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The deal.II Readme
Installation instructions and further information
on deal.II
compiler. However, it is not
platform specific and we strive to keep the source code C++ Standard
deal.II supports at least the following
GNU/Linux: GCC version 4.6 Clang version 3.3
ICC versions 15 or later
Mac OS X: GCC version 4.6 Clang version 3.3 or later.
Please see the
for installation instructions.
Windows: Currently, Windows is not supported officially.
Please have a look at the
and at the
for some strategies to use deal.II on
Most other combinations of POSIX-style operating systems and C++
Standard compliant compilers should also work. If they don't,
please report it as a bug.
Additional software requirements
In order to compile and use deal.II
you need to have the following programs installed:
version 2.8.8 or later
3.78 or later (or any other generator supported by CMake)
For generating the documentation:
and dot, which is part of the
For debugging programs, we have found that the
is an invaluable tool. GDB is a text-based tool
no , is one of many graphical user interfaces
for it. Most integrated development environments
have built
in debuggers as well. deal.II has some support for
pretty printing its own classes through GDB;
setup information.
The library generates output in formats readable by
(ASCII and binary),
and directly to Encapsulated Postscript.
and a postscript viewer (for eps) should be
available almost everywhere. In the last few years, most
new visualization programs have moved to support
vtk/vtu format. There are a number
of excellent programs that can read vtk and
vtu, such as
as well as others. Povray is freely available for almost all
platforms. AVS is a commercial program available for most Unix
flavors. Tecplot is a commercial program available for Windows
and most Unix platforms.
In case you didn't find your favorite graphics format above,
adding a new writer to deal.II is not too
difficult, as only a simple intermediate format needs to be
converted into output (without references to cells, nodes,
types of finite elements, and the like).
The whole library usually comes as a tar.gz file,
which is a file archive compressed with gzip. After downloading it,
unpack it using either
gunzip deal.II-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
tar xf deal.II-X.Y.Z.tar
or, if you have GNU tar with
tar -xvf deal.II-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
Note: You will want to hang on to the source files
of deal.II after installation as it makes
developing much simpler. Consequently, you should do the steps above
in a permanent directory, not on /tmp as one often does
when installing software.
Configuring and building the library
deal.II uses the
integrated configuration and build system. Unpacking will create a
subdirectory deal.II/ in the current directory. Then do the
following steps:
mkdir build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/dir ../deal.II
make install
These steps compile, link, install the deal.II library, and run a few
consistency checks. The whole process should take between a few minutes
and an hour, depending on your machine.
/path/to/install/dir is the directory which deal.II
should be installed into. This can be a directory in your home
directory (e.g., ~/bin/deal.II) or a directory
such as /usr/local if you have root privileges.
Another option is to use something like `pwd`/../installed/ (note the
backticks). Make sure the installation directory is not the same
as the location where you unpacked deal.II/.
If your machine has multiple processors, use make
-jN in the last step, where N is the
number of simultaneous build processes you want make
to use at any given time. Allowing make to use
more simultaneous build processes (assuming you have that many
processor cores) will greatly lower the build time.
If you do not intend to modify the deal.II
sources and recompile things, then you can remove
the build/ directory after the last step.
In principle, after installing deal.II, you
can remove the source directory as well (i.e., the directory into
which tar unpacked the file you downloaded) since
projects using deal.II should only need files that have been
installed. However, you will find it convenient to keep the source
files around anyway, for one reason: When
debugging you often end up with assertions for which you'd like to
see the place in the library's source files that triggered it.
The deal.II CMake system can accept a
significant number of configuration parameters. See the
discussion .
If you are changing part of the deal.II
code itself, you can re-compile the library using only the
last two commands above in the previously created build
directory. It is also possible to change the configuration used
in this directory by calling cmake a second time,
possibly with different arguments.
However, this sometimes leads to surprising results and you may
not get exactly what you were hoping for. For more information,
The commands above build and install the deal.II
libraries in two variants:
Debug mode: This version of the
library is compiled with compiler flags so
that the library contains information that can be used by debuggers.
