
1. Mr Smith is a ______ in Shanghai. He visits many places every year. 2. ______ is in the southwest (西南) of China. 3. Look! The children are swimming in the ______. 4. Don't ______ to close the door when you leave. 5. In the ______ we can see lots of different animals.
听力:常作为一种考试题型,目的在于考察应试者对英语语言的把握,考察考生对英语日常交流的理解能力;通常有听对话选择答案、听句子默写关键字词几种形式。英语听力中的精听和泛听:精听精听的目的是系统学习语音、积累小词习语、句型表达和背景,可采用下面两种方式:一是模仿法:精听一段文字,然后参考听力原文,跟读模仿到语音、语调分毫不差,甚至录下自己的发音和原音比较,逐段纠正语音、语调。二是听抄法:又称四遍法,第一遍听大义;第二遍利用复读机或软件尽量听写出每句话,但不要参考听力原文;第三遍和听力原文比对,找出听不懂的原因;第四遍翻译或者背诵。泛听泛听目的有二:一是练习捕捉大意,让理解单位从“词汇”到“句子”再到“大意”;二是熟悉语速和语境,既真实英语的使用环境。切忌把泛听当精听。战胜“细节完美主义”的办法是重大意而非细节,重内容而非语言,重正在听的内容而非听过的内容。初中英语听力技巧:听力题型大致有以下几种: ①听短句选出相应的应答语;②听对话及问题选出正确的答案;③听短文及问题选出恰当的答案或图画;④听句子或短文填词。&一、听力测试的应试技巧:1. 放松情绪,集中精力。放松情绪和集中精力并不矛盾,过于紧张的情绪有碍于考生的正常发挥;反之,放松一下情绪,比如考前的深呼吸或闭目片刻都可使考生的心情平静下来,很容易进入答题状态。2. 抓紧时间,提前审题。提前审题的好处在于它可以帮助我们预知要听的重点,提高捕捉信息的准确度,这样降低了听力材料的难度。3. 沉着答题,遇难不慌。①在审题预测的基础上进行听力预测。例如:看到A : Yes , I mind. B : Yes , I do. C. Not atall. 就要立即想到,此题关键要考“Do/ Wouldyou mind. . . ?”的回答, 应马上想到回答是“Not at all . ”,“Of course not . 或“I’m sorry.But you can’t do it . ”②听力的时间是预先设定的,不可人为控制,因此要养成抢记内容的能力。听力材料中的一些数字、地名或人名等细节信息,需借助笔记。做笔记时只要记主题句和关键词,特别是对那些听到一时拿不准、写不出的词要学会用音标作快速记录,这样可以在录音结束后,为自己创造追忆的条件。另外,在做题过程中如遇到听不懂的,要舍得果断放弃,集中精力,紧迫磁带速度走,切不可瞻前顾后,一误再误。4. 仔细检查,理顺关系。听力录音结束后,不要急于做笔试题,要利用头脑中还保存的短暂记忆和记录的内容,对那些不太肯定的答案进行语法上的推敲,力争答题准确。
二、常见听力测试题型分析:初中听力测试题型的设计常从以下六个方面着手:①对话发生的地点; ②谈话人的职业和身份; ③谈话的主题及谈话人的行为状态; ④简单的数字计算; ⑤推理题; ⑥原因题。现就每种题型分述如下:1. 对话发生的地点①提问方式:Where are t hey talking ?Where is t he man/ woman now ?②选项形式:一般用介词at ,in ,on 等加地点名词构成。③答题技巧:掌握与某些地点有关的关键词语。例如:a. At a library : library cardb. At a restaurant : a table for two persons ,order ,menu ,dehcious ,billc. At a shop/ supermarket : clot hes , size ,colour ,on sale ,t ry on ,expensived. At a ho spital :doctor ,pain ,cough ,headache , injection ,take one’ s temperature , pill ,madicine ,etc.2. 谈话人的职业和身份①提问方式:What does the man do ?What is t he man ? What’s the man’s job ?②选项形式:“主语+ is + a/ an + 职业名词”或只出现职业名词。③答题技巧:掌握一些与各种职业相关的词语,以便在听录音时作出准确的判断。3. 谈话的主题及谈话人的身份①提问方式:What is t he man doing ?What are t hey talking about ?&What happenedto him ?②选项形式:可用完整的句子、不定式结构、现在分词或从句。③答题技巧:抓住重复率较高的词语进行预测。4. 简单数字计算题①提问方式:What time will t he train& leave/ arrive ?How long did t he meeting last ?How much is t he coat ? What’ s& the price& of& the coat ?②选项形式:时间题常用“at + 时刻数”;价格题用“货币符号+ 数词”或“数词+ 量词”;距离题常用“数词+ 距离单位词”。③答题技巧:我们不仅要熟悉数字的读法,更要注意时间、价格、距离、日期的表示方法及有关的量词。对于需要推理的题目,我们还要准确理解录音中的倍数、百分比等数量概念,以及表示比较意义的句型结构。5. 推论题①提问方式:What does he mean ? Whatcan you learn f rom t he passage ?②选项形式:一般为完整的句子。③答题技巧:此类题型相对较难,不仅要求听懂对话的内容,而且要从对话的内容中判断谈话结果、行为趋势或逻辑关系等,且要依据内容和说话人的语气作出判断。6. 原因题①提问方式:Why is he late ? Why didn’the go to t he doctor ?②选项形式:一般用“Because + 从句”或“动词不定式短语”。③答题技巧:注意一些表示因果关系的连词、介词和句型。
