有关于丹麦村 加州的英语作文加翻译

丹麦的风景观光旅游2003年旅游业收入351.6亿克朗,占当年国内生产总值的2.5%.旅游业就业人数为7.1万人,是丹麦服务行业中的第一大产业.年均外国游客约200万人.共有旅馆557家,客床10.6万多张.主要旅游点有哥本哈根、安徒生故乡-欧登塞、乐高积木城及日德兰半岛西海岸和最北角斯卡晏等.“美人鱼”铜像(LittleMermaid)位于丹麦首都哥本哈根朗厄里尼港入口处的一块巨大鹅卵石上,它是丹麦雕塑家埃德华·埃里克森于1912年根据安徒生童话《海的女儿》中的女主角用青铜雕铸的.“小美人鱼”是丹麦童话作家安徒生于1837年所写的一篇童话《海的女儿》中的主角.她是海王最小的女儿.她15岁时,一位王子所乘的船触礁沉没,她救了王子并倾心于他.但是王子已与另外的女子订有婚约,而离开了她.然而,痴情的“小美人鱼”仍然日复一日地坐在海边的岩石上,等待王子归来.埃里克森利用了丹麦皇家剧院芭蕾舞演员埃伦·普赖斯的形象作为模特,但是他没能说服这位女演员为制作这一铜像而裸体,这不得不迫使他让自己的妻子充当裸体模特.这尊5.3英尺高的铜像同真人一般大小,整个人鱼直到小腿都是人形,只是脚变成了鱼鳍.铜像于日被安置在哥本哈根港,现已成为丹麦的象征.但“美人鱼”铜像曾多次遭受厄运:1961年,有人用白颜料给“美人鱼”画上胸罩;1963年,美人鱼全身被涮了一层红颜色;1964年,铜像第一次被“割去”了头部;幸好雕刻家埃里克森保存着模具,又重铸了一个头像;日清晨,“美人鱼”右臂被人锯走一截,当晚两个年轻人向警察投案自首,警方以破坏公物罪对其提出起诉;1990年又有人试图盗头未果;日,“美人鱼”雕像头部又一次被人盗走.2003年9月,“美人鱼”青铜雕像又遭厄运.2006年3月,哥本哈根市政府决定将美人鱼雕像向深海处搬迁,原因是过多的游客对雕塑造成太多的破坏. 安徒生博物馆(H.CAndersson'sHouse)丹麦安徒生故居博物馆位于丹麦菲茵岛中部的奥登塞市区.为纪念丹麦伟大童话作家安徒生(年)诞生100周年(1905年)而建.博物馆是一座红瓦白墙的平房,坐落在一条鹅卵石铺的街巷里.这里临街的一幢幢古老式样的建筑,使人感到仿佛回到了19世纪安徒生生活的年代.博物馆共有陈列室18间.前12间按时间顺序介绍安徒生生平及其各时期作品,展出大量安徒生作品的手稿、来往信件、画稿以及丹麦一些名画家、艺术家创作的有关安徒生生活的油画和雕塑.安徒生生前的用具仍按原样摆放着,古朴的家具,两只有补丁的仅皮箱,一顶礼帽,一个提包,一把雨伞,一根手杖.这些曾经长期伴随他的简陋的旅行行装,体现他朴实的生活和情趣.第11间为一建于1930是的圆柱形大厅,其几米高的环墙展出丹麦近代著名艺术家斯坦恩斯根据安徒生的自传体著作我的一生的童话而作的8幅壁画,内容有安徒生童年,离啕故乡,国外游历,与世界著名艺术家的交往,最后到1867年,人们欢呼安徒生被授予奥登塞市荣誉市民等安徒生生前各阶段的生活与写作的经历.博物馆第13至18间包括有图书馆和录像录音播放室等,在这里人们拿起听筒就能听到安徒生的童话故事.这几个陈列室,收集了68个国家出版的96种文字的安徒生著作,收藏的中国出版的安徒生童话及著作共有27种,其中最早的是1926年发表在小说月报上的安徒生作品的中文译文.博物馆原建在安徒生的故居内,随着安徒生的声誉和著作影响的扩大,世界各国安徒生著作版本的增加以及博物馆参观者人数的增多,两度扩建:一次在1930年,为安徒生诞辰125周年;另一次在1975年,为安徒生逝世100周年.圆塔(RoundTower)丹麦坐落在首都哥本哈根市中心附近.建于1642年克里斯钦四世统治时期.克里斯钦四世(年)为丹麦和挪威之王,喜建建筑,屡建立城市,有“国王建筑师”之称.圆塔高36米,直径15米.它的建立与三一大教堂(基督教中指圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体有关.克里斯钦四世修建这座建筑使之与大教堂以及图书馆和天文饮台构成一组综合建筑群.塔内有螺旋通道直抵塔顶.1716年,俄国沙皇彼得大帝访问哥本哈根时曾与其皇后卡特林娜登上塔顶. 蒂沃利公园(TivoliGardens)蒂沃利公园 (Tivoli Gardens)位于丹麦首都哥本哈根闹市中心,占地20英亩,是丹麦著名的游乐园,有“童话之城”之称.每年4月22日至9月19日对外开放.兴建蒂沃利公园的是一名记者兼出版商乔治·卡斯滕森,他向当时丹麦国王克里斯蒂八世进言,表示“若人民耽于玩乐,便不会干涉政治”,于是获准修建这座公园.公园于日起即开始接待当地居民和外来游客.最初公园只是群众集会、跳舞,看表演和听音乐的场所.后来几经改造,才逐渐形成一个老少皆宜的游乐场所.公园的正门,颇似一座碉堡.由专家精心设计的园内建筑物错落有致地分布在自然景物之间,使整个公园兼有天然与人工之美.花卉展览是公园的一大特色,花展以种植在园地里的花簇组成五彩缤纷的图案来吸引观众.这里的水景更是令人叹为观止,水面上不仅有雕塑、喷泉,还有花舟游弋,水鸟翻飞.当夜幕降临,园内灯光灿烂、闪烁生辉.整个游乐园既象是在黑幕上画出一幅大笔素描,又似是一个玻璃的世界.树枝上的彩灯大小不一、明暗有致,衬托出通幽曲径、树影婆娑.水边的灯饰图案各有不同,色彩各异,在不同的水面上经过巧妙的安排和艺术的穿插,有如镜花水月,给人以朦胧迷幻之感.这里还有丙座引人注目的中国式建筑──宝塔和戏台.塔分4层,飞檐凌空,楹槛通灵,一面倚山,三边临水.塔内层层设有餐厅,游客可一边品尝中国佳肴,一边饱览湖光山色.戏台建于1874年,在外形、大小、色泽、布局上仿照北京故宫戏台规格,台前屋檐下横悬一块木匾,上书孟子的名言“与民偕乐”4个大字.蒂沃利公园自创建以来从未出现过赤字,之所以有这么好的收益除了其别致的景色以外,还得益于其悠久的历史和传统.公园内设有20多条惊险程度各异的历险路线,还可沿飞天干线浏览安徒生童话故事里一幕幕脍炙人口的童话故事.大贝尔特海峡大桥(StoreBaeltBridge)建在在丹麦西兰岛与菲英岛之间18公里宽的大贝尔特海峡上,该桥上的悬索桥长1624米,是世界上最长的悬索桥之一.大桥为公路、铁路两用桥.从菲英岛至海峡中斯坡洛格岛为6.6公里长的西桥,1996年7月完工.东桥从西兰岛至斯坡洛格岛铁路需走的隧道1995年夏季已开通.东桥的公路桥在水面上,这部分大桥中有一段为悬索桥,桥塔高254米;两桥塔之间的跨度达1624米,仅次于正在建设中的日本明石海峡大桥;桥孔高度为65米,可通行任何巨轮.悬索桥使用了1.9万吨钢缆,其主钢缆直径达85公分.英语翻译enmark's scenerySightseeing tourism revenue in
billion kronor, that accounts for 2.5% of gross domestic product. Tourism employment population is 71000 people, is the first of the Danish service industry big industries. With an average annual foreign tourists around 2 million people. The hotel has 557 guest house, more than 106000 zhang bed. The main tourist spots have Copenhagen, Anderson hometown-ode, lego city and west coast and the most north point Jutland peninsula, such as taking part card."Mermaid" bronze statue (LittleMermaid)Located in the