
heatsinks, fold
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Application: industrial radiatorSurface treatment: anodizing, powder coating, electrophoresisAlloy temper: 6063Dimension: according to customer&s requirementMechanical properties: durability, good corrosion resistance and lightweightPackage: normal paper package and soft plastic interleaving each profile to protect the surfaceIn case of any special package, additional packing cost will be charged
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Sources and sinks: a program can output results to a sink or input data from a source. A source/sink may be a file (regular file, terminal, device,...), a constant term, a pipe, a socket,...
Associating a stream to a source/sink: to manipulate a source/sink it must be associated with a stream. This provides a logical and uniform view of the source/sink whatever its type.
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数学上经常称作 源和汇。
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谢楼上。这内容摘自gnu prolog (gprolog)的文档。prolog一门逻辑语言(人工智能).
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1. It Is Not Profitable to Study
This sounds like alarmist talk, but the whole nation faces the danger of believing that it is not profitable to study.
The tradition over thousands of years that scholars should not pursue material goals has changed. rappelz rupees Manp teachers have quit their school jobs to do business. Others say they hope that their children will not become teachers like them.
2. Education Is about Something More Important
Yes, but what is education about? Is it really about facts and figures, learning things by heart-you know, the three "r' s"reading, writing and arithmetic (and that shows somebody can't spell, doesn't it?) No, it gets me really cross.People criticize modern education because some kids don't know their seven times table. Hell, what does that matter in the age of computers and calculators? No, education is about something much more imgortant.
3. People Don't Learn Anything Today
I think it's a great shame the way educational standards are declining today. I mean, good heavens, when you think of all the millions of pounds the ********** have spent on education-new schools, more teachers, new equipment. And yet still you find people who can't read properly, can't even write their names and don't know what two and two are without a calculator. I think it's downright disgraceful. I remember
when I was young you went to school to learn. replica rolex You did as you were told and respected your teachers.
4. Traditional Schools Face Challenge
Every Tuesday and Friday, 6-year-old Huang Kan goes to an evening class to learn how to play the piano. He shows little interest in this extra class, but his mother is willing to pay 18 yuan a month for his tuition. He is one of the many only children who in recent years have started attending classes to learn to play musical instruments, or to paint or sing, either on holidays or in the evenings during week-days.
Students on this market benefit more. maple story power leveling Women from Anhui Province applying for baby-sitting jobs can ask for 5 yuan more if they can speak putonghua because parents are concerned that their children would otherwise be affected by local dialects. The skill of typing too can bring extra income.
5. Education Standards Are Higher Than in the Past
6. Give Students Time to Grow
With examinations drawing near, world of warcraft gold the burden on middle school students is becoming heavier and heavier. They have more homework than ever before, and less time for leisure, rest and sleep.
7. Children Must Learn How to Live
The realization of China' s modernization relies on the children of today.
Childhood is a time of physical and mental development, so efforts must be made to provide an ideal environment for their development. encouraging intellectual, physical and moral training.
We have to put right the tendency of stressing only intelligence and ignoring moral and physical education and necessary physical work.replica rolex
8. People Should Be Made to Love Knowledge and Reading
9. The Modern Methods Have Gone Wrong
Well, if you asked me, it's all these modern methods that's the problem. In the old days you sat in rows at desks and you did as you were told. You knew what you had to do and you did it-and you kept quiet.
Discovery methods. Atlantica gold Sounds more like a recipe for discovering disaster to me. When do'they have time to learn anything? Too busy wandering about to do any work.
Should Students Only Learn from Books?
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 09:20 on September 26, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
palmistry: the first phase, also known as million.
The following will reveal the palm of your
a common line and the lines represent the general meaning and future transportation purposes, I hope for your help, At the same time a little more casual for your taste.
Lifeline lifeline - the life pattern. Thumb and index finger from the middle of the palm side began to take charge of the end of the lines. Pattern of life does not mean that the length of the length of life, but represents the strength of vitality, so the fact should be called the life vitality of grain patterns.
pattern of life long, deep, red, vitality, strong resistance to disease is
contrary, if the pattern shallow, weak, relatively weak.
coarse grain, suitab grain size, and suitable for the brain.
pattern of life surrounded by palm hill range, and it is energetic, st range of small, frail and easily tired.
pattern at the beginning of life (by the palm side) are chain-shaped pattern, and sickly childhood. end of life, like the tassels
pattern, to prevent elderly patients.
island pattern on pattern of life, representing a time of illness or hospitalization, grain size of the island on behalf of the severity and duration.
