明显。。。4) If nothing is done..., then...如果什么事情也不做。。。,那么。。。5)It would be better if we...如果我们。。。那就好得多。6)I believe that we must...我相信,我们必须。。。7)I can't imagine that...我不能想象。。。8) Is there a better way to do sth.?做。。。(还)有 更好的办法吗?语
题a) grammar: inversionb) functional items:Talking about various problems facing our planetLearn to describe what happened in the pastDebating课前热身
Warming up1. Do you know what pollution is?2. How many kinds of pollution do you know?3. What kind of pollution exists in your area? And how to solve the problem?4. Why should we save the earth? And how?读写指导
Instructions for reading and writingReading1.Altogether there are 7 paragraphs and they can be divided into 4 parts.Part 1. (para.1) The author shows us the general introductions about the two earth summits: the 1972 Stockholm summit and the 2002 Johannesburg summitPart 2. (para.2-3) The author talks about the details of Johannesburg Summit, including the serious problems and the ways to solve them.Part 3. (para.4-6) The author states the functions of the earth summits by setting us an example, showing that the summits like that are necessary and meaningful.Part 4.(para.7)
The author emphasizes the importance of education in solving the earth problemsMain idea: The earth is so polluted that human beings are in great danger now. People have to find ways to solve the problems. Holding the earth summit is an efficient way in sharing the ideas and fighting against pollution.Writing: A description of what happened (记事文)记事文是记叙文的一种。它以描写所发生的事情为中心,可以用第一人称来写,也可以用第三人称来写。第一人称主要是写本人的经历或耳闻目睹;第三人称是写他人的经历或事迹。记事文写作的注意事项:1) 标题可以是主要事件本身;还可以是事件发生的时间或者地点。例如: "The Gifts";" Alone in Antarctica"; " At a tailor's shop" ;"My holidays"; "Adventure on Highway"2)文章应围绕记事文的六要素展开,即(
how)3) 主题鲜明、层次清楚、详略得当,要善于抓住典型事例,并以事件为中心。4) 记事文基本上都是叙述过去所发生的事情,所以一般应使用过去时态来写。5) 应按照事物发展的顺序来写。例题精析:几天前,你到火车站给朋友送行,路上看到清洁工正在烧树叶。你认为烧树叶的烟尘对人体有害。就问清洁工知道不知道。清洁工回答说对此事不了解,又说没有地方存放树叶,只好烧掉。你想科学家说过烟尘会导致癌症,认为不应该把树叶烧掉,而应该当肥料使用。要求用英语将上述内容写成一篇记叙文。  要求:1.要有标题.2.意思连贯、表达清楚。3.词数:100~140。【解题思路】1. 确定标题。这篇短文是"我 "的一次经历,所以应是一篇记事的短文。文中主要涉及了"清洁工"和"树叶"的问题,这是事件的中心。因此,短文的标题可以确定为"The dustmen and fallen leaves"2. 确定人称、时态和叙述的顺序。这篇记事短文,应以事件为中心进行叙述。叙述时,应使用第一人称以及过去时态来表达;叙述顺序应以"我 "的经历先后为描写的顺序。3. 注意搜集所要使用的短语和句型。○1 a few days ago/ the other day
几天前  ○2 see
给......送行几天前,我到火车站给朋友送行。A few days ago/ The other day, I went to the railway station to see my friends off.  ○3 see sb. doing
看到......正在......路上我看到清洁工正在烧树叶。On the way I saw street cleaners burning dry leaves.  ○4 be harmful to sb./sth. 对......有害  我想,"难道他们不知道烟尘对人体有害吗?""Don't they know that smoke is harmful to the human body?" I thought.○5 know about ...
了解/知道......清洁工回答说对此事不了解She said that they didn't know about that/it.○6even if...
即使......○7 get rid of ... 摆脱......即使知道,没有地方存放,只好烧掉。Even if they knew, they had no room for the leaves. The only way to get rid of dead leaves is to burn them.○8lead to...
导致......科学家说过烟尘会导致癌症。Scientists say that the smoke may lead to cancer.○9It is known that...
众所周知 ......众所周知,树叶可以成为很好的肥料。It's known that leaves can become very good fertilizer.○10 It would be better to do...
应该做/做......要更好一点应该把它们收集起来,放进田里,当很好的肥料使用。It would be better to collect them for the fields.○11 not only... but (also)...
不但......而且......如果烧了这些树叶,不但会损害人体健康而且污染环境。If we burn them, they not only harm people, but (also) pollute the air.【参考范文】         The Dustmen and Fallen LeavesA few days ago/ The other day, I went to the railway station to see my friendsoff. On the way I saw street cleaners burning dry leaves. "Don't they knowthat smoke is harmful to the human body?" I thought. I asked a street-cleaner.She said that they didn't know about that/it. Even if they knew, they hadno room for the leaves. The only way to get rid of dead leaves is to burn them.Scientists say that the smoke may lead to cancer. It's known that leaves canbecome very good fertilizer. It would be better to collect them for the fields.If we burn them, they not only harm people, but (also) pollute the air.要点解析Key points analysis1. In 1972, the United Nations held a meeting in Stockholm, Sweden to share ideas about how we can take better care of the earth.1972年,联合国在瑞士斯德哥尔摩举行了一次会议, 就如何更好地保护地球的问题交换了意见。share vt.&vi. 1> divide something and give part to different people分配;分担(常与out/ among/ between连用)e.g. a) The money was shared out between them.这笔钱由他们两人分掉了。b) The women cut up the watermelon and shares it out among the four children.那位妇女把西瓜切开,分给四个小孩。2> have or use together分享;共有;共用(常与in/ with/ among/ between连用)a) The boy shared his toy with other children.这个男孩让其它孩子分享他的玩具。b) He is willing to share (in) the work.他愿意分担这个工作。c) We'll share (in) her happiness of success.我们将分享他成功的喜悦。d) I'll share (in) the cost with you.我愿意与你一起分担费用。e) She shares (in) my trouble as well as (in) my joys.她和我同甘共苦。f) Two families share (in) the use of the kitchen.两户人家合用这间厨房。注:share亦可用作名词,其复数形式为shares,意为"一份;份额"e.g. a) Do your share of work well, please.请将你的那份工作做好。b) You must take your share of the blame.你必须承受你那一份过失。[ 高考链接 ]Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare--- you must learn to _________ .
