
来&&&&源: 郑州大学
摘&&&&要: 篇章语言学为翻译研究提供了全新视角,它将语篇看作是交际活动,强调翻译在语篇和交际层面的对等。他们认为,翻译中传递的是原文的语言含义和交际功能,只有语篇特征的七项标准(衔接性、连贯性、意图性、信息性、情境性、互文性和可接受性)都得到满足,语篇的交际功能才能得以实现。在翻译过程中,译者如果受到语篇特征理论指导,产生的译文会更好地与原文在语篇和交际层面上达到对等。《浮生六记》,作为饱含中国文化的文学经典,其自传体散文的形式、真诚率真的内容、鲜明的人物形象使它在现代自出版之初就广受读者欢迎,获得极高评价。1935年和1983年,林语堂和白伦、江素惠先后将其翻译成英文,两个英译本后来分别由牛津大学出版社和企鹅出版社出版,都获得了极大成功,吸引了很多学者对其进行研究。他们的研究主要集中于四个方而:文化及文化词的翻译、美学、语言特征与译者主体性。在此背景下,论文尝试从篇章语言学角度,以语篇特征的七项标准为理论框架,对《浮生六记》两个英译本进行对比研究,希望通过对比分析来发现两译本在语篇特征七标准方面所存在的异同、差异的原因、以及对翻译有何启示。本论文的研究方法为对比研究与定性文本分析。研究发现,两个英译本都符合语篇特征的七项标准,具备良好的衔接性、连贯性、意图性、信息性、情境性、互文性和可接受性;但是也存在以下三个差异:一是对信息性的程度把握不同。林译本传达了原文的基本含义;而白伦、江素惠译本通过添加注释、附录等方法,为读者提供了更多相关文化信息,因此信息性更高。二是对互文性的侧重不同。林译本通过归化的翻译方法,与目的语保持了良好的互文性;而白伦、江素惠译本多通过采用异化的方法,保留原语形象,更多介绍原语文化,而保持了原语互文性。三是意图性的重点不同。林语堂重在使世人略知女主人公芸与其丈夫之恬淡可爱生活;而白伦、江索惠译本更多地将《浮生六记》看作为清朝时期中国社会的百科全书。本论文作者认为,存在前两个差异的原因在于第三个差异。正是由于两译本意图性的重点不同,译者才对译文的信息性采取了不同程度的把握、侧重不同的互文性。通过本论文的分析,可看出译者的意图性在翻译中具有重要地位,能决定译文的信息量大小,及主要采取归化还是异化的翻译方法。反之,译者在翻译过程中可通过不同翻译方法实现自己的翻译意图。若重在传达故事内容或基本情节,可通过降低原文信息性、侧重译文互文性的方法来方便读者阅读;若重在介绍文化,则可通过添加注释等方法提高原文信息性、侧重原文互文性使读者拥有更多原汁原味的感受。
摘要4-6? Abstract6-11? Chapter 1 Introduction11-15?
1.1 Background of the Study11-12?
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study12-13?
1.3 Research Questions13?
1.4 Research Methodology13-14?
1.5 Structure of the Thesis14-15? Chapter 2 Literature Review15-21?
2.1 Previous Studies on the Translation of Fu Sheng Liu Ji15-18?
2.1.1 Studies from the Perspective of Culture15-16?
2.1.2 Studies from the Perspective of Translator's Subjectivity16-17?
2.1.3 Studies from the Perspective of Aesthetics17?
2.1.4 Studies from the Perspective of Linguistic Features17-18?
2.1.5 Studies from other Perspectives18?
2.2 Previous Studies on Standards of textuality in Translation18-19?
2.3 Rationale of the Present Study19-21? Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework21-34?
3.1 A Brief Introduction to Text Linguistics21-23?
3.1.1 Definition of "Text"21-22?
3.1.2 Text Linguistics22-23?
3.2 Seven Standards of Textuality23-34?
3.2.1 Cohesion24-29?
3.2.2 Coherence29-30?
3.2.3 Intentionality and Acceptability30-31?
3.2.4 Informativity31-32?
3.2.5 Situationality32?
3.2.6 Intertextuality32-34? Chapter 4 A Comparative Study of the Two Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji34-51?