2. Smart Line
smart line - that the brain pattern. Is the most important phase of a palm pattern, this pattern of Chinese palmistry in their own behalf, also known as one pattern. Starting with the lifeline of the same, the direction of the little finger, ring finger and small finger sutural to stop the best, too short, not smart enough, too long is too smart, not good. brain patterns to deep fine
better able to focus that thinking, as smart.
island pattern on the brain pattern to that ideology is not concentrated, meaning weak mind or brain frustrated.
start a chain-shaped brain patterns and external environmental impact study.
starting point for intelligent pattern and life patterns together,, the two lines together into one,, after some distance apart, said the introverted, cautious, well considered. Even too long, then worry, easy to hesitate.
if the lifeline and intelligent line starting immediately afterwards with separate walk, personality and decisive, able to act according to circumstances. If the two lines separately
a distance, outgoing personality is bold,, fearless. If the starting point of two lines separated
more than half a centimeter or more, to become reckless personality without a brain.
emotions emotions - that day or the parent grain pattern. From an early age that the index finger under the palm side of the direction to the index finger with the fingers into the golden mean.
advance to the index finger has been under if it belongs to the domain of the mind, more emphasis o into the middle finger below the carnal love, do not pay attention to eachother.
bend down under the middle finger if to love wayward, unscrupulous.
if the feelings are bifurcation lines long and curved down, it is a sacrifice for the love of all homes.
fine deep emotions, feelings are delicate, shallow emotions, feelings are also extensive.
emotional thread side (palm side) if the up and down like a feather twill have that this person is very enthusiastic.
if the line did not feather pattern, only the line there, that is witty lines, that reaction is good to act according to circumstances.
emotional chain-shaped pattern if it is sentimental.
feelings of the grain has the island shaped pattern, such as appear in the ring finger, on behalf of eye problems, myopia, amblyopia, or flash.
If the pattern appears in other locations the island, is the emotional distress.
emotions broken, symbolizing the feelings had been greatly shaken.
4. marriage line
marriage line - in the palm under the little finger side, between the little finger and feelings between the lines, there only one person, while others are a few stripes.
number is not important, there is always a deeper pattern. As if there are two deep, easily get into the triangle will be afraid of disputes.
if the marriage patterns over six, but could not find the main line, the m marriage pattern length,, These conditions harsh, high demands on the spouse, the marriage there will be pressure. If the length of the ring finger
and take place under the sun line, good relatives, bringing wealth prestige.
if the sun break through the line, there are negative effects that affect the sound of hope and wealth itself. If the end of the marriage pattern
bifurcation, easy to break.
pattern may have islands separated for some reason. to the upturned tail
marriage line, the lack of willingness to marry.
business line business line - is to rise from the bottom of the palm pattern, others can be straight to the root of the middle finger, also known as fate of the pattern.
some cause not a ruled line, but well off a few, that job insecurity, or frequently changing work environment.
business profile rise to the brain pattern (intelligent line) to stop, that is by their own intelligent decisions to stop working. If the rose pattern
island stop, then the table is to stop work because of emotional problems.
has two career patterns, you can develop another part-time or sideline.
sun ray sun ray - ruled under the ring finger, and career patterns in parallel. If the sun pattern pairs line called \
pattern if too much sun, broad interests, but do not focus easily distracted.
sun pattern or patterns with the island as a cross, is the sun damage pattern, representing the loss of prestige or money.
7. Health Line
Health Line - the line from the pattern for life to go under the little finger is actually \. Because there is no pattern of health to be healthy.
Health profile if intermittent, that chain if there is respiratory problems.
if the island pattern, the pattern of the head end of the throat or head problems,, the end of the line the urinary problems.
creative writing lines lines - in the ring finger and pinkie fingers of two streaks under the slanting that this man Studies have creative talents, to engage in research or writing, painting, must be accomplished.
wealth wealth wire line - in the second section of thumb, whether stripes or vertical bars, the more grain that accumulate more and more money.