In addition, this library contains a great number of safety
checks on most arguments of all functions you could possibly call.
These assertions have proven to be an
invaluable means to finding programming bugs since they will
almost always abort your program if something goes wrong. In our
experience, more than ninety per cent of all errors are invalid
parameters (such as vectors having the wrong size, etc.) and they
are usually found almost instantaneously, displaying the file
name and line number of where the problem occurred.
Optimized mode: You will want to link with this version of
the library once you know that your program is working as
expected. It does not contain the safety checks any more
and is compiled with aggressive compiler optimizations. The
resulting executables are smaller and will run between 2 and 10
times faster than the debug executables.
At this point, you have generated everything necessary to write
programs based on deal.II. If you are new to
deal.II, you may want to continue with the
Configuring and building the documentation
All the documentation about the version that you downloaded and that can
be found at the
can also be generated locally. To do
so, invoke cmake in the build instructions above as follows:
For this to succeed, you will need ,
and dot (which is part of
package) to be installed.
Upon calling make and make install, this will
install both this readme, other installation instructions, as well as the
as well as
(the "steps").
Note: Generating this documentation can take a really long
time & running doxygen through our hundreds of thousands of
lines of code can take 15-20 minutes even on a fast machine during which
you will not get any output from make.
Configuration options
deal.II has a large number of optional interfaces to
other libraries. By default, cmake will automatically
enable support
for all external libraries it can find in default
However, this behavior can be changed using command line switches to
the initial call to cmake. A detailed description
can be found here: .
In the following, let us summarize the most common configuration
. You can switch
threading off by passing the -DDEAL_II_WITH_THREADS=OFF
argument to cmake.
MPI: To enable parallel computations beyond a single node
using the , pass the
to cmake. If cmake found MPI but you
specifically do not want to use it, then
parameter_gui: If you wish to compile and install the
parameter_gui tool discussed in the documentation
of the ParameterHandler class, specify
fact that parameter_gui needs development packages for Qt.
64bit indices: By default, deal.II use unsigned int (32bit)
indices for degrees of freedom, using
the types::global_dof_index type. This limits the number of
unknowns to approximately four
billions. If larger problem must be solved, pass the
cmake. You will not be able to solve problems of this size on
a single machine, but only when using clusters of computers and linear
algebra packages PETSc or Trilinos.
To use this option with PETSc, PESTc must be compiled
with the option --with-64-bit-indices.
. If it is not
found externally cmake will resort to the bundled boost
version that is part of the deal.II tar file.
The following paragraphs describe how the interfaces to the
various packages, deal.II interacts with,
can be configured.
The majority of libraries mentioned below should be readily
packaged by most Linux distributions. Usually you need to
install a development version of a library package,
e.g. ending in -dev or -devel.
After that cmake will automatically find the
library and use it.
Configuring the interface to a self compiled package,
say foo can usually be done by specifying
Alternatively, you can
set FOO_DIR as an environment variable in your
.bashrc or .cshrc file so that
you do not have to enter this argument again the next time
you invoke cmake in a fresh build directory.
Any value passed on the command line wins over a value that
may be found in an environment variable.
To explicitly enable or disable support for
a library foo use the argument
is a library for computing large
scale eigenvalue problems.
should be readily packaged by most Linux distributions.
(Don't forget to install a development version of the library).
To use a self compiled version, specify
-DARPACK_DIR=/path/to/arpack on the command line.
For a detailed description on how to compile ARPACK and linking with deal.II, see
(the Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) and
(Linear Algebra Package) are two packages that support
low-level linear algebra operations on vectors and dense
Both libraries should be packaged by almost all Linux
distributions and found automatically whenever available.
(You might have to install development versions of the libraries
for deal.II being able to use them).
For details on how to set up deal.II with a
non standard BLAS/LAPACK implementation, see the
section in the CMake ReadME.
provides graphical output capabilities in HDF5/XDMF
readily packaged by most Linux distributions.