7939463572819818606862310138659请老师给分析下下面 这个句子,我感觉有点问题没有连词,是不是虚拟语气呢?_百度知道
请老师给分析下下面 这个句子,我感觉有点问题没有连词,是不是虚拟语气呢?
This renewed interest could lead to new discoveries of immune system response to viruses that could lead to better drugs and vaccines, the researchere write a review article that appeares in the May issue of Nature Immunology.
这句话里面没有虚拟语气。句子确实少了一个连词and,应该把and放在the researcher 前面,或者是吧句子中间逗号变成句号。这两种方法都可以。 首先第一句话里面运用了定语从句,that could...后面的是定语从句,修饰new discoveries.前面句子的主干是the interest could lead to new discoveries.后面的那句话同样用到了that引导的定语从句,that前面是句子的主干。整句话翻译如下:这种再兴的兴趣能够产生新的发现,这种发现是关于免疫系统对于病毒的新回应的,而这种新回应将能导致更好的药物和注射剂的生产。研究者为此写了一篇回顾论文,这篇论文出现在(刊登在)了自然免疫学杂志的5月份期刊上。
能不能看成是补充说明 消息的来源。如 xxxxxxxxxx,the xxx
后面 的一句“the researchere write a review article that appeares in the May issue of Nature Immunology.”是否可以看做是 补充说明消息的来源?也就等于说明前半句的。英语句子经常有这样类似的表达。 如 xxxxxxxxxx,the xxx
口语中是可以的。如果是新闻的话,你会经常听到“....,BBC news report”之类的。请注意,这些“...BBC news report”前面一般是引号,就跟我们常用的“Tom, go to bed”,his father said.是一样的。但这里明显不是实时的新闻或者口语,所以理解为前面信息的来源补充,并不是很恰当。我偏向于看作是两个并列的信息。
This renewed interest 是主语。could lead to 是谓语、new discoveries of immune system response to viruses 是宾语。后面是定语从句 that could lead to better drugs and vaccines,后面是 补充说明消息的来源the researchers write a review article that appeares in the May issue of Nature Immunology.这是补充说明 消息的来源。也就等于 前面的内容 是 a review article 的 同位语。英语句子经常 这样表达。 如 xxxxxxxxxx,the xxx
  (二)主语:主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,句子说明的人或事物。一般位于句首。但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动词或情态动词后面。主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。例如:
During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular.(名词)
We often speak English in class.(代词)
One-third of the students in this class are girls.(数词)
To swim in the river is a great pleasure.(不定式)
Smoking does harm to the health.(动名词)
The rich should help the poor.(名词化的形容词)
When we are going to have an English test has not been decided.(主语从句)
It is necessary to master a foreign language.(it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式)
  He was made chairman of the committee.( 主补)
  She was found singing in the next room.
1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He practices running every morning.
2、复合谓语:(1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。如:You may keep the book for two weeks. He has caught a bad cold. (2)由系动词加表语构成。如:We are students.
