
Shipment 装运-外贸实务口语句型及对话第14课
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  Unit 14 Shipment 装运
1. How long does it usually take you to make a delivery?
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Unit 14 Shipment 装运
1. How long does it usually take you to make a delivery?
2. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within three months afterreceipt of the covering L/C.
3. Could you possibly advance shipment further more?
4. I hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C.
5. Shipment should be made before October,otherwise we are not able to catch the season.
6. The earliest shipment we can make is early March.
7. I'm sorry,we can't advance the time of shipment.
8. The order is so urgently required that we must ask you to expedite shipment.
9. We are confident of being able to ship the goods to you by the end of next month.
10. The goods ordered are all in stock and we assure you that the first steamer will make the shipment available in November.
贵公司订购的货物我方均有现货,可保证在十一月份将货物装上第 一条便船。
11. Please see to it that the goods are shipped per PEACE sailing on or about October 15th.
请确保货物由十月十五日左右启航的 &和平轮&装运。
12. Shipment by the middle of October will be too late for us.
13. We'll try our best to advance shipment to September.
14. When is the earliest possible date you can ship the goods?
15. I wonder whether you can make shipment in September.
16. How long will the delivery take from here to Canada by sea freight?
17. I don't think I can promise you any January shipments.
18. Please be informed that the shipment of the cargo (your purchase order No. 123) was sent yesterday, airway bill No.123.
特此通知这批货物(你方订单号码是No.123)昨天已装运,航 空货物的领取号码是No.123。
19. In case you do not receive the goods on or before December 12, please let us know.
20. We will do all we can to fill your order so that the goods will be shipped before October 15.
ConversationsDialogue 1A: Now we have settled the terms of payment. Is it possible to effect shipment during September?
B: I don't think we can.
A: Then when is the earliest we can expect shipment?
B: By the middle of October, I think.
A: That's too late. You see, November is the season for this commodity in our market, and our Customs formalities are rather compli- cated.
B: I understand.
A: Besides, the flow through the marketing channels and the red tape involved take at least a couple of weeks. Thus, after ship- ment it will be four to five weeks altogether before the goods can reach our retailers. The goods must therefore be shippedbefore Ootherwise we won't be in time for the selling season.
-- 现在我们已经谈妥了付款条件,你方是否能够在九月份装船?
-- 我看不行。
-- 那么最早什么时候可以装船呢?
-- 恐怕要在十月中旬。
-- 那太迟了。你知道,在我方市场上,十一月份是这种商品的上 市季节,而我们的海关手续又相当复杂。
-- 我明白。
-- 另外,通过销售渠道以及繁琐的公文程序,起码要花上几个星 期。这样从装船后到我们的零售商收到货物,总共要用四、五 个星期。因此,十月份前货物必须装船,否则我们就赶不上销 售季节了。
B: But our factories are fully committed for the third quarter. In fact, many of our clients are placing orders for delivery in the fourth quarter.
A: Mr. Brown, you certainly realize that the time of delivery is a mat- ter of great importance to us. If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold their goods at profitable prices, we shall lose out.
B: I see your point. However, we have done more business this year than any of the previous years. I am very sorry to say that we cannot advance the time of delivery.
A: That's too bad, but I sincerely hope you will give our request your special consideration.
B: You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint an old customer like you. But the fact remains that our manufacturers have a heavy backlog on their hands.
A: But can't you find some way to get round your producers for an earlier delivery? Make a special effort, please. A timely delivery means a lot to us.
B: All right. We'll get in touch with our producers and see what they have to say.
-- 但是我们工厂第三季度的生产任务已全部排满了。事实上,我们很 多客户在订第四季度交的货呢。
-- 布朗先生,你知道的,交货时间对我们来说很重要。如果在我 们把商品投放到市场上去的时候,别的进口商已经把商品脱手 赚钱了,那我们就亏了。
-- 这点我明白。但是今年我们做的贸易比以往哪一年都要大。很 遗憾不能提前交货。
-- 那糟了,但我真心希望你们对我们的要求给予特殊的考虑。
-- 我可以向你保证,我们最不愿做那些让像你们这样的老客户失 望的事,但是我们的厂家眼前的交货压得很重,这是事实。
-- 你不能想些办法说服厂家提前一些时间交货吗? 请你特别加把 劲。及时交货对我们关系可大啦!
-- 好吧。我们和厂家联系一下,听听他们的意见。
Dialogue 2A: It has just occurred to me that there is still another possibil- ity to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods.
B: And that is?
A: How about making Hong Kong the port of shipment instead of New York?
B: I'm afraid we can't agree to that. We concluded the business with you here in Houston, and the goods you ordered are manufactured in New York. We wish to point out that all orders accepted by us are shipped from New York or Seattle. Hong Kong is out of the question.
A: It's like this. There are only one or two ships sailing a month from New York to Osaka, while sailings from Hong Kong are quite frequent. If shipment were effected from Hong Kong, we could receive the goods much earlier.
-- 我刚想起来了,还有一种可能性确保即期交货。
-- 什么可能性?
-- 把交货港从纽约改为香港怎么样?
-- 那个我们恐怕不能同意。我们是在休斯顿达成交易的,而你所 订货物在纽约生产。我们要指出的是,我们接受的所有订货是 从纽约或西雅图发货的。香港不行。
-- 原因是这样的:从纽约到大阪每个月只有一二个航班,而从香 港到大阪的船却相当频繁。如果在香港交货,我们收到货物的 时间就会早很多。
B: I see. You want to have your goods shipped from New York to Osaka via Hong Kong, where they can be transshipped. Is that the idea?
