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how to make a good impression on others(3)
How to Make a Good Impression Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feeli
How to Make a Good Impression
&&&&&&& Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear.
Think about some of your most unforgettable meetings: an introduction to your future spouse, a job interview, an encounter with a stranger. Focus on the first seven seconds. what did you feel and think? How did you &read& the other person? How do you think he read you?
&&& You are the message. For 25 years I've worked with thousands who want to be successful. I've helped them make persuasive presentations, answer unfriendly questions, communicate more effectively. The secret has always been you are the message. .
&&& Others will want to be with you and help you if you use your good qualities. They include: physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice gestures, expression_r through the eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others. Others form an impression about you based on these.
&&& Think of times when you know you made a good impression. What made you successful? You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment, you lost all self-consciousness.
&&&& Be yourself. Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities. They instruct you to greet them with power handshakes and tell you to fix your eyes on the other person. If you follow all this advice, you'll drive everyone crazy - including yourself.
&&&& The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. The most effective people never change from one situation to another. They're the same whether they're having a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job. They communicate wi the tones of their voices and their gestures match their words.
&&&& Public speakers, however, often send mixed messages. My favorite is the kind who say, Ladies and gentlemen. I'm vey happy to be here- while looking at their shoes. They don't look happy. They look angry, frightened or depressed.
&&&& The audience always believe what they see over what they hear. They think, He's telling me he's happy, but he's not. He's not being honest.
Use your eyes. Whether you're talking to one person or one hundred, always remember to look at them. Some people start to say something while looking right at you, but three words into the sentence, they break eye contact and look out the window.
&&& As you enter a room, move y then look straight at those in the room and smile. Smiling is important. It shows you are relaxed. Some think entering a room full of people is like going into a lion's cage. I disagree. If I did agree, I certainly wouldn't look at my feet or at the ceiling. I'd keep my eye on the lion!
&& Lighten up. Once in a staff meeting, one of the most powerful chairmen in the entertainment industry became very angry over tiny problems, scolded each worker and enjoyed making them fear him. When he got to me, he shouted, And you, Ailes, what are you doing?
&& I said, Do you mean now, this evening or for the rest of my life? There was a moment of silence. Then the chairman threw back his head and roared with laughter. Others laughed too. Humor broke the stress of a very uncomfortable scene.
&& If I had to give advice in two words, it would be lighten up! You can always see people who take themselves too seriously. Usually they are either brooding or talking a great deal about themselves.
&&&& Take a good hard look at yourself. Do you say I too often? Are you usually focused on your own problems? Do you complain frequently? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you need to lighten up. to make others comfortable, you have to appear comfortable yourself. don't m just be yourself. You already have within you the power to make a good impression, because nobody can be you as well as you can.
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All in all. When I have a good lesson.11. But I don’t usually have a good lesson and the class is more and more boring. I hope teachers should think about how to make their lessons more interesting, a good lesson not only requires knowledge but also needs fun and attraction.10. The teacher can explain difficult problems clearly. In my opinion. I hope there will be more communication between teachers and students in a lesson. Good lessons play important roles in school education. The lesson become more interesting. It makes us listen to the teacher carefully and it’s good for us to understand what the teacher has taught, we have more and more lessons. A good lesson should be interesting and attractive. Because an active class can make students feel comfortable and they will be interested in it. In addition. Then the students may be enthusiastic in class. In my opinion. In my opinion, too. What a pity. This can help the students be confident in class. It can make a deep impression on us. The lesson must make every student active and the teacher should be able to motivate his students to study, A good lesson should be lively. All the students like to take her advice. I hope I can have more good and challenging lessons, people can learn much knowledge in the interesting lesson than in the boring one. What is more, a good lesson should be creative.5. A good lesson is important to all students. Nowadays, the lesson must be attractive. I hope that our school will take action to make the lessons better, a good lesson should be lively and interesting. Different people have different ideas about what a good lesson should be. A good lesson should teach students how to read and how to think. A good lesson can make me feel relaxed and happy, the students will pay more attention to what the teacher says and they can understand it easily. A good lesson should be full of joy and students can learn much knowledge.2. My Chinese class is a good example. Once. 9. Teachers can teach students in a special way in which is popular with them. But I seldom have a lesson like that. And everyone in this class can air his opinion confidently. In my opinion, communicating with others is an important ability.4, but we seldom have a good one, our teacher told us …, I feel relaxed and pleased1. On the other hand.12. I hope that I will have more and more good lessons. She always talks about everything with us. The teacher should be humorous and keep the classroom fill with laughter! I think a good lesson should have a good communication and interaction between teacher and students, making the lesson humorous is also important. What the teacher said always attracts our attention and makes him understood easily in class
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10 ways to make a great first impression
How to leave a lasting impression for all the right reasons
Whether it&s a first date, meeting your partner&s parents or an important job interview, there&s no doubt about it & first meetings can be scary! While opinions can change over time, to get off on the best foot, it is important you try to make the best first impression you can. To wow your date or future boss and make a killer first impression, here are our top 10 tips for any first meeting.
