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1. against the clock
例:On our last project, we were working against the clock. 上一个工程,我们一直都在和时间赛跑。
2. pressed for time
Pressed我们都知道有“压迫、紧迫”的意思,pressed for time用来表示时间紧迫。
例:I am pressed for time as I have a lot of work to do. 我时间很紧,因为我有许多事要做。
3. time is ticking away
例:We need to intervene before it's too late. Time's ticking away. 趁着还不算晚,我们应该插手这件事。时间可是正一分一秒地过去。
4. cut it/things fine
例:It's cutting it a bit fine to get to the station at 9:45 when the train leaves at 9:50! 火车9点50开,9点45到车站,这时间算得太紧了。
5. at the eleventh hour
这个短语出自《马太福音》, 说的是几个人给一个有钱人打工,但是不管是从一大早来一直干到夜里的,还是从夜里11点干到12点的,一天都拿同样的报酬。因此,at the eleventh hour就表示在关键时间出现,有“紧要关头,最后时刻”的意思。
例:Their plan was called off at the eleventh hour. 他们的计划在最后时刻被取消了。
6. down to the wire
例:I never leave it down to the wire. 我从来不把工作拖到最后关头。
(来源:新东方 编辑:刘明)
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如何用英语正确的评价他人今天小迪就和大家一起分享下那些经典的表达。 Hes quick on the uptake. 他的理解力很强。 Hell never let you down. 他不会让你失望的。 Hes efficient. 他很能干。 Hes a
约会自己心仪的女生,还在羞于表达吗啊?今天我们就来看看那些地道的英语表达吧 !!!! Are you free tonight? 今晚有空吗? Do you want to go out with me tonight? 今晚你能和我约会吗? Would yo
入学级别: 零基础
职位: 自由职业者
学习时长: 二年
在安迪英语学习我最大的感受就是快乐,外教老师都很热情风趣。经过大半年的学习,最主要是找到了学好英文的信心,以前我总是不敢开口,安迪英语独特的教学模式让我在轻松的学习环境中自然开口,与老师形成交流,并在交流的过程中老师对于口语进行指导。我和女儿 Riy都是安迪英语的学员,她对英语学习的热情也很大程度上感染了我,只要我们有时间,就都会参加每天的增值课程,一起进步,在安迪英语的学习不仅提升了
入学级别: 突破2
职位: 经理
学习时长: 1年
在安迪英语学校学习最大的感受就是无处不在的语言环境,畅意沟通,课程设置包括英文电影欣赏、外教沙龙课、主题活动等一些增值课程,全部以帮助英语提高为导向。这里有来自不同地方、不同经历的学生,和他们在一起可以增长很多见识,和他们一起学习,让我更清楚的认识到目标所在。 本来我是为了公派出国来加紧练习口语,来到安迪英语学校我才发现,英语学习并不仅仅是会说、会听就够了的,在国外工作生活需要用到
入学级别: 阶段三
职位: 学生
学习时长: 6个月
大学毕业后想要出国留学,于是就不得不考雅思。自己的英语水平实在一般,勉强通过了四级,在朋友的推荐下,选择了安迪英语的VIP一对一课程。 KILI老师是从国外留学回来的,已经做了6年的雅思培训,教出了很多高分学生。我在写作和口语方面是弱项,KILI就特别给我总结了雅思考试中的高分句型,同时模拟口语考试现场来跟我进行对话。 通过反复练习和不断总结经验技巧,我的英语水平很快就有了明显的提升,在最近参加的
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Donny: Hey 杨琳! 我们晚上要去吃饭,do you want to come along?
Yanglin: 哎,我想去!可就是。。。没钱!
Donny: Hmm? Didn't you just got a new job?
Yanglin: 别提了,我是典型的月光族。每次一发工资,缴缴房租,再跟朋友吃吃饭,再到商场买买东西...钱就不知不觉用完啦! 话说,这月光族用英语怎么说?
Donny: hmm, 月光族可以说 live from paycheck to paycheck。
Yanglin: live from paycheck to paycheck?