A. 有些及物动词只能接不定式作宾语,如
want, wish, hope, ask, help, refuse, learn, demand, dare, choose, arrange, expect, decide, agree, promise, plan, offer, manage, pretend, prepare, elect, desire, fail, long, determine等,
B. 有些及物动词只能接动名词作宾语,如
mind, finish, admit, advise, avoid, consider, dislike, enjoy, excuse, imagine, escape, include, keep, pardon, practise, risk, miss, stand, deny, fancy, suggest, give up, put off ,can't help ,set about, prevent sb from, object to ,insist on 等
C.在短语devote to,look forward to,stick to,to be used to,object to,thank you for,excuse me for,be(kept) busy,have difficulty/trouble/problem(in),have a good/wonderful/hard time(in),there's no use/good/need,feel/seem like/get down to等后的动词也必须用动名词形式.
 (四)表语:表语用以说明主语的身份、性质、特征和状态,它一般位于系动词(常见的系动词有be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem,feel, prove, sound, taste, smell, appear, stay, keep, go, come, get, turn, remain等)之后。表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、副词及表语从句表示。例如:
Our teacher of English is an American.(名词)
Is it yours?(代词)
The weather has turned cold.(形容词)
The speech is exciting.(分词)
Three times seven is twenty one?(数词)
His job is to teach English.(不定式)
His hobby(爱好)is playing football.(动名词)
The machine must be out of order.(介词短语)
Time is up. The class is over.(副词)
The truth is that he has never been abroad.(表语从句)
They went to see an exhibition(展览)yesterday.(名词)
The heavy rain prevented me form coming to school on time.(代词)
How many dictionaries do you have? I have five.(数词)
They helped the old with their housework yesterday.(名词化形容词)
He pretended not to see me.(不定式短语)
I enjoy listening to popular music.(动名词短语)
I think(that)he is fit for his office.(宾语从句)
宾语种类:(1)双宾语(间接宾语{人}+直接宾语{物}),例如:Lend me your dictionary, please.
间接宾语前需要加to 的常用动词有:allow, bring, deny, do(带来), give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, permit, promise, read, refuse, render, restore, sell, send, show, teach, tell,wish, write等。
间接宾语前需要加for 的常用动词有:bring, buy, find, cook, draw, call, cash, choose, fetch, get, leave, make, order, paint, play(演奏),save, sing, spare等。
(2)复合宾语(宾语+宾补),例如:They elected him their monitor.
(六)宾语补足语:英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整。带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如make等+宾语+宾补,feel, find, name, call, consider, believe, see, notice, watch, observe, keep)。宾补可由名词、形容词、副词、不定式、分词、介词短语和从句充当。例如:
  His father named him Dongming.(名词)
  They painted their boat white.(形容词)
  Let the fresh air in.(副词)
  You mustn't force him to lend his money to you.(不定式短语)
  We saw her entering the room.(现在分词)
  We found everything in the lab in good order.(介词短语)
  We will soon make our city what your city is now.(从句)
A.感官动词 see, watch, look at, notice , observe, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等后作宾补,省略to或用doing作宾补。
B. 带to do 不定式做宾补的有allow, ask, advise, beg, cause, drive强迫,encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, would like(love, hate), order, permit, persuade, teach, tell, want, warn, wish, expect......
Guilin is a beautiful city.(形容词)
America is a developed country.(分词)
There are thirty women teachers is our school.(名词)
His rapid progress in English made us surprised.(代词)
Our monitor is always the first to enter the classroom.(不定式短语)
The teaching plan for next term has been worked out.(动名词)
He is reading an article about how to learn English.(介词短语)
  I used to live in the room above. (副词)
He who laughs last laughs best.
Light travels most quickly.(副词及副词性词组)
He has lived in the city for ten years.(介词短语)
He is proud to have passed the national college entrance examination.(不定式短语)
He is in the room making a model plane.(分词短语)
Wait a minute
/ Come this way.(名词)
Once you begin, you must continue.(状语从句)
How about meeting again at six?(时间状语)
Last night she didn't go to the dance party because of the rain.(原因状语)
I shall go there if it doesn't rain.(条件状语)
Mr Smith lives on the third floor.(地点状语)
She put the eggs into the basket with great care.(方式状语)
She came in with a dictionary in her hand.(伴随状语)
In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder.(目的状语)
He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.(结果状语)
She works very hard though she is old.(让步状语)
I am taller than he is.(比较状语)
有时状语在句中的某个位置会引起歧义,应注意,如:The boy calls the girl in the classroom.一般理解成'男孩喊教室里的女孩'(此时in the classroom为girl的定语),也可以理解为'男孩在教室里喊女孩'(此时in the classroom为地点状语),最好写作'In the classroom, the boy calls the girl.
