完形填空 have you ever watched tvan artist paint a

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更新时间: 15:46:16
My favorite TV program is a reality show called Survivor (66 &it was on last year.
&In the show, two teams of people are taken to a (an) &67 . All of them have to sleep &68 &because there aren’t any houses or hotels. They usually choose &69 &really useful like a toothbrush since they can only &70 &one thing with them. The people also have to find food and they spend a lot of time fishing and collecting fruit from the &71 . Every week one person has to& 72 . At the end, there are only two people on the island and one them is chose &73 &the winter.
I really like Survivor because it’s very &74 &and the people have to do things like hunting for food. I really &75 &myself when I watch it. I don’t want to be on the show, however, I like living in a house!
67. island 68. outside 69. something 70. take 71. trees72. leave 73. as 74. exciting 75.enjoy
Many people say dolphins are very intelligent(81& &like humans or more like cats or dogs? Scientists say dolphin intelligence is s&& 82&& &to human intelligence in some ways. How?
83&& &is a special whistle(84 &&”to each other about a lot of things85&& . But understanding their conversations is not easy for humans. No one “speaks dolphin” yet
86&& , just like people. In fact, playing t&& 87&& &is something only intelligent animals do.
88&& &make plans to get something they want. In the seas of southern Brazil, dolphins use an interesting way to get food. When fish are n&& 89 &&&a boat90&& &the men? The dolphins can get some of the fish.
82. similar&& 83. It&& 84. talk&& 85. communicate
86. fun&&&& 87. together&& 88. both&& 89. near&& 90. help
&&2.&&&&&&& &&3.&&&&&&&& &4.&&&&&&&& &5.&&&&&&& 6.&&&&&&&&
&&&&&&&&8.&&&&&&&& &9.&&&&&&&& &10.&&&&&&& 11.&&&&&& 12.&&&&&&&&
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0 LINE-HEIGHT: 19 TEXT-ALIGN: left" align=fortable& 4.first 5.to sing 6.men’s
8. better& 9. to speak 10. have heard11. learning12. will find
a doctor? s examining room. “Put out your tongue.”the doctor said.
of them get any exercise. They sit in the office all day and in f 74& of the television in the evening. What you need is to walk quickly at& 1 75&& twenty minutes a day. ”
&for lunch and back.”
at the doctor angrily.“I’m a mailman.”the man w 79&& on
新|课& |标| 第 | 一| 网
_____ 72. s_____&& 73. N_____&& 74. f_____&&& 75. 1_____&&&&
_____ 77. r_____&& 78. s_____&&& 79. w_____&& 80. a_____&&&
into& 72. serious& 73.&& 7-1. front& 75.&&&&& least 76.&& excuse
restaurant&&&&&& 78.&& should&& 79.& went&&&&&& 80. again
67. in/inside& 68. money& 69. easily& 70. pull
72. except&& 73. surprised&& 74. hard&& 75. willing
towards us. They asked if we had any m 72 . My mom asked where they were l 73 . The girl said there were six of them staying in an o 74 &black car. My mom gave them a few dollars. Then she sent me inside the restaurant w 75 &my dad and my three sisters. H 76 , my mom didn’t come. Later, I found out that she had gone h 77 &and put all the food in our cupboard into a few bags. Then she brought that food over to the car and gave the bags to the poor f 78 . I wasn’t there when that part happened, yet I can i& 79 &the joy on their faces. After painting this picture in my mind, I understood w 80 &my mom had done what she did that night. I will never forget this lesson in kindness from my mom.
72.money&&&&& 73. living&&&&&& 74. old&&&&&& 75. with
76. However&& 77. home&&&&& 78. family&&&&& 79. imagine&&& 80. why
(1)& turkey not only survives but also becomes famous! Every year, turkey farmers p&&&&& (2) a turkey to the U.S. president. However the president does not e&&&&&& (3) this turkey. But gives in a “pardon”. The turkey is s&&&&&&& (4) to Florida for a Thanksgiving parade. Then it lives on a farm for the r&&&&&&& (5) of its life.