(2000年NMET)A. support
D. share( key: D)2. At the Stockholm summit, representatives from more than one hundred countries discussed some of the most important problems facing our planet. 在斯德哥尔摩的峰会上,来自一百多个国家的代表们讨论了我们这个星球所面临的一些极为重要的问题。句中的facing our planet为现在分词短语,作定语修饰problems, 其作用相当于 一个定语从句that face our planet.类似的用法有:a) Who is that little girl working at the desk?在办公桌旁工作的那个小女孩是谁?(working at the desk相当于who is working at the desk.)b) People all like those having good manners.人们普遍喜欢那些有礼貌的人。(having good manners相当于who have good manners)c) The woman coming to see us last week is my father's sister.上周来看望我们的妇女是我的姑姑。(coming to see us last week相当于who came to see us last week.)注: 过去分词短语亦可用做定语,其作用也相当于一个定语从句。不过,此时分词短语与被修饰词之间的逻辑关系为被动。e.g. a) This is the dictionary bought in the bookstore yesterday.这是昨天在书店买的词典。(bought in the bookstore yesterday相当于that was bought in the bookstore yesterday.)b) There are four desks in the middle of the office used for the teachers. 在办公室的中央有四张供老师用的课桌。(used for the teacher相当于that are used for the teachers.)c) I know a famous football player named Sun Jihai. 我认识一个名叫孙继海的著名足球运动员。(named Sun Jihai相当于who was named Sun Jihai或whose name is Sun Jihai.)3.One of the main themes of the summit was " sustainable development", or the question of how we can continue developing the world without damaging the environment.峰会的主题之一是"可持续发展"的问题,即我们如何在不破坏环境的条件下继续发展的问题。1) continue vt.& vi. 继续;连续a)
vt. e.g. continue a story     b) vi.
e.g. The snow continued for two days.  2)continue doing / to do sth. 继续做某事e.g. a)Though it was lunch time , yet he continued writing / to write his report. 虽然吃午饭的时间到了,他却依然在写报告。b)How long will you continue working / to work?你将继续工作多久?c)He continued reading / to read when I spoke to him.当我跟他说话时,他仍在继续阅读。注:1> continue后接adj. 或介词短语时,被用作link.v ,表示"继续处于某种状态"或"继续以某种方式活动"。e.g. a) She still continues in weak health.她身体依旧很虚弱。b)He continued silent. 他继续沉默不语。c)I hope the weather will continue fine.我希望天气继续好下去。 2> continue和go on之别:continue后接不定式或动名词,其意思不变,指原来做一件事,现在还在做或有中断, 然后又继续做下去;go on doing sth.指继续做原来就在做的事;go on to do sth. 则指做与原来不同的事。4. Air pollution alone causes almost three million deaths.  光大气污染一项就导致将近三百万人的死亡。  alone表语形容词或 副词1)(= by oneself)without the company or help of others独立的(地);独自的(地)e.g.a) He likes living alone.他喜欢一个人生活。b) The house stands on the hillside all alone.那所房子孤零零地座落在山坡上。c) You can't lift the piano alone.你一个人抬不起那架钢琴。2)用在名词或代词后,意思是"只有/唯有" "没有别人。。。"e.g. a) Smith alone knows what happened.只有史密斯知道发生了什么事。b) You alone can help me in this task.只有你能帮助我做这件事。2) let/ leave sb/ sth. alone "不去理会/不要去管/不要干涉某人或某事" e.g.L he'll bite you if you pull its tail.不要惹狗;要是拽其尾巴, 狗会咬你的。[近义词辨析]1) lonely○1alone
adj./adv. "独自的(地)""独立的(地)"可作表语和宾补,不带感情色彩。e.g. I happened to be alone in the room.我碰巧一个人在屋里。When the child woke up, he found himself alone.这个孩子醒来时,发现只有自己一个人。○2 lone
adj. "孤独的、无伴的、孤零零的一个", 作前置定语。e.g.In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.在那样的阴天里。只有一颗孤零零的星星可以看到。○3 lonely
adj. (形容人)"孤独的""寂寞的",带有浓厚的感情色彩,表示主观上"孤独""寂寞",渴望有伴。形容地方时,意为"人迹罕至的、荒凉的、偏僻的"。可作定语,也可以作表语。e.g.He was alone.The traveler was alone all the way but he didn't feel lonely.那位旅行者一路上都是一个人,但他没有感到孤独。注: 用作adj.时,alone不能和very连用,而要说 very much alone或 而lonely可以受very的修饰。3) single三者都有"仅仅 ""单一""唯一"的意思,但也存在以下区别。○1表示"独自一人(或仅有几人)"时,only adj.(与the连用)作前置定语;alone为adv.,位于n.或pron.后,作状语。例如:He is the only son of the family.  他是家中唯一的儿子。She is the only woman for the position. 她是这一职位的最佳人选。Time alone will show who was right.