Danish capital Copenhagen lang Elijah at the entrance to the harbor is a huge the pebble, it is the Danish sculptor Ed China erickson in 1912, according to Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "the daughter of the sea" in the actress with bronze casting carved. "The little mermaid" is a Danish writer of fairy tales, Anderson in 1837 wrote a fairy tale, the the daughter of the sea "in the leading role. She is the king's youngest daughter. When she was fifteen years old, a prince travelled on the ship was sunk. She saved the prince and go for him. But the prince has with other women, a form of marriage and left her. However, the crazy "the little mermaid" day after day still sitting on a beach on the rocks, and wait for the return of the prince. Using the Danish royal theater sven-goran eriksson ballet dancer Ellen at the image of rice as a model, but he can't persuade the actress to make this a bronze statue and naked, this had to force him to let his wife as a nude model. This statue 5.3 feet tall with real size of the bronze, the mermaid crus are humanoid, until just feet into the fins.In the bronze statue on August 23, 1913 were placed in the Copenhagen harbor, it has become the symbol of Denmark. But "mermaids" DuoCi suffer from bad luck: bronze statue had in 1961, someone with white paint to "mermaid" In 1963, the whole body is a mermaid r In 1964, the first time the bronze statue was "cut off" Fortunately, sculptor sven-goran eriksson kept mold, July 22, 1984 in the morning, "mermaid" right arm was saw a section, the walk two young people to surrender themselves to the police, the police to damage the public property, surrende 1990 years and others t On jan. 5, 1998, "a mermaid statue head and a stolen get-up. In September 2003, "mermaids" and a bronze statue of bad luck. In March 2006, the government decided to Copenhagen mermaid statue to depths of the move, the reason is too many tourists to sculpture to cause too much damage.Anderson museum (H.C Andersson 'sHouse)Former Danish Anderson museum is located in the central Philippines feed island Danish oden plug the city. In honor of the Danish great writer of fairy tales, Anderson (), the 100th anniversary of the (1905) and building. The museum is a red tile white wall one-story houses, is located in a cobblestone streets paved with. Away from the street if the ancient style here acknowledged the building, make the person feels as if returned to the 19 th century Anderson life s.The museum has showroom in between. 18 According to the time sequence between 12 before introduced Andersen and different periods of life work, a lot of works on display Andersen manuscript, communicate letters, and some artist, painting Danish artist of the relevant Anderson life paintings and sculpture. Anderson was the appliance as it still putting, the furniture of of primitive simplicity, only two of the patch, a top hat only suitcase, a handbag, an umbrella, a walking stick. These have long-term accompany him crude travel to pack to reflect his simple life and interest. Between 11 for a cylindrical hall, built in 1930 yes its some meters high ring on wall, the famous modem Danish artist, according to Hans Christian Andersen stein autobiographical works the fairy tale of my life and 8 fresco, content have childhood, Tao home from