A: Yes, exactly, because I want these goods on our market at the earliest possible date.
B: Your idea may be a good one, but the trouble is that there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transshipment at Hong Kong. How about shipping them from Seattle instead of NewYork? You may choose either one as port of shipment. It makes no difference to us. There are more sailings from Seattle than from New York.
A: It sounds all right to me, but I will have to think about it. I'll give you a definite answer tomorrow. If I choose Seattle, will it be possible for you to ship the goods by the end of March?
B: We'll try our best. Anyway, we assure you that shipment will be made not later than the first half of April.
-- 原来是这样。你想经由香港中转把货从纽约运到大阪,是不是?
-- 对,就是这样,因为我们想把商品尽可能早地投放市场。
-- 这个想法倒不错。不过问题是,在香港转船期间,货物有被偷窃和 损坏的风险。交货港由纽约改为西雅图怎么样?你可以随便选择一 个装运港。对我们来说都一样。从西雅图启航的船只比纽约多。
-- 我是觉得不错,但我得想一想,明天给你答复。如果我选择西雅 图,你们能在三月底前交货吗?
-- 我们尽力而为吧!不管怎样,请你放心,交货不会迟于四月上旬。
Dialogue 3A: Could you do something to advance your time of shipment?
B: Well, our manufacturers are fully committed at the moment. I'm afraid it's very difficult to improve any further on the time.
A: I hope you'll try to convince them to step up production.
B: We check their production schedule against our orders almost every day. As new orders keep coming in, they are working three shifts to step up production. I'm sorry, but we simply canBUSINESS ENGLISH 300not commit ourselves beyond what the production schedule can fulfill.
A: Well, in that case, there is nothing more to be said. What's your last word as to the date then?
B: I said by the middle of October. This is the best we can promise.
A: All right. I'll take you at your word. May I suggest that you put down in the contract shipment on October 15th or earlier? Our letter of credit will be opened early September.
B: Good. Let's call it a deal. We'll do our best to advance the ship- ment to September. The chances are that some of the other orders may be cancelled. But of course you cannot count on that. In any case, we'll let you know by email.
-- 你们能否想些办法提前交货?
-- 但我们的厂家眼前都很忙,要再提前恐怕很难。
-- 希望你们能设法说服他们加速生产。
-- 我们几乎每天核对他们的生产进度以跟进订单。由于接连不断地 收到新订单,他们现在一天三班工作来加快生产。很抱歉,我们 承担的任务实在不能超出生产计划所能完成的限额。
-- 如果是这样,多说也无益。那么你能不能最后确定一下什么时候 能交货呢?
-- 要到十月中旬,这是我们能够答应的最缛掌凇?
-- 好吧,那就以你的话为准了。我建议你在合同里写上 &十月十五 日或之前交货&行吗?我们在九月初开立信用证。
-- 好!就这样决定吧!我们尽力把交货期提前到九月份。有可能取 消其他一些订单,不过当然还不确定。不管怎样,我们会发电子 邮件告知你的。
A: That's very considerate of you. And now, shall we discuss the insurance terms?
B: We generally insure W.P. (W.P.A) on a C.I.F. offer. Special risks, such as TPND (Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery), leakage, breakage, oil, freshwater, etc. can also be covered upon request.
A: I suppose the additional premium for the special coverage is for the buyer's account.
B: Quite right. According to the usual practice in international trade, special risks are not covered unless the buyer asks for them.
A: Then what about SRCC (Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions)? Can we request you to cover this for our imports?
B: Yes, we accept it now, after it has been suspended for many years. However, if you want to have it covered for your imports at your end, you may arrange the insurance as you like.
A: Then please cover W.P.A. and TPND for this transaction.
B: All right, I'll adjust the price accordingly.
-- 你想得真周到。现在我们谈谈保险条款好吗?
-- 一般来讲,我们在到岸价里投保了水渍险。特殊险如偷窃险、提货 不着险、漏损险、破损险、油污险、淡水险等等也可以根据客户要 求投保。
-- 我想投保特殊险别所需附加的保险费由买方负担吧。
-- 正是,根据国际贸易中的惯例,只有买方要求时才保特殊险。
-- 那么关于罢工、暴动、平民动乱险呢?能不能请你方为我们的进口 货保这种险呢?
-- 我们现在可以受理了,很多年来我们停办了这项业务。但是如果你 方想要为你们的进口货物投保这种险的话,你们可以自行安排。
-- 那么,请为这批货物保水渍险和偷窃、提货不着险。
-- 好,我会相应地把价格调整一下。
Words and Expressions
production schedule
special risk
1. to effect shipment = to make shipment 装运
effect 实现 e.g. to effect payment 支付
2. the season for this commodity
3. red tape
4. place our goods on the market
销售商品 ( push the sale of our goods)
5. lose out
6. You may take it from me.
7. the last thing we want to do
8. convince your producers for an earlier delivery
9. to step up production
10. cannot commit ourselves to..
. 我们不能保证
11. Let's call it a deal.
12. the chances are&&
13. You cannot count on that.
14. TPND( Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery)
15. for the buyer's account
16. at your end/on your side
17. Via Hong Kong
A Specimen LetterDear sir:
Your letter of the 5th March came to hand yesterday.
