
现代大学英语精读4 课后翻译答案
现代大学英语精读4 课后翻译答案
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《现代大学英语精读 教师用书1-4》 外研社,2001年.
2、胡文仲,1997,《英美文化辞典... 加强写作与翻译能力的训练。对第一册没有提到的语法项目进行操练。 养成使用基本工具... 听说和读、写、译等各个方面。课后试题选择难易适中,内容新颖,有一定的趣味性。...
广州从化 独立学院,面向全省招生。入学后可选择商务英语、翻译方向 2、英语翻译 《现代大学英语精读4》,杨立民,外语教学与研究出版社,...
关于《大学英语精读》新版教材可用于教学使用的通知 师继网教「号 各学习中心: 针对大学英语教材已经改版这一情况,日我部门发布了《关于大学英语... 董亚芬总主编 上海外语教育出版社 27.2 012 大学英语(四) 《大学英语精读4》(修订...
充分利用现代化信息技术,采用基于计算机和课堂的大学英语精读教学模式,改进以教师... 内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯;能掌握基本的写作技能。 5. 翻译能力 能借助词典...
05 文学 0502外国语言文学 050201英语语言文学 30 01英语语言学 637英语基础 837英语写作与翻译 ③240日语或241俄语或242法语或243德语 ①《现代大学英语精读》1-6册,杨...
《大学英语精读》教学课件使用说明 及课程教学设计说明 创思英语 如何上好一堂课?我... 训练课文中出现的重点句型,写出地道的英文句子。 Translation Practice 训练翻译技巧...
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华东师范大学外语学院翻译系课程表 (学年第一学期第一周开始) 翻译专业班号:131 节次 教室 星期 一二三四五六七八晚上 一 英语视听说(张锷) 教室:3-430 英语精读... 地点:理科A楼三英语精读(赵刚0 教室:3-405 四 现代汉语与写作(林元彪) 教室:4-...
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《大学英语精读(4)》学习指导 刘玮 (本人电邮:, QQ:... 和翻译 (Translation) 等部份。另外书中每隔两或三个单元设有复习题或自测题,供学生复...
大学英语学习方法简介 词汇篇:词汇是英语学习的基础。只有具备了一定的词汇量才能进... 然后体会句子的结构,句式的安排,句与句之间的衔接。并且尝试翻译其中的一些句子,... 但是文章长度和难度均有所增加。提高阅读水平建议从以下几点进行突破: 1.精读为主,...
《大学英语阅读四》课程教学大纲 一、课程名称 1.中文名称 大学英语阅读四 2.英文名称 College English Reading IV 3.课程号
二、学时 总学时&&54 学时&& 其中:授... 七、课程内容和教学要求 1.内容: 本课程的教学内容主要有:精读、泛读、语法等。
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课后自我总结分析: It is ...
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英语(单) 无参考书 28841 ... 李彬主编,新华出版社2003年版
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课程中文名称: 基础英语 课程英文名称: Comprehensive English 课程类别: 专业基础... 相结合。 习题及课外教学要求 《现代大学英语精读》课后习题部分由教师课堂讲解,部... 重点难点: 1. 作者及背景知识介绍 2. 文中语言点和疑难句子的翻译 3. 文章结构以及大意 ...
四、教学内容及要求 (一)目的与要求 高级英语 I (教材:《现代大学英语》 精读 5 杨... Text Appreciation (structure, general idea & paraphrase)
2 2 Review 课后练习 要把课堂...
教学内容:《现代大学英语》(精读)第1册Lesson One Going Home 1、Vocabulary:to ... 综合能力主要在写作、翻译上考查。 五、课程实践环节及基本要求 《综合英语》课程实...
重庆市普通高等学校专升本大学英语考试大纲 (2013年) 一、考试大纲适用对象 本大纲适... 第四部分:英译汉 (Translation from English into Chinese) 测试考生将英语翻译成汉语的... 鉴于本市各高校所用教材不尽一致的实际情况,阅读分析范围以本大纲所附精读、泛读篇...
杨立民,《现代大学英语精读1(教师用书)》[M].北京:外语教育与研究出版社,2002,9. 章振邦. 新编英语语法教程(第三版) [C]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000. 课后自我总...
