airasia特价机票 pilot was taken off flying duties on the route from Jakarta to the holiday island of Bali

Search halted for the day for missing AirAsia jet
Seven aircraft, four navy ships and six boats had been scouring the Java Sea for QZ8501 which went missing with 162 people aboard in bad weather en route from Indonesia to Singapore, in the third crisis for a Malaysian carrier this year.
A relative of the passengers of AirAsia flight QZ8501 weeps as she waits for the latest news on the missing jet at Juanda International Airport in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The AirAsia plane with 162 people on board lost contact with ground control while flying over the Java Sea. (AP/Trisnadi)
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JAKARTA: Indonesia suspended until first light the search for an AirAsia plane that went missing on Sunday (Dec 28) in the Java Sea with 162 people on board after the crew requested a change of flight plan due to stormy weather.The Airbus A320-200 disappeared en route from Surabaya in Indonesia's east Java to Singapore, in the third crisis for a Malaysian carrier this year.Around 11 hours later, the search halted with no sign of the plane and was set to resume at 7am Monday - or earlier if the weather allows, Indonesian transport ministry official Hadi Mustofa told AFP.AirAsia said 155 of those on board Flight QZ8501 were Indonesians, with three South Koreans and one person each from Singapore, Malaysia, Britain and France. The Frenchman was the co-pilot.With hard details few and far between, panicked relatives gathered at Singapore's Changi airport and in Surabaya hundreds of Indonesians thronged the terminal.An anguished 45-year-old woman said she had six family members on the plane. "They were going to Singapore for a holiday," she told AFP in Surabaya. "They have always flown with AirAsia and there was no problem. I am very worried that the plane might have crashed."Indonesian Louis Sidartha, 25, told reporters in Singapore that her fiance was on board the flight. They had taken separate flights from Surabaya to Singapore. She only found out about the missing aircraft upon arriving in Singapore on a later flight.Air traffic controllers lost contact with the twin-engine aircraft around an hour after it left Surabaya's Juanda international airport at about 6:20am, Singapore time.MULTINATIONAL SEARCHShortly before disappearing, the pilot asked to ascend by 6,000 feet to 38,000 feet to avoid heavy clouds, according to an Indonesian transport ministry official."The plane requested to air traffic control to fly to the left side, which was approved," Djoko Murjatmodjo told a press conference. "But their request to fly to 38,000 feet from 32,000 feet could not be approved at that time due to traffic, there was a flight above, and five minutes later the flight disappeared from radar.""According to our climate radar, the weather was not good. There was enough cumulonimbus (cloud) there," said Murjatmodjo.He said Indonesia had deployed seven aircraft, four navy ships and six boats from the search and rescue agency. The search focused on waters around the islands of Bangka and Belitung in the Java Sea, across from Kalimantan on Borneo island. But Murjatmodjo said the transport ministry had also asked the army to carry out ground searches, including in mountainous areas."We have focused all our strength, from the search and rescue agency, the military, police and help from the community as well as the fishermen," said rescue agency chief F H B Soelistyo. He said three ships and three planes from Malaysia would join the search Monday. A Singaporean C130 plane joined Sunday's operation, and two Singaporean planes would be deployed Monday with Australia also offering help.France's air accident investigation authority, the BEA, said two safety investigators, accompanied by two Airbus technical advisors, would leave for Jakarta on Sunday evening.‘MASSIVE SHOCK’The aircraft was operated by AirAsia Indonesia, a unit of Malaysian-based AirAsia which dominates Southeast Asia's booming low-cost airline market.AirAsia's flamboyant boss Tony Fernandes, a former record industry executive who acquired the then-failing airline in 2001, arrived in Surabaya, where most of the passengers are from."Obviously this is a massive shock to us and we are devastated by what has happened. It's unbelievable," he told a press conference. "We don't want to speculate. We don't know what's happened yet so we'll wait for the accident investigation... Our concern right now is for the relatives and the next of kin."Indonesia's President Joko Widodo said his nation was "praying for the safety" of those onboard.His country, a vast archipelago with poor land transport infrastructure, has seen explosive growth in low-cost air travel over recent years. But the air industry has been blighted by poor safety standards in an area that also experiences extreme weather.AirAsia, which has never suffered a fatal accident, said the missing jet last underwent maintenance on November 16.Climbing to dodge large rain clouds is a standard procedure for aircraft in these conditions."What happens after that is a question mark," according to Indonesian-based aviation analyst Dudi Sudibyo.Former French pilot and aviation expert Gerard Feldzer said the movement performed by the aircraft at the time it disappeared could be tricky. "It's possible that it lacked speed," he said. "When one is not far from the maximal altitude of the plane the margin for manouevre is very limited and it can going down."The plane's disappearance comes at the end of a disastrous year for Malaysian aviation. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March with 239 passengers and crew, and in July, MH17 was shot down over troubled Ukraine killing all 298 on board.
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New, Updated 2014 2nd Edition of An Alien Harvest and Brand New 2014 DVD
about Gobekli Tepe and Ancient Stone Circles — E.T. Terraforming?
—“Scientific journalist Linda Moulton Howe presents her amazing accumulation
of evidence for one of the strangest and most mystifying issues of our time.”
– Jim Marrs, Author, Crossfire, Alien Agenda and Rule By Secrecy
Please see
Upcoming Conferences
2015 Eureka Springs Ozark UFO Conference
April 10-12, 2015
Linda will be presenting &Bentwaters: More Revelations.&
2015 Contact in the Desert
Joshua Tree, California
May 29 - June 1, 2015 -
March 5, 2015 - First Ever Photo of Light As Both Particle and Wave.
&This experiment demonstrates that, for the first time ever, we can film
quantum mechanics & and its paradoxical nature & directly.&
- Fabrizio Carbone, Ph.D., Lead Scientist,
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
This is a groundbreaking,
first-ever image of light
behaving simultaneously as both a wave and a stream of particles.
This historic image was made by scientists at the Ecole Polytechnique
Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, led by Fabrizio Carbone. The team used
electrons to image a standing wave of light. explains: &As the electrons
pass close to the standing wave of light, they 'hit' the light's photons particles,
changing photon 'energy packet' speeds that also showed up
in the image
as particles.& See
Update: March 4, 2015 - Ceres's Mysterious Light Spots Are Getting
Brighter As NASA Dawn Spacecraft Gets Closer.