4.1 Shen Fu and His Fu Sheng Liu Ji34?
4.1.1 A Brief Introduction34?
4.1.2 The Two English Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji34?
4.2 A Comparative Study from the Perspective of Seven Standards of Textuality34-51?
4.2.1 Cohesion35-42?
4.2.2 Coherence42-43?
4.2.3 Intentionality and Acceptability43-45?
4.2.4 Informativity45-47?
4.2.5 Situationality47-48?
4.2.6 Intertextuality48-51? Chapter 5 Conclusion51-54?
5.1 Signincant Findings of This Study51-52?
5.2 Limitations of This Study52-53?
5.3 Suggestions for Future Studies53-54? Bibliography54-56? Acknowledgements56-57? 个人简历57
中国学术期刊网络出版总库[1] 翟红梅,张德让;;安徽师范大学学报(人文社会科学版);2005年01期[2] 苏惠敏;;;长春师范学院学报;2006年07期[3] 范晔;;湖南文理学院学报(社会科学版);2005年05期[4] 张戈;;福建外语;2002年04期[5] 蓝红军;;;江苏科技大学学报(社会科学版);2006年01期[6] 葛校琴,季正明;;解放军外国语学院学报;2001年04期[7] 刘芳;;解放军外国语学院学报;2003年04期[8] 孙会军;;解放军外国语学院学报;2004年03期[9] 王薇;;;吉林省教育学院学报;2006年10期[10] 董晖;;辽宁工学院学报(社会科学版);2004年03期
中国博士学位论文全文数据库[1] 范敏;;山东大学;2008年
中国硕士学位论文全文数据库[1] 王斐;;对外经济贸易大学;2007年[2] 朱赛妮;;广东外语外贸大学;2007年[3] 刘俊标;;郑州大学;2010年
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84-48信箱 知识超市公司
Abstract7-9摘要9-131 Introduction13-16 1.1 Purpose of the Study14-15 1.2 Significance of the Study15 1.3 Research Questions15-162 Literature Review16-33 2.1 An Overview of the Translator's Subjectivity in Translation History16-22
2.1.1 The loss of the translator's subjectivity16-18
2.1.2 The recognition of the translator's subjectivity since the "cultural turn"18-22 2.2 An Overview of the Subject of Translation and Translation Inter-subjectivity22-28
2.2.1 The debate on the subject of translation22-24
2.2.2 Studies on the inter-subjectivity in translation24-28 2.3 An Overview of the Previous Studies on FSLJ and Its English Versions28-33
2.3.1 An overview of the previous studies of Lin Yutang's translation of FSLJ28-30
2.3.2 An overview of the previous studies of English versions of FSLJ30-333 Research Data and Methodology33-37 3.1 Shen Fu and His FSLJ33-34 3.2 Two English Versions of FSLJ34-36
3.2.1 Lin Yutang and his translated version of FSLJ34-35
3.2.2 Leonard Pratt and Chiang Su-hui and their translated version of FSLJ35-36 3.3 Research Data and Methodology36-374 A Contrastive Study of the Manifestation of the Translator's Subjectivity in the Two EnglishVersions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji37-68 4.1 The Translator's Subjectivity in Mediating the Source Text Author and the Target Readers37-42
4.1.1 The translator's subjectivity in the process of understanding the source text authorand the source text38-40
4.1.2 The translator's subjectivity in the process of understanding the target readers40-42 4.2 The Translator's Subjectivity in Mediating between Source Text Author and Target Readers on the Linguistic Level42-57