Accordingly, we have lost no time in getting in touch with our factories and urged them to hasten their delivery. Owing to heavy commitments, they cannot advance delivery from June to April but they understand perfectly that July is the selling season for shirts in your market. They eventually agree to make delivery in mid-May.
We have booked the shipping space on S.S.. Peace, which is scheduled to sail on or about the 20th of May. We shall send you an email as soon as the loading is completed.
Yours faithfullyNational Textiles I/E Corp.
我们已订妥 &和平轮&的舱位,预计五月二十日左右开航。一旦装货完毕,我们即发电子邮件告知贵方。
国家纺织品进出口公司Substitution Drills1 A: May I know when we could expect delivery?
B: We can deliver 50% promptly, that is, in August. And the balance in October.
We can deliver 50% right away. The remaining half in the next two months.
Our earliest time of delivery is October.
2 A: I'm afraid October is the best we can do. October is the earliest possible date of delivery. we can't promise delivery earlier than October. B: October then.
恐怕 十月是我们能够做到的最早的了。十月是最早的交货日期了。我们不能承诺早于十月交货。那就十月吧。
3 A: Could you deliver 100 tons immediately?
Is it possible to effect shipment immediately?
Do you think you can ship the goods soon?
B: No problem. We can deliver that from stock to meet your requirement.
I'm afraid prompt shipment is impossible.
I'll have to look into the stock position.
4 A: Please ship the goods in one lot in May.
B: I'm sorry that's impossible. It would be very difficult for us to get the goods ready within such a short time.
I'm not sure if we are able to get the necessary shipping space.
We'll have to contact the manufacturers. Maybe it's possible. 请在五月份将货物分一批运过来。
5 A: Could you find a way to advance the shipment somehow?
do something to advance the time of delivery?
make the delivery a little earlier?
B: May I suggestwe effect shipment in three equal lots, starting from May?
we spread the goods over three months - May, June and July? partial shipment be allowed?
我可否建议 我们从五月份开始分相等的三批办理装运?
6 A: Our people are most anxious about the O so far they've heard nothing from you.
B: We're sorry for the delay. The trouble is thatdirect sailings to your port are very few.
there is great demand on shipping latelyyou changed the port of destination我方很想知道十月装船一事,但到现在还没有听到你们的任何消 息。
此次拖延我们很抱歉。问题是 直达你们港口的船只太少了。
7 A:You knowwe must have the goods in time for the Christmas rush.
we must have the goods ready for the shopping season.
the goods have to be here in March. Otherwise we'd be behind the season.
B: I understand. I'll try my best.
你知道 我们必须在圣诞节采购前及时供货。
8 I don't think I can promise you any September shipments.
OctoberJune我想我不能答应你 九月 装运。
十月六月9 Would you like to have your refrigerator delivered?
furniturewashing machine你的 电冰箱 要送货上门吗?
家具洗衣机10 You will probably get it within 10 days.
in a weekby the end of this monthno later than tomorrow afternoon 也许 十天内 你就可以收到。
当前位置: >>
中考热点 60 个句型例句与实战演练1.as soon as? 一?就? 【例句】汤姆一到学校就给妈妈打电话。Tom will call his mother as soon as he' gets to school. 【考题演练】 (1)我一收到邮件,就给你回复。 I’ll give you a reply_______________ I get your email. (2)学生们一见到老师走进教室,就停止了交谈。 The students_______________ teacher enter the classroom. (3)你一到美国就给我打电话好吗? Will you ring me up. ______________. 2. as. ?as 和?一样; (not) as/so?as ?不如? 【例句】迈克唱歌能和他哥哥一样好。 Mike can sing as well 部 his brother. 【考题演练】 (1)这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。This film is____________ that movie. (2)这本字典不如你想象的那样 This dictionary is ___________ you think. (3)她做家务和她姐姐一样细心。 She___________ her sister does. 3. as?as possible 尽可能地? 【例句】为了成为一名好的英语学习者,我们应该尽可能地讲英语。 We should speak English as much as possible in order to be a good English learner. 考题演练 (1)请尽快回答我的问题。Please answer my question____________ (2)尽量多地回收和再利用是很有必要的。 It's very necessary to reuse and recycle a____________. (3)我们应该尽可能多花时间读书。 We should______________ reading books. 4. ask sb for sth. 向某人要? 【例句】当你迷路肘,你可以向警察寻求帮助。 When you get lost, you can ask the police for help. 【考题演练】 (1)当你遇到困难时,为什么不向老师寻求建议? Why not ___________ when you’re in trouble? (2)你看上去很累了。为什么不请别人帮帮忙呢? You look very tired.___________ (3)我认为向父母要钱不是一个好习惯。 I don't think it’s__________. 5. ask/tell sb. (how) do. sth. 