Dawn will move into orbit around Ceres
this coming Friday, March 6, 2015, after its 3-billion-mile journey since 2007. Eventually spiraling down toward the dwarf planet, Dawn will get as close as 235 miles above the surface. Hopefully by then,
the mysterious bright spots will be identified.
Left to right:
Images from Feb. 19, 2015,
video that show
the two bright spots in the crater
persist into the shadow side of Ceres, increasing the question about what the two bright
spots are? Video taken by NASA&s Dawn mission on February 19, 2015, from an altitude of 28,583 miles (46,000 km), revealed that a previously seen bright spot in a crater is actually two spots.
Are they highly reflective ice? Mineral deposits? Or something
even stranger? Credit: NASA/JPL.
Mark Sykes, Director of the Planetary Science Institute and a Dawn mission scientist told Scientific American, &If we discover something like cryovolcanism on Ceres, that would be spectacular because it would be an indicator that there are subsurface reservoirs of water. This isn&t what you normally think of as an asteroid, a dead potato, just being smacked around by its neighbors out in space. There is a lot happening on this object, and that could make Ceres very astrobiologically important.&
Ceres is round, about the size of Texas, is made of 20% water ice and orbits between Mars and Jupiter. See
March 2, 2015 - Updates on Bird Deaths, Booms and Siberian Craters.
& &The booms are powerful enough to rattle dishes, say some,
while others describe the sounds as underground fireworks.&
Christian Science Monitor, February 28, 2015,
about Port Angeles, WA booms
Red circles mark where loud, house-shaking booms have been
reported by local news media and social media, repeatedly in some places,
between January 1 and March 1, 2015, and ongoing. Map by
& &It is important not to scare people, but to understand that methane explosions
are a very serious problem and we must research these Siberian craters.&
- Vasily Bogoyavlensky, Ph.D., Dep. Dir.,
Oil and Gas Research Inst., Moscow, Russia, January 2015
February 27, 2015 -
& Parts 1 and 2: Implications of John Burroughs's Full V. A. Medical Coverage from Injury Caused by Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)
Radiation at RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, Dec. 1980.
&By settling this case in full, the U. S. Dept. of Defense & because the V. A.
is part of DoD & they confirmed that the UFO phenomenon is real.&
- John Burroughs, USAF Tech Sgt. (Ret.)
& Two Kodachrome Color Slides Vintage
of Non-Human
Entity After Autopsy.
&They (Kodachrome slide entity) were not the Greys.
It was something different. It was something closer to us,
but at the same time far from us.&
- Jaime Maussan, TV Producer, &Be Witness& Kodachrome Slide Event
May 5, 2015, National Auditorium, Mexico City, Mexico
Were Blood and Immune Chemistry Altered in Human Child
by Non-Humans During Abduction?
&It seemed as though there were things in each arm when
I was on that table, as in pumping in and pumping out.
... It seemed to be related to blood products.&
- Wade Vernon, Hypnotherapist and Author, Force Fields
February 22, 2015 Update Press Release - John Burroughs Has Received
Full V. A. Medical Coverage Due to Injury Caused by Unidentified Aerial
Phenomena (UAP) Radiation at RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge
in December 1980.
&The United States government has, for the first time ever, acknowledged
by de facto the long-suspected reality of the UFO phenomenon& in granting
through the Veterans Administration full medical disability for injury suffered
by retired USAF Tech Sgt. John Burroughs
after two encounters
with aerial craft of unknown origin.
- Pat Frascogna, Atty., for USAF Tech Sgt. (Ret.) John Burroughs
Computer illustration of sketch by John Burroughs of unidentified
aerial phenomena (UAP or UFO) in Rendlesham Forest, 3 AM,December 26, 1980. Artwork by John Rackham.
February 19, 2015 - Part 2:
Beyond Podesta's Tweet to Some Important
Leaked UFO Documents.
&In the 1976 MJ3 report, it was estimated the Alien's technology
was many thousands of years ahead of United States technology.&
- Alleged historic MJ12 TOP SECRET Executive Briefing
UPDATED - February 16, 2015 - Part 1: Outgoing Senior Obama Adviser John Podesta Tweets &Biggest 2014 Failure& Is Not Opening Up UFO Files.
Podesta is expected to head Hillary Clinton's campaign for president.
The above February 13, 2015, tweet echoes a Podesta 2002 press conference
organized by the Coalition for Freedom of
Information when Podesta said:
&It&s time to find out what the
truth really is that&s out there.
We ought to do it,
really, because it&s right. We ought to do it, quite frankly, because
the American
people can handle the truth. And we ought to do it because
it&s the law.&
February 12, 2015 - Another Odd Aerial Light Pattern
Over Phoenix Reminiscent of March 13, 1997.
On February 3, 2015, this pattern of lights was videotaped moving
south over Goodyear, a western suburb of Phoenix. The lights moved towards
the Estrella Mountains and disappeared while moving in the night sky. See
On March 13, 1997, a series of unidentified aerial light and triangular
craft phenomena were seen, photographed and videotaped by local
TV stations and many eyewitnesses in Phoenix, Arizona. The various sightings
occurred between 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM local time. Video frame & 1997 by thenatman.
On the historic night of March 13, 1997, Phoenix TV news reports were re-broadcast nationally and internationally. Luke AFB first denied any knowledge about what the aerial lights were, but as publicity and controversy grew, USAF officials eventually claimed the lights were military flares, an explanation that made no sense to people who had seen a two- mile long triangular craft flying low to the ground right over their car and heads.
February 10, 2015 - Updated: Mystery Booms and Inner Earth
&An Earth's 'inner-inner core,' about half the diameter of the whole inner core,
has been found to have iron crystals ... aligned differently, that behave differently
from their counterparts in the outer-inner core. That means the Earth's inner-inner
core could be made of a different type of crystal.&
-, February 9, 2015
A research team from the University of Illinois and colleagues
found earth's inner core has an inner core of its own, with iron crystals
aligned in a different direction. Credit: Lachina Publishing Services.
February 10, 2015 - As Beautiful Monarch Butterflies Continue
to Disappear, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wants to Save Them.
&The monarch serves as an indicator of the health of pollinators and the American landscape. Monarch declines are symptomatic of environmental problems that
pose risks to our food supply, the spectacular natural places that help
define our national identity, and our own health.&
- U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, February 9, 2015, Campaign to Save Monarchs
Since 1996, the monarch butterfly population
in the United States has dropped 90%, or about 1 billion gone.