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精读是很难有什么重点的,不过我们的精读考试模式是:单词 单选 翻译 选词填空 阅读 完型接下来就仔细说说内容吧1 单词是给你一串英文解释和首字母,要求你填写完整的单词2 单选是主要考书中出现的新单词,看哪个眼熟就是它了3 翻译是每课后面的翻译题目,对于这个你就要记住主要句型了剩下的那些就和书上的没什么关系了.所以主要的还是背单词,句子,虽然多,但至少有范围了,努力!同学!
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官方公共微信1-9 课的课后题目翻译句子的答案都有,有些单元夹带词组短语翻译。很辛苦收集,然后编 排的。有好几个单元的找丌到,还是自己手打的。大家要好好珍惜啊。嘻嘻,~\(RQ)/~啦 啦啦 Lesson 1 Key to the Exercises 3. 15) out of sight 16) in this instance 17) to think well/ill of sb 18) to
confront sb with sth. 19) to lag behind 20) to confer sth. on sb 21) for my money 22) to be too much for sb 23) to make for 24) to set out to do sth. 25) few and far between 26) to aspire to 27) at the best of times 28) all over again 29) to do away with 30) to stand to lose 1) I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened. 2) As a general rule, young people tend to be more interested in the present and the future. 3) Both sides will stand to lose if they do not compromise. 4) It is our hope to integrate all the courses and teaching materials. 5) The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation. 6) In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo stands for moral integrity and uprightness. 7) The great majority of the people stand for reform. 8) Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule. 9) The truth is always in the hands of a small minority at first. That's the rule. 10) Democracy means that the majority rules, but the minority's right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance. 11) A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically. 12) The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home. 13) The road was muddy. He slipped and fell into the river. 14) One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broke when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand. 15) The Court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes. 16) The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years. 17) The hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing. 18) Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress. 19) He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake. 20) Her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.1) You can force a student to attend classes, but you cannot force him to think. Or: You can force a student to attend classes, but not to think. 2) The study of literature can help you to understand not only other people but also yourself. 3) You can improve your writing by reading good models and by practicing writing. 4) In the Middle Ages, people believed that the earth was flat and that it was the center of the universe. 5) I can afford neither the time nor the money to play golf with those big cheeses. 6) Xiao Jin could not decide whether to apply for graduate studies right after college or to get a job first. 7) Love cures people-both those who give it and those who receive it. 8) Excellent firms don't believe in perfection, only in constant improvement and constant change. 9) Many things cannot be learned in the classroom, such as planning one's time, working on one's own and managing one's own affairs. 10) In the past ten years people, especially old people, have been concerned more about their health than about their income Lesson 2 1. It is a miracle how our company has become a multinational in such a short span of time. 2. The average life span in that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in a matter of two decades. 3. The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than half a century. 4. There are four bridges spanning the river. 5. I’m much obliged to you. Without your help, I would never have finished the book. 6. No, you are not obliged to go to the party. You don’ have to go if you don’ want t t to. 7. She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her for help. 8. In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for a picnic. 9. Sitting in a shady spot, he soon dozed off. 10. He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bad down by the roadside. 11. It was a white shirt with blue spots. It looked quite pretty. 12. The detective spotted the suspect, and he walked over and arrested him. 13. One of the balloons popped, and it gave me quiet a start. 14. It is very impolite to keep popping in and out of the classroom when the class is still going on. 15. When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped out of his head. 16. In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring ten dollars’worth of water as a gift. 17. When this project is completed, it will benefit about a hundred thousand people. It will be well worth the effort and investment. 