wordpress wp title出现 Fatal error: Class 'WP_Session_Tokens' not found in /home 怎么解决

WordPress › Support » Tag: login error - Recent Topics
WordPress › Support
Fri, 06 Feb :34 +0000
Radha Sharma on "Didn't receive password reset link - Issue on 6 sites"
Fri, 30 Jan :35 +0000
Radha Sharma
<![CDATA[I am trying to reset my password through wp-admin page. It's telling me to check my email for the confirmation link.
But I've not received any mail from WordPress. Trying it from past many days.
I know how to reset password through other methods but I want to trouble shoot this issue.
Website for which I am resetting password:
and it's hosted on Godaddy.
Why I am not getting any email from WordPress?
I've 6 WordPress sites and all facing the same issue.
Please help me trouble shoot the error.
vesica on "Cookies Not Enabled login error with cookies enabled"
Mon, 19 Jan :18 +0000
<![CDATA[Hi, everything in my WP installation at
is updated as of a week or so ago, when I discovered I could no longer log in. I have been experiencing the Cookies Not Enabled login error when I do have cookies enabled. Tried deleting the WP test cookie, renaming plugins folder and forcing WP to use 2015 instead of my regular theme, all to no avail. I just cannot log in! I manage quite a few WP sites and my own is the only one I'm having this problem with. As I was writing this, it occurred to me that I should try deleting ALL WP cookies to see if that would help, so I did, and that got me in. However, I have no idea if the error will reoccur after WP reinstalls its cookies and I log out of my site, so I'll go ahead and post this to see if anyone has input on this situation in 4.01.
robfuuu on "Cannot login to Wordpress admin panel"
Sat, 17 Jan :51 +0000
<![CDATA[I'm currently unable to login to my WordPress admin panel to make changes to my website.
It started 2 weeks ago and I've tried reinstalling WordPress, but no success.
I keep getting a pop up login box that's different from the WordPress login page that I'm used to.
See image below:
&#60;img src=&#34;/r/w1fzf5/8&#34;&#62;
Can anyone help?
yardhype on "HELP:.. ERROR: Too many failed login attempts"
Fri, 16 Jan :08 +0000
<![CDATA[for the past week or so i have been getting "ERROR: Too many failed login attempts. Please try again in XX hours."
sometimes i got to login before the set amount of hours but today i have to be here waiting longer.. says 24hrs :(
I saw this work around online:
i use the code below via webmin/ftp, my plugin files as explained here
"remove_action(‘plugins_loaded’, ‘limit_login_setup’, 99999);"
The work around worked the 1st time but when i refresh the page the login error comes up again and i am still unable to login.
Please Someone help for i really want to login ASAP..
(i use amazon web services, i am also using cloudflare for cdn).
astrodinesh on "Please help : Fatal error: Cannot redeclare win_is_writable() (previously declar"
Sat, 10 Jan :01 +0000
<![CDATA[Fatal error: Cannot redeclare win_is_writable() (previously declared in /home/a4604658/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php:1588) in /home/a4604658/public_html/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 557
Hi friends. please help me with this error . . . . I scratched my head for thousands of time but I am really helpless . . . .
Please suggest me what to do . . . .
ebedgert on "User gets error message upon login - &You attempted to edit an item...&"
Wed, 07 Jan :37 +0000
<![CDATA[One of my site administrators has been getting the message "You attempted to edit an item that doesn’t exist. Perhaps it was deleted?" when logging in, instead of seeing the dashboard.
This has been occurring in her usual browser only (she can get in normally using a different browser),
and flushing cookies and cache seems to have no effect.
As far as I know, other users are not having the same problem, and I have not had the same issue myself.
When she gets this message, she is able to go to the site home page, log out from the menu bar, and then log in normally.
But this morning it happened again.
What would cause this message to appear upon login, and is it just a weird browser cache issue or is something more serious going on in the database?
audioaddiktion on "[Plugin: All In One WP Security & Firewall] Locked out of my site, login error added me to blocked list"
Sat, 03 Jan :07 +0000
<![CDATA[I am locked out of my site because I typed in the incorrect password. The plugin has added my IP address to the blocked list and I am no longer able to login. If I disable the plugin from FTP, I can login, but as soon as I enable it I am locked out again.
Is there any way to remove my IP address from the blocked list from the FTP or backend?
I really don't want to have to uninstall and reinstall the plugin and redo all of the settings. Is there any other way to fix this problem?