惟有时间来证明谁是谁非。○2only也可以用作adv. 意思是"唯一/仅仅/只不过",可前置,也可后置以替代alone. 例如:Only he knows the truth.= He alone knows the truth.只有他了解事实真相。Time alone will show who was right.= Only time will show who was right.
惟有时间来证明谁是谁非。The reading room is for the teachers only.= The reading room is for the teachers alone.
这个阅览室只是给教师用的。注:only修饰的词必须和only紧靠在一起,only的位置不同,句子的意思也就不同。例如:Only she did some washing yesterday. 只有她昨天洗了一些衣服。She did some washing only yesterday.
她只在昨天洗了一些衣服。○3 single "唯一""单一""仅仅",侧重强调可数名词单数,常与a连用。例如:The spider hung by a single thread. 这只蜘蛛吊在一根丝上。only修饰名词时表示"唯一",暗含"别无其它"之意,常与the或形容词性物主代词连用。例如:His single aim is to make money. 他唯一的目的是挣钱。single可用在表示否定意义的句子中,表示"连一个也不/没有",only则不能这样使用。例如:Not a single teacher stopped teaching. 没有一个老师停止教学工作。试判断下面的句子:He lived with an only child.
( × )这是一个错句;正确的句子是: He lived with a single child.或He lived with the only child.5. Air pollution is also a big problem in very large cities, especially in developing countries.
在一些大城市,尤其在一些发展中国家,大气污染也是一大难题。developing countries(发展中国家)这是一个现在分词作定语修饰名词的结构。developing "正在发展的",类似的结构有:boiling water (正在)沸腾的水;a running horse一匹奔跑的马a swimming fish一条游动的鱼; a flying bird一只飞翔的鸟在以上的短语中,我们可以发现这样一个规律,即:被修饰的名词与-ing形式的修饰词之间可以用这样的结构联系起来:S + be + V-ing例如: ○1 boiling water
→ Water is boiling.○2 a running horse → A horse is running.○3 a swimming fish → A fish is swimming.○4 a flying bird → A bird is flying.因此,我们可以总结出:现在分词有两个特征。○1表示某事正在发生。○2表示被修饰的名词与这个分词之间存在逻辑上的主动关系,即这个动词所表示的动作就是这个被修饰的名词所发出的。只要具备其中某个特征,就可以使用这种V-ing形式作定语。当然,如果被修饰的名词与V-ing形式的动词之间不存在这种关系,那么它必定是另一种词--- 动名词。例如:○1 a swimming pool游泳池 ○2 a teaching plan教案○3 a walking stick拐棍
○4drinking water饮用水○5 a washing machine洗衣机纵观以上例句,可以看出所有被修饰的名词与V-ing形式的修饰词之间既不存在逻辑上的主动关系,也不存在正在进行的动作。因此,它们都是动名词,作定语,表示被修饰词的用途。例如:○1 a swimming pool → A pool is used for swimming.○2 a teaching plan → A plan is used for teaching.○3 a walking stick → A stick is used for walking.依次类推。过去分词也可以作定语。表示被修饰词与分词间存在两种关系:○1逻辑上的被动关系○2完成关系。例如:○1developed countries发达国家 ○2fallen leaves
落叶○3written English书面英语
○4polluted water污水○5a broken car一部坏了的汽车
○6boiled water开(过了的)水5. All too often, global development means that rich people get richer while the poor get poorer. 司空见惯的是,(一谈到)全球的发展就意味着富人更富,穷人更穷。all too过于/太......(后加adj./adv.)相当于该adj./adv.的比较级。例如: all too early太早(相当于earlier);all too soon太快(相当于sooner);all too quickly太快(相当于more quickly)请看例句:○1 The holidays ended all too soon.假日结束得太快了。○2 We were all too late for the lecture. 听报告,我们去得太晚。[词语拓展] none too +adj./adv → not at all too...
一点也不......e.g. We were none too early for the train. 我们赶火车一点也不早。7.Without international cooperation, developing countries can't prosper, nor will sustainable development be possible.没有国际性的合作,就没有发展中国家的繁荣,也就没有可持续发展的可能。Without
prep. Not having/ not with/ free from/lacking没有/缺乏/无/不e.g.○1He is a person without feeling.他是个没有感情的人。○2Can you buy things without money?○3Do you ever travel without a ticket?○4He went out without a cap on such a cold day.这样冷的天,他不戴帽子就出去了。○5He can't speak German without making mistakes.他每说德语必犯错误。○6He passed without seeing me. 他走过去没有看见我。注:without短语若出现在句首,则带有条件意味。例如:○1Without air, people can't live.→ If there is no air, people can't live.○2Without breaking eggs, you can't make an omelette.→ If you don't break eggs, you can't make an omelette.不打破鸡蛋,你就不能做成蛋卷/不事耕耘,无有收获。○3Without practice, you can't make greater progress.→If there is no practice/ If you don't practice, you can't make greater progress.8. Conferences like the Earth Summit help people understand that there exist serious problems and that there is still time to take action.像地球峰会这样的大会使得人们明白确实存在严重的问题并且仍有时间采取行动。There exist serious problems以及there is still time to take action同属倒装结构。英语中, down等副词位于句首时,通常使用倒装结构,表示惊讶、喜悦等情感。e.g.○1 There goes the bell.