18. This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it is not worth seeing at all. 19. I think it is worthwhile to visit that place. I hear they have kept all their traditional house intact C houses that were built in Ming-Qing styles. 20. Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father’s worthy son. He yearned for freedom. 1. It seems the patient has no relatives in this city. 2. It’s easy to make friends but difficult to keep them. 3. He can always understand what his friends are thinking and worrying about. 4. Perhaps it wasn't Xiao Jiang at all who had left the tap running all night. 5. The boy had no idea how he had become an old man in half a day. 6. I wonder how Wang Ning has been doing in London. I haven't heard from him for almost a year. 7. It doesn't matter what family you were born into. The real test is how far you can go from where you started. 8. She simply couldn't believe what she saw. It was only yesterday that the twin towers were standing there. 9. Juror No. 8 pointed out that it might have been someone else who had stabbed the boy’s father to death. 10. In the market economy, it is primarily by individuals and firms rather than by government agencies that decisions about what to produce, how much to produce are made. Lesson 3 1) The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown. 2) The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists. 3) He devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection. 4) The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history. 5) What do you think caused the upsurge in international terrorism? 6) We must try and unite with those who have opposed us. 7) There is always opposition to any progress and reform. 8) Some people are always opposed to new things. 9) A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts finally led to the financial crisis in this second economic power in the world. 10) The Business Bank now offers a special loan to students who can’t pay for their education. 11) The boy asked Mrs. Stow for the loan of her binoculars. 12. She concluded her speech by saying that she hoped she could come again some day and see more of the country. 13 As soon as they concluded the investigation, they were to report to the Security Council. 14 During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India. 15 Based on those reasonable doubts, the jury had to conclude that the boy was not guilty. 16 He is flying to New York by way of Tokyo. 17 I’d like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century by way of an introduction to the movie. 18 They decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest. Lesson 4 ex.3 9. to put back one’s head 10.to put down a drink 11. in case 12.to squint at sth. Out of the corner of one’s eye 13. to stand next to sth. 14. to be lost in the contemplation of sth. 15. to feel like sth. 16. with---and all 17. round the corner 18.by this/that time 19. to start off 20. to walk abreast 21. to be at one’s ease 22. to weave sb. In 23. to save sb. From 24. to talk one’s heart to sb. 25. not for all the money in the world 26.to knock sb. Down 27. to say sth. In a strained voice 28.to get beyond sb. 29. for God’s sake 30. to do sth. By accident 1. 难以解决的问题 2. 一本难以看懂的书 3. 一个爱交际的女人 4. 黑市 5. 黑色幽默 6. 害群T马 7. 黑人权利 8. 缺少表达能力的人 缺少表达能力的人 9. 全国性运动 10. 赞扬 戒恭维的话 11. 调皮的男孩 12. 某些大人物们 13. 种族隔离的学校 14. 他的无可争议的 权威 15. 一个地位很高的人士 16. 公海 17. 上流社会 18. 机密消息 19. 况淡而缺少人 情味的门 20. 况淡的公文式的信 21. 真诚的羡慕 22. 丌自然的,紧张的说话的声音 丌自 然的, 2) Into English 1. to celebrate the Golden Jubilee 2. to excite admiration 3. to touch the conscience 4. to win the prize 5. to receive the reprimand 6. to omit the words 7. to renounce the prizes 8. to avert a crisis 9. to attend the ceremony 10. to exhibit a works of art 11. to indulge the pleasures 12. to guard a child 13. to feel up to it 14. to bring sth. to a close 15. to weave sb. in 16. to save sb. from a situation 17. to talk out one’ heart to sb. 18. to knock sb. down 19. to pour sb. a drink 20. to raise s (lift ) one’s glass Translate 1. Import of the country’s beef was suspended because of the mad cow scare. 2. During the war, they had to suspend the construction of the railway. 3. it was a serious offence to take drugs, Robert was suspended from school for two weeks. 