Please help.
soundbitespresents on "Receiving &Error 429: Too Many Requests& when logging into /wp-admin"
Tue, 30 Dec :49 +0000
<![CDATA[Whenever I try to login to my page using
I am able to login but only temporarily. Whenever I try to click on something on my dashboard or menu to update my site, it will log me out. Then I have to log back in but this time, after I hit enter, it will display a page on
that says "Error 429: Too Many Requests" It can happen after clicking just one menu item or after working for a while on my site, it will then kick me out and I have to just keep trying to login. Has this happened to anyone else? And what is the solution?
dipaksaraf on "[Plugin: Anti-Malware and Brute-Force Security by ELI] you have been redirected to home page"
Wed, 24 Dec :45 +0000
<![CDATA[I am experiencing the following error when login to WordPress admin when using valid login details here:
mrkwapo on "login error"
Sat, 20 Dec :20 +0000
I am experiencing an error when I login to my website. I have an intermediate understanding of building websites on wordpress but I may need a step by step intructions on how to remedy the errors and where to go to fix them. Can someone please help me? It shows the following error messages:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/content/37//html/regimenboxing/wp-content/plugins/log-user-access/ft-log-user-access.php on line 159 and defined in /home/content/37//html/regimenboxing/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1147
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/37//html/regimenboxing/wp-includes/wp-db.php:1147) in /home/content/37//html/regimenboxing/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1121
masesthetics on "Won&#039;t let me login to admin with &fatal& error"
Mon, 22 Dec :23 +0000
<![CDATA[Tried to install the new WP download and my site was completely taken down with all but 2 blog posts which aren't really relevant being shown on the site and all other content lost, however when I try to log into my Admin area to re-create the site which I was planning to do over the Christmas Period anyway, it shows this notice
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_json_encode() in /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage22/th/es/oc/thesocialevolution.co.uk/public_html/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 668
Anyone know what that means and how I can get around it to log-in and re-create the website?
The web address is
rovad on "[Plugin: WP Fastest Cache] Deleted everything from /wp-content/cache, sites don&#039;t load, can&#039;t login to WP"
Fri, 19 Dec :56 +0000
<![CDATA[Hello. I have noticed a huge number of folders and files 3-4 months old in the /wp-content/cache folder on all of my sites. Since my hosting has inode limit, I realized I need to delete something or I'll soon hit it. Deleting them with the plugin didn't work, so I thought I'll delete them manually through cPanel/FTP.
Sites in question
- /wp-content/cache is completely empty, have 2months old backup as a last option
- I didn't delete everything from /wp-content/cache here, but seems like I delete enough to break it too. Have 1 month old backup as a last option
mladez-hdz1990.org - I restored /wp-content/cache folders from a 1 day old backup, still broken and can't login to WP
- /wp-content/cache completely empty
I'd rather not resort to uploading the old versions of sites, too much new content will be lost forever...
Is there any way to solve this huge issue? Will the plugin automatically rebuild the cache and fix the problem for me on the next scheduled cycle? I don't remember how frequent the cache cycles are setup...
If I could somehow revert the changes by dabbling with wp-config.php or some plugin .php files, or maybe the database, that'd be awesome.
madhan seeman on "[Plugin: Nextend Facebook Connect] Login error"
Fri, 12 Dec :17 +0000
madhan seeman
<![CDATA[Dear team,
i am using your plugin
version "1.5.3" but receiving “Login error”
it is a new website and wordpress installed fresh.
my site address is :
kindly help
Robbie_Dawson on "login redirecting to an incorrect site"
Sun, 07 Dec :13 +0000
I have recently (tonight) started work on
when I click login it redirects to
insteadinstead of
How do I fix this as my webpage has lost its theme too. I don't mind if it means wiping it and starting again.
Linknz on "[Plugin: WooCommerce Point of Sale (POS)] View Woopos - takes me to admin login"
Mon, 01 Dec :00 +0000
<![CDATA[Hi there,
I have installed Woopos, but when I click on 'View Pos' it redirects me to the admin login screen, which won't let me go any further - even with the correct password.
I have re-saved permalinks, and checked under the domain.co.nz/store/pos but it takes me to a 404 error.
Any ideas?