(6). Benjamin Franklin even wanted the turkey, i&&& (7) of the bald eagle, to be America’s icon.
(8) turkeys are quite fast. They can fly at a s&&&&&& (9) up to 88 kilometers per hour. They can also run as fast as 40 kilometers per hour.
&(10) with a snood (
2. pick& 3. eat& 4. sent& 5. rest& 6. centuries& 7. instead& 8. wild& 9. speed& 10. hear
and&&&&&&& home&&&&& with&&&&&&& happy&&&&&&& evening
Ted was ill last week. He had to stay at (86) _____________. He felt bored, and he was also worried about his lessons and the basketball game. In the (87) _____________, some of his classmates came to his house. Ted was very (88) _____________ to see them. Cindy brought him some exciting CDs and DVDs. She said they would take turns to help him (89) _____________ his lessons. As for the basketball game, Jim would take his place. They hoped Ted could get well (90) _____________ get back to school soon.
keep&&&&&& buy&&&&&&& take&&&&&&& play&&&&&&& invite
87. evening&& 88. happy&& 89. with&&&& 90. and
92. to take&& 93. was invited& 94. have kept& 95.will buy
Today tea has become the most (65) p____ drink in the world (after water). It can quench
64. tasty 65. popular
still&&&&&& leave&&&&&& understand&&&& speaker&&&& asleep
102&&&& were invited to give speeches on that day. The first speaker’s speech was very hard to&&& 103&&&& .At first the speaker tried to keep it very interesting.& He played videos and tried to tell jokes. But as time went on the speech became very boring, and people began to fall&&& 104&&&& . What's more, the speech lasted about two hours. Finally when he finished it, there was only one man&&& 105&&&& sitting in the large room. The speaker walked up to the man and said. 'Thank you for hearing me out after all the others &&&&106&&&&& the room.
103. understand& 104. asleep& 105. still&& 106. have left
77. months& 78. proud& 79. quick& 80. language&& 81. show&& 82. weak& 83. family& 84. nervous& 85. stared
There are many ways to save the environment if you would like. In this passage, you can find some ways.
Plant more trees. Choose a right 66.________ near your house or workplace. 67.________ there’s any rule stopping you growing trees in that area, go ahead and grow trees. Plant a tree every month and 68.________ your friends and classmates to join you. Have more and more trees 69.________ and there will come a day when you have green land thanks to your hard work.
Walk more and drive less. Choose to walk 70.________ drive your car. Walk or ride a bicycle to work if it’s not very far. Not only cycling but walking is good exercise. And each time you avoid using your car, you’re doing something 71.________ to cut down air pollution. You are saving fuel, saving money and keeping fit as well.
Save water. Water is very important for living things. It’s 72.________ who use and pollute it. The simplest way to save water is turning 73.________ water taps after use. When you visit a beach, make sure that you don’t throw waste around. Do not pollute rivers 74.________ dropping garbage or other waste. Water is so precious, so we 75.________ waste or pollute it.
67Unless& 68.encourage& 69. planted& 70.rather than& 71. helpful&&&&&&&& 72. we& 73. off& 74. by& 75. can’t
12th 2013. It was a traditional Chinese festival called Dragon Boat Festival that day.
This festival is in memory of Qu Yuan, one of& 72 greatest Chinese poets. He killed himself by& calendar(him. But it was too late. They were very sad and then threw rice into the 74&& to feed the fishes so that they would stay away from his body.
Zongzi which is made of rice with meat, eggs and so on. In the past we ate it only 77&& a year, but now we regard it as our daily food. We have it any time we like.
the dragon boat race on TV? It is another important part of this festival. Several teams row their dragon-shaped boats as 79&& as they can. The first team to reach the finish line wins.
like to spend this festival with us.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Xiao Qiang
72. the& 73. save& 74. river& 75. From& 76. eating& 77. once& 78. watched& 79. fast& 80. you
&&8& &and cool! And the people dancing hip-hop seem to really& &&9& &what they are doing.