(九)、同位语:同位语是在名词或代词之后并列名词或代词,对前者加以说明的成分,近乎于后置定语。如:We students should study hard. / (students是we的同位语,都是指同一批'学生')
     We all are students. / (all是we的同位语,都指同样的'我们')
二、简单句1、概述  只有一个主语和一个谓语动词的句子称为简单句。
  I am a student.我是一个学生。
  She likes English very much.她非常喜欢英语。
  He usually does morning exercises on the playground.他常常在操场上做早操。
  英语简单句可分为五种基本句型,其它的句子可看成是这几种基本句型的扩展、组合、倒装、省略。这五个基本句式:主谓结构(S + V);主系表结构(S + V + P );主谓宾结构(S + V + O );主谓双宾结构(S + V + IO + DO);主谓宾补结构(S + V + O + C)
(1)主谓结构(S + V)
  He runs quickly.他跑得快。
  They listened carefully.他们听得很仔细。
  He suffered from cold and hunger.他挨冻受饿。
  China belongs to the third world country.中国属于第三世界国家。
  The gas has given out.煤气用完了。
  My ink has run out.我的钢笔水用完了。
  Plants grow well all the year round.一年四季植物生长良好。
(2)主系表结构(S + V + P )
  在此句式中,V是系动词(link v.),常见的系动词有:look,seem,appear,sound,feel,taste,smell,grow,get,fall ill/asleep,stand/sit still,become,turn等。
  He is older than he looks.他比看上去要老。
  He seems interested in the book他似乎对这本书感兴趣。
  The story sounds interesting.这个故事听起来有趣。
  The desk feels hard.书桌摸起来很硬。
  The cake tastes nice.饼尝起来很香。
  The flowers smell sweet and nice.花闻起来香甜。
  You have grown taller than before.你长得比以前高了。
  He has suddenly fallen ill.他突然病倒了。
  He stood quite still.他静静地站着。
  He becomes a teacher when he grew up.他长大后当了教师。
  He could never turn traitor to his country.他永远不会背叛他的祖国。
  He looked me up and down.他上下打量我。
  He reached his hand to feel the elephant.他伸出手来摸象。
  They are tasting the fish.他们在品尝鱼。
  They grow rice in their hometown.他们在家乡种水稻。
  He's got a chair to sit on.他有椅子坐。
  Please turn the sentence into English.请把这个句于译成英语。
(3)主谓宾结构(S + V + O )
  I saw a film yesterday.我昨天看了一部电影。
  Have you read the story?你读过这个故事吗?
  They found their home easily.他们很容易地找到他们的家。
  They built a house last year.他们去年建了一所房子。
  They've put up a factory in the village.他们在村里建了一座工厂。
  They have taken good care of the children.他们把这些孩子照看得很好。
  You should look after your children well.你应该好好照看你的孩子。
(4)主谓双宾结构(S + V + IO + DO)
  He gave me a book/a book to me.他给了我一本书。
  He brought me a pen/a pen to me.他带给我一枝钢笔。
  He offered me his seat/his seat to me.他把座位让给我。
  Mother bought me a book/a book for me.妈妈给我买了一本书。
  He got me a chair/a chair for me.他给我弄了一把椅子。
  Please do me a favor/a favor for me.请帮我一下。
  He asked me a question/a question of me.他问我个问题。
  They robbed the old man of his money.他们抢了老人的钱。
  He's warned me of the danger.他警告我注意危险。
  The doctor has cured him of his disease.医生治好了他的病。
  We must rid the house of the rats.我们必须赶走屋里的老鼠。
  They deprived him of his right to speak.他们剥夺了他说话的权利。
(5)主谓宾补结构(S + V + O + C)
  They made the girl angry.他们使这个女孩生气了。
  They found her happy that day.他们发现那天她很高兴。
  I found him out.我发现他出去了。
  I saw him in.我见他在家。
  They saw a foot mark in the sand.他们在沙地上发现了一个脚印。
  They named the boy Charlie.他们给这个男孩起名为查理。
  I saw him come in and go out.我见他进来又出去。