Donny: 对,paycheck is spelled p-a-y-c-h-e-c-k。支票。在美国,很多工资是由支票的形式发给你的。所以 live from paycheck to paycheck, 就是形容盼着下一张工资单过日子。
Yanglin: 这么说来,我可真是 live from paycheck to paycheck! 典型的月光族! 不过这个月,我去夏威夷花了好大一笔钱,所以就更没闲钱了。这种开销特别大的旅行啊什么的,用英语怎么说呢?
Donny: You can say: My vacation in Hawaii broke the bank.
YL: 我懂了,Break the bank 就是形容某件东西特别贵。比如上星期,我想买LV的包,男朋友就跟我说,We can't afford this purse, it will break the bank. 我们买不起这个包,实在太贵了。
Donny: 对! 你还可以说,this purse will max out my credit card. 也是特别贵的意思。
YL: 这个说法形象! Max out somebody's credit card, 刷爆信用卡!Did you ever max out your credit card?
Donny: Me? I would never do that! Now let's see what you've learned today!
Yanglin: 第一:月光族的生活方式叫 live from
第二,非常昂贵可以说 break the bank;第三,刷爆信用卡,叫 max out somebody's credit card.
Many young graduates often live from paycheck to paycheck, often ,house can be really a bad issue,they have to break the bank and max out their credit card to buy a house under mortage.
I don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck .
useful!I know how to judgy this group of guy!
I am living from paycheck to paycheck now!
very nice,I live from paycheck to paycheck now,last week,I maxed out my credit card for my new phone
Recently i always live from paycheck to paycheck. i sometimes maxed out my credit card for my traveling in summer vacation.
It is very good!I think living from paycheck to paycheck
I don't even have chance to live from paycheck to paycheck. I dont have a credit card so I don't have chance to max out it. that's not bad, right? haha
LAST Week i bought I-phone,it maxed out my credit card,so my friend said to me 'THE phone broke
the bank,you are a girl now who is living from paycheck to paycheck!"
I'm living form paycheck to paycheck also....
Compared with those who live from paycheck to paycheck, I think I should cherish my life today.I never buy things that may break the bank or max out my credit.
i do not live from paycheck to paycheck,because i earn a lot of money every month。if i like something that breaks the bank,like cars or houses,i will do not buy it。so i never max out mycredit card。when i go to shop ,i always use the cash
I am a man who is living from to payckeck to paycheck
i could max out my credit card every month
Very good, it's useful.
I like it! it's useful , and I will continue to pay attention on it. I'm not that kind of people who live from paycheck to paycheck , and I never break my bank or max my credit card , because I never buy any things that I can't afford it.
i lived from paycheck to paycheck for several months,this moths,my house mortage broke the bank and i max out all my credit card
it is very usefull,and it is interesting!
I dare not to use credit card .
becuase of I'm worried that I 'll max out my credit card.
great,I will go on learning.
somehow, i was a bit similar to
I don't like to live from paycheck to paycheck,so during my daily life Ipay more attention to how to save,that mean I never break the bank ,even I am infrequently to use the credit card .In the other ways that max out my credit card,which it is never happend to me.
I am living from paycheck to paycheck,now,I also want to max out my credit card for my new I-phone,it will break the bank!
Oh, I don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck.
Actually, i have never max out my credit card.
i live from paycheck to paycheck, and last time i wanted to buy an iphone, however, i can't aford that because it will break the bank and max out my credit card
Kind of funny
break the bank
I usually spend my money by plan. so i am not a
living from paycheck to paycheck .
Very useful
how can i change the life that living from pay check to check
It's very good ,I like it.
have learned it.
Very good !
It's good and now I am living from paycheck to paycheck.
i think it useful!
I bought a IPAD broken the bank
with maxing out my creadit card , so I live from paycheck
to paycheck
go on learning useful thing
well,live from paycheck to paycheck is not a good lifestyle !but how to avoid it:first,word hard to make more moneysecond,don't buy things that break the bank third,contral yourself and don't max your creadit card
live from paycheck to paycheck
i live from paycheck to paycheck,cuz i went my hometwon and maxed our my paring broke the bank ,i prefer to see my parents.
It's useful. I like it.but I don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck. We must plan our life e on!