要求/告诉某人(如何)做 【例句】那个女士问警察她应如何到颐和园。 The lady asked the policeman how to get to the Summer Palace. 【考题演练】 (1)你能告诉我如何去颐和园吗? Could you please___________ Summer Palace? (2)老师们总是要求我们上课要认真听讲, Our .teachers always____________ in class. (3)我妈妈经常告诉我如何与别人融洽相处。 My mother often____________________________________. 6. ask/tell sb. not to do sth. 要求/告诉某人不做某事 【例句】我妈妈经常告诉我不要花费太多时间玩电脑游戏。 My mother often tells me not to spend too much time playing computer games. 【考题演练】 (1)老师们经常告诉我们不要在公共场合大声说话。 The teachers often ____________ speak loudly in public. (2)当妈妈离开家时,她要我不要和陌生人说话。 When my 'mother left home, she_____________ strangers. (3)我哥哥总是告诉我不要花太多时间玩电脑游戏。 My brother_____________________________________ 7. be afraid of 'doing sth/that+从句 担心(某事可能产生的后果) 【例句】学生们为考试担心不足为奇。 It’s no surprise that students are afraid of exams. 【考题演练】 (1)七点那班火车恐怕已经没有座位了。 ____________________________ there are no seats left on the 7:00 train. (2)恐怕我得早点起床了。 ________________________ I have to get up earlier. (3)我哥哥总是告诉我不要花太多时间玩电脑游戏。 _________________________it's difficult to make Tom read every day. 8.be afraid to do sth. 害怕去/不敢去做某事 【例句】我害怕考试不及格。 I am afraid to fail the exam. 【考题演练】 (1)我妹妹害怕晚上单独出去。 My sister______________ out alone at night. (2)别怕犯错误,你可以试一试。 Don't_______________________________ .You may have a try. (3)我们不应该害怕面对困难。我们应该是困难为挑战。 We shouldn't___________________ should regard difficulties as challenges. 9. be busy doing sth. /be busy with sth. 忙于做某事/忙于某事 【例句】汤姆正忙着做作业。 Tom is busy doing his homework. 【考题演练】 (1)妈妈在厨房正忙着做饭。 My mom in the kitchen_____________ the New Year cards. (2)我的妹妹正忙着制作新年贺卡。 My sister is____________ the New Year cards. (3)同学们都在忙着为考试做准备。 All the students_____________ the exams. 10. be famous for? 以??著名 【例句】爱迪生以他的发明闻名于世。 Edison is famous for his inventions in the world. 【考题演练】 (1)平谷以大桃而闻名于天下。 Pinggu____________ peaches all over the world. (2)他因为跳舞好而著名。He _______________________________ well. (3) 北 京 以 其 悠 久 的 历 史 和 灿 烂 的 文 化 而 闻 名 。 Beijing_____________________ and splendid culture. 11. be ready/late/sorry for. 为??准备/??迟到了/对??感到歉意 【例句】他们已经为派对做好准备了。 They are ready for the party. 【考题演练】 (1)昨天因为交通堵塞,他们开会迟到了。 They_________________ the meeting because of the heavy traffic yesterday. (2)我对所犯的错误感到抱歉。 I_______________________________ my mistake. (3)开会迟到是不礼貌的。 _________________________________________ the meeting. 12.be glad that+从句 高兴? 【例句】我很高兴我英语取得了很大进步。 I am glad that I've made great progress in English. 【考题演练】 (1)我很高兴你通过了考试。I_____________________ you have passed the exam. (2)我为你已不再吸烟而高兴。I__________________ you have stopped smoking. (3)我很高兴你能来看我。I _____________________you can come to see me. 13. one of the+最高级+名词(复数)最??之一 【例句】汤姆是他们班最高的男孩之一。Tom is one of the tallest boys in his class. 【考题演练】 (1)长城是世界上最有名的景点之一。 The Great Wall is________________________ in the world. (2)巴黎是欧洲最有活力的城市之一。 Paris is________________________________ in Europe. (3)英语是世界上最有用的语言之一。 English is__________________________________ in the world. 14.bring/give/send/lend/pass/tell sb. sth. =bring/give/send/lend/pass/tell sth to sb. 带来/送给/寄给/借给/传递/告诉某人某事(物) 【例句】请递给我那支笔。 Please pass me that pen. 【考题演练】 (1)如果我是你,我将把这钱给慈善机构。 If I were you, I'd_________ the money__________ charity. (2)玛丽生病了。我打算给她送些花。 Mary is ill. We’re going to_____________. (3)我一到广州就把照片寄给你。 I’ll________________________ as soon as I get to Guangzhou. 15. either. ? or? 或者??或者;不是??就是 【例句】你喝茶也行,喝咖啡也行。 You can have either tea or coffee. 【考题演练】 (1)这双鞋不是太大就是太小。 This pair of shoes is________ too big or________ too small. (2)北京的天气不是太冷就是太热。 The weather in Beijing is____________________________. (3)地球日这天,孩子们在公园里要么忙着捡垃圾要么忙着张贴环保海报。 On the Earth Day, the kids were busy__________________________________. about environmental protection in the park. 16. enjoy/like/hate doing sth. 喜爱/喜欢/讨厌做某事 【例句】我喜欢收集硬币. I like collecting coins. 【考题演练】 (1)杰克非常喜欢打排球。Jack_____________ volleyball very much. (2)大多数年轻人喜欢听流行音乐。 Most of the young people____________ pop music. (3)她是如此地喜欢听音乐,以至于花很多钱去买 CD。 She_________________________ that she spends lots of money on CDs. 17. finish/mind/keep/go on doing sth.完成/介意/保手寺/继续做某事 【例句】关上窗户你介意吗? Would you mind closing the window? 【考题演练】 (1)她不会介意帮我们完成这项工作的。 