
This is who am IMy name is XX,i used to be lazy and tired of study.my mom are always urging me to study .but i didn't listen to her.But now i feel i must work hard .i find the intrest of study.i begin to enjoy learning .study makes me feel i am growing up little by little .Well,this is me ,a boy who now are foud of study!过去,现在,将来的我 英语作文五年前的我:具体描写一下现在的我,5年后的我,刚刚进入大学,(我的理想是当上博士)文章要有亮点,150词左右,_百度作业帮
过去,现在,将来的我 英语作文五年前的我:具体描写一下现在的我,5年后的我,刚刚进入大学,(我的理想是当上博士)文章要有亮点,150词左右,
want to be a famous writer in the future.I like to write stories for kids.The stories will be short and funny.My teacher said I was good at writing.But I still need to improve my English,too.Then I can write stories in English.So the kids from all over the world can read my stories.热门日志推荐
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As days passing by,times going out,my childhood is leaving me little by little,I grow up,day after day.childhood is a fascinating story made by dad,sang by mom,with the dirty on my clothes.Until oneday,I realize my childhood ends.It was a sunny day,and the birds were singing.my father and I went climbing in another way we had never been.I walked cautiously behind my dad.The sence was so beautiful,the birds'voice were so charming.I breath the cool fresh air greedily paying no attention to the rugged path.Dad warned me to be careful,but I can't help myself.The road was getting more and more dangerous,I could hear sevral rocks fall.I slipped up.My feet were scratched and my hands were bloody.It was so hurt that I barely stand up.I asked my father with an imploring glance for help.He seemed noticed,said:"you are a big girl now,do it on your own,donot expect others."His words were so determined,and I came to understand that I truly grown up already.I graped a rattan and climbed up with strength from nowhere.Finally,I stand up.Father looked at me,smiled:"continue or not?""sure yes!"I responsed firmly."that's my girl!"My father said,happily.We reached the top,enjoying the wonderful view,I feel no pain at all``` Seeds break through theEagles fly through thHorse breaking through the shac and I break through difficulties,for growing up.
Life is actually a process after experienced many eventually returned to the origin. Someone are indomitable, more fell more brave, because born? No, no one can have such luck. It should be said to li...


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