
package identification number 是什么意思
package identification number 是什么意思
09-10-15 &匿名提问 发布
Identification date ——出厂日期 No.(number)——编号 (读音可以在词典里查到)
逼我使用杀手锏!!哈哈哈dovt., vi.(与名词或动名词连用)做,干,进行;忙于do woodwork做木工do the homework做作业do one's own things我行我素I did my best to help him.我尽力帮助他。He did us a report.他给我们做了一个报告。What do you do?你做什么工作?Ramona does a lot of jobs in the house, but her sister doesn't.雷蒙娜在家里做很多活,可是她妹妹却不做。He does the cooking and she does the washing.他做饭,她洗碗碟。When in Rome do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。给予;提供;带来We must do him justice.我们不可冤枉他。Will you do me a favor?你能帮我个忙吗?生产,制造;创作She has done an article.她写了一篇文章。走过,度过;参观,游览do 80 miles an hour一个钟头走80英里学习,研究;翻译:do biology at an university在一所大学里学生物do sth. into English把…翻译成英文整理;料理do a room整理房间do one's hair做头发do one's teeth刷牙Please do the flowers.请你插花。服务;招待The barber will do you next.理发师下一个就给你理发。够,足够;适合,行,可以This will never do!这事永远不可以。Can you make $20 do?20美元你够用了吗?扮演;学…的样子We did Hamlet.我们演《哈姆雷特》。烹调The steak is well done.这牛排煎得很透。欺骗;骗人Please don't think I'm trying to do you.请不要以为我想欺骗你。(后面加上 -ing)发生What's doing tonight?今晚有什么事?How do you do?(初次见面用语)您好;久仰do byTo be deal with:尊重:在某方面表现;对待:The children have done well by their aged parents.孩子尊重年老的父母do forTo take care of.供养;照顾do in 【俚语】T exhaust:使劳累:使精疲力尽;使疲乏:The marathon did me in.马拉松赛使我精疲力尽To kill.杀害To ruin utterly:使彻底毁灭:Huge losses on the stock market did many investors in.股市大跌造成许多投资人彻底毁灭do upTo adorn or dress lavishly:精心打扮:打扮得花枝招展:The children were all done up in matching outfits.孩子们都穿戴上比赛服装To wrap and tie (a package).包,扎(包裹)To fasten:扣,固定:do up the buttons on a dress.扣上衣服上的钮扣do withoutTo manage in spite of a lack or absence:没有…也可以:在没有某物的情况下设法完成:There was no television on the island, but we soon learned to do without.岛上没有电视,可不久我们就适应了do a disappearing act【非正式用语】To vanish.消失,不见do away withT eliminate.结束;减少T kill.毁坏;杀死do (one) proudTo act or perform in a way that gives cause for pride.成功,取得成就:以引起自豪的方式做或表现do (one's) bitTo make an individual contribution toward an overall effort.尽责,尽本分:朝向整体目标而做出个人的贡献do (one's) own thing【俚语】To do what one does best or finds most enjoyable:做最拿手或最喜爱做的事:“I get paid to try cases and to do my thing on trial”(Bruce Cutler)“我拿着薪俸审案子,在审判中展雄才”(布鲁斯·卡特勒)do or dieTo exert supreme effort.拼命干,不成功毋宁死
the  past  of  do
did是动词do的过去式,专门用在表过去的句子里,如我刚刚在做作业,I did my homework just now
didAHD:[d筪]D.J.:[did]K.K.:[d!d] v.Past tense of dodidAHD:[d筪]D.J.:[did]K.K.:[d!d] v.Past tense of do do的过去式didvdo 的过去式I did all my homework, but my sister didn't do hers. 我做了全部家庭作业,可是我妹妹没有做。did[did]do 的过去式DID=Digital Image Data 数字影象数据;Digital Information Detection 数字信息探测;Digital Information Display 数字信息显示器did[ did ]vbl.do的过去式朗文英汉综合电脑词典DID= Data IDentification,数据标识 = Data Input Device, 数据输入设备 = Data Input Display, 数据输入显示(器) = Data Item Description, 数据项描述 = Device IDentifier, 设备标识符 = Digital Image Data, 数字图象数据英汉计算机大词典didn.设备标识符aux.做(适合,处理)
关于did 的用法:1.行为动词do 的过去式;2.助动词do 的过去式;3.强调句型中,用以强调谓语动词,如: did say so.4.反意疑问句:在tag question 尾处,...didn't you ?仅供参考。
did是do的过去式,表示这件事在过去发生如“I did my homework yesterday”我昨天做作业了,这件事在昨天发生的,对现在而言已经是过去发生的了。要弄清楚时态。
did 是do的过去式,当然就要用在过去式里了,当你见到yesterday,last night ,last year ,等表示过去某个时间的词时,原来陈述句主语是第一人称所用的助动词是do的就要换成did了
是DO  的过去时,是指过去的某一时间做的
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identification mark是什么意思
中文翻译标识符号鉴别标志商标;标志商标;识别标志商标打印标记识别符号识别名:&&&&n. 1.认出,识别,鉴定,验明(罪人正身等)。 2.【 ...:&&&&短语和例子 mark2 n. 1.马克〔德国货币〕。 2 ...