In its new campaign to , the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service has announced: &From California to the Corn Belt, the Service will also fund numerous conservation projects totaling $2 million this year to restore and enhance more than 200,000 acres of habitat for monarchs while also supporting over 750 schoolyard habitats and pollinator gardens. Many of the projects will focus on the I-35 corridor from Texas to Minnesota, areas that provide important spring and summer breeding habitats in the eastern population&s central flyway.& See
February 9, 2015 - Part 8: Boom Mystery &
More Frequent and Intense?
&The booms are becoming more frequent and more powerful.
My animals are terrified by these booms.&
- Resident in Pilot Valley, Nevada
&And the house vibrates! The next day we hear from the
Boise State University Geologic Department
that always tells us there were NO earthquakes!&
- Resident of Jerome, Idaho
February 6, 2015 - Part 8: Huge Explosive Booms Reported Today
Throughout St. Johns County, Florida. Military Bases Say Not Theirs.
More Mysterious Boom Reports Elsewhere. Report upcoming.
Click here for
The St. Johns County Sheriff's Office alone received
about 50 calls
before 11 a.m., Friday, February 6, 2015, many from the
Ponte Vedra Beach area. The calls also
came in from the Nocatee,
Palencia, Fruit Cove and Durbin Crossing
February 5, 2015 - Research Confirms Neonicotinoid Insecticides
Damage Bumblebees' Brain Cells.
2015: &Our research demonstrates beyond doubt that the level of neonicotinoids
generally accepted as the average level present in the wild causes brain
dysfunction and colonies to perform poorly when consumed by bumblebees,&
honey bees and other pollinators.
- Chris Connolly, Ph.D., Div. of Neuroscience,
U. K. Univ. of Dundee Medical School
& 2007: &Right now we're trying to run as far away, stay as far away
from all those nicotine-based chemicals as we can,& when Colony Collapse
Disorder wiped out 80% of his honey bees beginning in 2007.
- David Hackenberg, Owner,
Hackenberg Apiaries, Lewisburg, PA
Common carder bumblebee
Bombus pascuorum on red clover.
This research published in the current issue of Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, supports
honey bee keepers who warned in 2007 that nicotine-based pesticides were responsible for
Colony Collapse Disorder that wiped out 60%- 80% of many commercial honey bee colonies that year in the United States and has persisted every year since in the U. S. and other parts of the world. See
For other information about neonicotinoids killing pollinators, see
January 30, 2015 -
& Part 7: Mysterious Loud Booms In At Least 15 States Since Jan. 1st.
&&Just suddenly out of the blue came this enormous, deep boom.
It shook the windows, shook the whole house, and the floor.
It was notable for its power and its resonance.&
- Todd Seelye, retired college music professor, Cedar Falls, Iowa
& U. S. Navy Flight Engineer Saw Silver Discs and Entrance
to Alleged E. T. Base in Antarctica.
& &Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal& SOM1-01 Training Manual Is Authentic.
& &Debunking the Debunkers& with Stanton Friedman.
January 27, 2015 - Asteroid 2004 BL86 Surprise & It Has A Satellite.
Radar-generated images of the large asteroid that passed
by Earth on January 26th were made by the Deep Space
Network in California and the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.
In its closest approach at 11:19 AM EST on January 26, 2015, the big
space rock estimated between 300 and 500 meters in size was about
745,000 miles (1.2 million km) from Earth. Image courtesy NASA.
January 26, 2015 - A Big Asteroid Comes Close Today & and Mysterious
&Sand Dunes& and &Goosebumps& On Comet 67P?
& &&At present, we know almost nothing about asteroid 2004 BL86,
so there are bound to be surprises.&
- Lance Benner, Ph.D., NASA Radar Astronomer
& &The circular 'goosebumps' (on Comet 67P) look very, very bizarre. To be frank,
we don't know how those things were created. We have no clue.&
- Nicholas Thomas, Ph.D., Prof. of Experimental Physics, Switzerland's Univ. of Bern
Surprising sand dune-like features on Comet 67P
that has no atmosphere nor wind. Image: ESA/Rosetta/MPS.
January 25, 2015 - Is This E.T. Life-Seeding Technology?
a ball about the width of a human hair, which has filamentous life
on the outside and a gooey biological material oozing from its centre.
We were stunned when X-ray analysis showed that the sphere is made up
mainly of titanium, with a trace of vanadium. One theory is it was sent to
Earth by some unknown civilization in order to continue seeding the planet
with life. ... This seems never before to have been found on Earth (by humans).&
- Milton Wainwright, Ph.D., U. K.'s Univ. of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology
Prof. Milton Wainwright, Ph.D., U. K.'s University of Buckingham
Centre for Astrobiology, has been launching balloons to around 17 miles (27 km)
above the Earth's surface to sample stratosphere debris coming in from space.
The above 10-micron-diameter sphere spewing material left an impact crater on a balloon. &The impact crater proves that the sphere was incoming to Earth from space. An organism coming from Earth would not be traveling fast enough when it fell back to Earth to cause such damage,& Prof. Wainwright told the U. K. January 25, 2015, Sunday Express. &For the moment, we are content to say that the life-containing titanium sphere came from space, possibly from a comet.& But no one has an answer for what the &gooey biological liquid oozing& from the titanium sphere is. Photomicrograph courtesy Prof. Wainwright, Univ. of Buckingham.
January 24, 2015 - Doomsday Clock Moves Closer to Midnight.
&Unchecked climate change, global nuclear weapons modernizations,
and outsized nuclear weapons arsenals pose extraordinary and undeniable
threats to the continued existence of humanity, and world leaders have
failed to act with the speed or on the scale required to
protect citizens from potential catastrophe.&
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January 22, 2015
The Doomsday Clock first appeared in 1947 set at 11:53 PM, after America's atomic bombs exploded on Japan in WWII. The closest the clock has been to midnight was in 1953 during the Korean War, when it was set at 11:58 PM. Over the years, the producer of the clock, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, has periodically in times of more peace moved the clock hands further away from Midnight. But now in 2015, the clock is at 11:57 PM signalling more likelihood of global catastrophe. The last time the clock was moved to this position was 1984 at the height of the U. S. and Soviet Union Cold War.