4.2.1 Shen Fus linguistic characteristic in FSLJ43
4.2.2 A contrastive study of translators' subjectivity in the two English versions of FSLJon the linguistic level43-57 4.3 The Translator's Subjectivity in Mediating between the Source Text Author and the Target Readers on the Cultural Level57-68
4.3.1 Idioms in FSLJ and its English versions58-59
4.3.2 Allusion in FSLJ and its English versions59-61
4.3.3 Poems in FSLJ and its English versions61-63
4.3.4 Culture-specific words in FSLJ and its English versions63-685 A Contrastive Study of the Translators' Strategies in the Two Versions68-77 5.1 Lin Yutang's Translation Techniques in FSLJ69-73
5.1.1 Omission69-70
5.1.2 Simplication70-71
5.1.3 Substitution71-72
5.1.4 Free translation72-73 5.2 Pratt and Chiang's Translation Techniques in FSLJ73-74
5.2.1 Literal translation73
5.2.2 Literal translation plus annotation73-74 5.3 The Summary of Lin Yutang, Pratt and Chiang's Strategies in Mediating Shen Fu and the Target Readers74-75 5.4 The Extent of Lin Yutang's Subjectivity and Pratt and Chiang's Subjectivity inMediating Shen Fu and the Target Reader75-776 Conclusions77-79Bibliography79-84Acknowledgements84
地址:北京清华大学 84-48信箱 知识超市公司
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淘豆网网友近日为您收集整理了关于翻译策略及其制约因素——《浮生六记》两个英译本之对比研究的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:翻译策略及其制约因素——《浮生六记》两个英译本之对比研究 福建师范大学硕士学位论文翻译策略及其制约因素——《浮生六记》两个英译本之对比研究姓名:陈慧敏申请学位级别:硕士专业:英语语言文学指导教师:岳峰福建师范大学陈慧敏硕士学位论文摘要本文选取《浮生六记》的两个英译本,依据描述翻译学理论及功能目的理论,从语言和文化两方面对其进行对比研究,旨在分析比较两个译本的翻译策略并探讨影响这些策略的制约因素。论文共分四章。第一章简介了《浮生六记》的内容及其在海外的传播,回顾了今人对其英译本所做的研究成果,同时介绍了本文的理论依据、研究方法及研究意义。第二章基于描述翻译学的“规范论&,从语言和文化两个方面对两个译本进行对比分析,本章认为两个译本的译者在译法上有着明显的不同:布莱克的译本更倾向于可接受性;白伦和江素惠的译本更倾向于充分性。第三章基于描述翻译学理论及功能目的论,对这两个译本背后的制约因素进行了探讨,本章认为社会历史背景、源文地位与翻译规范、道德规范、翻译目的与读者对象是造成译本差异的主要原因。第四章是全文的结论。通过对两个译本的比较,我们可以看出,同一作品的不同译(来源:淘豆网[/p-6539304.html])本在不同的历史时期受到社会、历史和文化背景等各种因素的影响,为了适应目标文化和目标受众的需要,译者采用了不同的翻译策略,致使译本呈现出不同的风格特征。因此,在文学翻译中,翻译策略的选择与超越文本之外的社会历史文化等各种因素有着密切的关系。关键词:《浮生六记》;布莱克;白伦和江素惠;对比研究福建师范大学陈慧敏硕士学位论文中文文摘《浮生六记》(1808年)为清代文人沈复所著,带有自传、散文纪事性质。沈复以简洁生动的文笔描述了他个人生活的方方面面以及他对人生的感悟,并谈及生活艺术、闲情异趣、山水游记、文学评论等等,为我们留下了一幅他所处那个时代的生动画卷。原书有六卷,每卷皆有小题,实为六记,依次是:卷一,闺房记乐:卷二,闲情记趣;卷三,坎坷记愁;卷四,浪游记快;卷五,中山记历;卷六,养生记道。据考证,该书现仅存前四卷,现在可见的最后两卷“中山记历”和“养生记道”系为伪作,文字亦不如从前。作为一部很有价值的社会文献,《浮生六记》受到许多学者的关注,有多种文字的译本,现可查的仅英译本就有三种,还有德译本(来源:淘豆网[/p-6539304.html]),法译本,日译本等等,其影响已经远远超出了中国,成为世界文学宝库中的一块瑰宝。本论文选取《浮生六记》的两个英译本,即牛津大学出版社在1960年出版的布莱克(Shirley M.Black)译本及企鹅出版社在1983年出版的白伦和江素惠(LeonardPratt and Chiang Suhui)的合译本,以描述翻译学理论及功能目的论为理论基础,从语言和文化两方面对其进行对比研究,在分析译者翻译策略的同时,探索译者在翻译过程中所受的种种制约,即关注翻译的社会历史文化背景、译者和目标读者等因素对译本形成的综合影响。论文包括四个部分。第一章是综述。第一节简介了《浮生六记》的作者、内容、其流传发展、现存版本以及它的重要性,还介绍了它的语言和风格特征以及在海外的传播情况。第二节简要回顾了今人对《浮生六记》英译本所做的研究成果及存在的局限性。第三节简介了本文的研究对象,即《浮生六记》的两个译本及其译者。