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AM335x的BB-Black 板 如何uboot烧写问题请教
<input type="hidden" id="hGroupID" value="34"
&p>&如何将编译出的&MLO和u-boot.img 烧进板子上(该板子上是EMMC Flash,非nand)??&/p>
&p>& & & & & & U-Boot# nand erase 0x0 0x20000&/p>
&p>& & & & & & no devices available&br>& & & & & & U-Boot#&/p>
&p>最好能提供 从sd卡和net的两种方式的说明&/p>
&p>期待TI的解惑回复,谢谢!&/p>&div style=&clear:&>&/div>" />
AM335x的BB-Black 板 如何uboot烧写问题请教
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&如何将编译出的&MLO和u-boot.img 烧进板子上(该板子上是EMMC Flash,非nand)??
& & & & & & U-Boot# nand erase 0x0 0x20000
& & & & & & no devices available& & & & & & U-Boot#
最好能提供 从sd卡和net的两种方式的说明
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& & & & & & U-Boot# nand erase 0x0 0x20000
& & & & & & no devices available& & & & & & U-Boot#
最好能提供 从sd卡和net的两种方式的相对应的说明
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1)uart boot mode启动的话,不知道&& 在BB-Black是对应在哪边的引脚设置&
2)NAND flash mode boot的话,也是不知道如上的设置,且
U-Boot# nand erase 0x0 0x20000
no devices available
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首先,BBB板子上面没有NAND flash,上面只有eMMC。
NAND flash对应的接口是GPMC, eMMC对应的接口是SD/MMC的接口,两个接口都不一样。你使用nand的相关命令找不到device是正常的。
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Liu 工你好,昨天看了你给的参考链接,eMMC方式意思就是 通过SDK6.0编译出文件 ,再用CCS 这个工具 经由 ethernet方式 下载到target board??我安装的是CCS 的windows版本(windows XP下不支持 dhcp server的),有以下的问题还需要得到你的解答:
简单的来说,就是 通过eMMCS烧写 需要哪些烧写文件和步骤?所附链接文档内容较泛,步骤也较繁琐,不如Freescale/Net logic等的工具简单易操作
1.CCS 中的&TFTP home folder:&目录下 的烧写文件需要哪些?我现在编译出的是有如下 MLO u-boot.bin uImage等文件
1).但是我看文档还需要 debrick.sh这个脚本?--这个是在哪边的??The SPL, U-Boot, and Kernel shown on the host PC (and shown in red) represent the flasher image, which will be downloaded over Ethernet or USB by the AM335x ROM Bootloader at boot. This image will initialize the target board as necessary to do the flashing operation. It will be set up to fetch a script, debrick.sh, via TFTP from the host PC. This script will partition and format the eMMC, download the necessary files from the host PC via TFTP (images in the above diagram), and write these files to the eMMC (the blue system files above).
2).以下红色字体所述的 &a root filesystem&指的是否是 SDK6.0.0的 filesystem目录下的哪些压缩文件??(比如xxx.ubi文件)
& & &In attempt to be as clear as possible, there are two separate program images that we are referring to:
The image to write the flash on the target board (flasher program), which is composed of the SPL, U-Boot, and Kernel, a root filesystem set up as an initramfs RAM disk. These will be pulled over by the bootloader in ROM when the target board is powered on (assuming the boot settings are set up to boot from USB or ethernet). An initialization script inside the root FS will begin execution and request the debrick.sh script from the server. These files are built to boot from either USB or ethernet, which is likely very different than the system they will flash (which is probably built to boot from eMMC in this case).
The image to be written which will be copied from the host PC. Once on the target, these files will be written to the appropriate places in flash as determined by the flasher program above (mainly by the debrick script). This image will also likely contain a SPL, U-Boot, Kernel (uImage or zImage) and Root Filesystem as it is a Linux system similar to the flasher program. This is the full Linux image that will execute out of flash once it has been written and will vary depending the needs of the target board.
3).用CCS 时 target board 是否支持的方式?
我们这边的BB-Black板子原始的版本是 英蓓特公司的 3.8.13的kernel及对应的boot
现在的问题是在裸板子的uboot下,手动配置ip地址后与server主机互通不了:在boot CMD界面下 我用setenv ipaddr设置的板子的地址ping不通 host pc(windows),而在kernel下是可以ping的通的
4).不同的烧写方式下的 boot和kernel需要开启不同的编译开关吗?
直接的烧写(类似于用prokit工具 通过jtag线 直接传输烧写,也免得来配置dhcp ip等步骤)??
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Have a try, no&Hesitate!
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你的意思是 烧写 eMMC时,需要安装在linux 虚拟机上,安装在windows上不可以烧写?
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你的意思是 烧写 eMMC时,需要安装在linux 虚拟机上,安装在windows上不可以烧写?
Have a try, no&Hesitate!
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&Yaoming Qin 你好:
能否提供下 在BB-Black板子上的SD卡烧写方式的说明??
前段时间用的是英蓓特的 3.8.13的软件,感觉他们提供的SD卡启动的方式很不错,SDK 06.00.00上是否也能提供有这种方式?
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