avian influenza a infectionfirst in humann是什么意思

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response
Emerging Disease Surveillance and Response Teama
a Division of Health Security and Emergencies, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Manila, Philippines.
We report on the current human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus in China. As of 18 April 2013, there have been 82 confirmed cases, with 17 deaths (CFR 19%). The cases are in six provinces: Shanghai (31 cases [11deaths]), Jiangsu (20[3]), Zhejiang (25[2]), Anhui (3[1]), Henan (2[0]) and Beijing (1[0]) (Figure 1). There is no evidence of sustained human to human transmission, although investigations are ongoing. The exact source of infection, reservoir and mode of transmission of the H7N9 virus is still being investigated. Until the source of infection is identified, further cases are expected in China.
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, October 2001, Pages 179–185
Recent examples of human infection by animal and avian influenza a viruses in Hong Kong, , , , , , , a National Institute for Medical Research, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AA, UKb Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaRecent intensive surveillance in Hong Kong resulted in the detection of two novel viruses in children during 1999&two cases of infection by an H9N2 avian virus in March and a single case of infection by an H3N2 swine virus in September. The two human H9N2 isolates are similar in antigenic and genetic characteristics to an H9N2 virus isolated from a quail in late 1997, but are antigenically distinct from other lineages of H9N2 viruses circulating in other species of birds as well as those isolated from pigs during 1998. It is likely, therefore, that as for the H5N1 viruses in 1997, these infections are the result of direct avian-to-human transmission. A striking similarity between the six internal genes of the H9N2 and H5N1 human isolates indicates that they are related by reassortment. The H3N2 virus A/HK/1774/99 is distinct from contemporary human H3N2 viruses and is similar in antigenic and genetic properties to H3N2 viruses recently circulating in pigs in Europe. Although the source of infection was not traced, the likely presence of similar viruses in pigs in Hong Kong has subsequently been confirmed. These two instances provide further evidence for the direct transfer of avian and swine viruses in causing human disease and highlights the potential for emergence, either by adaptation or genetic reassortment with a circulating human strain, of a novel human pathogen.KeywordsH9N2; Surveillance; Transmission; Swine; Human; Hong Kong
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L-ficolin 结合血凝素和神经氨酸酶糖蛋白抑制A型流感病毒的感染 - 基础医学 - 首发论文 - 中国科技论文在线
关键词: 补体;胶原凝集素;流感;血凝素;神经氨酸酶;糖蛋白
[gap=2280]Keywords: C L- Influenza infection; H N Glycoprotein
Pregnant women are considered at special risk for influenza infection based on morbidity and mortality from previous pandemic events and from intense influenza seasons.
Actions to generally reduce risks of influenza infection, such as through use of vaccines and hand and respiratory hygiene, will also reduce the risks from H1N1 infection specifically.
Their findings suggest that tempering the response of the body's immune system to influenza infection may alleviate some of the more severe symptoms and even reduce mortality from this virus.
Another troubling trend is found in the statistics tracking underlying causes of hospitalization due to influenza infection.
There are medications than can be used to fight and sometimes prevent influenza infection: oseltamiver (Tamiflu, Genentech), and zanamivir (Ralenza, GSK).
The lead researcher, Prof Alan Brown, estimated that influenza infection during pregnancy could lead to a 3-4% chance of bipolar disorder in the resulting children.
- 来自原声例句
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