She won’t_________________________ the work. (2)为了赶上其他运动员,她将会继续努力训练。 She_____________________________ other players. (3)汤姆总是洗完衣服才做作业。 Tom________________________ his clothes. 18. get ready for/get sth. ready 为??做好准备 【例句】请为即将到来的聚会做好准备。 Please get ready for the coming party. 【考题演练】 (1)汤姆的生日快到了,让我们为他的生日聚会做好准备吧! Tom’s birthday is coming. Let’s_______________ his birthday party. (2)同学们都在忙着为考试做准备。 All the students ______________ the exams. (3)告诉你的父母尽快准备好晚饭,客人马上就要来了。 Please tell your parents to___________. The guests are coming. 19. had better (not) do sth. 最好(不要)做某事 【例句】我们最好每日进行锻炼。We had better exercise every day. 【考题演练】 (1)你们最好每天运动半个小时。 ________________________________exercise for half an hour every day. (2)外面很冷。你最好不要脱外套。 It is cold outside. You________________________ your coat. (3)你看起来很疲惫,最好停下来休息一下。 You look very tired. __________________________ rest. 20. help sb.(to) do/help sb. with sth. 【例句】周末她经常帮助妈妈做家务。 She often her mother with the hou8ework on weekend. 【考题演练】 (1)Kate 不会介意帮他们完成这项工作的。 Kate won’t______________________ the work. (2)爸爸工作总是很忙。但他一有空就帮我复习功课。 My father is always busy with his work. But when he is free, he will______________. (3)她要我帮她解决那个问题。 She asked me____________________ the problem. 21.I don’t think that+从句 我想??不会??;我认为??不?? 【例句】我认为长时间坐在电脑前对眼睛没有好处。 I don’t think it is good for your eyes.to sit too long at a computer. 【考题演练】 (1)我认为 Tom 不会放弃学习。 (2)他认为现在还不是我们放松的时候因为我们仍然有许多要做的事情。 He________________________ because we still have a lot to do. (3)我觉得恶劣的天气不会阻止她明天去医院照顾妈妈。 I_____________ the terrible weather______________ her mother in the hospital. (4)我认为硬要他在三天内读完这本小说是不可能的。 ______________________________novel in three days. 22. world like to do sth. 打算做?? 【例句】你想要吃些香蕉吗? Would you like to have some bananas? 【考题演练】 (1)你愿意去哪里度假? Where___________________________ go on vacation? (2)下周五我们要聚会,来吗? We are going to have a pay next Friday._________________________________? (3)我想要在字典里查新单词。 I________________________ in a dictionary. 23. It looks+形容词/It sounds+形容词 看上去??;听起来?? 【例句】咱们吃饭吧。晚饭看上去很丰盛。 Let's have supper.It looks wonderful. 【考题演练】 (1)他的想法听起来很有趣。His idea_____________________________. (2)这个消息听起来令人激动。The news_________________________. (3)听起来真是引人人胜。 It__________________________________. 24. It's-bad/ good (for sb.)to do sth. 做某事(对某人)有害/有益 【例句】吃太多的快餐对身体不好。 It's bad for your health to eat too much junk food. 【考题演练】 (1)多吃些蔬菜,对我们的身体有好处。 ________________________ our health to eat more vegetable. (2)让孩子们花费大量的时间上课外辅导班是没有好处的。 _________________________________________ on outside classes. (3)大多数人认为冬天总是关着窗户不利于健康。 Most people don’t think it_______________________________ in winter. 25. It's a good、idea to do sth. 去做某事是一个好主意。 【例句】暑假去海边是一个好主意。 It's a good idea to go to the beach in summer vacation. 【考题演练】 (1) 举行一个聚餐来庆祝他的生日是一个好注意。 _____________________a party to celebrate his birthday. (2)星期日去野餐是个不错的主意。 __________________________ a picnic this Sunday. (3)坚持每天做大量的阅读是个好主意。 ____________________________lots of reading every day. 26.lt's important (for sb.)to do sth. (对某人来说)?很重要 【例句】对他来说,学好英语很重要。 lt's important for him to learn English well. 【考题演练】 (1)对每个人来说,保持健康很重要。 ____________________________________________________ to keep healthy. (2) 每天吃大量的蔬菜是很重要的。 ____________________________________ plenty of vegetables. (3)每天坚持做大量的听力练习很重要的。 _____________________________________every day. 27. It’s time for sth. ??的时间来了;该干??的时候了 【例句】是吃晚饭的时候了。 It's time for supper. 【考题演练】 (1)是上课的时候了。 ________________________________________ class. (2)该上学了。 _________________________________________school. 28. It's time(for sb.)to do sth. 是(某人)做??的时候了 【例句】是我们去上学的时间了。It's time for us to go to school. 【考题演练】 (1)该回家了。__________________________________ go home. (2)是你写作业的时间了。______________________ your homework. (3)是我们弹钢琴的时间了。_______________________play the piano. 29.It ‘s three metres long/wide/high 它是三米长/宽/高。 【例句】That river is fifty metres wide. 【考题演练】 (1)海浪至少有 20 米高。 (2) 长 方 形 有 3 米 长 , 1.2 米 宽 。 A rectangle is 3 meters__________ and 1.2 meters___________. (3)父亲身高 l 米 7。His father is one and seventy_______________. 30.lt takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间。 【例句】每天骑自行车上学花费我 40 分钟。 