I lived from paycheck to paycheck when i was young and not married. but now i know how to save money.i don't buy things that break the bank and never maxout my credit card
i never live from paycheck to paycheck and never buy things that will break the bank and never max out my credit card
When we live from paycheck to paycheck,but we coudn't
do max out of our credit card.If that we will not be live....
More and more people use the iphone five,I like it very much,although i don't live from paycheck to paycheck,but i don't want to max out my credit card,it will broke my bank.
life is more difficult then before, especially for young people who live in a big city. live from paycheck to paycheck is better than no income, so having a job to get salary is a good thing now.
haha, I am not a person live from paycheck to paycheck, although i also like those luxury things that break bank, i am still a sensible buyer for buying things which i can afford, i'm not going to max out my credit card for a stupid purse!
If you always max out your credit card,you will certainly live from paycheck to paycheck.
i do live a life from paycheck to paycheck , now i have no more money to live a better life this month,my salay please please .i want my money!
Really,house max out my credit card,so this period i
live from paycheck to paycheck,but i enjoyed this time,no burden instead,but happy。hah
LAST MONTH ,I Spent many money ,because
i went home for six days during 10.1-10.7.But i don't live from paycheck to paycheck.I
a little money
monthly.Sometimes i use credit card,but i never max out my credit card.In my opinion,if i can't afford it ,i don't buy it.
I am a typical live from paycheck by paycheck.I want to save momey when the festival.
live from paycheck to paycheck
nowadys many yong person live from paycheck to paycheck. it is normal that they ofen max out their credit cards .
At present,most of the young graduates live from paycheck to paycheck,the house is a serious problem to them,which will max out their credit card.As result,they don't have more money to pay for luxury things as that will break the bank of them.
Yes ,I am living from paycheck to paycheck now!
This fur coat is so luxury
It's so expensive that I will max out my credit card.
It is easy to keep in mind. Thanks~
It's very useful!
I'm always living from paycheck to paycheck during four monthes begining my new job. The clothes and a new phone break the bank. These nearly max out my credit card.
Now l'm still a student,but l will not live from paycheck from paycheck after l have job!!
l will not buy the articles for daily use that will break the bank .
I live from paycheck to paycheck, break the bank and max out my credit if i want to buy a nice smartphone.
I want to buy
ph , but It breaks the band
so that I can' afford It. Moreover,I often live from paycheck to paycheck and max out my credit card which make me torn all the time.
It is an easy and convenient way for English study!
i really don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck ,but i have on idea to change it .
i really don't like a life style like that live from paycheck to paycheck,but now i offen max out my credit card ,whe i call to my mam,the first sentence she must to say:you had maxed your credit card again? then i will ask her :yep things are broken the bank
月光族的生活方式: live from
非常昂贵: break the bank;刷爆信用卡: max out somebody's credit card.
I must to work hard so that i can flee away from the life from paycheck to paycheck!
Useful words and phrases. I have been living from paycheck to paycheck ever since my baby was born.
I don't want to become living from paycheck to paycheck. I need to arrange my money!
my life is always live from paycheck to paycheck ,because i can't stop shopping
I bought a new shirt and it broke my bank. I max out my credit card for buying a car. I live from paycheck to paycheck for a supermarket is beside my house.
I don't want to be a person who always live from paycheck to paycheck.
Now Im living from paycheck to paycheck .It seems that there's hole in my pocket , once having some money in it , i always go shopping spree ...so
there 's no money to leave before the end of the month ,i have to eat instant noodle to get over it .i really need a change of pace- -
Yanglin: 哎,我想去!可就是。。。没钱!Donny: Hmm? Didn't you just got a new job?i definitely don't like grammar,but that word "got" there may be wrong,i think we should put "get"there.
it will break the bank.
I never maxed out my credit card, a good way....
I hate living from paycheck to paycheck...
i can not afford that car. it will break the bank....
I never max out my credit card because
i dislike using that...
It will break the bank and it will max out my credit card!In a word,I don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck!
I live from paycheck to paycheck, I can't afford this LV purse, it will break the bank,may it will max out my credit card.


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