第四节介绍了本文研究《浮生六记》两个英译本所要用到的理论基础,即:描述翻译学理论,功能翻译理论以及归化与(来源:淘豆网[/p-6539304.html])异化两种翻译策略。描述翻译学的任务是“描述在我们身处的世界上出现的翻译现象”,包括译本的特点、译本在目标文化环境中所起的作用,以及翻译的过程。由于描述性翻译批评能避免批评者所处历史时代审美期望的干扰,并能揭示每一种文学译作的特征与价值,所以最适用于对不同历史条件下产生的同一文学作品的不同译本进行研究(郑延国,2005:45)。功能翻译理论强调翻译是一种有目的的行为,译者对翻译策略的选择与其翻译目的息息相关。第四节提出了本文的研究目的,研究方法及其意义,所用到的研究方法有综合分析法、阐述分析法、文本批评和比较研究法。第二章基于描述翻译学理论中的“规范论”,尝试分析比较两个译本的翻译策略并且探讨支配这些策略的起始规范。本章包括四个小节。第一节介绍了本章的理论基础“规范论”。图里提出的“规范论&认为翻译是一个决策过程,译者必须面临原语文本和译语文本两套规范或习俗(forms andconventions)的制约,翻译实际上是在规范制约下的抉择活动。在实际翻译过程中,译者通常受到三类规范的制(来源:淘豆网[/p-6539304.html])约,即:伊始规范(preliminary norms),起始规范(initial norms)以及操作规范(operational norms)。其中,起始规范(initialnorms)决定译者对翻译的总体倾向,即倾向于原文本还是倾向于译文文化的读者习惯。图里将这两极称为“充分性”(adequacy)和“可接受性&(acceptability)。(Hermans,)III福建师范大学陈慧敏硕士学位论文如要较为全面地解释翻译现象,较好的方法是首先看看译本在整体上的起始规范是倾向于充分性还是可接受性,然后推测翻译规范背后的决定因素(张南峰,)。因此,本章第二节和第三节分别从语言和文化两个方面应用大量的例子对两个译者所采取的不同翻译策略进行详尽的分析,以探讨支配这些策略的起始规范。第二节采用例证法,从语言学方面对两个译本进行了比较分析。第一小节从措辞角度对比了这两个译本,研究表明:布莱克主要采用以意译为主的翻译方法,并在译文中多处添加一些词语或句子来表(来源:淘豆网[/p-6539304.html])达原文隐含的意义:而白伦和江素惠则主要采用以直译为主的翻译方法。第--d,节从句法层面例证了这两个译本的异同。由于英语和汉语属于不同的语系,英语重形合而汉语重意合,因此在翻译时,两个译本的译者均调整了原文句子结构以使其符合英语表达习惯。但不同的是布莱克会根据自己对原文的阐释添加一些说明性的文字来增强译文的生动性,而自伦和江素惠的译文较为生硬。通过对两个译本语言层面的比较分析,本节认为两个译本的译者在译法上有着明显的不同:布莱克的译文更注重目的语读者的感受,而白伦和江素惠的译文则更倾向于忠实原文。第三节也是采用例证法,展示了两个译本的译者在翻译时对中国文化因素的处理方式。翻译是文化交流的重要途径,对文化的不同态度促使译者使用相应的翻译策略——异化或者归化。异化翻译策略尽可能接受并保留原文本的语言与文化差异,把译语读者带入“异国风情”:而归化翻译策略则尽可能克服语言与文化障碍,使译本语言通顺流畅并符合译语的文化价值。本节主要对《浮生六记》两个译本中称呼、度量衡、宗教、成语典故等文化层面的译例进行对(来源:淘豆网[/p-6539304.html])比分析,研究表明:布莱克主要采取归化的翻译策略;而白伦和江素惠主要采取异化的翻译策略。第四节对前几节的内容进行了简要的概括,认为布莱克译本的起始规范更倾向于可接受性,而白伦和江素惠的译本则更倾向于充分性。第三章运用描述翻译学理论和功能目的论对影响这两个译本翻译策略的制约因素进行了探讨。描述翻译学理论将翻译结果视为既成事实,追寻影响翻译过程的社会历史因素以及翻译作品在译语文学多元系统中的功能和地位,并对此进行全面历时性描述(郑延国,2005:45)。功能目的论认为所有翻译遵循的首要法则是‘目的法则’。翻译目的虽不能决定所有的翻译策略,但必然会影响译本整体的翻译决策。决定翻译目的最重要的因素之一是译文所意指的接受者,他们有自己的文化背景知识、对译文的期待以及交际需求。译者在翻译过程中,总会自觉或不自觉地以某些接受群体为译本的目标受众,那么,译者的翻译策略就会受到其翻译目的和目标受众的影响。描述翻译学理论主要关注影响译者翻译策略的外部制约因素,而目的论侧重译者的翻译目的与目标受众,因此本章将这两者结(来源:淘豆网[/p-6539304.html])合起来,旨在对《浮生六记》两个译本背后的制约因素进行更为深刻的探讨。本章分为四节,分别从社会历史背景、源文地位与翻译规范、道德规范、翻译目的与读者对象四个方面进行剖析,最后指出上述四个方面的制约是造成译本差异的主要原因。第四章是全文的结论。结论部分不仅对全文内容特别是第二章和第三章进行了简要的概括:认为这两个译本产生于不同的社会历史时期,受到不同因素的支配,为了适应目标文化和目标受众的需要,译者采用了不同的翻译策略,致使译本呈现出不同的风格特征;同时也提出了进一步研究的必要性,呼吁多视角的全面研究。IV福建师范大学陈慧敏硕士学位论文AbstractThis thesis focuses on the two English translations啦j Fu Sheng Liu m、one byShirley M.Black and the other by Leonard Pratt and Chiang Suhui.With plementary theories of descripti(来源:淘豆网[/p-6539304.html])ve translation studies and Skopos theory as thetheoretical basis.it is a diachronic study through parison of the two translationsfrom the linguistic and cultural perspectives to throw light on the strategies adopted bythe translators in relation to the factors that condition the shaping of the translations.This thesis consists of four chapters.Chapter One is a brief introduction to Fu Sheng Liu Ji,a survey。