○2 Here comes the teacher.○3 Up goes the kite.
○4 Down fall the leaves.注:○1这种结构在使用时,一定要注意主谓一致,即谓语动词的形式变化应和后面的主语保持一致。○2当主语为代词时,主谓不倒装。e.g. 1)Here he comes.
2)There they go.9.○1Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth.只有改变我们的生活方式,才可以拯救地球。○2Had I known that air conditioner cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one.要是我知道空调会引发如此大的污染,我永远也不会买。○3Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation.直到了解了更多,我们才能够改善这种局面。○4 A better understanding of the environment is necessary, as is the willingness to act.(更好地了解环境情况是必要的,行动的愿望也是如此。以上四个句子都涉及到重要的语法项目---倒装。课后附录有详细的讲解,这里再不赘述。现就这几个句子所涉及的知识点作以分析。○1当only放在句首,修饰或强调状语时,主谓要进行部分倒装。例如:Only in China can they see such a thing as that.只有在中国,他们才可能看到这种现象。Only two years later did he receive his doctor's degree.仅两年后,他就获得了博士学位。○2这个句子使用了虚拟语气。这种虚拟语气的句子一般由一个条件从句和一个主句构成,表示与事实不符的假设,意思是"如果/要是......,某人/物就......。"主要有三种时态,即现在时、过去时和将来时,书后附录有详述。在这个句子当中,说话者使用了"过去时",即使用了与过去事实不符的假设。从句谓语用"had done",主句谓语用了"would have done"结构。整个句子表达了这样一个意思:If I had known that air conditioner cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one. "要是我早知道空调会引发污染(那时不知道),我就不会买它了(已经买过了)。"注:在含有 had的条件句中,if可以省略。但要将be/should/had放在句首,进行部分倒装。e.g.1) If I were you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug.→ Were I you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug. (虚拟语气的现在时)2) If she had told him about the danger, he would not have got hurt.→Had she told him about the danger, he would not have got hurt.(过去时)3) If he should fail in the experiment this time, he would try the next.(将来时)→Should he fail in the experiment this time, he would try the next.○3 "Not until..."从句作状语位于句首表示强调时,主句的主谓要部分倒装。e.g.Not until the boy fell asleep did the mother leave the room.直到那男孩睡着了,妈妈才离开屋子。Not until I came back did he go to bed.直到我回来,他才去睡觉。注:要强调"直到......才...... "这一意思时,应将not与until放在一起使用,方法有两个。1)not until...放在句首,主句部分倒装。e.g.
The thief didn't run away until he saw a policeman.→Not until the thief saw a policeman did he run away.2) 使用强调句型。这时也需要将not until...放在一起使用。e.g.
They didn't start to work until 8:00a.m.    →It was not until 8:00 a.m. that they started to work.○4本句话后面部分as is the willingness to act也属于倒装结构。as在这里相当于 当一个句子前面所述内容同时也适用于另一人/物时,用 "so(肯定)或neither/nor+部分倒装"结构,跟在一个陈述句后面。e.g. 1) Mingming is good at maths, so am I.2) I have seen the movie, so have they.3) He won't do such a thing, nor will I.同义词辨析○1 not ... until1). till,until均表示"到......时候为止",指谓语动词动作或状态延续的时间终点.因此,肯定句中的谓语必须是延续性动词。例如:I worked till/until late in the afternoon.我一直干到下午很晚的时候。2).若主句谓语是终止性动词,则主句的动词要用否定形式,或含有否定意义的词,表示主句的动作"到...才... "开始发生.如:The league meeting- didn't begin until Xiao Wang came.直到小王来了团会才开始。He and the other doctors did not leave until the operation was over.他和其他医生等手术做完后才减开注意:有些表示重复含义的终止性动词的肯定式也可以用 until.如:The retired workers receive money from the government till they die.退休工人从政府领钱,一直到退休为止。3).当主句使用一般将来时时,till; until引导的从句应用一般现在时表示将来,不用将来时.如:I shall wait here till Lao Ma arrives.我要在此等到老马来为止。Alice won't leave until her boy friend comes.直到她的男朋友来了爱丽丝才离开.  4).用在句首时,until比till普遍.如:Until now, I know nothing about it.直到现在我对此事一无所知.  5).till,until只可指时间概念,不可指空间、距离概念.不能说:There being no buses, he went on and on until the school.而要说:There being no buses, he went on and on until he reached theschool.由于没有公共汽车,他一直走到学校."6).为了强调,not...until可以转化成下列两种结构.即:1) It was not until+时间状语(或从句)+that句子2)Not until+时间状语(或从句)+did+主谓.如:He didn't go to bed until he finished his homework.→It was not until he finished his homework that he went to bed.→Not until he finished his homework did he go to bed. (did与主句构成倒装形式)7).在till,until引导的从句中,如果不强调主句和从句动作的先后,从句常用一般时;如来强调从句的动作发生在主句动作之前,从句要用完成时。如:I won't believe you until I've seen you in the jar with my own eyes.直到亲眼看到你在坛子里,我才相信你的话.We didn't find our seats till the play began/had begun.直到戏开演后,我们才找到座位?○2 until  两者可以互换的情况:1).如果主句谓语动词是终止性动词,只能用它们的否定式。这类动词  有:open,start,leave,arrive,finish,stop,tell等。如:I didn't leave the poor child until/before his mother came back.Don't open the door until/before the train stops.
