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Emulate text-overflow:ellipsis in Firefox with CSS
Submitted by
on Sun, 06/18/2006 - 17:36
A CSS trick i wanted to achieve : reproduce the text-overflow:ellipsis which exists in Internet Explorer in Firefox.
Just to remember : the text-overflow property adds "..." at the end of a text if it is longer than the size of the bloc.
In Internet Explorer, with the following code :
span.ellipsis {
It renders :
To reproduce the same on firefox, it has not been easy ! It is in fact impossible to do exactly the same effect. But just try to do the best we can :
The biggest issue is that we have to use 2 nested html tags to achieve this effect. Or at least i didn't succeed... Anyone ? ;)
So, with the following code :
&div class="ellipsis"&
&span&A very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long text&/span&
We should have this css stylesheet :
.ellipsis span {
&&&text-overflow: /* for internet explorer */
html&body .ellipsis {
html&body .ellipsis span:after {
&&&content: "...";
html&body .ellipsis span {
&&&width:auto !
Wich is rendrered like this in Firefox :
2 issues remain :
the text can be cut at the middle of a letter
the dots will display even if the text is short enough to fit in the bloc
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