  They felt the car moving fast.他们感到汽车行驶得很快。
  I heard the glass broken just now.我刚才听到玻璃碎了。
 He found the door of study closed to him.他发现研究所的大门对他关闭了。
3、There be 句型(详参There be 结构一章)
  There be 结构是一个重要的基本句型,它由 &There + be + 主语+ 壮语&构成。
  There is a book on the desk.桌子上有一本书。
  There is a desk and two chairs in the room.屋子里有一张桌子两把椅子。
三、并列句1、概述  由两个或两个以上的简单句并列连接起来的句子称为并列句(compound sentence)。并列句中的各个简单句彼此独立,互不依从,但它们表达的意思之间有一定的关系。
  I help him and he helps me.我帮助他,他帮助我。(并列连词是and)
  This is our first lesson, so I don't know all your names. 这是我们的第一堂课,因此我不知道大家的名字。(并列连词so前有逗号)
  She likes bread and milk, but she doesn't like eggs at all. 她喜欢面包和牛奶,但她一点也不喜欢鸡蛋。(并列连词是but)
  You can draw a good horse in five minutes, yet you kept me waiting for a year.你能在五分钟之内画好一匹马,然而你却让我等了一年。(并列连词是yet)
  Hurry up, or you'll be late. 快点,否则你就会迟到。(并列连词是or)
  One was filled with kerosene, one with castor oil and one with vinegar.一个(瓶子)装满煤油,一个(瓶子)装满蓖麻油,还有一个(瓶子)装满醋。(此句由3个分句组成,并列连词是and)
(1)表示连接,常用的有and、not only...but also、neither...nor等。
  Right now it's the summer vacation and I'm helping my dad on the farm.眼下正是暑假期间,我帮助爸爸在农场里干活。
  Not only is he our teacher, but also he is our friend. 他不仅是我们的老师,而且是我们的朋友。
  Neither did the naughty boy go home nor did his parents come to search for him. 这调皮的男孩既不回家,他的父母也不寻找他。
  We grow rice in the south of the States, but in the north where it is colder they grow wheat.在美国的南方,我们种植稻谷,而在较冷的北方,人们种植小麦。
  The worker hunted for jobs in New York for months, yet he couldn't find any work. 这个工人在纽约找工作己有几个月之久,但是仍然没有找到。
  Certainly he apologized, however, I won't forgive him. 他的确道歉了,然而我不会原谅他。
  Instead, he asked his father why he was not able to hatch chickens while hens could. 他反问他父亲,为什么他不能孵出小鸡,而母鸡却能。
(3)表示选择,常用的有or、or else、otherwise、otherwise、either...or等。
  They must be taken away from the heat of the fire, or they might get burnt. 他们必须从炉火边拿走,不然就有可能烤糊的。
  Take this bus or else you won't get there in time.搭这辆公共汽车吧,否则你将无法及时到达那里。
  Work hard, otherwise you'll be sorry. 努力用功,否则你会后悔。
  Either you are mad or I am. 不是你疯了,就是我疯了。
  They had often heard of elephants, but they had never seen one , for being blind, how could they? 他们常常听说过大象,但从来没看到过,因为他们是瞎子,怎么能看到呢?
  It's time of year for the rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark. 这是一年中收割稻谷的时期,因此,我每天都从早到晚的劳动。
  He worked day and night, therefore, he was able to buy the sports car. 他日夜工作,所以有能力买那辆跑车。
 除以上简单的并列句之外,还有一种较复杂的并列句,叫做并列复合句(compound complex sentence),即其中的一个分句可包含一个以上从句。
  I sucked a finger, but the finger I put into my mouth was not the one I had dipped into the cup. 我吮吸了手指,但是我放进嘴里的指头不是我在杯子里蘸了一下的那个指头。
  这句话中的第二个分句即含有定语从句I put into my mouth及I had dipped into the cup。在语言的实际运用中,可能会有更加复杂的并列句,如并列句可有更多的分句,分句里可能有一个以上的从句,从句里可能又有从句。但读者只要掌握了各种句子的结构,不管句子多么复杂,自会迎刃而解。
  补充:注意when也可以用作并列连词引出并列句,意为&那时、这时&,相当于at this/that time, 常用于下列句式: ①Sb was doing sth. when...