of scholars’researches on its English trans(来源:淘豆网[/p-6539304.html])lations and the research framework of the thesis includingtheoretical basis and the designing of the research.Chapter Two is parative study in the light of“translational norms'’.parison and analysis of the two English versions,it is found that Black chieflyemployed acceptability.oriented translation strategies while Pratt and Chiang mainlyadopted adequacy-oriented ones.Chapter Three is an exploration of the reasons for the differences in the two(来源:淘豆网[/p-6539304.html]) Englishversions.And the constraints resulting in the divergence of translation strategies havebeen discussed from the following four aspects:social and historical background,thestatUS of the source text and translational norms.ethical norms with focus on thedescriptions of sexuality,translation purposes and intended readers.Chapter four is the conclusion of the whole thesis.The choice of translationstrategies is closely related with factors that transcend language proper.Therefore,keeping an eye on various elements influencing translation activities in the wholesocio.cultural context will help to engender an integrated and better understanding oftranslation phenomenon at agiven time.Keywords:Fu Sheng Liu坍;Shirley M.BLeonard Pratt and Chiang parative studiesH福建师范大学学位论文使用授权声明福建师范大学学位论文使用授权声明本人(姓名)陵董敛学号2QQ鱼Q垒鱼鱼专业墓语适壹窒堂所呈交的论文(论文题目:翻译策略及其制约因素——《浮生六记》两个英译本之对比研究Translation Strategies and parativeStudies on the Two English Versions ofFu Sheng Liu历)是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。本人了解福建师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交的学位论文并允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容;学校可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。(保密的论文在解密后应遵守此规定)学位论文作者签名孚童墼u旨导教师签名签名日期—上珥:』L.』臣Chapter One Introduction1.1 A Brief Introduction to Fu Sheng Liu Jil.1.1乳Sheng Liu Ji:Its Author,Discovery andSignificanceShen Fu.writer and painter,was born in Suzhou in 1 763 at the prime time of theQing Dynastv.Eldest son of a scholar family,he was apprenticed to‘his father’Sprofession,a secretary to magistrates and held various posts.Later,in order tO make aliving’he had to work by turns as secretary,teacher,painter and merchant.During hislifetime,he gained no distinction and wrote only one book Fu Sheng Liu坍(《浮生六记》)。which was published posthumously.Throughoutllis life,he went through manymisfortunes.In his forties,he had to endure the loss of his wife,father and son,and thefailure of his career.With superb artist巧,he set out his life in six moving‘records’in hismid forties(Pratt and Chiang,2006:23).Through detailed portrayal of their daily lifc,hispassion for life and his devotion to his beloved wife Yttn have won him a place in thehearts of his readers for more than a hundred years.