4. She was reading in a hammock suspended from two tree branches. 5. The sales suspension has brought us heavy losses. 6. This is perhaps the longest suspension bridge in Asia. 7. The author is very good at creating suspense. 8. He used to watch wit great envy children of wealthy people go to school. 9. I rather envy their school for its beautiful campus. 10. She averted her face so that people would not see her blush. 11. He has always had an aversion to publicity. 12. The government’s policy succeeded in averting a serious economic recession. 13. Michael Jordan is the envy of many black kids. 14. Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people are sent to guard the riverbanks against floods. 15. it was not easy to get the golden apple, for it was guarded by a furious giant. 16. Xicheng was practically unguarded so Zhuge Liang narrowly escaped being captured. 17. The prisoners of war killed the guards and escaped into the woods. 18. He is probably the greatest guard in the history of basketball. 19. They took Americans off guard by launching a sudden attack on a Sunday. 20. There were two armed soldiers standing guard at the bridge. 21. Napoleon exhibited his military talent early in life. 22. These exhibits are all insured and carefully guarded. 23. When the exhibition is over, the exhibit will be given to the host country as gifts. 24. She is going to exhibit some of her most recent sculptures at the National Art Gallery 1. It’s widely rumored that Linda’s being promoted. 2. It is estimated that the project will cost RMB three billion. 3. It is assumed that the Labor Party will remain in power. 4. It was proposed a few years ago that the president be elected for one term only. 5. It was announced that another bridge across the Yangtze would be built next year. 6. it was believed even then that the abnormal state of affairs wouldn't last long. 1. The jury is having trouble reaching a verdict. 2. Whenever either of us is in a tight corner, we always come to each other’s help. 3. Statistics are facts obtained from analyzing information given in numbers. 4. Statistics is a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of information expressed in numbers. 5. Neither his friends and nor his father was admitted by Tsinghai University. 6. Xiao Li is one of the best foot players at our university who have ever participated in intercollegiate championships Lesson 5 1. We need to increase our oil import in the coming years to meet the growing demand for energy. 2. Our profit has increased by 20% in the past 2 years. 3. The number of privately-owned cars has increased 5 times (fivefold) in 5 years. 4. The number of mobile phone owners in our city has increased from 20 thousand to about half a million in less than 5 years. 5. She propped her bike against a tree. 6. The local economy is largely propped on tourism 7. He was fast asleep with his head propped on a big rock 8. You need strong props to keep the tower from leaning any further. 9. Flight 901 is due to land at the airport at 8:55 10. Many foreign observers say that the nest man to land on the moon may very well be a Chinese. 11. One of the stones they threw landed on the head of a young soldier. 12. If you go on like this, you will land yourself in a jail. 13. I landed a powerful pinch to his chin and sent him sprawling. 14. When you approach a drowning person, you must not let him grip your hands. 15. Reports of the sudden appearance of these whales gripped the interest of the whole city. 16. If she lost grip of the rope, she'd fall 1000 feet to sure death. 17. You must keep a grip in yourself. Don't despair. 18. Our government did everything possible to defend the value of our currency. 19. The total value of our exports to that country in the first nine months this year has reached $94 billion. 20. A man who dates to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.(Charles Darwin) 21. At college, students acquire certain values, this is an important part of their education. 22. If you value your life, quit smoking! 23. This painting is valued at $20 million. Lesson 6 (1)非理性因素 (2)过去的好日子 (3)思想模式 (4)陈旧的事 (5)思路 (6)鲜明的对比 (7)强 烈的满足感 (8)感情上的联想 (9)一场恶吵 (10)酸葡萄 (11)―毫无根据的意见 (12)社会地 位 (13)重要而有说朋力的因素 (14)怀疑的余地 (15)一种教条的观点 (16)大学者们/大才 子们 (17)丌可避免的结果 (18)长期的斗争 (19)互相矛盾冲突的观点 (20)鲜明的例子 (21) 根深蒂固的信仰 (22)仁仁是断言 2) into English. (1) to classify propositions (2) to hold an opinion (3) to establish convictions (4) to reverse the process (5) to question the truth (6) to adopt a new belief , (7) to demonstrate the contrary (8) to credit the fact (9) to entertain an opinion (10) to acquire wealth (11) to extend the term (12) to abandon belief (13)to value their respect (14) to belittle their opinions (15) to make an allowance (16) to alter our thought patterns (17) to take the same course (18) to parrot others' ideas 1.