
Controlling plot data-tips | Undocumented Matlab
Charting Matlab’s unsupported hidden underbellyHello there! If you are new here, you might want to
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are a great visualization aid for Matlab plots. They enable users to interactively click on a plot location and see a tool-tip that contains the clicked location’s coordinates. The displayed tooltip text is even customizable using documented properties of the
object.plot data tipsA client has recently asked me to automatically display an attached data-tip to the last data point of a plotted time series of values. The idea was to immediately see what the latest value of the data series is.Unfortunately, the official documentation clearly says that:You place data tips only by clicking data objects on graphs. You cannot place them programmatically (by executing code to position a data cursor).Well, this has never stopped us before, has it?Creating new data tipsUnder the hood, data tips use a data-cursor mode, which shares many similarities in behavior and programming code with the other plot modes (zoom, pan, , etc.). At any one time, only a single such mode can be active in any figure window (this is a known limitation of the design). The code itself it actually quite complex and handles numerous edge-cases. Understanding it by simply reading the code (under %matlabroot%\toolbox\matlab\graphics\) is actually pretty difficult. A much easier way to understand the programming flow is to liberally distribute breakpoints (start in datacursormode.m) and interactively activate the functionality, then debug the code step-by-step.Luckily, it turns out that the code to create a new data-tip is actually quite simple: first get the data-cursor mode object, then create a new data tip using the mode’s createDatatip() method, update some data-tip properties and finally update the data-tip’s position:% First plot the data
hLine = plot(xdata, ydata);
% First get the figure's data-cursor mode, activate it, and set some of its properties
cursorMode = datacursormode(gcf);
set(cursorMode, 'enable','on', 'UpdateFcn',@setDataTipTxt, 'NewDataCursorOnClick',false);
% Note: the optional @setDataTipTxt is used to customize the data-tip's appearance
% Note: the following code was adapted from %matlabroot%\toolbox\matlab\graphics\datacursormode.m
% Create a new data tip
hTarget = handle(hLine);
hDatatip = cursorMode.createDatatip(hTarget);
% Create a copy of the context menu for the datatip:
% Set the data-tip orientation to top-right rather than auto
% Update the datatip marker appearance
set(hDatatip, 'MarkerSize',5, 'MarkerFaceColor','none', ...
'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'Marker','o', 'HitTest','off');
% Move the datatip to the right-most data vertex point
position = [xdata(end),ydata(end),1; xdata(end),ydata(end),-1];
update(hDatatip, position);Note: If you don’t like messing with the code, consider using Tim Farajian’s
utility, which basically does all this behind the scenes. It is much easier to use as a stand-alone utility, although it does not give you the flexiblility with all the data-tip properties as in the code above.Updating an existing data tipTo modify the appearance of a data-tip, we first need to get access to the hDatatip object that we created earlier, either programmatically, or interactively (or both). Since we can access pre-stored handles only of programmatically-created (not interactively-created) data-tips, we need to use a different method. There are actually two ways to do this:The basic way is to search the relevant axes for objects that have Tag=’DataTipMarker’. For each data-tip, we will get two such handles: one for the marker (Type=’line’) and the other for the text box tooltip (Type=’text’). We can use these to update (for example) the marker size, and the text’s font, border and colors.A better way is to access the graphics.datatip object itself. This can be done using two hidden properties of the datacursormode object:% Get the list of all data-tips in the current figure
&& cursorMode = datacursormode(gcf)
cursorMode =
&& cursorMode.DataCursors
graphics.datatip: 2-by-1
&& cursorMode.CurrentDataCursor
&& cursorMode.CurrentDataCursor.get
Annotation: [1x1 hg.Annotation]
DisplayName: ''
HitTestArea: 'off'
BeingDeleted: 'off'
ButtonDownFcn: []
Children: [2x1 double]
Clipping: 'on'
CreateFcn: []
DeleteFcn: []
BusyAction: 'queue'
HandleVisibility: 'off'
HitTest: 'off'
Interruptible: 'on'
Parent: 492.