10& . They move their hips (
11& &hip-hop music came to the world in the beginning of the 1970s by DJs (disk jockeys). A Jamaican (
12& &other places with spray (
13& &of fashion, such as wearing bigger size jeans, casual shirts, sneakers
14& &this culture and enjoy it. So whenever you see groups of young people dancing hip-hop and singing, just stop for a moment and try to understand &&15& !
9. __________&&&&&&&& 10. __________&&&& 11. __________
13. __________&&&&& 14. __________&&&& 15. __________
9. enjoy&& 10. dancing& 11. first 12. and&& 13. style&&&& 14. through& 15. them
81 &it can bring us many good things. We can learn more knowledge &82& our books, practice our spoken English with someone &83& and look up some useful information.
84& too many friends, seen some bad information that is no good for us and spent too much time on it. Some students even waste a lot of time playing &85& on the Internet. We should know what we can do and what we cannot do.
82. outside& 83. else& 84. made &85. games
They hide(
They threw so many bananas at the firstr seed that she was almost cut into two. When she told the other seeds (75)________happened, they thought that it would be better to wait until the monkeys went away.
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&&& 尊重长辈,孝敬父母,是中华民族的传统美德。《诗经》上有一句"哀哀父母,生我劬劳",感叹和赞美了父母的养育之恩。唐朝孟郊诗云:"谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。"更是表达了孝敬父母的渴望。而"祭而丰不如养之厚,悔之晚何若谨于前"的古训,则督促后辈履行对父母的赡养和孝敬。可以说,以爱护幼儿和孝敬长辈为核心的家庭美德,几千年来代代相传,形成了中华民族伦理观念和道德品质的精华部分。
&&& 新世纪的家庭教育,应该更加重视孩子的孝敬教育。我们培养的是现代社会的文明人,对于精神文明有着极高的要求。不难理解,一个不懂得孝敬父母、不具备起码道德观的孩子,其精神世界无疑是有缺陷的,而人格不完善,也就无法成为一个真正意义上的现代人。从小培养孩子尊老、孝敬的美德,对于促进孩子身心的健康成长,促进孩子形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,其意义和作用非同寻常。
