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bureaucrat是什么意思 bureaucrat在线翻译 bureaucrat什么意思 bureaucrat的意思 bureaucrat的翻译 bureaucrat的解释 bureaucrat的发音 bureaucrat的同义词
bureaucrat英 ['bj??r?kraet] 美 ['bj?r?kraet] bureaucrat的反义词第三人称复数:danci.911cha.combureaucrat 基本解释n.官僚; 官僚主义,官僚主义者bureaucrat 网络解释1. 1. 僚:一是,官僚(注:官僚(bureaucrat)一词最早出现在18世纪的法国,最初指所有的政府官员. 而在西方文官制度建立后,它一般指非经政治选举的、经考试进入政府、不受政府更迭影响的政府官员. 本文即从这一意义上使用该词. )与政治家之间,2. bureaucrat是什么意思2. 官倒:bureaucracy 官僚主义 | bureaucrat 官倒 | cabinet lineup 内阁阵容3. 官僚主义者:bureaucracy官僚机构 | bureaucrat官僚主义者 | bureaucratic官僚政治的bureaucrat 双语例句1. Because education bureaucrat control examination sovereignty, they decision test what with how test.&&&&因为教育官僚控制考试主权,距地决定着考乜野同点样考。2. 2. In fact, this road is impossible, and in fact, therefore, they are ready to capitulate to imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism.&&&&这后一条路线,在实际上是不能实现的,所以他们实际上是准备投降帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的人。3. 3. Under the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, the productive forces of the old china grew very slowly&&&&旧中国在帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治下,生产力的发展一直是非常缓慢的。4. In fact this line is not practicable, and therefore they are actually ready to capitulate to imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism&&&&这后一条路线,在实际上是不能实现的,所以他们实际上是准备投降帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的人。5. As we all know, at the founding of New China a century ago, the Chinese war of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, torn.&&&&众所周知,在新中国成立前的一个世纪中,中国饱受帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义蹂躏。6. The first, of immediate and concrete importance for us, is bureaucrat capitalism, and second, the development of the political economy of socialism, since in synthesis we can say that it is Mao who really established and developed the political economy of socialism.&&&&第一,对我们具有直接重要意义的是:官僚资本主义,第二,是对社会主义政治经济学的发展,因为综合起来看,是毛泽东真正建立并发展了社会主义的政治经济学。7. First, China's working class and popular imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, the triple oppression, it is in the bottom of society, oppression and exploitation of any other class than the Chinese to be heavy, which is rare in the world.&&&&一是中国工人阶级深受帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的三重压迫,它处于社会的最底层,所受的压迫和剥削比中国其他任何阶层都要沉重,这在世界上也是罕见的。8. 8. Imperialist oppression and the obstruction and suppression of bureaucrat capital of the Kuomintang, fundamentally speaking, accounted for the failure.&&&&其原因从根本上说是由于帝国主义的压迫以及国民党官僚资本的阻挠和压制。9. bureaucrat的解释9. Bureaucrat-capital refers to that one clique--the four big families and doesn't mean bureaucrat plus capital.&&&&官僚资本是指的四大家族那个集团,不是官僚加资本,不然县长开个店也得没收了。10. Meanwhile, the whole thing as it was also had something to do with the fact that the Kuomintang bureaucrat capital had not wholly controlled and monopolized the economic lifelines of China.&&&&同时,也与抗战时国民党官僚资本尚未全面垄断中国经济命脉这一事实有关。11. 911查询·英语单词11. After the end of Sino-Japanese war, the Industrial Capital Flow in South China was impoverished because of the change of international economic and political form and the basic policy mistakes. The Bureaucrat Industrial Capital Flow became decayed.&&&&&&抗战胜利后,江南区域工业资本流向趋向解体:外国工业资本流向由于整个国际政治、经济格局的变化,以及其对江南区域基本政策的失误而最终破产。12. I am detested the bureaucrat the person, can be resigned to the supine these bureaucrat's breath?&&&&&&我是个痛恶官僚的人,能甘心仰这些官僚的鼻息么?13. 911查询·英语单词13. At the same time he condemned the inherent incorrigibility which some Han people bureaucrat had and they submited to the government.