Thanks! =)
nono on "Fatal Error Cannot Login to WordPress backend"
Sat, 29 Nov :30 +0000
<![CDATA[Dear All,
I'm not a technical person so please bare with me. Out of the Blue, I cannot login to my wordpress backend, frontend is completely fine. When I try to login I receive:
Fatal error: Class 'WP_Session_Tokens' not found in /home/content/p3nexnas06_data02/76/2137076/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 885
Can you please help me fix this problem, would really appreciate it! :)
aishwarya.soundarapandian on "Wordpress Page not Found Error 404"
Thu, 06 Nov :22 +0000
<![CDATA[Hello All,
We have installed first Wordpress as localhost in our ubuntu machine using Lampp. Now we have migrated our site to
, the page is displayed content and all. But when we try to log in or leave a comment or read more, we are directed to another page which shows object not found error 404. We are not sure, what is wrong. Tried to read some online forums reagrding the same, heard something about permalinks and .htaccess file. Cannot find any .htaccess file. We would be very grateful for any help or suggestions.
Error message:
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on the server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or out of date. Please inform the author of that page about the error.
If you think this is a server error, please inform the webmaster.
Apache / 2.4.3 (Unix) OpenSSL / 1.0.1c PHP / 5.4.7
P.S: We are all fairly new to Wordpress.
StudioPatrice on "Can Not Login to the Wordpress Administration Panel"
Sun, 23 Nov :05 +0000
<![CDATA[I tried to login to my Wordpress Admin panel via: /wordpress/wp-login.php and received the following error:
ERROR: The password you entered for the username Admin is incorrect. Lost your password?
I clicked on the "Lost your pasword", received the email, clicked on the link and got the following:
"invalid key"
How am I suppose to login to my Wordpress Dashboard if I can not reset my password? And I did not change my password so I think that someone has tampered with my Wordpress account on our website. Why does Wordpress Support not have a toll-free number to call or at least a chat support for such emergencies? Can anyone please respond immediately! I need to work on our website and eStore.
miskolino on "Something went wrong during update to 4.0, can&#039;t login :("
Tue, 18 Nov :25 +0000
<![CDATA[Someone updated WP to version 4 and something went wrong with database update. I didn't do updating and the person who did it can't explain what went wrong.
Now it's impossible to login to wp-admin. I've reset admin password from PhpMyAdmin but nothing happened. I presume that database is broken someway.
When I try to login, it sends this parameter to address bar &#38;reauth=1 and reopen login form.
Website is working OK in front-end.
My question is how to solve problem but I don't want to destroy WP settings or to lose posts.
Thanks in advance :)
K1t on "WordPress login isn&#039;t redirecting properly"
Mon, 09 Jun :47 +0000
<![CDATA[I had to move a WordPress site to a different sub directory on the same server. I followed the steps
and the ....
But I can't login via /wp-admin or /wp-login.php it just gives me a redirect loop error. I've read many other similar problems, but have not been able to resolve my problem yet. The wp_options table in the database has the correct URL for siteurl and home.
Does anyone know what would be causing this and how I can gain access to login again? Perhaps I've missed updating an option somewhere?
Thanks for any help :-)
SandeepGowdar on "Can&#039;t login: Fatal error"
Fri, 07 Nov :58 +0000
<![CDATA[I was just updating the webpage, when clicked on home page, I started getting Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_User_Meta_Session_Tokens::create() in /public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 880.
Not sure if this is some cookies issue or related to cache.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated as I am a newbie.
I got to know that this has got something to do with
[final public function create( $expiration )]
SandeepGowdar on "WP_User_Meta_Session_Tokens::create() in /public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php"
Wed, 05 Nov :27 +0000
<![CDATA[I was just updating the webpage, when clicked on home page, I started getting Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_User_Meta_Session_Tokens::create() in /public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 880.
Not sure if this is some cookies issue or related to cache.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated as I am a newbie.
I got to know that this has got something to do with
[final public function create( $expiration )]
michaelconroy on "ERROR: Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output."
Thu, 01 May :42 +0000
<![CDATA[I'm locked out of my WP dashboard. Message on
login box says "ERROR: Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output. For
help, please see this documentation or try the support forums."
I've followed the recommendations above with no success:-
1. I've individually renamed all the various plugin folders and reloaded
the WP login page
2. Via ftp I've reinstalled the functions.php file for the active theme
3. I've opened the wp-config.php file and reloaded it ensuring that it's
been saved in UTF-8 format.
I've checked the log files. The offending plugin is Yoast's breadcrumbs.
Can anyone tell me how to fix the problem now please?