一、 孩子们的种种"不孝之举"催人警醒
&&& 在今天的现实生活中,孩子们的种种"不孝之举"令人吃惊。
&&& 一名小学四年级男生,衣来伸手,饭来张口,连自己的床铺都要由母亲来整理。某日,母亲生病卧床,要他独自去楼下的快餐店解决吃饭问题,且自己铺床。一听说家务得由自己动手,该男生竟大发雷霆,对着病床上的母亲大发脾气。
&&& 一名初一年级的男生,明知下岗的父亲仅仅依靠修理自行车获得微薄的收入,花钱仍然大手大脚,经常向父亲索取零花钱。除了出入游戏机房,他每天放学后还在校门口买上五串羊肉串,吃得满嘴流油。而当疲惫的父亲要他打一盆洗脸水、取一条毛巾时,他要么以"正在做作业"为由懒得动手,要么嘟嘟囔囔,没有好声气。
&&& 一名小学五年级女生曾在周记中透露,自从年迈的奶奶住进她家之后,她从未主动拿出自己的零食给奶奶吃;而疼爱她的奶奶几次为她买了零食,反被她讥之为"太次"、"老土",并把零食扔进了垃圾桶……
&&& 上述这些"不孝之举"屡见不鲜,但还有更让人震惊、让人难以接受的"不孝之举"不时见诸报端,如辱骂父母、虐待老人……父母们坐在一起,聊起各自孩子的日常表现,最感失望的往往不是成绩不理想,而是孩子对父母的不理解、不尊重、不孝,这几乎成为不少父母的最大忧虑。一位15岁男孩的母亲说:"我简直难以想像,孩子长大了,对我们父母的态度竟会变得如此恶劣!好像读了初中之后,他再也没有客客气气地跟我们说过话。我们那时候,哪敢这样对待父母啊!"另一位16岁女孩的母亲说:"我已不指望年老的时候把她当做我生活的依靠,我只担心她的未来。因为不懂尊重父母的人,必定得不到别人的尊重。"而一位一气之下体罚了孩子的父亲则说:"看到他竟然如此没有孝顺之心,真觉得耗在他身上的心血全白费了。我知道我不该采取这样粗暴的教育方法,可俗话不是说'百行孝居先'、'孝为德之本'嘛!假如不及时教育他,任凭他误入歧途,那是害了他。"
&&& 粗暴的教育方法于事无补,甚至适得其反。如今,父母们和社会各界对孩子"不孝之举"的害处,已经有了更为清晰的认识。然而,如果探究孩子"不孝之举"的源头,父母们却难辞其咎。现在的孩子,绝大多数是独生子女,降生之后即生活在一个优越的环境中,长辈们恩宠有加,一味地让他们享受物质生活,接受来自父母的爱甚至袒护,而忽略了他感恩、回报之心的养成。清代黄宗羲说:"爱其子而不教,犹为不爱也;教而不以善,犹为不教也。"在孩子的早期教育中,有意无意地把孩子培养成"小皇帝",忽视孩子的孝敬教育,这是家教的一大失误,也是孩子产生"不孝之举"的最重要根源。另外,父母对孩子祖辈的不尊重、不孝敬,乃至逃避赡养义务、虐待及遗弃老人的做法,也扭曲了孩子的心灵。现实生活中的诸多实例证明,一个生活在不以孝敬为美德的家庭里的孩子,无法自觉养成尊老孝敬之心。而孩子一旦在幼时积弊成习,将直接妨碍他优良品格的形成和人格的完善。
二、 抓好孝敬教育的实践与思考
&&& 孩子们种种"不孝之举"催人警醒。鉴于此,一些父母已经着手加强孩子的孝敬教育,并在实践上积累了一些经验。比如把对孩子生活的照料和对其品格的培养看得同样重要,在家庭成员之间达成一致意见,行动一致;比如从孩子尚在母亲的怀中、膝头,即开始浅显易懂的孝敬教育;比如从点滴抓起,以实际行动代替泛泛而谈的大道理;比如以身作则,言传身教……凡重视孝敬教育的父母都有个深切体会,那就是必须祛除过分的宠爱,必须舍得让孩子付诸行动。有的父母口口声声要孩子懂得孝敬,可当孩子为父母倒水、端饭、倒烟灰缸时,又心疼得不行。孩子刚想表达孝心,父母就已忙不迭地让孩子放下手中的活,说:"让我来,让我来。"不少父母认为,如此做法不仅无法成功地培养孩子的孝心,而且还助长了孩子的懒惰习气和对家庭事务"事不关己、高高挂起"的冷漠心态。