Joining the threat of nuclear weapons is the growing threat in the 21st Century of climate change, increasingly more erratic and violent weather, melting glaciers and sea level rise.
NOAA reports that 2014 was the warmest year across global land and ocean surfaces since
records began in 1880.
This also marks the 38th consecutive year (since 1977) that the yearly
global temperature was above average. Including 2014, nine of the ten warmest years
in the 135-year period of records have occurred in the 21st century. The 2014
global average ocean temperature was also at a record high. See:
January 21, 2015 - 4 More Quakes Shake Irving, Texas. No Answers
At Packed Town Hall Meeting. No Fracking Since 2010.
&I know that all of us want to get down and find out what
is causing this activity and what we can do to stop it, if anything.&
- Mayor Beth Van Duyne, Irving, Texas
On Tuesday, January 20, 2015, USGS reported a magnitude
2.4 quake right after 8 AM CST; a second 2.6 quake at 1:37 PM;
a third 3.0 at 2:25 PM; and a fourth 2.2 at 2:43 PM. USGS says three
dozen earthquakes have been recorded in the same area since
October 2014 coming in unexplained swarms. See
January 20, 2015 - Dawn Spacecraft Is Getting Closer
to Dwarf Planet Ceres.
&We look forward to the surprises this mysterious world may bring.&
- Chris Russell, Principal Investigator, Dawn Mission, UCLA
This January 13, 2015, image from NASA's Dawn
spacecraft was taken at 238,000 miles (383,000 km) from Ceres
that is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Ceres
is only 590 miles (950 km) in diameter, but could have an ocean
covered with ice. Dawn is expected to go into orbit around Ceres on
March 6, 2015, to spend 16 months studying the mysterious, possibly
watery, dwarf planet. See
January 19, 2015 - Part 6:
Scientists Mystified by Unprecedented Quake Swarm in Connecticut Associated with &Explosive Sounds& and Preceded
by Loud, Unexplained Boom in December.
& &&This is the first case of known earthquakes in this part of Connecticut
dating back to 1638. Seismologists don't know why these
earthquakes decided to happen at this place at this time, but from now on you
will be seeing a lot of us. You have become for eastern seismologists a famous place.&
- Alan Kafka, Ph.D., Director, Weston Observatory, Boston College
Four of eleven small quakes north of Plainfield, Connecticut,
in a swarm between January 8 and 15, 2015. Sterling, only 7 miles
to the east, experienced a very loud, explosive boom that shook
houses and people in December. Map by
January 18, 2015 - Is At Least One Planet 10 Times Earth's Size
Beyond Pluto in the Oort Cloud?
&This excess of objects with unexpected orbital parameters makes us believe
that some invisible forces are altering the distribution of the orbital elements of the extreme trans-Neptunian objects (ETNOs) and we consider that the most probable explanation is that other unknown planets exist beyond Neptune and Pluto. The exact number (of planets) is uncertain, given that the data that we have is limited, but our calculations suggest that there are at least two planets, and probably more, within the confines of our solar system (in the Oort Cloud).&
- Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, Ph.D., Astrophysicist, Complutense Univ. of Madrid, Spain
Illustration of our sun and possible planet ten times
Earth's size out in the Oort Cloud far beyond Pluto and the Kuiper Belt
at 250 AU. That's 250 times the distance between the Earth and our sun.
For comparison, the planetoid Pluto is 39 AU. Image courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech.
See January
2015 For more about Oort Cloud,
January 15, 2015 - &Death Travelers& and Glimpses of Other Realities.
&It was like a flashcard show, but it covered vast distances as if
I went though our universe in one second and immediately entered
another one and again another and so on. &
- Teenage snorkeler's NDE
January 14, 2015 - 12 States Have Reports of Mysterious, Loud Booms
in First 12 Days of January 2015.
&Just suddenly out of the blue came this enormous, deep boom.
It shook the windows, shook the whole house, and the floor.
It was notable for its power and its resonance.&
- Todd Seelye, Cedar Falls, Iowa, January 12, 2015
Akron, M Northern K Wentzville, Missouri, near St. L
to Nappanee and South Bend, I to Danville, V to Luzerne County
and Herrick Center, P
to Coventry, West Warrick and Warrick, Rhode I
to Hamblen County, T to Hailey, I Norman, O and Lubbock, Texas,
east of Roswell, New M Cedar Falls, Iowa &&all between Jan. 1 to 12, 2015.
Updated 5 PM Mtn - January 10, 2015 - Part 4: Oklahoma Booms and Quakes - 2015 and 2014.
& &We thought some nut was out here, you know, with explosives.
It sounded like thunder. You could feel the ground shake,
but it was nothing like an earthquake.&
- Anthony Young, Norman Oklahoma, January 9, 2015
& &Felt like bombs going off. It's just a huge loud noise and then
it's like a reverb from that boom that just shakes the entire house.
If I'm experiencing eight of these in one day, then when does
it erupt and become absolutely horrible that takes my house down?&
- Nancy York, Resident of Logan County, Okla., February 14, 2014
January 9, 2015, Associated Press about mysterious booms shaking
Norman, Oklahoma, at 11:19 AM both on Jan. 9th and Jan. 8th.
Not earthquakes and cause still unknown.
January 9, 2015 - Part 3: More House-Shaking Booms Heard and Felt &
Comments from Remote Viewers.
January 8, 2015, The Elkhart Truth, Elkhart, Indiana.
January 8, 2015 - Has Legendary &Orichalcum& Been Found
in 2,600-Year-Old Shipwreck Off Sicily?
&We know orichalcum from ancient texts and a few ornamental objects.
...Nothing similar has ever been found.&
- Sebastiano Tusa, Superintendent,
Sea Office, Sicily, Greece
The orichalucum ingots found in 2,600-year-old ship wreck off
the coast of Gela in Sicily. Image credit
An ancient shipwreck that went down 2,600 years ago and first discovered in 1988 about 1,000 feet (300 m) off the coast of Gela, Sicily, near the island of Malta, has been studied by marine archaeologists, who report finding bars of &orichalcum,&
a legendary word to describe a possibly gold-copper metal alloy allegedly used in the construction of Atlantis some 10,000 years ago. Plato wrote in his 5th Century B. C. Critias dialogue that orichalucum was nearly as valuable as gold. The word orichalucum derives from the Greek oreikhalkos, meaning &mountain of copper.& Plato wrote that the Temple to Poseidon and Cleito on Atlantis &flashed with the red light of orichalcum.& Modern speculation is orichalcum might be a brass-like alloy created of zinc ore, charcoal and copper in a crucible. Perhaps this discovery will finally reveal what orichalcum is.