Andersen, foreign travel, and world famous artists association, finally to 1867, cheering Anderson was awarded the honorary citizen oden plug and before each stage of life Andersen and writing experience.13 to 18 museum between library and video recording include play room, etc, here, people picked up the receiver can hear Andersen's fairy tales. These a few showroom, collected 68 countries of the 96 languages of published works, Andersen collection of Chinese publishing Anderson fairy tales and work there were 27 kinds, in the first of the 1926 monthly letter published in the novel of Hans Christian Andersen's Chinese translation of the work. The museum built in Andersen's former residence, along with Andersen's reputation within the influence of books and expand, the world Anderson works version of the increase and the increase of the number of visitors to the museum, two-time expansion: once in 1930, as Anderson's 125 Another in 1975, Hans Christian Andersen's 100th anniversary for death.Round towers (RoundTower)Denmark is located in the capital of the downtown Copenhagen. Built in 1642 Chris khin iv rule. Chris khin iv () for the king of Denmark and Norway, like building a city building, repeatedly, has "the king architect," said. Round 36 m high tower, diameter 15 m. Its establishment and trinity cathedral (Christian middle finger father, son and holy spirit trinity relevant. Chris khin iv to build the building to that of the cathedral and the library and astronomical drink a constitutes a group complex. There were spiral tower comprehensive channel reaching to the top. In 1716, the Russian czar Peter the visit Copenhagen with queen LinNa carter was on top.Wendy wally park (TivoliGardens)Wendy wally park (Tivoli Gardens) is located in the city centre, the Danish capital Copenhagen, covers an area of 20 acres, is a Danish famous amusement park, has "the city of fairy tale," said. Every year April 22 September 19, opening up. Construction of the park's wally is a journalist and publisher George card SiTengSen, he had to Denmark king Christian viii states, said "if the people's indulge in play, they will not interfere in politics", then allowed to build the park. Park in 1843 August 15, it started to receive the local people and tourists.First park is just the rally, dancing, see the show and listen to music places. later
enmark's scenerySightseeing tourism revenue in
billion kronor, that accounts for 2.5% of gross domestic product. Tourism employment population is 71000 people, is the first of the Dani...
  Summer vacation, this is a the students expect long-lost happy time, simply can and play, no more unpleasant sound alarm clock in the morning... But we looked at those high expectations, a less-pressured treasure mom, has arranged everything for us: early in the morning to go to remedial class, noon to classes every day and every day go to remedial classes in the afternoon. I every day in ask him, who invented the remedial class! Deprived of the time I watch TV, if let me know who it is, I will regard that man as my enemy.
  Happy summer vacation passed quickly. I'm wearing a red scarf, with heavy pace came to the school, students watched the teacher, look at the familiar with the classroom and think again want to go to school, how


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