It takes me 40 minutes to go to school by bike every day. 【考题演练】 (1)我每天做作业花 2 个小时。 ________________ finish my homework every day. (2)打扫完教室花费了我们 35 分钟的时间。 _____________________________clean our classroom. (3)我父母每天步行去上班只需 10 分钟。 _____________________________________ walk to work every day. (4)那道数学题真难,我花了 1 个小时的时间才做出来。 The math exercise ________________________. 31. keep sb. doing 让某人一直做某事 【例句】很抱歉让你等这么长时间。I’m sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time. 【考题演练】 (1)我的老师总是鼓励我坚持努力而不是抱怨。 My teacher often encourages me to_____________ instead of complaining. (2)我的朋友昨天晚上缠着我打了两个小时的电话。 My friend___________ on the phone for two hours yesterday evening. (3)这个七岁的女孩非常喜欢弹钢琴,她已经坚持练习两年了。 The seven-years-old girl likes playing the piano__________________________. 32. keep/make sth.+形容词 保持/使一?(处于状态) 【例句】保持教室卫生是我们的职责。It's our duty to keep the classroom clean. 【考题演练】 (1)在危险时保持镇静对我们来说很重要。 It’s important for us to____________________________________ in danger. (2)像浅黄色和蓝色这样柔和的颜色能让人们能放松。 Soft colors like light yellow and blue.__________________________. (3)请保持阅览室整洁。 Please_________________________________________________. 33. look forward to sth. /doing sth. 盼望/期待做某事 【例句】我期待你的来信。 I'm looking forward to your letter. (1) 我盼望着能早日收到你的好消息。 I’m ___________________________________your good news. (2)He is looking to___________________________. (3)我盼望尽早实现我成为一名职业运动员的梦想。 I_________________________ of becoming a professional athlete________________. 34. make/let sb. (not) do sth.使/让某人(不)做某事 【例句】他说的话让我们感觉很温暖。What he said made us feel very warm. 【考题演练】 (1)沟通让人们感觉很温暖。 Communication _____________________________respected and wanted. (2)做些家务能让小孩变得更加独立和有爱心。 Doing some chores can________________________________. (3)父母应该让青少年自己做决定。 Parents should__________________________________________. 35. neither?nor? 既不?也不? 【例句】昆明的天气既不太热也不太冷。 The weather in Kun Ming is neither too hot nor too cold. 【考题演练】 (1)不论绘画还是跳舞都学不好,你必须刻苦训练。 _____________________________________ is easy to learn, we must train hard. (2)无论是坏天气还是恶劣的条件,都不能改变我在西部成为一名教师志愿者的决心。 _____________________________________ can change my mind to be a volunteer teacher in the west area. (3)根据学校规则,中学生即不该在教室吃东西也不该抽烟。 According to our school rules, middle school students should_____________________. 36.not?at all 根本不;一点也不 【例句】他一点都不担心。 He is not worried at all. 【考题演练】 (1)她根本不怕再犯同样的错误。 She__________ afraid of making the same mistakes____________. (2)这本书一点意思也没有。 This book________________________________________. (3)虽然生活艰难,但是我们每一个人都不想放弃希望。 Although life is difficult, each of us_______________________________. 37. not only?,but also?不但??,而且?? 【例句】养宠物不仅让我们放松而且给我们带来许多欢乐。 Keeping pets not only makes relaxed, but also brings.us lots of joy. 【考题演练】 (1)打篮球不仅能帮助我们保持健康而且能培养我们的友谊。 Playing basketball can________ help us keep healthy,_________ develop our friendship. (2)父母不仅照顾我们的健康,而且告诉我们如何与别人融洽相处。 Parents____________, ____________ tell us how to get along well with others. (3)今天一些新出的手机不仅能用来照相而且能看电影。 Today some newly-produced mobile phones__________________________________. 38.not? until 直到? 才 【例句】爸爸昨天直到午夜才回来。 My father didn’t come back until midnight yesterday. 【考题演练】 (1)学生昨天直到雨停了才回家。 The students_____________________________ the rain stopped yesterday. (2)汤姆昨晚直到妈妈要求他上床睡觉了才停止玩电脑游戏。 Tom______________________ his mother asked him to go to bed last night. (3)我直到昨天跟老师聊天后才理解她对我的爱。 I___________________________________________ her yesterday. 39. one?,the other? 一个??,另一个?? 【例句】我有两种学习英语的方法。一是大声朗读英语,另一个是坚持看英语电视节目。 I have two ways of learning English. One is reading(to read)English aloud, the other is keeping (to keep) watching English TV programs. 【考题演练】 (1)我有两件衬衣,一件是白色的,另一件是黑色的。 I have two T-shirts.___________ is white, ____________ is black. (2)我有两个好朋友。一个喜欢画画,一个喜欢打篮球。 I have two friends.____________________________________. (3)我有两个学习英语的好方法。一是坚持大声朗读,另一个是多花时间和外国人聊天。 I have two great ways of learning English. One is______________________ foreigners. 40. some?,others? 一些??,另一些?? 【例句】我们班有 40 个同学。一些人喜欢音乐,另一些人喜欢阅读。 There are 40 students in our class. Some like music, others like reading. 【考题演练】 (1)一些人说流行音乐是让人放松的,但是另一些人说喜欢阅读。 ___________ people say pop music is relaxing, but. say it's boring. (2)公园里有许多人。