初二作文题目mychange 60个单词

我要写一篇题目为(change my bad habits )的英语作文,60个字
我要写一篇题目为(change my bad habits )的英语作文,60个字
change my bad habits
In my life,there are a lot of bad habits.For example,smoking drinking and stay up too lete 熬夜). First, smoking costs a great deal of money. It wastes 200 billion dollars each year in the world. Second,smoking does harm to the health of smokers and even the people near them. About 3 million people die of diseases caused by smoking every year. Second,drinking a lot while drving.It's easy to happen accidents. Staying up (too late)means(equals)committing suicide
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号初二作文mychange 60个单词_作业帮
初二作文mychange 60个单词
初二作文mychange 60个单词
生活是一首歌,因为不同音调的和谐搭配组成了一首欢快动听的歌. --题记 班级篇 班长在讲台上慷慨陈词:“同学们,加油呀!还有两个星期就摸底考试了,打起精神,‘吃得苦中苦,方为人上人’,胜利一定属于我们1于是,课堂上,大家踊跃发言,不耻...
要什么单词初二作文mychange 60个单词_作业帮
初二作文mychange 60个单词
初二作文mychange 60个单词
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the change of my hometown 这是作文题目,60词,请解答.
the change of my hometown 这是作文题目,60词,请解答.
In the past,my hometown was not very big, people lived a poor life. The houses were old and small.Pollution was serious,and there was rubbish everywhere.the traffic was not very convenient that so few...
great changes in my hometown  Great Changes in My Hometown  I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town, ther...


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