10. Other lines on Figure
label emotions of life and health food palmistry sun line
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Nice post.. Thanks for sharing it!
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Current sources and sinks are analysis formalisms which distinguish points, areas, or volumes through which
enters or exits a system. While current sources or sinks are abstract elements used for analysis, generally they have physical counterparts in real- e.g. the
in a . In all cases, each of the opposing terms (source or sink) may refer to the same object, depending on the perspective of the observer there is no intrinsic difference between a source and a sink.
In some cases, the term current source refers to a boundary where charge flows from locations where it is not measured to locations where it is measured. In a similar fashion, a current sink may refer to the boundary where charge flows from locations where it is measured to locations where it is not measured. By analogy to the flow of water, a current source would be like a mountain
- water flows from its source (a hidden location underground) to the surface where it is easily observed. Using the same analogy, a current sink would be like water flowing down a drain - water travels from where it is observed to where it is not observed.
Two-compartment model illustrating the definition of a current sink vs source.
Shown at right is a general two-compartment model to help illustrate the definition of current sources or sinks. In this two-compartment model, the compartments are separated by a semi-conductive barrier (gray). An observer, symbolized by the eye, can "see" only one compartment at a time. Red arrows indicate the direction of flow of positive charges, while black arrows indicate the direction of flow of negative charges. The pink and green backgrounds are meant to symbolize different configurations, configuration 1 when charges are flowing in one direction and configuration 2 when they are flowing in the opposite direction. The difference between the left and right panels is simply the location of the "eye".
A source or a sink is defined by which compartment is viewable by the observer.
A source is:
A flow of positive charges from the "invisible" to the "visible" compartment (i.e. toward the eye), or...
A flow of negative charges from the "visible" to the "invisible" (away from the eye).
A sink is:
A flow of positive charges "away from the eye", or...
A flow of negative charges "toward the eye".
In biology, the schematic barrier in the figure could represent a cell membrane, and as a result, the two compartments could represent the inside and the outside of the cell. Generally speaking the point of observation would be outside the cell. Thus the cell would be termed a sink with respect to any flow of positive charges into it, and the cell would act as a source for any positive charges flowing out of it. Note that when considering the flow of negative charges, the definitions are reversed.
Current sources and sinks have proven to be very valuable in the study of brain function. Both have particular relevance in . Two examples of the study of sources and sinks are Electroencephalography () and Current Source Density Analysis ().
Current source density analysis (which could more accurately be called current source and sink density analysis) is the practice of placing a microelectrode in proximity to a nerve or a nerve cell to detect current sourcing from, or sinking into, their plasma membranes. When positive charges, for example, flow quickly across a plasma membrane to the inside of a cell (sink) this creates a transient cloud of negativity in the vicinity of the sink. This is because the flow of positive charges into the interior of the cell leaves behind uncompensated negative charges. A nearby micro-electrode with substantial tip resistance (on the order of 1 MΩ) can detect that negativity because a voltage difference will develop across the tip of the electrode (between the negativity outside the electrode, and the electroneutral environment inside the electrode). Put another way, the electrode internal solution will donate some of the positive charge needed to compensate the negativity caused by the current sink. Thus, the inside of the electrode will become negative relative to ground for as long as the extracellular negativity persists. The extracellular negativity will persist as long as the current sink is present. Thus, by measuring a negativity relative to ground, the electrode indirectly reports the presence of a nearby current sink. The size of the recorded negativity will vary directly with the size of the current sink and inversely with the distance between the electrode and the sink.
The relationship between the sum of the current sources and sinks and the voltage measured by the microelectrode probe may be calculated analytically if it is assumed that the quasi-static assumption holds, that the medium is spherically symmetric, homogeneous, isotropic, and infinite, and if the current source or sink is modeled as a . The relationship is given by:
is the potential at radius
from the source or sink, which passes current
through a medium with
Nicholson, C; Freeman, JA (1975). "Theory of current source-density analysis and determination of conductivity tensor for anuran cerebellum.". Journal of Neurophysiology. M38(2): 356–68.  .
P Collins (1961). Principles and Applications of Electromagnetic Fields.
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