How to make a great first impression: Be positive
Most of us are drawn to positive, friendly people who make us feel at ease, so an easy way to connect with those around you is to portray a positive attitude through your conversation and body language. Greeting new people with a genuine smile is important. Also, try to keep the conversation on positive or, at the very least, neutral topics. While we all love a good moan from time to time, the first few hours or minutes of meeting someone are probably not an appropriate time to nab them as your personal agony aunt or sounding board for all your grievances and problems.
How to make a great first impression: Pay attention to your body language
Research suggests that 80 per cent of our communication is done through body language, meaning that people will get a certain impression of you before you even open your mouth. To make sure it&s a good one, try to maintain &open& body language & such as uncrossing your arms and legs and angling your body towards the other person & which will make you seem more approachable, relaxed and open to conversation.
How to make a great first impression: Pay attention
It may sound obvious, but an important step for making a good impression is to make sure you seem engaged and interested in what the other person is saying to you. Rather than reeling off a list of questions or conversation topics you have prepared in advance, make sure you listen to what the other person has to say and tailor your responses accordingly. While there is no need to gather enough information to be able to write their Wikipedia page, recalling things that they have spoken of and using their name in the conversation will show that you are interested and paying attention.
How to make a great first impression: Be unique
If you want to make a good first impression, it can help to try to
and give others something to remember you for. Rather than sticking to mundane topics of conversation such as the weather or how busy the traffic was, try to reveal something about yourself that is a bit unique or memorable. If you have an interesting hobby, anecdote or question, throw it into the conversation. You can even prepare an interesting story to tell in advance, so long as it comes across natural and unrehearsed!
How to make a great first impression: Ask questions
Nerves can make us act in strange ways. Some people clam up entirely when meeting new people, while for others it can trigger nervous chatter. If you&re feeling anxious about meeting someone new or making a good impression, you can alleviate these problems and stop your nervous ramblings from dominating the conversation by preparing some questions to ask. Most people like to talk about themselves so will be won over by your thoughtfulness and good listening skills, while you will have some time to gather your thoughts. Ask open-ended question to help keep the conversation flowing.
How to make a great first impression: Make eye contact
It can be difficult to maintain eye contact if you&re feeling nervous, but if your eyes are darting around the room whilst being spoken to it can seem as though you aren&t engaged in the conversation or are looking for an opportunity to get away. However, locking eyes for a prolonged period of time can also be a little bit intense with someone you don&t know. To maintain natural eye contact without looking like you are having a staring contest, try the triangle method of glancing from one eye to the other, then to the mouth, and back again.
How to make a great first impression: Show your sense of humor
People are drawn to those who can make them laugh and who also see the humor in situations. Even if you are not a natural comedian, try to keep the conversation light and laugh and smile where appropriate. If you do feel compelled to crack a joke, this can be a good ice breaker. However, try to steer away from sarcasm and controversial topics and don&t make a joke at someone else&s expense. While this may raise a laugh at the time, you will immediately be portrayed as someone who talks about other&s behind their backs, which may cause your new acquaintance to be on their guard.
How to make a great first impression: Find common ground
While you are not going to hit it off with everyone you meet in life, it can help to look for the common ground when meeting someone new. Whether it is a common interest, a similar sense of humor or a mutual acquaintance, finding something you have in common can help you to connect with those around you and keep the conversation flowing more easily. However, while it is important to show interest for other people&s passions and hobbies, try not to feign common interests to bond with others as you are likely to be found out.
How to make a great first impression: Do your homework
If you are attending a job interview or business meeting, it is important to do a bit of research on the company beforehand so that you are fully prepared for your meeting and what is expected of you. Not only will this give you an idea of how formal your meeting will be (which is something you should reflect in your dress code, language and conversation) but it will give you more things to discuss in your meeting. Coming armed with prior knowledge is also likely to win you major brownie points and help you to make a great first impression.