凡ShPngLiu Ji,which Can be literally translated as Six Records ofa Floating Life,isactuallv Shen Fu'autobiography.The title originated from a poem by Li Bai(李白),·tOur floating how often carl one enjoy oneself7.’’(浮生若梦,为欢几何?)(Lin Yutang,1999:23)“Poetic,romantic,nostalgic and filled with emotion,itrecreates a life essentially tragic,which yet held innumerable moments of all almostmagical happiness and beauty'’(Shirley M.Black,1960:xiii).This enchanting book originally consists of six chapters,each of which deals with adifferent aspect of the author’s life.It recounts the domestic and romantic joys of hismarriage to Ytin in extremely revealing details‘‘with observations ments on theart of livin舀the little pleasures of life,some vivid sketches of scenery and literary and artcriticism”(Lin Yutang,1 999:23).HoWeveL when the manuscript turned up in a second-hand bookstore in Suzhou in1 877.the last two chapters were unfortunately lost.The four remaining chapters were firstprinted in the same year and have since been reprinted many times.In the 1 930s,anedition containing six chapters WaS published by the World pany,but the lasttwo were obviously spurious,being reprints from the works of various well—knownauthors.福建师范大学陈慧敏硕士学位论文Ever since it came to light in the 1 9m century,Fu Sheng Liu Ji has e a favoriteof many readers and attracted the scholars’attention.With its vivid description andexquisite style,Yu Pingbo(1 928:1 8 pares it tO“a pure crystal,clear and delicate,without any polishing’’.As‘‘a valuable social document’’(Pratt and Chiang,2006:23),it isregarded by scholars as an excellent portrait of daily life during the Qing Dynasty in the1 8m century China.Though plete,it stands on its own as one of the finest works inChinese cultural legacy and is totally unprecedented and unparalleled in the history ofC:hinese literature.1.1.2 Linguistic and Stylistic Features ofFu Sheng Liu JiFu Sheng Liu坍“is more an autobiography than a novel,but its casual,simple,andstraightforward style,its intensity of feeling,and its intimate description of married lovemake it a minor landmark in the Chinese narrative tradition'’(Paul S.Ropp,1 990:33 1-332).It is written in a frank and unaffected manner,with rich content,concisewording and vivid expression.The sentences are short,anized and flow smoothly.It has a unique structure and a skillfully knitted frame.It’S a biography,but not a straightnarrative.The book is divided into themes in Shen Fu’S life ranging from marriage,leisure,misfortunes,travel,etc.and they are not arranged chronologically.It is written insix chapters,i.e.the Joys ofthe Wedding Chamber,the Pleasures ofLeisure,the SorrowsofMisfortune,the Delights ofRoaming Afar,a History ofLife atChungshan and the WayofLiving(Leonard Pratt and Chiang Suhui’S translation).