一些人在打排球,另一些人在放风筝。 There are many people in the park.___________ playing volleyball, __________flying kites. (3)学生们正在上体育课,一些人在打排球,另一些人在踢足球。 The students are having their P.E. lessons. ________________________________________________________________ 41. prefer A to B 喜欢 A 胜过 B。 【例句】我喜欢苹果胜过香蕉。 I prefer apples to bananas. 【考题演练】 (1)我爸爸喜欢安静的乡村胜过著名的城市。 My father___________ peaceful countryside____________ famous cities. (2)My mom likes staying at home. She prefers________________. (3)过去我的姐姐喜欢从有风险的活动中寻找激情。 My sister loved looking for an excitement from a risky activity, so________________. 42. see sb. do sth./hear sb do sth. 看见/听见某人做某事 【例句】今天上午我看见尧尧去上学。 I saw Yaoyao go to school this morning. 【考题演练】 (1)你经常听你的音乐老师唱这首歌吗? Do you often hear your music teacher_______________________________? (2)他经常看见老师给学生们耐心地辅导。 He often______________________ students with their difficulties patiently. 43.see sb doing/hear sb. doing 看见/听见某人在做某事 【例句】我路过房间时听见她正在唱歌。 I heard her singing when I passed the room. 【考题演练】 (1)就在这时,我听到有人高喊。”救命!救命!” Just then, I__________________________ Help! Help! (2)昨天的这个时候, ,我看见他在花园里种树。 I___________________________________ in the garden at this time yesterday. (3)上星期天,我路过公园时看到许多人放风筝。 Last Sunday, I_______________________________________ 44.so? that? 如此? 以致于? 【例句】他太小了,不能上学。 He is so young that he can't go to school. 【考题演练】 (1)我妈妈听到这个好消息时很激动而说不出话来。 My mom_____________ she couldn't say anything when she heard the good news. (2)一些道路标志非常小,司机根本看不见。 Some mad signs are _______________________________. (3)郎平排球打得特别好,她不仅在中国有名,在全世界也很出名。 Lang Ping plays volleyball____________________________________. 45. such??that?? 如此?? 以致于 ?? 【例句】他太小了,不能上学。 He is such young that he can't go to school. 【考题演练】他太小了,不能上学。 He is such a young boy that he can't go to school. (1)她是一位非常友好的老师,我们班的每一个人都很喜欢她。 She is____________________________ everyone in our class loves her very much. (2)《英雄》是如此有趣的一部电影,我已经看过两遍了。 “Hero”is_________________________________ twice. (3)这是如此难的二道题,以至于没人能解出来。 This is such____________________________________ 46. spend??on sth /spend??(in) doing 花费时间(钱)在??方面 【例句】他花了两个小时做作业。 He spend hours doing his homework last night. 【考题演练】 (1)老师经常告诉他不要在计算机游戏上花太多时间。 His teacher often tells him not to____________ computer games. (2)他花太多时间打电脑游戏,以至于他对学业都不感兴趣了。 He _______________he was not interested in his lessons. (3)对我们来说每天花半个小时大声朗读英语是很重要的。 It's very._____________ every day. 47.stop doing sth. 停下正做的事 【例句】当老师进来的时候,学生停止了讲话。 The students stopped talking when the teacher came in. 【考题演练】 (1)韩小鹏在奥运会之前从来没有停止训练。 Han Xiaopeng has never______________ before the Olympics. (2)妈妈经常劝爸爸别抽烟了。 My mother often advised father___________ (3) 别打了! 父亲冲两个男孩叫道. _______________! Father shouted at the two boys. “ ” “ ” 48. stop to do sth.? 停下来去做某事 【例句】因为感到有点累,所以他停下来听听音乐。 He stopped to listen to the music because he felt a little bit tired. 【考题演练】 (1)上课时,每个人一边听老师讲课,一边停下来做笔记。 In class, everyone_______________________ while listening to the teacher. (2)Jim 想了一会,然后继续这项工作。 Jim thought for a while and____________________________ on the project. (3)这些医生和护士们都坚持工作 18 个小时了,有必要让他们停下来休息了。 The doctors and nurses have kept working for 18 hours,___________________. 49. stop/ prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 【例句】老师们总是尽力阻止学生抄作业。 Teachers always try to stop the students from copying others' homework. 【考题演练】 (1)我认为我们应该阻止人们在公共场合吸烟。 I think we should ___________________________ in the public places. (2)必须阻止工厂向河流湖泊倾倒污水。 Factories must____________________ pouring polluted water into rivers and lakes. (3)我认为我父母不会阻止我在周末玩电脑游戏。 I__________________ my parents will_______________ computer games at weekends. 50. take sth with sb. 随身携带(去)某物 bring sth with sb. 随身携带(来)某物 【例句】我的朋友带了很多钱出门。 I always take much money with me to go outside. 【考题演练】 (1)我的朋友带了很多巧克力来看我。 My friend__________ many chocolates____________ him to visit me. (2)他总是随身带笔,这样他能把重要的事情记下来。 He always_______________ so that he can、write down the important things. (3)今天天气很好。你出门没必要带伞了。 It’s a fine day today. You don't have to____________ when you go out. 51.the more?the more? 越??,越? 【例句】我越读书,越喜欢读书。The more I read books,the more I love reading. 【考题演练】 (1)你见到这些单词的次数越多,你就记得越牢。 _______________ times you see the words, ______________you will remember them . (2)我们种的树越多,我们的环境就会越好。 _________________ are planted, _______________________ our environment will be. (3)她做练习越仔细,犯错就越少。 ________________ she does exercise,____________________ she will make. 52.There is something wrong with? ?有了毛病/出故障 【例句】今天我迟到了是因为我的手表不走了。 I was late because there was something wrong with my watch. 【考题演练】 (1)他的闹钟坏了,所以他起晚了。 ________________________________________ with his alarm clock, so he got up late. (2)他的手机坏了,所以我联系不到他。 ____________________________________ his cell phone, so I can’t contact with him. (3)我的电脑坏了。我发不了邮件,你能借给我你的电脑吗? ________________________________ I can’t send E-mails. Can you lend me yours? 53. too?to? 太?而不能? 【例句】作为年轻人,我们永远不会因为太年轻而无法开始我们的事业。 As young people, we are never too young to start our business. 【考题演练】 (1) 一 些 路 标 太 小 了 司 机 看 不 见 。 Some road signs are_____________ small for drivers__________. (2)听到这个好消息,我太激动整晚都睡不着。 Hearing the good news, I______________ the whole night. (3)迈克做完太累了没有画完画。 Mike was_______________________ last night. 54. used to do 过去常常做某事 【例句】我妹妹过去个子矮,但现在很高。My sister used to be short, but now she is very tall. 【考题演练】 (1)她过去很害羞,但是现在她变得越来越开朗。 She________________, but now she is becoming more and more outgoing. (2)她曾经花很多时间玩电脑游戏,但是现在她对读书感兴趣。 She____________________ ,but now she is interested in reading. (3)我们过去有许多空闲时间,但是现在我们太忙而无法锻炼。 We__________________________, but now we are_________________________. 55.What about???How about??? ??怎么样? 【例句】明天是周日,去看电影怎么样? Tomorrow is Sunday. What about going to a movie? 【考题演练】 (1)我今天太累没法和你去看电影。明天怎么样? I am too busy to go to the movies with you today. ___________________________? (2)外面很暖和。去公园散散步怎么样? It’s warm outside. How about______________ in the park? (3)咱们工作了很久了,停下来休息一下,怎么样? We've worked for a long time.______________________________________? 56. What's the matter with??? ??怎么样? 【例句】你怎么了? What's the matter with you? 【考题演练】 (1)她的腿怎么了?__________________________________ her leg? (2)你的朋友怎么了? ______________________________ your friend? (3)我们的老师没有来学校。她怎么了? Our teacher didn't come to school.___________________________________? 57. What's wrong with. .? 怎么了???出了什么事? 【例句】汤姆没有骑车上学。他的车怎么了? Tom didn't come to school by bike. What's wrong with Tom's bike? 【考题演练】 (1)你的电脑怎么了?_______________________________your computer? (2)你的朋友玛丽昨天没有去派对。她怎么了? Your friend Tom didn't to the party yesterday___________________________.? (3)你看起来非常累。你怎么了?You look very tired. _________________________ ? 58. Why not do. ??(=Why don,t you do.??) 为什么不做??呢? 【例句】不要一直待在家里。为什么不去公园散步呢? Don't stay at home all the time. Why not take a walk in the park? 【考题演练】 (1)明天是教师节。为什么不给老师买一张漂亮的卡片呢? It's Teachers' Day tomorrow.___________________? (2)遇到困难时为什么不寻求帮助呢? ________________ when you are in trouble? (3) 为什么不走路去呢?这离博物馆很近。 _______________________________?It's quite near to the museum. 59. Could/Will/Would you please do.? 请你做??好吗? 【例句】我得到两张电影票。你能和我一起去吗? I’ve got two tickets for the film. Would you please go with me?? 【考题演练】 (1)我不在家的时候,你能帮我照看猫吗? ___________________________________my cat white I’m away? (2)你能在数学方面帮助我吗? __________________________________ me with math? (3)你能一到巴黎就找些照片并寄给我吗? ___________________________________ and send them to me as soon as you get to Paris? 60.Would you like to do sth.?? 你愿意做吗?? 【例句】我们要聚会。你愿意来吗? We are going to have a party. Would you like to come? 【考题演练】 【练习】 (1)你愿意去哪里度假?Where__________________________ on vacation? (2)你愿意把你的自行车借给我吗?______________________ me your bike? (3)我有两张电影票。愿意和我一起去吗? I’ve got two tickets for the film_____________________? 三、中考完成句子真题展示练习(20 套) 根据中文意思完成句子。 (套题选自北京市中考题及各区县优秀的模拟试题) 第一套 (2011 届北京市中考题) 1.我喜欢北京的秋天,你呢? I like the autumn in Beijing.___________________________ you? 2.多吃蔬菜水果对健康有好处。 ______________your health to eat more vegetables and fruit. 3.你愿意参观我们的新学校吗? __________________________________to visit our new school? 4.哥哥花了一个星期教我弹吉它。 ________________________________ to play the guitar. 5.妈妈常常告诉我,既不要炫耀自己,也不要轻视别人。 Mum often_____________________________________________ 第二套(大兴二模) 1.放学后去公园散步怎样? ________________________ going for a walk in the park after school?


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