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i can read you like a book: how to spot the messages and emotions people are really sending with their body language
by:&&gregory hartley, maryann karinch
i can read you like a book: how to spot the messages and emotions people are really sending with their body languageby gregory hartley, maryann karinchpublisher:career pressnumber of pages:287publication date:isbn-10 / asin:isbn-13 / ean:1product description: are you in business, journalism, law enforcement, or medicine
do you face students in a classroom or criminals in a courtroom
are you in a relationship or looking for one
do you have children
then you need the skills to read them like a book! i can read you like a
book features a system for scanning and interpreting anyone's body
language, enabling you to figure out what they are really saying or
review: check out someone quickly, from head to toe. evaluate: k notice what's relevant.
analyze: spot voluntary versus i factor in
gender, context, culture. decide:draw your conclusion.
step-by-step, you will develop the same skills the best interrogators and
detectives use to assess spies, criminals, and witnesses. as part of the
process, you will observe some of the most famous people in the world
through interrogator greg hartley's eyes. you'll discover what emotions
these politicians, pundits, and stars are leaking through their body
language and facial expressions, and what their answers (or non-answers)
are really saying. i can read you like a book gives you the fastest, most efficient
method to read body language. in any kind of face-to-face competition,
first encounters or daily encounters, and even watching the news, you will
spot the messages and emotions that people are really sending--whether they
know it or not.
as a bonus, you will learn how to use your own face and body to your
advantage, whether you're trying to evade a difficult question, handle a
sensitive situation, or just playing poker! summary: good bookrating: 3i can read you like a book: how to spot the messages and emotions people are really sending with body language, by gregory hartley and maryann karinchi found this book at my work and took it home on a whim. it's a quick read and is all about how to read body language and read hidden messages in people's behor. i learned that there are no absolutes. everything has to be interpreted through context and culture. however, there are quite a few clues that are universal, and if you pay attention to them, you can learn a lot about what people are not saying.the main source, gregory hartley, was an interrogator for the military and has vast experience. i'v店
ve seen him on tv and think he's the real deal.if you want some more information on how to better interpret people's behors and learn more about body language, this book is for you. as a writer myself, i picked up some great physical cues to use in my work, to give the characters in my novels and stories more accurate responses to situations. i am definitely better for hng read this book, but am more interested in reading one of his previous books, which i believe is called, how to spot a liar.paul genesseauthor of the golden cordbook one of the iron dragon seriessummary: all that and a bag of chipsrating: 5i met staff sergeant hartley in 1997, when i was an army warrant officer and we were assigned to the same unit. we served together on several occasions, and i came to appreciate at first hand that he really is all that and a bag of chips. we talked at length, ate together, and trained together. i considered him a friend, and was sorry when life moved us in different directions. several reviewers have called greg arrogant, either directly or in so many words. our former co certainly thought so, but she also let him do his thing, because he was so good at his job. people who pursue, and-- like greg--actually achieve excellence are usually considered to be a pain in the a*s by people who are watching the clock and waiting for their retirement papers to come through. they perceive as arrogance the assurance of a subordinate who is better at the job than they are--and knows it. it is a sad commentary on our society that even those of surpassing ability are expected to adopt an aw, shucks! act, and pretend they are no better than anyone else. greg doesn't play that game. in fact, he reminds me of another gregory--the fictional dr. house--abrasive, unconventional, opinionated, occasionally dismissive, and usually right. even so, i was never once put off by his demeanor or behor--not in the least. i was technically his superior at our former unit, where, to his credit, he always observed proper military courtesies, even though we both knew that he was a better interrogator than i was. that hardly bespeaks arrogance. quite the contrary. ssg hartley was an exemplary, though certainly atypical, soldier and nco. i went on to earn a ph.d. and become a college professor, but i have not forgotten what i learned from greg. he has a unique mind, clear vision, and a powerful, penetrating intellect. anyone with an interest in this subject would do well to listen to what he has to say. i did, and i knew the man. summary: would highly recommend this bookrating: 5i would highly recommend this book. it was very easy to read and understand, as well as interesting.summary: t. mokbelrating: 1worthless!those people need to learn how to write a book.very badly and disorderly written. didn' t learn anything except some eyebrows and eyelids useless info!summary: great tool for successful performances onstage, at the officerating: 4who knewwho knew that an eyebrow communicated so much. well, maryann karinch and gregory hartley know and tell us all about it in this eye-opening book. karinch channels the wealth of information that hartley has assembled as a military interrogator into this volume giving the reader an insider's view of how information can be acquired from people just by reading their body movement.hartley provides a head-to-toe process for evaluating what someone is saying with their body, rather than their words. if followed, hartley's methods should give practitioners the upper hand in many of the difficult exchanges most of us have to negotiate everday.what gives this book much of its power is the shock of recognition that you experience as you read it. of course, you will say to yourself, i've seen people do that -- i've just never heard it put into words before.but in other parts of the book you'll be surprised to learn what some facial and body movements can mean. i was particularly surprised in hartley's assertion that the aforementioned eyebrows will flick upward when two people who know each other meet.i experimented with this myself just by visualizing meeting someone i knew and focusing on keeping my eyebrows from going up. i managed to keep them motionless. aha! no interrogator will ever get the goods from me, i thought. but as soon as i stopped concentrating on the task, my eyebrows involuntarily shot up. an actor, i find the information in this book priceless. the authors have provided performers with a veritable tookbox of movements that can project many different thoughts and emotions on stage.all in all it's a great book.
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广东省通管局 增值电信业务经营许可证B2-雅思口语常见话题:A Book You Would Like to Read Again
时间: 17:31:11 来源:新东方 编辑:Rainbow
  下面雅思频道为大家整理了雅思口语话题卡:A Book You Would Like to Read Again,供考生们参考,考生们在备考时可以多多练习这些常见的雅思口语考题,多整理一些答题的素材及思路,确保正式考试时能够流利、自然地回答考官给出的题目,以下是详细内容。
  A Book You Would Like to Read Again  Describe a type of book you like to read again.  You should say:  what's the name of the book  what type of book it is  what content it has  and explain why you like to read this type of book again.  Part 3  Books and other Media  1、Besides textbooks, what other materials (or teaching media) are used in schools in China?  2、Do you think textbooks will be replaced in future by other teaching media such as small notebook computers?  Education  1、Is education important? (Why?)  2、How do people in China consider teaching, as a profession?  3、Who should decide what is taught in schools & universities - the students, the teachers or the government?  The Importance of Reading  1、Why do children like adults reading stories to them?  2、What are some of the main differences between books and films?.  3、What can a person learn from reading books from overseas?  4、Do you think it's a good idea to learn a foreign language by reading materials such as novels in that language?


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