“As evidenced by the chaptertitles”.Fu Sheng Liu历“is a multi—faceted chronicle of the author’S life,with each of itschapters framed within a thematic context.As the story unfolds,significant events are toldand retold in consecutive chapters,revealing them each time in a different light,withvarying degrees of nuance and detail”(Celeste Heiter,200 1:).1.1.3 The Dissemination ofFu Sheng Liu Ji WorldwideFu Sheng Liu坍gives a snapshot of Chinese life in the 1 8m century which was quiteunknown to the western readers.Therefore,it’S a good source for them to know the socialcustoms and cultural traditions of that era in China.With its salient plishment and artistic charm,Fu Sheng Liu坍has attracted many translators toreproduce it into different languages.Up to now,there have been three versions in Englishalone(Anonymity,baike.).They are Six Chapters of a Floating Life rendered2Chapter One Introductionby Lin Yutang,Chapters from a Floating L咖by Shirley M.Black and Six Records ofaFloating Life CO—translated by Leonard Pratt and Chiang Suhui(ibid.).In addition,it hasone version in Japanese,German,French,Swedish,Danish and Malaysian respectively(ibid.).Besides all these languages,it has also been translated into Czech(Wang Renenand Xie Zhihuang,).Fu Sheng Liu坍has‘'e acknowledged as a minorclassic not only in China but throughout the world”承alph.S.Pomeroy,1 961:6).1.2 A Survey of Related Researches on the English Translations ofFu Sheng Liu JiWith the appearance of the English versions of Fu Sheng Liu坍,researches of themhas begun and developed.In China,some researches have been made on the translationsof Fu Sheng Liu坍,resulting in agreat deal of important studies(such as Zhai Hongmeiand Jiang Jiatao,2006;Wang Renen and Xie Zhihuang,2005;Dong Hui,2002,etc.).Thissection is a literature review ofthe studies on the translations of凡Sheng Liu坍.Articles dealing晰tll the English version of Fu Sheng Liu坍from the linguisticperspective include Gang Haiying’S‘‘Contrast of Words in Translating Words fromChinese into ment on Lin Yutang’S Translation of Fu Sheng Liu Jr’(《英汉词汇对比与汉译英中的词汇翻译——兼评林语堂&浮生六记&译本》),Li Zhi andZheng Hongqin’S‘'An Analysis of the Aesthetic Value of the English Version of Fu ShenLiu历from the Perspective ofEquivalence Effect'’(《从等值论试析&浮生六记&英译本的美学价值》).Articles making cultural analysis of the English version of Fu Sheng Liu文on themicro level include Li Yuliang’S‘‘Gain and Loss of Six Chapters ofa Floating Life by LinYutang”(《林译&浮生六记&的得与失》),Wang Huanchi’S“Specific Culture—loadedWords in the English Version of凡Sheng Liu刀’(《特定文化词语与&浮生六记&译本》),Shi Jiasheng and Li Xueying’S“On the Rendering of Literary Images”(《谈文学形象的翻译》),Gao Wei’S“How to Deal with Cultural