(Don't forget
to install a development version of the library).
To use a self compiled version, specify
-DHDF5_DIR=/path/to/hdf5 on the command line.
is a library that
provides various methods to partition
graphs. deal.II uses it in programs like the
step-17 tutorial to partition a mesh for parallel computing.
To use a self compiled version, specify
-DMETIS_DIR=/path/to/metis on the command line.
deal.II supports METIS 5 and later.
Note: A more modern way to support parallel computations is
shown in the step-40 tutorial program and is based on
the p4est library instead of METIS. See below on
installing p4est.
is a library that allows to enter functions in text form and have them
interpreted at run time. This is particularly useful in input
parameter files. cmake will usually find the version of
this library that comes bundled with deal.II, but you
can specify -DMUPARSER_DIR=/path/to/muparser if desired.
Open CASCADE Technology is a software development kit for
applications dealing with 3D CAD data, freely available in
open source. Our internal interface works with the legacy
version of OpenCASCADE, which you can download and install
from the official website, as well as with the OpenCASCADE
Community Edition (OCE, available at
which offers a cmake
interface for its compilation. Alternatively, you can
install one of the many external applications that ship with
OpenCASCADE internally (for example
). Further
installation instructions can be
is a library that provides services for
reading and writing mesh data (and many other
things). deal.II can use it to read meshes via
one of the functions of the GridIn class.
should be readily packaged by most
Linux distributions. (Don't forget to install a development
version of the library). To use a self compiled version, pass
-DNETCDF_DIR=/path/to/netcdf to cmake.
is a library that deal.II uses to
distribute very large meshes across multiple processors (think
meshes with a billion cells on 10,000 processors). Using and
installing p4est is discussed .
To use a self compiled version, pass the argument
-DP4EST_DIR=/path/to/p4est to the
cmake command.
library that supports parallel linear algebra and many other things.
is already packaged by some Linux distributions and should be
found automatically if present. (Don't forget to install a
development version of the library).
To use a self compiled
version of PETSc, add -DPETSC_DIR=/path/to/petsc
-DPETSC_ARCH=architecture to the argument list for
cmake. The values for these arguments must be
the same as those specified when building PETSc.
To disable the PETSc interfaces in cases where cmake
automatically finds it, use -DDEAL_II_WITH_PETSC=OFF
More information on configuring and building PETSc can be
is a library for eigenvalue
computations that builds on PETSc. Its configuration works
just like that for PETSc, except that the variable to set
For the interface with SLEPc to
work, deal.II's PETSc interface must also
be configured correctly (see above).
To disable the SLEPc interfaces in cases where cmake
automatically finds it, use -DDEAL_II_WITH_PETSC=OFF
More information on configuring and building SLEPc can be
is a library that provides advanced services for using multiple
processor cores on a single machine and is used
in deal.II to parallelize many operations. If not
found in a system-wide location, cmake will
resort to the version bundled as part of
the deal.II download. It is always enabled unless
threads are explicitly disabled, see .
library for parallel linear algebra and all sorts of other things as
To interface with a self compiled version of Trilinos
add -DTRILINOS_DIR=/path/to/trilinos to the
argument list for cmake.
Alternatively, you can
also set an environment variable TRILINOS_DIR
and cmake will pick up this path.
To disable the Trilinos interfaces in cases where
cmake automatically finds it, use
-DDEAL_II_WITH_TRILINOS=OFF More details about
compatibility and configuration can be found
is a sparse direct solver that we often
use in prototype codes where the goal is to simply get a linear
system solved robustly.
The interface will be enabled by default, either using a version
installed on your system of using a version that comes bundled
with deal.II.
It can be disabled explicitly by using the
To use a self compiled version, pass the argument
-DUMFPACK_DIR=/path/to/umfpack to the
cmake command.