&&& 孝道是中华民族传统美德的重要内容,但在今天,适当地借鉴国外的某些先进的教育观念和手段,极有裨益。美国法律只规定父母抚养子女是必尽的义务,没有规定子女必须赡养父母。事实上,在个人退休金和社会保险制度极其完善的美国,老人的晚年生活自然无虞。然而,子女与父母之间的亲情没有因此而冲淡,子女也没有因父母早早地让自己过上了独立生活而逃避孝敬。相反,他们把自己的独立生活看成是向父母表达孝敬的形式,不希望父母成为自己的"保姆"。他们常回家看看,陪父母聊天,和父母郊游等,他们乐此不疲,还从中体味出了幸福。"孝心的表达不仅是子女的责任,也是人类的责任"的观念,已得到很多美国青年的认同。
&&& 值得高兴的是,如今,除了父母们已着手加强孩子的孝敬教育,很多中小学也纷纷通过各种途径,强化以孝敬为主要内容的道德教育,浙江省东阳市第二中学就是其中的一个典型。该校从1996年起,即在各班级开设了"孝敬课"。经过几年的探索和实践,已初步建立起一套以孝敬教育为支点的中学德育教育的创新模式,并为父母、孩子和社会所肯定。他们的主要做法是,把"尊重老人,孝敬父母"作为青少年学生思想道德教育的切入口和着力点,把中华民族"崇孝"的传统美德植入学生的心中,把学生爱父母、爱家庭的感情有意识地扩大到爱他人、爱学校、爱社会、爱祖国的崇高境界中。长年的坚持终于有了回报,东阳二中涌现出无数尊重老人、孝敬父母的好人好事,对社会良好风气的形成起到了巨大的促进作用。开始还担心孝敬教育会妨碍孩子学业的父母们,后来纷纷成了这项教育的热心支持者,他们从中尝到了甜头。
&&& 当然,尝到更多甜头的还是孩子。东阳二中和其他开展孝敬教育的学校的学生以及在家庭中接受孝敬教育的孩子,都认为获益匪浅。好多孩子说,有关孝敬的道理,以前从未这么系统地学习过,学了,才懂了;懂了,才会努力去做。有的孩子深有感触地说:"以前以为不孝敬父母只是我不够乖,算不上是一个乖孩子。明白了孝敬的道理,我才知道不孝敬、不尊老,其实是一件可耻的事。我爱爸爸妈妈,我爱爷爷奶奶,应该通过孝敬的言行体现出来。"孩子们普遍认为,"孝敬课"是他们人生中的第一课,而且是无法忘记的最重要一课。
三、 从以下几个方面入手抓好孝敬教育
&&& 在大力倡导社会主义家庭美德的今天,我们所说的"孝敬"早已不是昔日以维护封建统治为目的的"孝道"了。"愚孝"不是我们之所需,弘扬和培育民族精神,让孩子具有高尚的品行和人格魅力,才是我们孝敬教育的根本目的。2004年4月,党中央和国务院下发了《关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见》,对青少年的思想道德教育提出了极高的要求,胡锦涛总书记也多次强调要大力开展弘扬和培育民族精神的教育和文明行为习惯的养成教育。从2004年开始,每年的9月份已被确定为"中小学弘扬和培育民族精神月"。毫无疑问,在青少年中广泛深入地开展孝敬教育,正是弘扬和培育民族精神的教育和文明行为习惯养成教育的重要组成部分。
&&& 家庭是塑造孩子心灵最重要的场所,父母是孩子最重要的老师。在如何有针对性地开展孝敬教育这一课题上,笔者认为,必须根据孩子的个性特点,通过多种有效的形式,言传身教,持之以恒。习惯的养成尚需时日,更何况是对一种品格和精神的造就。具体说来,以下几方面做法可供父母们参考。
&&& 1.让孩子理解父母的艰辛。如今,不少孩子聚在一起,往往吹嘘自己的父母地位怎么显赫,怎么日进斗金,却不愿讲起父母真实的工作状况。事实上,很多孩子根本不知道父母从事着怎样的工作,更不知道父母的钱是何等的来之不易。由于不了解,所以不理解,也就谈不上孝敬了。在这种情况下,有意识地把孩子带到父母的工作现场,让其亲身感受父母工作的艰辛,以至自然而然地心生敬意,这一做法常能奏效。如有可能,还可以让孩子适当地参与父母的劳动,以加深其体会。那名对已下岗的父亲嗤之以鼻的男生,有一天,陪父亲在街头替人修自行车,还在父亲手把手的指导下拧了几下扳手。他回家后默不作声,脸上写满了愧疚。从此,每当父亲回家,他必定倒好一盆温水,绞干毛巾塞到父亲手里。那份真诚的孝心,出自对父亲艰辛的感激和敬重,绝非来自所谓父母的显赫和不凡。