Differences in Chinese—ment on Lin Yutang’S Translation of Fu Sheng Liu Jr’(《文化差异现象在汉译英中的处理——兼评林语堂的&浮生六记&英译本》),Lan Hongiun’S“CulturalHybridity:The Third Approach to Literary 1mmslation·——口Comment on Lin Yutang’STranslation ofFu Sheng Liu刀’(《文化杂合:文学翻译的第三条道路——兼评林语堂译&浮生六记&》),Liu Fang’S“Foreignization and Domestication in the Translation ofChinese Literary Works into Englisb——.With an Analysis of Lin Yutang’S Translation of3福建师范大学陈慧敏硕士学位论文Fu ShengLiu刀’(《汉语文学作品英译中的异化与归化问题——兼评林语堂在《浮生六记》中的文化翻译》).Articles discussing the Lin Yutang’S translation of Fu Sheng Liu坍from the angle ofLin’S translation theory‘‘On Translation'’include Tang Xinjie and Zeng Yujun’S‘‘Beingalike in Spirit in Cultural Translation———on the Translation of Fu Sheng Liu坍by LinYutang”(《东风西渐回精传神——林语堂译&浮生六记&赏析》),Xu Chengzhen's“Being Alike in Spirit:on Lin Yutang’S English Version ofFu Sheng Liu刀’(《炉火纯青出神入化——琳语堂英译本&浮生六记&赏析》),Wang Haixia’S‘'Natural and Fluent:onLin Yutang’S English Version ofFu Sheng Liu di(《清新晓畅,意到神到——评林语堂英译&浮生六记&》),Liang Jinhua and Pen Xiaofei’S“The Vivid Beauty ofSix Chaptersof a Floating Zife&’(《林语堂译&浮生六记&的“传神”美》),Hu Xingwen and ShiZhikang’S‘‘A Tentative Analysis of Lin Yutang’S Translation Thoughts and HisTranslation of Fu Sheng Liu刀’(《林语堂的翻译思想及其英译&浮生六记&》),GuoRuijuan—S‘A Case Study of Lin Yutang and His Art ofTranslation'’(《林语堂及其翻译艺术个案研究》),Sun Wenjuan’s‘'Natural and Vivid:on Lin Yutang’S English Version ofFuSheng三诅刀’(《清新自然形神兼备——评析林语堂英译&浮生六记&》),Xia Beijieand Xue Lian’s“On Lin Yutang’S Translation of Fu Sheng Liu Ji:An munication Product(《林语堂翻译的《浮生六记》:实践性跨文化交际的成果》).Articles studying the English version of Fu Sheng Liu历in the light of modemtranslation theories include Ge Xiaoqin and Ji Zhengming’s“Choice and Strategies inTranslation in Relation to Life Philosoph卜叫nLin Yutang’S Six Chapters ofa Floating三咖”(《人生态度取向与翻译的选择及策略——谈林语堂&浮生六记&的翻译》),TianSitao,Xu Jin and Fu Xia’s“Studies on Lin Yutang’S Six Chapters ofa Floating Zife fromthe perspective of Intertextuality'’(《从互文性角度看林语堂译&浮生六记&》),SunHuijun’S‘‘The Operation of Translation Norms as Seen from the English Version of FuSheng Liu Jr’(《从&浮生六记&等作品的英译看翻译规范的运作方式》),Xue Lian’S“On the Translation of Fu Sheng Liu di from the Perspective of Cultural Differences andSkopos Theory”(《从中西方文化与目的论看&浮生六记&的翻译》),Zhong Huilian’S‘‘ANew Perspective:Skopostheory in Six Chapters ofa Floating Life”(《从目的论看林语堂英译&浮生六记&》).In addition,Liu Chang’S“Domestication and parisonof TwoEnglish Versions of凡Sheng Liu坍(《从&浮生六iE&两译本中看归化与异化》)probesinto the two translation strategies,i.e.domestication and foreignization,through the4播放器加载中,请稍候...
翻译策略及其制约因素——《浮生六记》两个英译本之对比研究 福建师范大学硕士学位论文翻译策略及其制约因素——《浮生六记》两个英译本之对比研究姓名:陈慧敏申请学位级别:硕士专业:英语语言文学指导教师:岳峰福建师范大学陈慧敏硕士学位论文摘要本文选取《浮生六记》的两个英译本,依据描述翻译学理论及功能目的理...


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