②Sb. was about to/going to do/ on the point of doing sth. when...
③Sb. had just done sth. when...如:
  We were having a meeting when someone broke in.
We were about to set off when it suddenly began to rain.
四、复合句1、概述  复合句(complex sentence)由一个主句(main clause)和一个或一个以上的从句(subordinate clause)构成。主句是全句的主体,通常可以独立存在;从句则只用作句子的一个成分,不能独立。
After the students were all in the chemistry lab, the teacher brought out three bottles.在学生全都进入化学实验室后,老师拿出三个瓶子来。(主句是&the teacher brought out three bottles&,从句是&After the students were all in the chemistry lab&。)
  Corn is a very useful plant that can be prepared in many different ways.玉米是一种非常有用的作物,可用许多不同的方法制作成食物。(主句是&Corn is a very useful plant&,从句是&that can be prepared in many different ways&。)
  We also believe that many more people will prefer to travel by air.我们还认为会有更多的人愿意乘飞机旅行。(主句是&We also believe&但意义不完整,从句是&that many more people will prefer to travel by air&。)
When I came home, my wife was cooking dinner. 我回家时,妻子在做晚饭。
 He said that he would come. 他说他要来
 Did you see the letter that I sent him? 你看到我寄给他的信了吗?
 Whether the football game will be played depends on the weather.足球比赛是否举行将视天气而定。
(1)从属连词:that(无词义),before(在...前),whether(是否),after(在...之后),if(假如、是否),since(既然、自从), because(因为),as/so long as(只要),when(当时...候),so that(结果)
(2)疑问代词:who, which, whom, what, whose等。
(3)疑问副词:when, why, where, how
(4)关系代词:who, which, whom, that, whose
(5)关系副词:when, why, where
  We can't travel through the forest by road because there aren't any roads! 我们不能从陆路穿过森林,因为这儿根本没有路可走!(关联词是从属连词because,引导状语从句)
I think that it's wrong to eat monkeys, so I don't.我认为吃猴子是不对的,所以我不吃。(关联词是从属连词that,引导宾语从句,在从句中不作成分)
Anybody who breaks the rule is punished. 谁要是破坏了这条规则,谁就要受到惩罚。(关联词是关系代词who,引导定语从句,在从句中作主语)
 Although it was expensive, we decided to buy the computer.虽然价钱昂贵,我们还是决定把计算机买下来。(关联词是从属连词although,引导状语从句)
  Would you please let me know when you have a match?你们有比赛的时候,请告诉我好吗?(关联词是疑问副词when,引导宾语从句,在从句中作状语)
  What we need is more time.我们需要的是更多的时间。(关联词是疑问代词what,引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语)
The dam, which is the biggest in the world , is 3,830 metres long.这座水坝是世界上最大的一座,长3830米。(含有which引导的定语从句)
Over 500 people were working in the building when the fire broke out on the llth floor.当11层楼起火的时候,大楼内有500人在工作。(含有when引导的时间状语从句)
The chief editor decides which will be the most important story on the front page. 由主编决定哪篇报导最重要,应安排在头版。(含有which引导的宾语从句)
Whether she will come or not is still a question. 她是否会来仍是一个问题。(含有whether引导的主语从句)
That is where he was born. 这就是他出生的地方。(含有where引导的表语从句)
We heard the news that our team had won. 我们听到了我们球队己经获胜的消息。(含有that引导的同位语从句)
1. The students got on the school bus.
2. He handed me the newspaper.
3. I shall answer your question after class.
4. What a beautiful Chinese painting!
5. They went hunting together early in the morning.
6. His job is to train swimmers.
7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing.
8. There is going to be an American film tonight.
9. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.