&&& 2.让孩子从小事做起。《新三字经》里的"能温席,小黄香,爱父母,意深长",指的是汉朝时期因孝敬父母而闻名的孩子黄香。黄香9岁丧母后,非常孝敬父亲。每当夏夜临睡前,小黄香就坐在父亲的床上把蚊子驱走,把蚊帐挂好,再用扇子把席子扇凉;而每当冬夜,他就先睡进父亲的被窝,用自己的体温焐热,再请父亲睡下。不仅如此,小黄香在学业上还十分出色,当时就有"天下无双,江夏黄香"之说。显然,小黄香表达孝心都体现在细节上。在日常生活中,细节确实最能表达孝心。因此,对孝心的培养也应从细微处入手。为父母倒一杯水、给父母捶一次背,让疲惫的父母欣赏一段音乐,有好吃的东西请父母先尝尝……点滴小事既比较可行,又可以持之以恒,还容易养成习惯,父母们不妨一试。
&&& 3.让孩子获得表达孝心的机会。孩子表达孝心需要实践,如果一直没有恰当的机会,纵有满腔孝心也无从表现,久而久之,那颗孝心便被掩藏乃至泯灭了。前文中提到的"舍得教育"之意,即是指父母不要因为担心孩子"疲劳"、担心孩子"做不好"、担心孩子"学习分心"而不给他们表达的机会。曾有一位母亲卧病在床,14岁的儿子主动要求为母亲熬药、做饭,但这位母亲犹豫再三,最后不但硬撑着下床亲手熬药,还自己动手做饭端给儿子吃。母亲即使生病了也用不着我的帮助!我没有必要太关心母亲、太像一个孝子的!男孩的心中产生了这样的想法,日常生活中对父母的劳累和难处就变得不闻不问。其实,增强孩子对家庭的责任感,让他们有更多的参与家庭事务的机会,久而久之,才有可能培养出孩子的孝心,才能使孝心在孩子身上扎根。
&&& 4.让孩子在父母的言传身教中受到熏陶。父母言传身教的作用无须多说,但应当指出,这种言传身教必须发自真心,而不是为了做给孩子看。真孝心还是假孝心,瞒不过孩子。孩子一旦发现父母对于长辈的孝心竟是一种伪装,是为了让孩子变得孝顺而粉饰上去的,那么,它对于塑造孩子的心灵将是毁灭性的打击。另外,以父母的言传身教来启发和培养孩子的孝心,这一过程也非一朝一夕之功。那种以为"讲清道理,做过一遍就行了"的想法,是非常可笑而有害的。
&&& 5.让孩子感受孝敬父母时的幸福感。千万不要让孩子觉得孝敬父母是一种强迫性的劳动,是一种额外的负担。孝顺之举本应发自内心,岂能被迫地表达?在棍棒威逼之下是不可能培养出孝心的。孝心,只有在家庭融洽的氛围中,在互相理解的基础上,在爱心的驱使下,慢慢地养成,并逐渐成为一种自觉的行为。一旦孩子表达了孝心,父母应该及时表现出欣慰和满足,必要时还应给予必要的鼓励,让孩子觉得孝心的表达非常值得,非常快乐,非常幸福。毋庸赘言,孩子若能怀着满腔幸福感一次次地表达孝心,那么,离这一传统美德的最终养成,已经为期不远了。
&&& 小资料链接
&&& 你知道孝敬教育的"六个性"吗 &&& 孝敬教育的具体内容主要体现在"六个性"上: &&& 开设"孝敬课",增加知识性; &&& 设立"孝敬日",发《孝敬笔记》,注重实践性; &&& 评"孝星",明确导向性; 抓"活动",强化参与性; &&& 与家长签订协议书,增强辐射性;&&&& 抓考评,体现激励性。
&&& 孝敬教育的"学生行动八心模式" &&& 东阳二中推出孝敬教育的"学生行动八心模式",以此作为行动和考核的标准: &&& 常问好,讲礼貌,让父母舒心; &&& 少空谈,多帮忙,让父母省心; &&& 求上进,走正道,让父母放心; &&& 勤学习,苦钻研,让父母开心; &&& 遇难事,勤商量,让父母称心; &&& 遇矛盾,能宽容,让父母顺心; &&& 忌盲从,不迁就,谏父母真心; &&& 重感恩,能迁移,献社会爱心。
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