'2).当主句谓语动词是持续性动词时,可用其肯定式。这类动词有:  stand,stay,wait,be,talk等。如:I will wait until/before he comes to my help.I shall stay here until/before you come back.
'下列情况下用before,不用until。1).在肯定句中,当主句谓语动词是终止性动词时,只能用before,如:He almost knocked me down before he saw me.
、His father died before he realized the importance of his father's existence.2).当主句谓逼动词受表示一段时间的状语修饰时,只能用before。如:It was quite some time before he found the elephant at all.We had walked a long way before we found some water.以上两点强调从句谓语动词的迟缓性。3).当强调从句谓语动词来不及发生时,一般也只用before,常译为"不等......就'。如:  Before I could
get in a word he had measured me.  He went out before the meeting started.○3not ... not ... until1)not...until...意为"直到...才..."。until引导的时间状语从句中,谓语动词应为终止性动词的完成时或一般时。该句型用于"从句动作完成,主句动作才发生"的情形。如:I won't believe you until I have seen it with my own eyes.直到我亲眼看见,才会相信你。(have seen也可用see)I didn't know anything about"until he had told me.直到他告诉我,我才知道这件事。(had told也可用told)2)not...until...句型中的until可用before替换,意思不变。如:  They didn't stop talking before the bell rang.直到铃响他们才住口。  Don't get off before the bus stops.车停稳了再下车。3)not...before...句型有时作"还没来得及......就......"解。如:  We hadn't arrived at the station before the train left.我们还没到车站,火车就离站了。He hadn't covered five miles before he felt tired.他还没有走五里路就感到累了。10. If the world becomes less unfair and if people can get better education, much of the poverty can be wiped out.如果世界变得少有不公;如果人们能够受到更好的教育,贫穷大多可被消除。Less unfair是unfair一词的另一种比较级形式。我们经常习惯于用more +adj./adv. 结构来表示adj.或adv.的比较级。其实less(little的比较级)+adj./adv.也可以表示该词的比较级形式,只不过这两种形式的词词义不同。more加上某些adj./adv., 表示"更...... "而less加adj./adv.则表示"较不...... "例如:more useful更有用的;
less useful较没用的;more careful更细心的;
less careful较不细心的;more interesting更有趣的;
less interesting较无趣的;more important更重要的;
less important较次要的注:在adj.和adv.最高级方面,most +某些adj./adv.表示"最...... ";而least +某些adj./adv.表示"较不/没......的/地 "e.g. most important最重要的; least important较不重要的倒装的基本用法1.用在疑问句中How have you been getting along?你们相处怎么样?2.用在感叹句中感叹句多用自然语序,但当一个句子包含一个带表语的复合谓语而表语又被how或what修饰时这个表语要放在谓语的前面。What a place it is!多好的地方啊!How beautiful the hills look with the clouds behind them! 山后面衬着云彩,看起来多美啊!另外,感叹句可以采用疑问句的形式,这时它自然是倒装语序:Aren't they beautiful!他们多漂亮啊!Have you ever seen any man like him!你见过谁像他这样3.用在there be的句型中There were no classes this afternoon.今天下午没有课。4.用于以方位副词:there,here,then,now,often so,only,well,away,out,in,up,down等开头的句子中。Here comes the professor! 教授来了!here,there起始的句子,其谓语动词多为come,go,主语如为代词,不用倒装结构。Here she comes.她来了。Then entered our teacher Mr White.接着进来的是我们的老师怀特先生。Often did I tell her not to make such mistakes.我经常告诉她不要犯这样的错误。She enjoys teaching English.So does my sister.她喜欢教英语。我姐姐也喜欢。注意:①so用于肯定句,通常指前面所说的肯定也适用于其他人(或物)。其结构为:so+be/do/have以及其它助动词或情态动词)+主语。②如果so后面的主、谓语不倒装,表示对前面听述内容的肯定、确认。(Mary is very kind.So is my sister.玛丽非常和蔼。我姐姐也是。(两个人,一种情况)Mary is very kind.So she is.玛丽非常和蔼。她就是如此。(一个人,一种情况)Only after a long time argument did he agree with us.经过长时间的讨论,他才同意我们的意见。(only后面多为状语)Well did l know him and well did he know me.  他很了解我,我也很了解他。Away went the others.其余的人一下子就走了。The door burst open and in rushed a stranger.  门突然开了,一个陌生人冲了进来。5.用于以含有否定意义的词语;hardly,never,seldom,little,nor,neither,not,not until,not only...but also,no sooner...than,under no circumstances等开头的句子中。Hardly could I believe it (to be)true.我简直不相信这是真的。Never in my life have I heard such a thing.在我一生中,从没有听过这样的事。Little did we expect that she could come.我们几乎没想到她能来。I don't know where he lives.Neither does she.  我不知道他住在哪儿。她也不知道。注意:nor,neither用于否定句,通常指前面所说的否定情况,也适用于其它人(或物),其结构为:nor/neither + be(do,have,其他助动词或情态动词)+主语Not a single word did John say at the meeting.  在会上,约翰一言不发。Not until yesterday did my father return home.  直到昨天,我父亲才回家。