&&&&&&他同时谴责了部分汉人官僚俯首屈从的固有劣根性。14. 911查询·英语单词14. Some held that disciples of the Pear Garden even possessed equal rights as high officials or scholar-bureaucrat in certain aspects.&&&&&&有人认为梨园弟子在某些方面甚至取得了和达官贵人、士大夫一样的权利,这与史实不合。15. And the section 3 analyzed the antinomy of rationality in the bureaucrat system, pointed out its`theoretical and practical predicament, and summarized all kinds of characters that administrative personnel`s personality had been tooled in the bureaucrat system.&&&&&&基于此,第三节对官僚制中存在的理性二律背反进行了分析,从理论和实践层面指出了官僚制的困境,并总结了官僚制下行政人员的人格工具化表征。16. After Japan goes through internationalization, post-industrialization, aging society and globalization, the competition and divergence of interest at each stage have a direct or indirect influence on the authority of bureaucrat and the policy-making process.&&&&&&而现代日本历经国际化、后工业化、高龄化、全球化各阶段经济发展,各阶段的利益竞争与利益分化直接或间接影响官僚主导的威权性和决策过程。17. Matteo Scuro is a retired Sicilian bureaucrat (responsible mainly for the writing of birth certificates), a widower with five children, all of whom live on the mainland and hold responsible jobs.&&&&&&本站译文:利玛窦斯库罗是一名西西里岛的退休官僚,一个有5个孩子的鳏夫,他们都住在本岛并有工作。18. As the elites have their personality and academy submitted to the rule of the autocratic monarchy, these eminent persons in the end turned their part as bearers of social knowledge and moral belief, the leading rational position in their society, into a compent of the feudal bureaucrat system.&&&&&&伴随着士人人格的臣仆化,学术也日益御用化,士人丧失了先前作为社会知识和道德信仰承担者以及社会理性主体的地位,转换成为整个封建社会官僚体系中的一部分。19. This capitalist class, known as the bureaucrat-capitalist class, is the big bourgeoisie of China.&&&&&&这个资产阶级,叫做官僚资产阶级,即是中国的大资产阶级。20. This is the life philosophy of scholar-bureaucrat who advocates idyllic life.&&&&&&这也是长久以来,中国士大夫一直倡导的归园田居般恬静祥和的生活哲学。bureaucrat 词典解释1. 官僚;官僚主义者&&&&Bureaucrats are officials who work in a large administrative system. You can refer to officials as bureaucrats especially if you disapprove of them because they seem to follow rules and procedures too strictly.&&&&e.g. The economy is still controlled by bureaucrats.&&&&&&&&&&&经济依然被官僚们所掌控。bureaucrat 单语例句1. The investigation also raised questions about Serdyukov's relationship with a former top military bureaucrat.2. If bullying the subordinate is the habitual behavior of a bureaucrat, toadying to the superior is the most despicable means of climbing up the official ladder.3. She stated that no government official or education bureaucrat will be able to direct the course of national education.4. I've studied Michelangelo as part of my college course on the renaissance, but I know almost nothing about Ningbo's " Civilian bureaucrat and military officer ".5. " It's a classic case of a bureaucrat trying to take the pressure off himself, " he said.6. On Monday, one former bureaucrat summoned for questioning was found dead in a reservoir outside Seoul.7. The point we take back home is that it is difficult to overpass an Indian bureaucrat.8. A bureaucrat in the Xinjiang government, he had a chubby face and a bald head.bureaucrat 英英释义noun1. an official of a bureaucracy&&&&Synonym: administrative officialbureaucrat是什么意思,bureaucrat在线翻译,bureaucrat什么意思,bureaucrat的意思,bureaucrat的翻译,bureaucrat的解释,bureaucrat的发音,bureaucrat的同义词,bureaucrat的反义词,bureaucrat的例句,bureaucrat的相关词组,bureaucrat意思是什么,bureaucrat怎么翻译,单词bureaucrat是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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