These are some sample lines from the log file:-
20:53:05 GET /wp-admin/plugins.php error=true&#38;plugin=breadcrumbs%2Fyoast-
breadcrumbs.php&#38;_error_nonce= 200 15968
Line 8303: -
20:53:08 GET /wp-admin/plugins.php
breadcrumbs.php&#38;_wpnonce= 200 635
Line 8303: -
20:53:08 GET /wp-admin/plugins.php
breadcrumbs.php&#38;_wpnonce= 200 635
Line 8383: -
21:05:20 POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php - 200 500
Line 8384: -
21:05:23 GET /wp-admin/plugin-editor.php file=breadcrumbs
/yoast-breadcrumbs.php 200 14111
I could upload all the details if it would help?
I've renamed all the files as suggested but still get error.
Bowlzie2 on "Login Error - No access to backend"
Mon, 20 Oct :02 +0000
<![CDATA[Hi there.
We have a website shirleywilliams.co.za.
Our login is .
When we log in to the 'backend' it accepts our password and redirects us but the only thing that appears on the page is "Google+" which is linked to our Google Plus page so we are unable to actual see any of the admin panel just a white screen with the linked title 'Google+'.
Is there any other way to access this site. If you go on to the site
you are able to see what we see when we log in. So the actual front end as been affected too and we can't get into the backend?
Please help if anyone has any ideas?!
Many thanks
turbobuilt on "Can&#039;t login - cookies are blocked"
Fri, 17 Oct :11 +0000
<![CDATA[Hello all,
I'm having an error message which is well documented on these forums, but nothing I've seen works.
The error is this simple: I try to login and it fails with the message like can't login cookies are blocked or are not supported.
-I've renamed plugins folder and manually set all plugins to deactivated in the database
-Haven't changed up the theme at all
-I'm running wp fastest cache.
I think this actually may be the problem.
I commented out everything it put in the .htaccess file, but still not working.
-I have removed the code in the wp-login.php file that checks if cookies are working, and it still doesn't work.
GirlInFlorence on "Can&#039;t access my blog
because of ERROR: Too many failed login attempts."
Tue, 14 Oct :32 +0000
I am having trouble accessing the login of my website (managed wordpress account with) godaddy hosting). When I tried to login this morning, I got the error message 'ERROR: Too many failed login attempts. Please try again in 16 hours.' even though I definitely didn't try logging in too much. I tried renaming the plugin folder via SFTP but nothing happened. Can you help?
Khunchay on "[Theme: Hueman] Cannot login after yesterdays update"
Tue, 14 Oct :10 +0000
<![CDATA[Yesterday I got an Hueman theme update notice so that's what I did. However right after an error starts and I can't login to my website anymore, get this notice: ERROR: Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output. on all browsers and different devices.
I already checked a lot of documentation such as
yet I could not manage to fix it.
Via the cPanel I switch off all plugins, but it makes no difference so it appears that the error is not plugin related. Technically I am not very experienced, some help with this will be much appreacted!
sjorsijs on "Changed the url"
Wed, 01 Oct :37 +0000
I accidentally changed the url of my website.
firstly it was ucdnetwork.org.za but I wanted to change it into ucdn.org.za
I'm not sure what I did wrong but now I can't log in anymore. because the page ucdn.org.za can not be found. I also can't login as admin.
What can I do?
katmac_aus on "503 error on login/logout only"
Sun, 29 Jun :23 +0000
<![CDATA[I have a strange problem on one of my sites. When you try log via the wordpress login form it returns a "503 Service Unavailable Error" in A 'Proudly powered by LiteSpeed Web Server' template. The rest of the site works fine. I can login via the login form in the site. If I try login and get the password wrong it also works fine. Its only when I login via the WP login form at that I get the 503 error.
Any type of logout also causes the same issue of showing the 503 error.
I have contacted the Web hosts (Webcity in Australia) and then said its not them as other wordpress sites on the same server are not having this issue. Also, when I have had legitimate 503 errors with webcity before, it using an unstyled boring looking error page - not the Litespeed formatted one that I am seeing now.
I have tried reinstalling the latest WP install via the dashboard and no difference. I have also tried checking the error logs and no related errors there.
Any suggestions/solutions???
shahidul34 on "Can&#039;t see login page after automatically update to 4.0"
Tue, 23 Sep :55 +0000
I was working on
5-6 WordPress sites and there was no problem but form yesterday I can't see my admin login page ex:
a blank page is coming -
I am form Bangladesh but I have given this link to my friend who is in A he can login without trouble!! No plugin used for prohibiting the users.
What's the problem?


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