How to make a great first impression: Don&t overthink it
While it can help to make an effort with your behavior and to prepare yourself as much as you can for an important first meeting, thinking too much about how you are coming across to others could actually work against you. Concentrating too much on the impression you are making can make you seem nervous and inattentive. Also, it can distract you from what others are saying. Spend a little time thinking about the impression you want to make then try to switch your focus to what is going on around you. Also, remember that no one will be analyzing your behavior as much as you are!How To Make The Perfect First Impression (According To Science)
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How To Make The Perfect First Impression (According To Science)
John Lund via Getty Images
Can we really judge a book by its cover? When it comes to making snap judgments about others, it turns out, we may be pretty good at doing just that. We've all heard the truism, "You only make one first impression." It's true -- and these impressions may be more powerful than we would imagine. Our brains take in a huge number of verbal and non-verbal cues almost instantaneously when we meet someone (or just look at a photo of them) to calculate powerful impressions that are often as accurate as the impressions we form over longer periods of time. Research has shown that we can make first impressions in just fractions of a second, and not just from meeting in-person. We make fairly accurate first impressions based on simply looking at Facebook photos, and women can tell if a man
simply by looking at him. Whether it's a job interview, a first date, or simply an introduction to a friend of a friend, first impressions are incredibly powerful and they can be nearly impossible to reverse. But it's not totally hopeless: Knowing how snap judgments work can give you a better sense of what kind of one you're making. Here's what you need to know about first impressions -- and how to make a good one. They happen incredibly quickly. A
found that it takes just one-tenth of a second to make judgments about a person based on their facial appearance. Judgments -- on measures of attractiveness, likeability, trustworthiness, competence, and aggressiveness -- made within this span of time were not significantly different than those made without time constraints. In fact, confidence for some judgments actually decreased with greater exposure time. The researchers found that attractiveness and trustworthiness are the qualities we judge most quickly. And they're very difficult to change.First impressions are so powerful that they can trump even undeniable fact and prior knowledge, . A recent study found that when told a person's sexual orientation, participants still identified whether a subject was gay or straight based on their first impression of how they looked, regardless of whether this judgment contradicted the information they had been given. While making quick first impressions is a natural cognitive response, these sort of snap judgments can, of course, lead to stereotyping. "We judge books by their covers, and we can't help but do it," . "With effort, we can overcome this to some extent, but we are continually tasked with needing to correct ourselves." A number of factors play into our first impressions.
When it comes to job interviews or important introductions, the way you dress and the firmness of your handshake could make a big difference in the first impression you make. A 2009 study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that both clothing style and posture , while another study found that handshake strength also affected first impressions. A weak handshake can create the impression of passivity, researchers found -- so make sure you have a firm grip. The tone and tenor of your voice also plays a significant role in determining what kind of first impression you make on others. A Scottish study found that participants overwhelmingly agreed, based on hearing a subject's voice, on a number of personality judgments, including trustworthiness, aggressiveness, and warmth. “[Psychologists] have confirmed that people do make snap judgments when they hear someone’s voice,”. “And the judgments are made on very slim evidence.”To make a good first impression, do it in person.
found that first impressions are formed differently in person versus online or by video. The research on over 1,000 participants found that in-person and video impressions were similarly accurate in judging various personality measures such as extraversion and likeability. However, passive video-based impressions were overwhelmingly more negative than impressions made based on meeting in-person.
found that first impressions made based on Facebook photos were as accurate as in-person impressions, but they tended to be substantially more negative. "If you want to make a good impression, it is critical that it is done in person,".
"More passive impressions are substantially more negative."There's one trait we particularly value when it comes to first impressions. We value trustworthiness over confidence when creating impressions, creating more positive impressions of those we believe to be trustworthy. And this judgment accounts for a large portion of the impression we form, according to social psychologist Amy Cuddy. Cuddy
that there are many things we can do to establish a sense of trust right off the bat: "There are a lot of things that you can do. One is to let the other person speak first or have the floor first. You can do this by simply asking them a question. I think people make the mistake, especially in business settings, of thinking that everything is negotiation. They think, 'I better get the floor first so that I can be in charge of what happens.' The problem with this is that you don’t make the other person feel warmth toward you. Warmth is really about making the other person feel understood. They want to know that you understand them. And doing that is incredibly disarming."
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