January 7, 2015 - Tennessee's Hamblen County Emergency
Management Agency Investigating Mysterious
Part 3 report upcoming.
&People report windows shaking or a boom that sounds
like a transformer booming, or something running into their house.&
- Chris Bell, Director, Morristown-Hamblen EMA
EMA Facebook post at 11:08 AM Central, January 6, 2015, by the
Morristown-Hamblen Emergency Management Agency (EMA) about mysterious
vibrations and unexplained loud noises being heard among the 63,000 population
of Hamblen County and its county seat Morristown northeast of Knoxville.
agency is asking the public to call 423-581-6225 and ask for Director Chris Bell or Teresa Ewing if you have heard the mysterious &booms.& Further north in Elkhart County on January 3, many people in northern Indiana reported loud booms &more powerful than an M-80 firework. It was more of a percussion sound. It didn't have the sonic boom sound & that's different from these booms,& said Mike Ropp, a resident in northern Elkhart.
January 6, 2015 - Bolide? Over Southern California Releases ...?
&I was driving home after work when this UFO or whatever you call it
caught my eye. I pulled over in front of somebody's house to film it. I would
have got a better shot but I didn't want to jump these peoples fence. Anyway
I don't know what the hell to make of it. Couldn't have been a plane cause
there was no noise. And I never heard a crash after either. The Orb thing
flew straight up into the sky and disappeared. Sorry I didn't film that.
I didn't know what to focus my attention on.&
- Ken Roberts, YouTube video, January 5, 2015
In the January 5, 2015, YouTube first video posting without specific date or time, the video shows 43 seconds of the fireball's descent before cutting off abruptly, followed by 2 minutes and 34 seconds of black. Location given is Southern California without date or time of taping.
January 5, 2014 - Part 2: More House-Shaking Booms Heard
and Felt Beyond Pennsylvania.
&At approximately 1:30 am on Friday, Jan 2nd, we (my children, my husband,
myself and our two dogs) were awakened by two loud booms that sounded more
like two freight trains colliding with each other twice. It can only be described
as a metallic grinding, glass breaking, house-shaking boom.&
- Northern Kentucky resident
Northern Kentucky boom report among
others from Wentzville, Missouri, near St. L
to Nappanee and South Bend, I to Danville, V to Luzerne County and Herrick Center,
P to Coventry, West Warrick and Warrick, Rhode Island all between Jan. 1 - 4, 2015.
January 2, 2015 - Part 1: Loud, House-Shaking Boom Heard and Felt
Throughout Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
&It sounded like a shotgun, but it felt more like
an earthquake. It shook the house.&
- Amanda Paci, Walgreens Employee, Dallas, PA
January 2, 2015 Headline, WNEP-TV, Moosic, PA.
January 2, 2015 - Another Mutilated Angus in Haigler, Nebraska.
&The bull's entire right ear had been cleanly cut out without blood
in a sort of triangle incision and you can see clear down in the ear
canal right through his eye socket!&
- Alex Peterson, Owner, Windmill Angus Ranch, Haigler, NB
December 29, 2014 - 2nd Mysterious, Unexplained &Explosions&
in A Week Reported in southern Idaho.
&Residents in the town of Riverside reported to the local media Sunday
evening that they not only heard a loud explosion, but the boom
was powerful enough to shake their homes.&
- December 29, 2014, Idaho State Journal
Riverside and Groveland are near Blackfoot (red circles)
25 miles north of Pocatello in southern Idaho's Bingham County.
On Sunday, December 28, 2014, dozens of residents in the Riverside and Groveland communities near Blackfoot, Idaho, Bingham County (red circles and Google pointer on map), reported mysterious &explosion& sounds to social media. Riverside people said the &boom was powerful enough to shake their homes.& Earlier on the afternoon of December 24th, Groveland residents had reported another huge explosion
to 911 and the Bingham County Sheriff's Office. After that first report, Idaho State Police, Blackfoot fire units and sheriff's deputies could not find any cause for the December 24th explosion and have no answers for the 28th either. If any viewer has more information, please email: Please see more mysterious booms:
December 23, 2014 - Part 4: The Strange Case of A Skin Mystery
and Neodymium Magnet.
&There doesn't seem to be any immune cells (white blood cells)
present anywhere. ... Pathology on a fibrotic capsule this old is
extremely rare. I have nothing to compare your sample with.&
- University lab report after Haematoxylin and
Eosin tissue stains, November 2014
December 21, 2014 - Part 3: The Strange Case of A Skin Mystery
and Neodymium Magnet.
&No guesses as to why the implant was magnetic.
Definitely a mystery.&
- University lab report, October 15, 2014
Round, silver neodymium magnet attracted to mysterious,
hard object underneath the upper right arm skin of a Michigan woman,
Natalie, bothered by the object since childhood. After surgical removal
came more surprises. Image & 2014 by Sid Goldberg.
December 19, 2014 -
& Could Earth's Magnetic Poles Flip This Century?
Swarm satellite (ESA) measurements made from January to June 2014
show a dramatic decline in Earth's magnetic field over North and South
America with a strengthening of the Earth's magnetic field over the southern
Indian Ocean. 2014 image by ESA's Swarm Satellite.
& Invisible, Mysterious Force Field Protecting
Earth from &Killer Electrons.&
Scientists have discovered that high-energy electrons from the sun
and cosmic rays are being cutoff around 7,200 miles from Earth, as if the
&killer electrons& traveling at 100,000 miles per second are slamming into an
invisible brick wall. Illustration & 2014
by Andy Kale, Univ. of Alberta, Canada.
& &Death Travelers& Confirm Consciousness Survives
in Some After Body Life Ends.
&Consciousness endures after death. This was a shock to me,
I have to say, because I never believed that until I started talking to
scientists and doctors about it and nurses. But I&m now forced to believe it. &
- Judy Bachrach, Author, Glimpsing Heaven & 2014
Glimpsing Heaven: The Stories and Science of Life After Death
& 2014 by Judy Bachrach, published by National Geographic.