SelectionHighlight: 'on'
Type: 'hggroup'
UserData: []
Selected: 'off'
FontAngle: 'normal'
FontName: 'Helvetica'
FontSize: 8
FontUnits: 'points'
FontWeight: 'normal'
EdgeColor: [0.8 0.8 0.8]
BackgroundColor: [1 1 0.333]
TextColor: [0 0 0]
Marker: 'o'
MarkerSize: 5
MarkerEdgeColor: 'k'
MarkerFaceColor: 'none'
MarkerEraseMode: 'normal'
Draggable: 'on'
String: {'Date: 01/09/11'
'Value: 573.24'}
Visible: 'on'
StringFcn: []
UpdateFcn: []
UIContextMenu: [1x1 uicontextmenu]
Host: [1x1 graph2d.lineseries]
Interpolate: 'off'We can see that the returned graphics.datatip object includes properties of both the text-box and the marker, making it easy to modify. Moreover, we can use its aforementioned update method to move the datatip to a different plot position (see example in the code above). In addition, we can also use the self-explanatory getCursorInfo(), getaxes(), makeCurrent(), movetofront() methods, and a few others.Cursor mode and data-tip propertiesThe graphics.datacursormanager and the graphics.datatip objects have several public properties that we can use:&& cursorMode.get
Enable: 'off'
SnapToDataVertex: 'on'
DisplayStyle: 'datatip'
UpdateFcn: @setDataTipTxt
Figure: [1x1 figure]
&& cursorMode.CurrentDataCursor.get
Annotation: [1x1 hg.Annotation]
DisplayName: ''
HitTestArea: 'off'
... % See the list aboveBoth these objects have plenty of additional hidden properties. You can inspect them using my . Here is a brief list for reference (R2011b):graphics.datacursormanager:CurrentDataCursorDataCursorsDebugDefaultExportVarNameDefaultPanelPositionEnableAxesStackingEnableZStackingExternalListenersHiddenUpdateFcnNewDataCursorOnClickOriginalRendererOriginalRendererModePanelDatatipHandlePanelHandlePanelTextHandleUIContextMenuUIStateZStackMinimumgraphics.datatip:ALimIncludeApplicationDataBehaviorCLimIncludeDataCursorHandleDataManagerHandleDebugDoThrowStartDragEventEmptyArgUpdateFcnEnableAxesStackingEnableZStackingEraseModeEventObjectExternalListenerHandlesHelpTopicKeyHostAxesHostListenerHandlesIncludeRendererInvalidIsDeserializingMarkerHandleMarkerHandleButtonDownFcnOrientationOrientationModeOrientationPropertyListenerOriginalDoubleBufferStatePixelBoundsPointsOffsetPositionSelfListenerHandlesSerializableTextBoxHandleTextBoxHandleButtonDownFcnVersionViewStyleXLimIncludeYLimIncludeZLimIncludeZStackMinimumuistateAs can be seen, if we really want, we can always use the MarkerHandle or TextBoxHandle directly.Deleting data tipsTo delete a specific data-tip, simply call the cursor mode’s removeDataCursor() to delete all data-tips, call its removeAllDataCursors() method:% Delete the current data-tip
% Delete all data-tips
cursorMode.removeAllDataCursors()Have you used plot data-tips in some nifty way? If so, please share your experience in a
below.p.s. – did you notice that Java was not mentioned anywhere above? Mode managers use pure-Matlab functionality.Related posts: Matlab's standard plot data-tips can be customized to enable dragging, without being limitted to be adjacent to their data-point. ... Plot data brushing can be accessed programmatically using very simple pure-Matlab code... Callback reentrancy is a major problem for frequently-fired events. Luckily, it can easily be solved.... LineSmoothing is a hidden and undocumented plot line property that creates anti-aliased (smooth unpixelized) lines in Matlab plots... This article describes several little-known tips useful for COM / ActiveX programming in Matlab... The plot objects' XLimInclude, YLimInclude, ZLimInclude, ALimInclude and CLimInclude properties are an important feature, that has both functional and performance implications.... Categories: , , , , , Tags: , , , , , & Pingback: Pingback: Leave a Reply
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&x = -pi:pi/12:
&y = tan(sin(x)) - sin(tan(x));
h2=axes('position',[0 0 1 1]);
h1=axes('position',[0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4]);
h=[h3; h4];
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&详细说明:matlab绘图局部放大源码,看清所要关心的部分-matlab drawing enlarged source, see the part to be concerned about
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可是不会用 有会用的吗
值得说明的是,magnify是一个函数,默认安装中是不存在的,需要额外加载。具体有三步:第一步,下载文件magnify.m下面是我分离的一个文件下载链接:链接: 密码:bcd2或从官网下载:第二步,文件拷贝到工具箱路径把文件放在toolbox路径下,例如:C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009b\toolbox\matlab\elfun只要是matlab加载的路径就可以。第三步,更新工具箱在matlab窗口的command window 中运行命令:rehash toolboxcache下面是使用案例:在command window 运行 &ezplot('t')得到在command window 运行 &magnify切换到figure图形窗口按ctrl键,拖动鼠标左键,(也可以不按ctrl键,拖动鼠标右键)就可以放大局部图像了。结果希望对你有帮助,欢迎交流!
非常有用 太感谢了
出门在外也不愁magnify 画图时,将图形局部放大,很实用的代码,以前上传过一个m文件, 错误了,现修正。 matlab 182万源代码下载-
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&&开发工具: matlab
&&文件大小: 1 KB
&&下载次数: 4
&&提 供 者:
&详细说明:画图时,将图形局部放大,很实用的代码,以前上传过一个m文件,上传错误了,现修正。-When drawing the graphic enlarged, very practical code previously uploaded an m file upload error, now corrected.
&[] - 实现matlab中Figure窗口的局部放大。右键单击鼠标显示该位置的局部放大图; + / - 增大或缩小放大倍数; & /, & 扩大或缩小放大区域。


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