10. His wish is to become a scientist.
11. He managed to finish the work in time.
12. Tom came to ask me for advice.
13. He found it important to master English.
14. Do you have anything else to say?
15. T your pronunciation is not so good.
16. Would you please tell me your address?
17. He sat there, reading a newspaper.
18. It is our duty to keep our classroom clean and tidy.
19. He noticed a man enter the room.
20. The apples tasted sweet.
1.It's a fine day.Let's go fishing,
 A.won't we
C.don't we
D.shall we
2.Don't smoke in the classroom,
 A.do you
B.will you
D.could you
3.He seldom has lunch at school,
 A.hasn't he
C.doesn't he
4.We had to read the first lesson,
5.You have John do the work,
 A.do you
B.don't you
C.haven't you
D.have you
6.Let us have a look,
 A.will you
B.would you
C.won't you
D.wouldn't you
7.Nobody came,
 A.did he
B.didn't he
C.didn't they
D.did they
8.You ought to wait for Joan,
 A.oughtn't you
C.don't you
D.won't you
9.We had better wait for your girl friend Juliet,
 A.hadn't we
B.don't we
C.didn't we
D.shan't we
10.There is someone at the door,
 A. isn't there
B.is there
C.isn't he
11.-I'm hungry.
 -I'd like a sandwich,
 A.would you
C.couldn't you
D.don't you
12.-Frank is up late working again.
 -This is the third time this week he's had to study late,
 A.isn't it
B.hasn't he
C.isn't he
D.hasn't it
13.You and I did it together,
 A.didn't you
B.didn't I
C.didn't we
14.They should have finished it already,
 A.shouldn't they
B.haven't they
C.have they
D.should they
15.She may do it if she wants to ,
 A.mayn't she
B.doesn't she
C.shan't she
D.won't she
16.You must have told Mr.A the secret ,
 A.haven't you
B.have you
C.mustn't you
D.must you
17.She dislikes this skirt,
 A.doesn't she
B.does she
C.isn't she
18.Wang said that he was not there then,
 A.did he
B.didn't he
D.wasn't he
19.I suppose he is serious,
B.don't I
D.isn't he
20.He's finished the work,
 A.isn't he
B.doesn't he
C.hasn' the
D.wasn't he
21.-You aren't an actress, are you? -
. A.Yes, I am not
B.No, I am
C.Yes, I wasn't
D.No, but I was
22.-How are your parents?
 A.They are drivers
B.They like watching TV
 C.They are fifty
D.They are fine. Thank you
is your brother?
-He is a teacher in a middle school.
will you get married to him?
-In two weeks.
 A.How long
B.How soon
C.How often
D.How many
25.Have you ever seen
as clever as he?
 A.a person
B.such person
D.an person
26.A.All that glitters is not gold. B. All is not gold that glitters.
C. None is gold that glitters. D. Not all gold glitters.
  The correct answers are
  A. A, C
27.She set out soon after dark
home an hour later.
B.to arrive
C.having arrived
D.and arrived
28.My name is Robert,
most of my friends call me Bob for short.
29.-Did you hear about the fire down the street?
a lot of news about it on TV last night.
a table,two computers and three chairs in the room.
two films this week in our school.
C.has been
D.have been
32.There used to be a temple here,
 A.usedn't it
B.used there
C.did't it
D.didn't there
a tall tree at the foot of the mountain.
nobody in the room.
C.happened to be
D.happened be
a meeting tonight.
 A.is going to be
B.is going to have
C.is going to
D.is going be
答案1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.A 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C 21.D 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.D 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.C 31.D 32.D 33.D 34.C 35.A
第七部分.高考英语复习专练-简单、并列、复合 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳...高考英语辅导系列课程---专题篇 简单句、并列句和复合句 本讲内容要点 1. 简单句、并列句和复合句 2...语法专题十三 简单句、并列句及附加疑问句 一. 简单句 按照句子中动词的语法功能, 英语句子可归纳为...96-05十年高考简单句与并列句考题汇编 1. ____it with me and I'll see what I can do. (NMET1998) ...语法复习一:句子成分;简单句、并列句和复合句 一、句子成分 (一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各...语法复习一:句子成分;简单句、并列句和复合句 一、句子成分 (一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各...句型与句子成分 (上、中)—— 运用于单选与完形 莆田第五中学 林建新
(上) 句型与句子成...句子成分与结构 英语的词性: 名词(nouns) n. 代词(pronoun) pron. 实词 数词(numeral) num. 形容词...练习一 一、指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分: 1. The students got on the school bus. 2. He ...语法复习:句子成分+常用句式 一、句子成分 句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子...
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