& Human Consciousness Can Recycle
In and Out of Matter Containers.
&When one realizes that reincarnation is part of the fabric of this
underlying reality& & that it's Soul School & and of this journey that we&re
all on together, then life makes much more sense.&
- Eben Alexander, M. D., Neurosurgeon and Author,
Proof of Heaven & 2013 and The Map of Heaven & 2014
The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion,
and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife
& 2014 by Eben Alexander, M. D., Neurosurgeon.
December 16, 2014 - First Detection of Organic Matter On Mars.
NASA: &Organic molecules are the building blocks of all known forms of terrestrial life, and consist of a wide variety of molecules made primarily of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.& Organic molecules can also form from non-biological processes. The Martian breakthrough discovery is in mudstone.
&We think life began on Earth around 3.8 billion years ago,
and our result shows that places on Mars had the same conditions at that time &
liquid water, a warm environment, and organic matter.
So if life emerged
on Earth in these conditions, why not on Mars as well?&
- Caroline Freissinet, Ph.D., NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, MD, and lead author, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets.
The first organic molecules on Mars were found when the
Curiosity rover above drilled a sample from the Sheepbed mudstone
in Gale crater, where Curiosity landed. Scientists think the crater was
once the site of a lake billions of years ago. Rocks such as mudstone formed
from sediment in the lake. This self-portrait of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity
at that drill site combines dozens of exposures taken by the rover's
Mars Hand Lens Imager on Feb. 3, 2013. Image by NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS.
For more information:
December 15, 2014 - Part 2: The Strange Case of A Skin Mystery
and Neodymium Magnet.
&As we cut through the implant in layers only a few microns thick,
or finer than a single strand of hair, the blade became damaged once it
passed through the initial layers of skin. It hit something hard
enough to damage the blade multiple times.&
Mysterious skin object placed inside university lab's
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for material analysis.
Video frame of procedure & 2014 by Sid Goldberg.
December 13, 2014 - Part 1: The Strange Case of A Skin Mystery
and Neodymium Magnet.
&I was in grade school then and I&m in a deep sleep.
Something wakes me up. There was
a flash of white light.
And I was a little frightened. I had a shooting pain in my right arm.&
- Natalie from Michigan.
Round, silver neodymium magnet attracted to mysterious,
hard object underneath the upper right arm skin of a Michigan woman,
Natalie, bothered by the object since childhood. After surgical removal
came more surprises. Image & 2014 by Sid Goldberg.
Update: December 12, 2014
& Mystery Boom
and Tremor in Brentwood, NH, on December 11th.
& Mystery Boom Over Shropshire, England, on December 7th.
On Sunday, December 7th, there was another U. K. mystery boom after the big, one of November 30th (see headline below) from southern England to Edinburgh, Scotland. This time thousands of people in Shropshire, England, west of Birmingham, were awakened at 4:45 AM by a loud &sonic boom& that the Ministry of Defence said today was &highly unlikely& to have been one of its planes. In fact, a spokesman for RAF Shawbury said the base had no aircraft capable of breaking the sound barrier.
Meanwhile, the Brentwood Police Department southwest of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, reports that at 3 AM EST on Thursday, December 11, Officer Brett Wells was patrolling on Route 111A and Dalton Road. He told New England Cable News that &he heard what sounded like a loud explosion followed by a ground tremor& that he compared to a sonic boom followed by a minor earthquake tremor. The police have not been able to find any cause for the sound or tremors and no recorded quakes.
The Brentwood Police Dept. in Brentwood, New Hampshire, southwest of Portsmouth,
is asking for any information to Sgt. H. D. Wood at 603-642-8817.
December 10, 2014 - How Did An 18,000-Foot Mountain Form
in the Middle of Gale Crater On Mars?
&Can you build up a pile like that without necessarily
filling up the whole bowl with water?&
- Edwin Kite, Ph.D., Planetary Scientist, Princeton and Univ. of Chicago
Curiosity rover's panoramic view of 18,000-feet-high Mount Sharp
in the middle of now arid Gale Crater. Mount Sharp image by NASA .
The 3.5 billion-year-old Gale Crater & apparently carved out by a meteor in a 96-mile-diameter circular depression & has been buried with sedimentary layers around Sharp Mountain that is nearly as high from base to peak as Mount McKinley in Alaska. Since there are no known plate tectonics or volcanic eruptions known in the Gale Crater site, was the big basin once filled with water and enough wind to deposit the huge mountain? If so, was Gale Crater long ago habitable for organic life? Among the many mysteries of the crater's history is that if there was a large lake there millions of years ago, why are the edges around Mount Sharp
not flat the way lake sediments would build up on Earth?
In a NASA phone news conference on Monday, December 8, 2014, Kenneth Edgett, Ph.D., of Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego & the company that built the Mars Global Surveyor camera & told reporters, &We&re not going to solve this one with the Curiosity rover. We&re not going to solve this one with our orbiter data. We&re going to be scratching our heads a hundred years from now. Unless we could send some people there.& The recent NASA Orion Flight Test is a step towards a U. S. goal to eventually send humans
to Mars. See
Update: December 9, 2014 - Is Golden Ratio's 1.618 the Mathematical
Key to Space-Time Topography As Well As Biology in This Universe?
&The time has come to recognize that relativity and quantum theories
can be integrated, and linked numerically, to the value of a mathematical constant &&
Phi 1.618 & whether in the context of space-time or biology.&
- Jan Boeyens, Ph.D. and Francis Thackeray, Ph.D.
Logarithmic Golden Spirals found in nature from
Whirlpool Galaxy to Nautilus shell to Hurricane Katrina to an ammonite.
Images from &Number Theory and the Unity of Science,&
Nov/Dec. 2014.
The golden ratio, Phi, of 1 + 1 = 2; 2 + 1 = 3; 3 + 2 = 5 on into infinity is a sequence that determines so many shapes in the biological and inorganic world. Now Professors Boeyens and Thackeray are postulating that Phi is also the defining topography of Space and Time. That would mean that time and space are defined by spirals. That might mean that Time recycles & a concept that might also include reincarnation as machinery of the universe in which evolving consciousness recycles
in and out of matter containers at births and deaths.
December 8, 2014 - Current Ocean Surface Temperatures Around
World Reached Highest Temperature Ever Recorded.
North Pacific Is 3 to 4 Degrees Higher.