Not only did Bob buy a bike for me but he also sent it to my home.鲍勃不仅给我买了一辆自行车,还把它送到我家里。(后半部为正常语序)No sooner had she reached the station than the train left.她刚到车站,火车就开走了。(后半部为正常语序)6.用于某些以地点状语开头句子中,或用以强调表语(系动词与主语倒装)。At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake.小山脚下,有一个美丽的小湖。Under the big tree was sitting an old farmer.在那棵大树底下,坐着一个老农夫。  On the desk is a Chinese-English dictionary.在桌上的是一本汉英词典。7.用于直接引语的一部分或全部放在句首,其中间插入或后面跟着表示"某人说"这类意思的成分时."They must be in the fields now,"thought Xiao Lin."他们准是下地了."小林想。8.用于某些祝愿的句中。May you succeed!祝你成功!May you have a good time during the holiday !祝你假期愉快!9.用于宾语中含有某些限定词,且具有强调意义的"not a,nothing,nobody,no one,many a,many"等放在句首时。Many and many things has he had to do.他有许多许多的事情要做。Not a single word did Mr Li speak.李先生一句话也没有说。10。用在当句子以介词短语开始,并且句中的主语部分较长而又无宾语时。Instead of Mr Hopkins came Mrs Green,the history teacher.来的不是霍普金斯先生,而是历史老师格林夫人。From the distance came the call of Mum.远处传来妈妈的呼唤声。11.用于保持句子平衡,或强调表语或状语,或使上下文紧密衔接时。They arrived at a house,ln front of which sat a small boy.他们来到一座房子,前面坐着一个小男孩。12.用于出现主语的祈使句子中。Don't you make so much noise.你们不要这么闹。13.用于以were,had,should等词开头的虚拟条件句中。(即省略if的虚拟条件句)Were Tom here(=If Tom were here),we would be able to solve the problem.要是汤姆在这儿,我们就能解决这个问题。Had l the money(=If l had the money),I would buy a new car。如果我有这笔钱,我是会买一辆新汽车的。Should you change your mind(=If you should change your mind),let me know.如果你真改变了主意,就告诉我。14.让步状语从句由as引导,从句倒装,表示"虽然......但......"。Child as she was,she could speak three languages.虽然她只是一个小孩,但她能讲三国语言。(从句中的表语为名词,主语为代词;表语(名词)放在句首,主、谓语不用倒装结构。)Young as he is,he knows lots of things.他虽然年轻,但懂得很多。(从句中的表语为形容词,主语为代词;表语(形容词)放在句首,主、谓语不用倒装结构。)能力升华Developing skills[知能演练] 说明下列句子为什么要用倒装结构。1. Are you a Chinese or Japanese?2. There is some smoke in the air.3. Out rushed the firefighters.4. "Who will have a try?" said Miss Green.5. Only in this way can you pass the test.6. Not until 1995 did he come back to his hometown.7. Never shall I give up.8. I like pop music. So does she.9. He can not recognize the sign. Neither can I.10. The man lives in an old temple, around which stand many tall trees.[拓展训练]从A B C D中选出最佳答案:1.Not for a moment _______ the truth of your story. A. he has doubted
B. he doubts
C. did he doubt
D. he did doubt2._____ can you expect to get a pay rise.A. With hard work
B. Although work hardC. Only with hard work
D. Now that he works hard3.I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _____ so happy. A. did I feel
C. I had felt
D. had I felt4. Not a single song _____ at yesterday's party. A. she sang
B. sang she
C. did she sing
D. she did sing5.--- Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?--- I don't know, _______.A. nor don't I care.
B. nor do I careB. C.I don't care neither
D. I don't care also6. Little _____ about his own safety, though he was in greater danger himself.A. does he care
B did he care
C. he cares
D. he cared7. Often ______ the girl sing in her room.A. hears he
B. he hears
C. does he hear
D. does hear he8.--- This is one of the oldest trees in the world.--- _______ such a big tree.A. Never I have seen
B. I have never seenC. Never have I seen
D. I have seen never9. _______ succeed in doing anything.A. Only by working hard we can
B. By only working hard we canC. Only we can by working hard
D. Only by working hard can we10. Nowhere else in the world ______ cheaper tailoring than in HongKong.A. a tourist can find
B. can a tourist findB. C. a tourist will find
D. a tourist has found单元检测Tests (本套题满分为100分,45分钟完卷)一、单项选择(共15小题,每题1分,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1. Jane was dressed in brown ________ Mary was dressed in blue.A. and