UMFPACK has its own license. To use it with deal.II, please
read it and make sure that you agree with it. You can find
the license of UMFPACK
We include UMFPACK in the deal.II distributions courtesy of
its author, .
. You might also be interested in
The deal.II libr you can use it, redistribute
it, and/or modify it under the terms of the
(LGPL) as published by the Free Software
F either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This allows you to use the library free of charge for private,
academic, or commercial use (under the terms of the LGPL v2.1 or
later). You are guaranteed full access to the source code and are
encouraged to help in the further development of the library. Follow
for detailed information.
Please note:
Detailed license information can be found following
As a contributor to this project, you agree that any of your
contributions be licensed under the same terms and conditions as
the license of the deal.II project granted to you.
We, , do not require copyright
assignments for contributions. This means that the copyright for
code contributions in the deal.II project is held by its
respective contributors who have each agreed to release their
contributed code under the terms of the LGPL v2.1 or later.
In addition to the terms imposed by the LGPL (version 2.1 or
later), we ask for the courtesy that scientific publications
presenting results obtained with this libraries acknowledge its
use. Please cite one of the papers referenced
deal.II can interface with a number of other packages that you either
have to install yourself. They are, of course, covered by their
own licenses. In addition, deal.II comes bundled with copies of
, courtesy of their authors.
These are also covered b please refer to
their webpages for more information.6_How_Do_We_deal_with_the_Drug_Problems
HowDoWeDealwiththeDrugPr;GoreVidalClarencePageCha; HowDoWeDealwiththeDrugP;Warmingup;Background;TextAnalysisReinforcemen; HowDoWeDealwiththeDrugP;Unit6;Questions/Activities;Warming
How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?Gore Vidal Clarence Page Charles Krauthammer How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?W arming upB ackgroundT ext Analysis R einforcement How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?Unit 6Questions/ActivitiesWarming upObjectives Warming upQuestions/Activities1. How much do you know about the drug problem before reading the essays? Please list the names of some drugs and speak out its effects on people? 2. Why do you think people still take drugs in spite of the worldwide anti-drug campaigns? What are people’s motivations of abusing (taking) drugs? What kind of people is the largest group?3. What do you know about the situation in China? Do you think the drug problem is serious? Warming upObjectives1. Try to increase more knowledge about drug problems and form correct and healthy attitude towards drug. 2. Learn about the different solutions to the drug problem and understand the pros and cons of each of them. 3. Compare the arguments and find out their logical premises and fallacies.4. Learn how to argue coherently and convincingly by studying the techniques employed by the writers. How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?AuthorsBackgroundHistory BackgroundAuthors1. Gore Vidal ? prolific American novelist, and essayist ? political activist: Democratic- LiberalThe war on drugs has nothing at all to do with drugs. It is part of an all-out war on the American people by a government interested only in control. ―Gore Vidal BackgroundAuthors? “Probably no American writer since Franklin has derided, ridiculed, and mocked Americans more skillfully and more often than Vidal.” (Gordon S. Wood, The New York Times, December 14, 2003) ? Gore Vidal was often pointedly controversial: he published comments on democracy, homosexuality, religion, and drug legalization. BackgroundAuthors2. Clarence Page? columnist and member of the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune? 1972 Pulitzer Prize for a Chicago Tribune Task Force series on voter fraud ? 1989 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary BackgroundAuthors3. Charles Krauthammer? a syndicated columnist: The Washington Post Writers Group ? political commentator? physician? conservative (neoconservative in foreign policy) BackgroundAuthorsCompare the three authors’ backgrounds and see if you can explain why they disagree with each other. BackgroundHistoryProhibition in the United States (the Noble Experiment)? 