&We've never seen this before. It's beyond anyone's
experience and this is why it's puzzling.&
- Bill Peterson, NOAA Oceanographer
A Sunfish, normally found in temperate and tropical waters, was caught
by fishermen off the Alaskan panhandle. Another unusual Northern Pacific
discovery have been thresher sharks near Vancouver B. C. One big concern
is that Humboldt squid could move north to Alaska again, as in 2005 &
the squid go after young salmon, which would impact the salmon industry.
about oceans absorbing
heat from warming global air temperatures. Image & 2014 by CBC.
UPDATE November 30, 2014 -
On Saturday, November 29,
At 4:45 PM EST in Buffalo, NY, and
in U. K. 3,000 Miles Away &
What Were Mysterious, &Explosions and Loud Bangs?&
& &Just heard an explosion in Clarence, NY, that shook our house.
Anyone else feel it? Our neighbors all felt it, too. &
Lydia Von, Alden, NY, on WGRZ-TV Facebook, 4:45 PM EST, Nov. 29, 2014
& &Dogs went crazy for a couple of minutes here in Fareham.&
- Dave Reed, Fareham, England, Twitter, 10 PM U.K.,
which is 5 PM EST in New York, Nov. 29, 2014
From Buffalo and Niagara Falls to Clarence and Lockport, New York, yesterday on November 29, 2014, social media buzzed beginning at 4:45 PM EST (9:45 PM U. K.) with reports of explosions shaking houses and windows. Local authorities had no explanations.
Then fifteen minutes later, beginning from 10 - 10:30 PM in England, Twitter users from southern England to Edinburgh, Scotland, reported &mystery bangs that shook windows,& according to U. K. media. But the U. K. Ministry of Defence said no jets were scrambled or flying during that half-hour. Loud explosive bang sounds were being reported
100 miles apart at the same time from southern England to Scotland. Many people on U. K. social media reported that their pets were &spooked& by the strange booming, banging sounds.
By Sunday, November 30th, U. K. media was asking if the 3,335 mile expanse of boom and explosion reports from New York across Atlantic Ocean to the United Kingdom might be
a U. S. TOP SECRET plane rumored about since the 1980s without solid evidence, but referred to as &Aurora?&
Buffalo, New York, to Edinburgh, Scotland, is 3,335 miles.
London, England, to Edinburgh, Scotland, is 400 miles. Map by U.K. Mail Online.
November 21, 2014 -& Twelve 4.0+ Magnitude Earthquakes
in Sheldon Reserve, NW Nevada, in Current Swarm.
&It (9:20 AM PST) did not go out to t did not meet location
quality criteria. That brings the total number of Magnitude 4 and
greater earthquakes from the swarm to 12.&
- Nevada Seismological Laboratory, University of Nevada - Reno
November 21, 2014, at 9:20 AM PST, 51 miles west of Denlo,
Nevada, in northwestern Sheldon National Antelope Refuge , where a
swarm of earthquakes is taking place. See:&
November 25, 2014 - Mystery &Loud Bang& Monday Night in U. K. &
&Disturbances to TV and Mobile Phone Networks.&
On Monday evening, November 24, 2014, at 10:30 p.m. GMT (5:30 p.m. EST), the BBC reports that hundreds of people across Manchester and Salford in central England heard a &loud bang& and reported &disturbances to television and mobile phone networks.& Police and fire could not find an explanation.
Manchester and nearby Salford are 200 miles northwest of London
in central England with a combined population of nearly 3 million people.
November 22, 2014 - Today Is 51st Anniversary of JFK's Assassination.
Author Jim Marrs Says &Oswald Was A CIA Patsy.&&
Original 16-foot-diameter stone floor seal in
CIA headquarters lobby, Langley, Virginia.
& Part 1:& Gigantic, Silent, Black Triangle Above U. S. Army Platoon Near Baghdad & Same Day Pres. George W. Bush Made Surprise Visit.
&This big triangle was like an aircraft carrier suspended in the sky .&
-&U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class David Mark Koch, Makasib, Iraq
Eyewitness U. S. Army Sergeant 1st Class David Mark Koch (Ret.)
estimated aerial triangle above Makasib, Iraq, was 1200 feet long
and remained unmoving in the night sky for at least five minutes.
Illustration & 2014
by David Mark Koch.
October 1, 2014 - World's Wildlife Population Dropped
More Than Half in Past 40 Years, World Wildlife Fund Reports.
&We're gradually destroying our planet&s ability to support our way of life.
We all live on a finite planet and its time we started acting within those limits.
... 39 percent of terrestrial wildlife gone, 39 percent of marine wildlife gone,
76 percent of freshwater wildlife gone & all in the past 40 years.&
Carter Roberts, Pres. & CEO, World Wildlife Fund
September 21, 2014 - Earth's Tectonic Plates Moving Faster
Than&Any Previous Time In Last 2 Billion Years.
&We expected to find that the average speed would be slowing down with time,
but ...both speeds (collisions and plate shift) were going up. It was a surprise.&
- Kent Condie, Ph.D., Geochemist,
NM Inst. of Mining & Technology
Geochemist Kent Condie expected to find
that Earth's tectonic plates were slowing down as the Earth has aged over the past 4.5 billion years. Instead, his data shows that tectonic plates are moving faster. The cause is uncertain, but might relate to large volumes of water trapped in the mantle. Does this mean even more volcanic and seismic eruptions upcoming? Also see:
September 17, 2014 - Part 5:& Dulce and Dropa Stones.
&I do understand that at one point there was a faction of Greys
at Dulce that left Dulce, and those are the Dropas of Tibet and China.&
- Anthony F. Sanchez, author, UFO Highway
A Dropa disc was allegedly tested in 1962 with
an oscillograph and &a surprising oscillation rhythm was
discovered, just as if the disks with their groove-writing
had once been charged or had functioned as electrical conductors.&
September 10, 2014 -&&Frozen Light& Created At Princeton University.
&It's something that we have never seen before.
This is a new behavior for light.&
- Andrew Houck, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of Electrical Engineering, Princeton Univ., 2014
&Mass is a phenomenon of connecting light rays which go back and forth,
sort of freezing them into a pattern. So matter, as it were, is condensed or frozen light.&
- David Bohm, Ph.D., Theoretical Physicist,
Dialogues with Scientists and Sages, 1986
Physical Review X reported on September 8, 2014, that
Princeton University scientists have created a new form of photons
similar to a crystal.