C. however
D. while2. He got to the station only _______ the train to Beijing had left.A. to tell
B. telling
C. being told
D. to be told3. They have made
a rule to spend an hour
English every morning.A. read
B. to read
C. reading
D. reading4.
is that one smoker in four will die from smoking.A. The chance
B. A chance
D. There5. Nothing can prevent the plan
.A. from carrying out
B. to carry outC. from being carried out
D. carrying out6. He wants to be a teacher and his dream will
one day.A. realize
B. come true
C. come truly
D. become true7. Little Tom is looking forward to
to Beijing next month.A. take
B. be takenC. being taken
D. taking8. You should have helped him
you were busy.A. even so
B as though
C. even though
D. as if9. The meeting last night
to be a great success.A. turned up
B. turned out
C. turned in
D. turned down10.; The little girl is
becoming a famous singer.A. thinking
B. wanting
C. dreaming of
D. expecting11.
can you expect to get a pay rise.A. With hard work
B. Only with hard workC. Although work hard
D. Now that work hard12. We didn't buy the house because the owner wanted
it was worth.A. twice as much as
B. two time more thanC. as much as twice
D. as much twice13. If you go on doing that kind of thing, you will
prison.A. end up by
B. end up with
C. end up in
D. end up to14. Hardly
the village when the enemy came.A. have they left
B. they had left
C. had they left
D. did they leave15. Though we have
serious natural calamities(灾难;不幸), we are sure to smooth away all difficulties.  A. suffered
B. suffered from
C. were struck with
D. met with二、完型填空I'll never forget that summer day in 1965 when my mother suddenly died of an unexplained illness at the age of 36. Later that afternoon, a police officer stopped by to ask for my father' s __1
for the hospital to
Mother' svalve (心脏瓣膜). I was shocked. I ran into the house_3
. At 14 I just couldn't understand why anyone would take apart a person I
my father told him,"Yes.' "How can you let them do that to her?" I
him."Linda, ' he said quietly,
his arms around me, "the greatest
you can give is a
of yourself. Your mother and I decided
that if we can make11
in just one person' s life after we die, our death will have
my father taught me that day became one of the most
in my life.Years passed. I married and had a family of my own. In 1986, my father became seriously ill.He
told me that when he died, he wanted to donate (捐献)
good condition, especially his eyes.My father died and we donated his eyes as he had wanted. Three days later, my daughter said, "Mum, I'm so
of what you did for Grandpa.' At that moment I realized that my father gave much more than
behind sparkled in my daughter's eyes---pride.1. A. advice
B. suggestion
C. permission
D. speech2. A. operate
D. repair3. A. in tears
B. in silence
C. in a hurry
D. in surprise4. A. lost
D. remembered5. A. Therefore
B. Otherwise
D. And6. A. reported
B. said to
D. cried at7.A. pulling
B. putting
C. pushing
D. carrying8. A. regret
B. success
D. lesson9. A. body
D. value10.A. later
C. in the future
D. long ago11. A. a living
B. a difference
C. the way
D. the best12. A. right
B. meaning
C. pleasure
D. pain13.A. lesson
B. experience
C. thought
D. subject14. A. wonderful
B. important
C. warm-hearted
D. thorough15.A. cruelly
B. sorrowfully
C. cheerfully
D. bravely16.A. however
D. whatever17. A. at
D. for18.A. fond
C. remarkable
D. proud19. A. his words
B. his lessons
C. his eyes
D. his life20. A. gave
D. taught三、阅读理解AThe world is in danger1970 was "World Conservation(保护) Year". The United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world is in danger.
They hoped that governments would act quickly in order to conserve nature.
Here is one example of the problem.
At one time there were 1300 different plants, trees and flowers in Holland, but now only 860 remain.
The others have been destroyed by modern man and his technology. We are changing the earth, the air and water, and everything that grows and lives.
We can't live without these things.
If we continue like this, we shall destroy ourselves.What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is more important to ask "What must we do now?" The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today.
A lot of them know that conservation is necessary.
Many are helping to save our world.
They plant trees, build bridges across rivers in forests, and so on.
In small town in the United States a large group of girls cleaned the banks of eleven kilometers of their river.
Young people may hear about conservation through a record called NO ONE'S GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD.
it was made by the Scatles, Cliff Richard and other singers.
The money from it will help to conserve wild animals.1.There are fewer plants, trees and flowers in Holland now because
there has been a lot of conservation in HollandB.
many plants,
trees and flowers don't grow there any moreC.
many plants,
trees and flowers are destroyedD.
some plants,
trees and flowers are dangerous2. We shall destroy ourselves if we don't ______________.A.
improve our technology in planting treesB.
hear about the record called NO ONE'S GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLDC.
try our best to save the worldD.
change the earth3. NO ONE'S GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD was ______________.A.
an important book published in 1970B.
an idea that nobody would acceptC.
a record calling on people to conserve natureD. a rule worked out by the United States4. What is the most important thing for us to do to save our world? We should
plant more trees and flowersB.
clean the banks of our riversC.
know what will happen in the futureD.