1840s, spearheaded by some religious denominations? 1881, Kansas as the first to outlaw alcoholic beverages? 1917, alcohol banned as mandated in the 18th Amendment to the Constitution? , nation-wide movement, plagued by smuggling and bootlegging造私酒 ? 1933, the 18th Amendment repealed by the 21st Amendment ? Question: What are the different arguments by the three authors? ? Gore Vidal: argued for legalization, which he believed could solve all problems right away. ? Clarence Page: did not agree, but he also opposed the idea of further criminalization, believing that a problem caused by many factors had to be dealt with a multifaceted way. ? Charles Krauthammer: disagreed with legalization, but he offered a better stragety which he called “deglamorization” How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?Text AnalysisEssay 1Essay 2Essay 3StructureDetailed AnalysisStructureDetailed AnalysisStructureDetailed Analysis Text AnalysisEssay 1Structure of Essay 1I. Thesis: plausibility of legalization (para. 1) II. Reasoning (paras. 2-8) A. rebuttal of the danger of a whiff of opium (para 2) B. The freedom to do what one wants (para 3) C. rebuttal of the warning rumble that legalization will lead us to end up a race of Zombie. (para 4) D. a consequence of prohibition: making people want it more (para 5) E. the negative effects of the prohibition (paras. 6-7) F. The consequences of a slight reduction in the supply of marujuana (para 8) III. Conclusion: unlikelihood of legalization (9-10) ? Try to find out the topic sentence in each paragraph, or even some key words. Detailed Analysis of Essay One Text Analysis: Argument 1(para 1-2)1.Simply make all drugs available and sell them at cost.Para: just make all the drugs easy to get and sell them withoutprofit. at cost: (at cost price)e.g: Tom’s uncle is a car dealer and let him buy the car at cost.c.f: The enemy finally took the city, but at a heavy cost. I don’t think you should work so hard at the cost of your youth. We were instructed that man’s life be saved at all costs. (at any cost) at cost/ at a cost/at the cost of/ at all costs/at any cost Text Analysis: Argument 1(para 1-2)? addict: n a person who is unable to stop taking drugs, alcohol, tobacco,etc a heroin addict/ a chess addict/a TV addict ? Addicted adj 通常做表语 be/become addicted to Gradually, he became addicted to ~. ? Addictive adj causing addiction 可做定语和表语 ? Addiction: condition of taking drugs, etc 2. Don’t say that marijuana is addictive and dangerous when it is neither, unlike “speed”, which kills most unpleasantly, or heroin, which is addictive and difficult to kick. (Para. 1)(slang) to give up or break (a drug addiction, a bad habit, etc.)non-restrictive relative clauseDon’t exaggerate the harmful effect of marijuana. It is neither addictive nor dangerous, as is often described. Differentiate it from “speed” and heroin. “Speed” causes death while heroin is difficult to stop using once a person is addicted to it. Text Analysis: Argument 1(para 1-2)3. kick/break the habit (infml) slangto stop doing sth that has been a habit for a long time, esp. a bad or dangerous habit ? The center provides help for addicts who have kicked their habit and want to stay away from drugs. ? Alex has kicked cigarettes, heroin, and booze.? Crack/John/hooker/butt Text Analysis: Argument 1(para 1-2)4. For the record, I have tried every drug and liked none, disproving the popular theory that a whiff of opium will enslave the mind. ? For the record: to declare openly and officially.郑重说明 ? Just for the record, I didn’t vote for him. ? For the record I’d just like to say that I totally disagree with this decision. ? disprove/approve/approval ? A whiff of: a slight sign or feeling of sth ? A whiff of onion/fear/danger/hypocisy? Enslaved: to become slaved by, to be controlled by Along with exhortation and warning, it might be good for our citizens to recall that the United States was the creation of men who believed that each man has the right to do what he wants with his own life as long as he does not interfere with his neighbor’s pursuit of happiness. (Para. 3)While urging people not to take drugs and warning them of the dangers, we should remind our citizens that their country was created by the early European settlers who believed that a man has the right to do whatever he wishes to his own life as long as what he does doesn’t prevent hisneighbor from seeking happiness. 