例句与用法1.Specification for identification marking of electric cables电缆的识别标记规范2.Aircraft - electrical cables - identification marking航空器电缆识别标记3.Identification marking for aerospace equipment航空航天设备识别标志4.Marks for urban public transport - identification mark for taxi城市公共交通标志城市出租汽车标志5.Refractory bricks for use in rotary kilns - hot - face identification marking回转窑用耐火砖热面标记6.Identification marking for piping systems管路系统识别标志7.Identification marks of automotive motors汽车发动机标志8.Natural gas vehicle and liquefied petroleum gas vehicle identification marks天然气汽车和液化石油气汽车标志9.Identification mark for taxi城市出租汽车标志10.Standard practice for identification marking of aluminum and magnesium products铝和镁制品的识别标志的标准实施规程&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇identification code
[ai?dentifi'kei??n k?ud]
[a??d?nt?f?'ke??n kod]
1. To the extension at No. rubbing engine, vehicle identification code.
到拓号处拓印发动机 、 车辆识别代码.
2. The holder has acquired or changed National Identification Code.
3. Digital identification code from the picture alphanumeric identification.
4. What's the identification code of this card?
5. Key in your personal identification code.
IT专业英语词典-I ... identification 识别 identification code 识别码 identifier 识别码.
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SAP字典 - MBA智库文档 ... identification 识别 identification code 标识码 SAP identification qualifier 识别限定符.
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3. 识别符号
identification card 身份证identification code 识别符号identification code 识别码
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4. 识别代码
东风牌EQ6780TNAC天然气客车底盘 ... Engine Model 发动机型号: Identification code 识别代码: Othersd 其他:.
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1. 用户标志码
石油英语词汇_专业词汇_专业英语... ... user file 用户文件 user identification code 用户标志码 user interface 用户接口.
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1. 程序识别码
program function key 程序功能键program identification code 程序识别码program integrate system maintenance 综合维护程序系统.
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1. 编码符号
石油英语词汇(C4) ... coded data 编码数据 coded identification 编码符号 coded message 编码信息.
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2. 编码表示法
...coded decimal calculating machine 编码十进制计算机coded identification 编码表示法coded impulse 编码脉冲
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1. 滚动轴承代号
滚动轴承 rolling bearing滚动轴承代号 rolling bearing identification code滚针 needle roller
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
identification code
您还可在这里补充说明下 O(∩_∩)O~
方便的话,请您留下一种联系方式,便于问题的解决:identification error
[ai?dentifi'kei??n 'er?]
[a??d?nt?f?'ke??n '?r?]
1. So making network parameter error detection, identification and estimation practical has significant meaning.
因此研究实用化的参数错误检测 、 辨识与估计方法具有重要的现实意义.
2. In system identification procedure to structural damage, modeling error and test error are main reasons for.
在结构损伤的系统识别过程中, 模型误差和测试误差是引起误判的主要原因.
3. Describes outlining, error identification, and XML documentation comment settings for C # and J #.
描述C # 和J # 中的大纲显示 、 错误标识以及XML文档注释设置.
1. 辨识误差
The proposed scheme can eliminate the identification error due to the skin and dead - time effects ., 所提出的改进方案可以有效消除集肤效应和死区效应所产生的辨识误差.
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2. 识别误差
identification division 识别部分; 标识部分identification error 识别误差-
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1. 误差模型辨识
because the real input acceleration can not be obtained during the error model identification of the inertial navigation platform , so the measurement value is used substitute the input data .在进行惯导平台误差模型辨识的过程中,真实的输入加速度难以获得,因此不得不使用测量值来代替,这使得输入输出观测数据中均含有测量噪
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1. 误差识别
errors identification and compensation for CNC machine tools based on the Renishaw ballbar基于球杆仪的数控机床误差识别与补偿
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1. 误差辨识
误差模型... ... ) error model identification 误差模型辨识 ) error identification 误差辨识 ) identification error 辨识误差.
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Section 6是改错(Error Identification),10分钟完成20道题,同样每半分钟一道,这里考察的是语法,包括时态、词性和惯用法…
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
identification error
您还可在这里补充说明下 O(∩_∩)O~
方便的话,请您留下一种联系方式,便于问题的解决:当前位置: &
photo identification是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释像片垫:&&&&n. (pl. photos) 【口】照片 (=phot ...:&&&&n. 1.认出,识别,鉴定,验明(罪人正身等)。 2.【 ...
例句与用法1.You must have acceptable and valid photo identification to be admitted to a test center这里说考试出示的证件上要有照片和签名,可是我们身份证上是没有签名的呀,怎么办? 2.Louis cheung noted : " to carry out a photo identification exercise was not difficult in itself , but the accompanying procedures were complicated张华邦补充说:相片认人并不难但手续却十分烦琐。 3." occasionally , the more preferred way is to positively identify the suspects ahead of an arrest operation by conducting a photo identification parade有时候在执行逮捕行动前,为了正确认定疑人,会先进行相片认人。 4.To minimise the risk of arresting the wrong persons during subsequent operations , the investigation team finally settled on a photo identification parade爬山狗是否因为经常爬山而得名?最后调查小组决定使用相片认人的方法来锁定拘捕目标。 5.Third : innovation , for instance , the gps phone service and even photo identification and navigation services , is closely integrated internet and mobile products , which are provided in traditional internet platforms are unable to achieve the good第三:创新性,比如说手机上的gps定位服务甚至于照片识别导航服务,就是互联网和移动密切结合的产物,而这些服务在传统的互联网平台都是无法很好地去实现的。


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