know what we should do and begin to do it now5. What's the main idea of the passage? ______________.    A. 1970 was World Conservation YearB. The United Nations wanted everybody to know that the world is in dangerC. Conservation is necessary    D. It is the young people who are helping to save our world.                     B It is true that times are changing for the old people in Britain. But not all the changes are had ones. Modern medicine, for example, has made old people healthier than ever before. Another advantage is that there are many more old people than there used to be. This means that old people often have a good social life with their own clubs and organizations old people, too, have more money than their own parents and grandparents had.The biggest disadvantage of modern life is loneliness. The young leave home when they grow up, and many old people live alone. Fewer old people have brothers and sisters like their parents or grandparents. An old person' s one or two children may have moved to another part of the country. Even when they live nearby, the young people have their own work to do and their own children to look after. They have not much time for the old. Problems of loneliness often start when people stop work. When people retire, they find it difficult to start a new life without their jobs.The world has changed so fast since 1900 that it is difficult for old people to understand the problems of the young. And the world is changing even faster these days than fifty years ago. It makes you think, doesn't it? What will it be like when today's young people are old?6. To the old people, the changes in society are _____A. better than expected
B. not as good as they wishC. both good and bad
D. difficult to understand7. According to the passage, the old people today ______A. often go to the clubs with their sisters and brothersB. prefer lonely life to social lifeC. live more happily than their parents and grandparentsD. like to share their feelings and thoughts with otherpeople8. Although some old people live near their sons or daughters,A. they still feel lonelyB. they want to move to other placesC. they have no time to look after their grandchildrenD. they like to live with their own brothers and sisters9. In the last century old people didn't have so many problems because ____A. they had big familiesB. they had their own clubsC. the young were kind to the oldD. the society didn't change so rapidly10. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Modern society only belongs to the young.B. Modern life has brought new problems to the old.C. Today's young people are happier than their parents.D. It is necessary to take better care of the old people.四、短文改错:(共10小题,计10分)Dear editor,I'm writing to tell you about pollution of the water1.   in the Weihe River, that flows through my hometown.2.The other day, my father and I went fishing by the3.  Weihe River too. I am so sorry to say that we didn't4.  catch a single fish. The water in it is very dirty that it 
5.  smells terribly. You can see dead fish floating here and6.  there. People can hardly do some fishing there,                              7.I think we must pay attention to the problem or do8.something stop pollution. First of all, factories must be9.  prevent from pouring the polluted water into the river.10.Liu Wei五、书面表达内容提示:几位外宾来你校参观,请根据提示用英语写一篇日记.时间:日,星期五,天气:多云8:00:外宾到校:在校门口受到热烈欢迎8:30:在联合室举行欢迎会,校长和一位外宾致辞.10:00:参观校图书馆和语言实验室.14:30:听一堂英语课15:20:外宾与师生座谈,相互用英语交谈.17:30:外宾离校。词数100左右生词:联合教室 auditorium
language lab.知能演练答案:1.因为本句是疑问句。2.在There be结构中。3.在以out,in,up,down,away等方位副词或here,there开头的句子里,表示强调。4.当直接引语的一部分或全部放在句首时。5.当only所修饰的状语放在句首时。6.当not,never,hardly,little,seldom等含有否定意义的副词或连词放在句首时。7.同上。8.当so放在句首表示连续肯定时。9.当neither,nor放在句首表示连续否定时。10.为了保持句子的平衡,使上下文衔接紧密,或者为了强调表语、状语时。拓展训练答案:  1-5 CCDCB
6-10 BCCDB单元检测答案:一、单项选择:1-5 DDCAC
6-10 BCCBC
11-15 BACCB二、完型填空答案与解析1.C.母亲去世,父亲已决定捐献她的器官,警察来取这要首先得到父亲的"允许"。2.C."供医院使用",用cut一词不当。3.A.这两件事情的突然到来,对一个只有十四岁的女孩来说用in tears表示伤心、悲痛较妥当。4.B.她的母亲是她"所爱的人"。take apart为"夺走"。5 .C.根据上下文要用but.6.D.她说这番话是在质问父亲?,用"叫喊着说"一词才恰当。7.B.put one's arms around为"抱着"、"搂着"。8.C.gift"礼物"。9.C. part作"身体的器官"解。10.D.动词用过去时,故用D。11.B.make a difference"对......起作用,产生影响"。这句话说,人只有一次生命,如死后也能"发挥点作用"'我们的死才有意义。12.B.meaning"意义"。13.A.lesson指"高尚的情操教育","教诲"。它与后面的taught构成习语:teach sb a lesson14.B.这成为她一生中"最重要的教诲"。important后省略了lessons15.C.cheerful为"高兴地"。这样才能刻画出她父亲的这种高尚的情怀。16.D.whatever为"凡是......的"。用what不足以刻画这种品德。A、B语法有错。17.C.in...condition为习语。18.D.只有用"自豪"一词,才能真正地体现出文章的中心:大人的行为,  对孩子们的影响是多么的巨大,深刻。19.C.more than his eyes"不仅仅是他的眼球"。20.B."他身后所留下的那种东西,在我女儿的那双自豪的眼睛里闪着火花。"三、阅读理解答案:1-5 C C C D C
6-10 C C A A B四、短文改错答案与解析1.冠词错误。在pollution前加the,此处pollution为特指。2.关系代词错误。将that改为which。that不可引导非限制性定语从句。3.正确。4.行文逻辑错误。将too去掉,上文并未提到别的人去钓鱼。5.句型搭配错误。将very改为so,构成so...that...句型。6.词性错误。将副词terribly改为形容词terrible。smell在此为连系动词,后应接形容词作表语。7.形容词错误。将some改为any。hardly是表示否定意义的副词,要与any
连用。8.连词错误。将or改为and。这里是并列关系,而不是选择关系。9.非谓语动词错误。在stop前加to,构成不定式短语作目的状语。10.谓语形式错误。将prevent改为prevented,构成被动语态。五、书面表达答案  Friday, April 23,2004
CloudyThis morning several foreign guests came to visit our school at 8: 00. They were given a warm welcome at the school gate by our headmaster and some teachers
and students. At 8: 30 we had a welcome meeting in the school auditorium. The headmaster and a foreign guest had speeches at the meeting. Then at 10:00 the foreigners visited our school library and our language labs.At 2:30 p.m. they attended an English class. At 3:20 we had a free talk with them in English. At 5: 30 they left our school.What an unforgettable day!