5. Zombie: (informal) someone who does not seem to know or careabout esp. what is happening around them and moves very slowly, because they are very upset or tired僵尸,行尸走肉;行动呆板的人,无精打 采的人“Zombie” is a protest song (反战歌曲) by the Irish band The Cranberries from the 1994 album No Need to Argue.The “Zombie” interpreted by the Super Girl Li-Yuchun started a debate whether the girl truly understands the anti-war meaning in the song. Text AnalysisEssay 16. Words and Expressions? Along with sb: besides? Interfere with ? In pusuit of: pursue ? End up: finally become ? In advance ? 7. Forbidding people things they like or think they might…all the more. This psychological insight, for some mysterious reason, always denied our governors. ? ? ? ? All the more: even more than before All the better, all the harder Insight: the ability to perceive sth E.g: As a child, he has showed a keen insight___ people’s character. ? Deny: refuse or disagree ? This means that our governors never seem to understand this. It is a lucky thing for the American moralist that we have no public memory of anything that happened last Tuesday. (Para. 6) It’s used in a derogatory way.Most Americans have a bad memory and don’t remember anything that happened in the past. This is a lucky thing for those people who advocate forbidding drugs (for if they remembered what Prohibition in the 1920s resulted in, they would see that prohibition of drugs will not be feasible, either). Text AnalysisEssay 1forbid/prohibit/prevent prohibit/prevent sb from doing sth .stamp outa. 踩灭(火) b. Please stamp out the butt of the cigarette in case it would cause fire. c. 消除,消灭,镇压 The local government has made a drive to stamp out corruption. Last year when the supply of marijuana was slightly reduced by the Feds, the pushers got the kids hooked on heroin and deaths increased ramatically. (Para. 8) to find sth. so attractive or interesting that you can’t stop yourself from doing it Last year when the FBI got tough with drug dealing, and the supply of marijuana went slightly down, young marijuana users had to shift to a more harmful drug―heroin. Pushers got them addicted, and the number of people who died of overdose went up sharply. go to 7 Text AnalysisEssay 110. get (sb) hooked on: be addicted to sth ? 根据最近的一份报告,八岁的小孩子就会吸海洛因 成瘾。 According to a recent report, children as young as eight years old can get hooked on heroin. ? 小伙子是很容易喜欢上这种音乐的。 Young men can easily get hooked on this kind of music. Text AnalysisEssay 111. have a vested interest in (doing) sth: 从中获得既得利益 ? 美国南北战争以前,要废除奴隶制很难,因为奴隶主有 既得利益。 It was difficult to end the system of slavery before the Civil War because slave owners had a vested interest in keeping it. ? 莫娜离开公司对他有利。 He has a vested interest in Mona’s leaving the firm. Finally, if there was no money in it, the Bureau ofNarcotics would wither away, something they arenot about to do without a struggle. (Para. 9) to become weaker and then disappear Finally, if the Mafia couldn’t get money out of drug dealing when drugs are legal, the Bureau of Narcotics would be disbanded. This is something the government will surely try hard to prevent because the people working in the Bureau would lose their jobs. Text AnalysisEssay 112. wither away to die out or disappear gradually ? 因为吸毒,她成为艺术家的希望逐渐幻灭。 As a result of her drug addiction, her promise of becoming an artist withered away. 老年人抱怨,在现今社会,老的价值观念正在逐渐消失 Older people are complaining that the old values are withering away in the present society.? Questions to Essay 2? What is the tone of Clarence Page when he mentioned the idea of legalization? ? According to Clarence Page, how will drug legalization benefit the society? ? What are the ideas of deep thinkers? What are Schmoke’s ideas? and what are Milton Friedman’s ideas? ? What is William Bennet’s rebuttal? And how does the author give his opinions? Text AnalysisEssay 2Structure of Essay 21.What is the solution to the drug problem offered by Page?Neither legalization nor criminalization will work. It is in fact a social problem.2.?What then are his main arguments?Legalization is oversimplified: proponents’ arguments. (paras. 