The orange and blue waves on the left are photons
in the experiment first flowing &easily between two superconducting
sites& until on the right, the fast photon oscillations &freeze& into
crystal-like structures. Image courtesy Princeton University.
To build the light crystals, the scientists produced a structure of superconducting materials that contained 100 billion atoms engineered to act as a single &artificial atom.& Then the scientists placed that &atom& next to a superconducting wire that contained photons. In the strange entangling world of quantum mechanics, the photons will begin to interact with the &atom& and begin to act like particles. Postdoctoral researcher and an author Darius Sadri explains,
&We have used this blending together of the photons and the &atom& to artificially devise strong interactions among the photons. These interactions then lead to completely new collective behavior for light - akin to the phases of matter such as liquids and crystals studied in condensed matter physics.&
August 13, 2014 - Is Our 3-D Universe the Event Horizon
Around A 4-D Black Hole?
&The universe appears to us to exist in 3 dimensions of space and one of time &
a geometry that we will refer to as the &3-dimensional universe.&& In our scenario, this 3-D universe is merely the shadow of a world with 4 spatial dimensions. Specifically, our entire universe came into being during a stellar implosion in this suprauniverse, an implosion that created a 3-D shell around a 4-D black hole. Our universe is that shell.&
Illustration by Scientific American from computer modeling of
the collapsing death of a 4-D star that ejects mass through 4-D black hole where
its event horizon is a 3-D shell around the 4-D black hole. Our universe is that
shell&in a hypothesis by Niayesh Afshordi, Ph.D., Asst. Professor of Physics
and A Robert B. Mann, Ph.D., Prof. and former Chair of Physics
and A and Razieh Pourhasan, Ph.D. candidate in Theoretical Physics &
&all at the Univ. of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. See &The Black Hole at the Beginning of Time,&
August 2014, Scientific American print and
& Another &Dragonfly Drone& Sighting
and Isaac Whistleblower
& But the Year Was 1981.&
One of a dozen photos of dragonfly&drone taken
in Big Basin
Redwoods State Park northwest of Santa Cruz, California,
on June 5, 2007.
& CIA's &Anonymous Kewper&&Briefed Eisenhower and Nixon
in 1959 About UFOs, Human Abductions and Animal Mutilations.&
President Dwight Eisenhower from 1953 to 1961, with his Vice President
Richard Nixon in White House. &Anonymous Kewper Stein& briefed them both in
Washington, D. C., along with his CIA boss, Anthony, about German discs,
extraterrestrial craft, human abductions and animal mutilations in 1959.
May 31, 2014 -
The Extraordinary Case of An Alleged
ET/Human Hybrid and U. S. Government &Humanization Program.&
&Raechel's sunglasses slipped down and I could see huge,
green eyes with vertical black slits.&
- Helen Littrell, mother of Raechel's roommate
and co-author with Jean Bilodeaux of Raechel's Eyes
Sketch for Earthfiles & 2014 by Helen Littrell.
May 25, 2014 - Parts 1 and 2:& Retired AFOSI Agent Describes
Face-to-Face with Non-Human &Grey.&
&At the moment of eye contact with that Grey,
it was like seven different feature films started rapidly
running through my mind all at the same time with sound, temperature,
touch and 3-dimensional gold symbols superimposed over the films.&
- Retired AFOSI Agent
April 29, 2014 - Final Part 12: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor.
&The Ebens genetically engineered these Archquloid entities
with large noses by &rapid-cycle cloning&
and allegedly presented two
to the U. S. government for observation, examination and study.&
From transcript of alleged briefing
for President Ronald Reagan,
March 6 - 8, 1981, regarding &Unidentified Flying
Objects and Extraterrestrial Visitation to Earth.& Briefing
was by then-CIA Director William Casey.
Archquloid large-nosed grey humanoid genetically
engineered by the Ebens in &rapid-cycle cloning.&
Illustration & 1974 by Allan Sandler Institutional Films, Inc.,
from 16mm film of non-human entities that landed at Holloman AFB,
New Mexico, on April 25, 1964. Both Ebens and Archquloids were present.
&NSA Whistleblower Tells All&- NYT Op-Doc.
Also see: &
&We can call ourselves a democracy,
but that doesn't mean that we will stay that way.&
- William Binney, NSA Whistleblower, July 2012
William Binney, NSA whistleblower, says spy agency is
violating U. S. Constitution in gathering phone, email and other digital
information from Americans inside the United States. Binney
worked 32 years for NSA and was considered one of NSA's best
mathematicians and code breakers until he left the agency in protest
after 9/11 and its policy change under Pres. George Bush to spy inside
the U. S. without warrants. William Binney spoke at the 2012 DEF CON
Hacker's Conference, July 26-29, 2012, at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Posthumous Testimony About&&Alien Visitation Craft&
and Beyond-Black International Control of AVC Back-Engineering.
William Pawelec was a U.S. Air Force computer operations
and programming specialist with numerous credentials in security
technologies and access control systems. He gave this interview
Steven Greer, M.D., in the year 2000 (stated by Mr. Pawelec during taping)
prior to a 2001 National Press Club Disclosure Project event and asked that
the videotaped interview not be released until after his death. William Pawelec
passed away on May 22, 2007, and the Disclosure Project received
permission to release videotaped interview in December 2010, now on YouTube.
January 8, 2007 - U. S. Navy Yeoman Sees Extraterrestrial Photos.
for links to Earthfile's video excerpt.
For more about Navy Yeoman, drawings of non-humans and documents:
Click on Earthfiles reports:
Special Real X-Files:
Electronic Reprints
by Leonard H. Stringfield.
1980 by John J. Dalton.
Chapter 18 excerpt:& “We are from a different dimension, a different
plane of existence. We have no boundaries or limits, as you have.
We are an anti-log of everything you see visually. We can travel
in any dimension and occupy the same area as say, earth, but
not the same time or space without being observed. The possibilities
of existence are infinite.”
by Fredrick Smith. & 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Cascade County,
Montana Sheriff's Deputy Keith Wolverton.The first book by an
American deputy sheriff about his firsthand investigations of
animal mutilations and associated high strangeness around Great
Falls, Montana in the 1970s. Out of print since 1979, see this
important classic.
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