11-15) Legalization’s failure: opponents’ arguments. (paras. 16-18) Criminalization is neither the right answer to this problem. (paras. 19-20)? ? Text AnalysisEssay 2Fillin the BlanksLegalization is oversimplified: proponents’ arguments.1. common wisdom:immense profits remove _____________ pumped into the under-world forbidden-fruit reduce ____________ attraction criminal stigma take away ____________ build more treatment centers tax the sale and use money to ____________________2. “deep thinkers”Prohibition of drugs is bailing out the ocean with a teaspoon. Kurt Schmoke: _______________________________________ Prohibition makes matters worse. Milton Friedman: _______________________ Text AnalysisEssay 2Transition1. Para.11: Unfortunately, legalization sounds too good to be true.2. Para.12: It sounds good because it is simple…3. Para.13: Deep thinkers… 4. Para.15: He was not alone in his sentiments. 5. Para.16: The simplicity…Unfortunately, the simple beauty…has an ugly gaping hole. Sentence explanations? Such is the deliciously convenient reasoning that the drug problems can be resolved by legalizing it. (p11) ? Deliciously: in a very pleasant or enjoyable way ? deliciously convenient reasoning: delightful, easy way of thinking (not requiring effort) ? It would immediately remove the immense profits drugs now pump into the criminal underworld, it would reduce the forbidden-fruit attraction drugs have for young people and it would take away the criminal stigmas that prevents many addicts from seeking help. ? If drugs were sold at cost and legally, no one would buy them from pushers who sell them at high prices, and then the Mafia wouldn’t get huge profits from illegal drug dealing. Drugs would become less attractive to young people when they are not forbidden. Addicts would be happy to get help so as to kick the habit since it is no longer disgraceful for others to know they take drugs. Text AnalysisEssay 2Sentence explanationspump…into… to put a large amount of sth into, usu. at a high pump sth into sb 强行向…灌输; 投入资金 (1)一位好的老师绝不能在课堂上向学生灌输大量的知识。A good teacher should not pump abundant of ideas into students.(2)很多学生在考试前极力灌输一些知识在脑海里。Many students tried to pump some facts into their minds before the examination.(3)那个商人将所有的钱都投入到了那个大工程。 Last year the debate was stirred anew when Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke called for a serious national debate on the subject. (Para. 13)Last year Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke suggested a nation-wide debate on legalization, and it started off another debate. Text AnalysisEssay 2Sentence explanationsbail out (从…中)往外舀水bail out sth: 跳伞,摆脱 ,逃避 bail sb out (of) sth : to help sb out of trouble We can’t expect the government to bail out all the failing companies. 3.be alone in (doing) sth (常用于否定或疑问)? 不是只有我一个人这么认为。 I am not alone in thinking our boss was w包含各类专业文献、文学作品欣赏、专业论文、各类资格考试、中学教育、应用写作文书、外语学习资料、Unit
 现代大学英语第二版精读3 Unit 6 Key to Exercises How Do We Deal with the Drug Problems_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。Key to Exercises Unit 6 How Do ...  How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。现代大学英语精读3 6A How Do We Deal with the Drug ProblemHow...  How do we deal with the drug problem_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。大学英语精读 unit 6 课文 How do we deal with the drug problem?How...  How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。unit6 精读3How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? 1. Drugs It is possible to stop...  How to Deal With Drug Problem_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? In democratic countries, just like the United States,...  How do we deal with the ... 25页 免费 Unit 6 The Drug Problem 暂无评价...如要投诉违规内容,请到百度文库投诉中心;如要提出功能问题或意见建议,请点击此处...  现代大学英语 精读3(第二版)Unit 6 答案_英语学习...1 .We all know that cocaine is addictive. So ...do what he wants with his own life (modifying ...  新视野大学英语 教案Unit6_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区...who help with the passage of a business deal. ...+原形动词 Suppose it rains, what shall we do?...  邮件就包装问题与客户进 行有效的沟通 Unit ...with clients Deal with common problems concerning ...We’ll do as instructed. Mr. Grey: Thank you...


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