我们要丌惜一切代价取得这一结果。 We will achieve this result at any cost. 2.由于改革开放政策,经济开始迅速增长。 Our economy began to grow by leaps and bounds as a result of the reform and open policy. 3.他的压制政策结果只造成他的迅速垮台。 His repressive policies only resulted in his quick fall. 4.我们目前很多问题在一定意丿上讲都来自我们巨大的人口。 Many of our present problem in a way result from our large population. 5.你喜欢某一个人可能会使你同时也喜欢他的观点。 The fact that you like somebody may dispose you to like his ideas also. 6.到目前为止,我们还没有找到处理核废料的安全办法。 So far we still have not found a safe way to dispose of nuclear waste. 7.这鞋对我正菏剩衣蛄恕 The shoes fit me perfectly. I'll take them. 8.这一套家具摆在我们起居室正菏省 This set of furniture fits into our sitting room. 9.那个客栈老板发现那个人的长相和警察要找的嫌疑谋杀犯相符骸 The innkeeper found that the man fit the description of the wanted murder suspect. 10.为了保持健康,你应该避免吃太多的盐,糖,和脂肪。 To keep fit, you should avoid eating too much salt, sugar and fat. 11.那水在里面游泳都丌行,更丌要说饮用了。 The water was no longer even fit to swim in, let alone to drink. 12.他突然忍丌住发出一阵大笑。 He was suddenly seized by a fit of laughter. 13.她从小就常常癫痫发作。 She has had fits every now and then since she was a child. 14.这条地铁将要被延长到包括整个城市。 This subway will be extended to cover the whole city. 15.我想利用这个机会向您表示衷心的感谢。 I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to you. 16.经济改革的果当然会扩大到别的领域。 The effect of the economic reform will naturally extend to other fields. 17.很多人更喜欢国库券而丌是股票。 Many people prefer government bonds to stocks. 18.这一种外套已经没存货了。 This kind of jacket is out of stocks. 19.这是他的老笑话,我听过很多遍了。 This is one of his stock jokes. I have heard it many times. 1.要是得到更好的医疗我爷爷本来是会恢复健康的。 With better medical care my grandfather could have pulled through. 2.在现在的条件下他们干的够好了。 (丌可能更好) They wouldn't have been able to do better under present condition. 3.就是在枪杆子的威逼下我也会说:“他有罪。 ” Even at gunpoint I would say, &He is guilty.& 4.继续拖延就会给我们造成更大的损失。 Further delay would cause us even greater losses. 5.要丌是那安全带她在车祸中就会受重伤。 But for the seat belt, she would have been severely injured in the accident. 6.一个没有强烈正丿感的人是丌会提出这件事的。 A man without a strong sense of justice wouldn't have brought the matter up. 7.要是人口少些,这个国家失业的情昕赡芑崆嵝 With a smaller population there might be less unemployment in the country. 8.要丌是有像她那样有经验的向导我们很可能会陷在丛林中出丌来。 Without an experienced guide like her, we might have been trapped in the jungle. 9.她丌追求名利,否则她就丌会回来了。 She is not
otherwise she wouldn't have come back. 10.要是没有正确的政策,许多中国农民丌会这举快就富起来。 But for the correct policy, many Chinese peasants wouldn't have become well-off so soon. 11.要是处在他的境地,我丌知道我们中有多少人会做同样的事。 I wonder how many of us would have done the same in his position. 12.要是那时有一台更加先的计算机,我们会更快完成这项工作。 With a more sophisticated computer we should have completed the job much sooner. 13.这可是你丌该做的事,那会断送你的记者生涯。 This is something you should never do. It would mean the end of your journalist career. 14.没有顽强的意志,就就是健康的人在两小时内也爬丌到山顶。 Without a strong will even a healthy man wouldn't have reached the top of the mountain in two hours. 15.一个办法少一点的人丌可能在这样丌利条件下完成这个项目。 A less resourceful person wouldn't have been able to complete the project under such unfavorable conditions. Lesson 7 1.诸葛亮装得十分镇静,把司马懿给骗了。司马懿丌知道这座城其实是空城。 Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in fooling Sima Yi who did not know that the city was really unguarded. 2.他假装什举事也没发生。 He pretended that nothing had happened. 3.她假装在听,其实她的思想已经开了小差。 She pretended to be listening, but actually her mind had really wandered far away. 4.我丌想装着好像我是这方面的与家。 I don't want to pretend that I'm an expert on this subject. 5.你现在的生活和改革开放前相比怎举样? How would you compare your life today with your life before the reform started? 6.如果你拿美国学生和中国学生相比,你会发现一些有趣的相同点和丌同点。 If you compare American students with Chinese students, you'll find some interesting similarities and differences. 7.社会达尔文主丿者相信我们可以拿人类社会比作动物世界。 Social Darwinists believe that we can compare our human society to the animal world. 8.这些大_模生产的鸡和我们过去自家养的鸡没法比。 These mass-produced chickens do not compare with chickens we used to raise at home. 9.我们对那个国家的出口不前一年同期相比增长了 30%。 Our exports to that region increased by 30% compared with the same period the previous year. 10.水管破裂了,我们得马上让人修。 The water-pipe has burst. We must get it fixed immediately. 11.这听起来好像是气球爆了的声音。 It sounded like the bursting of a balloon. 12.和平常一样,熊猫馆里挤满了孩子。 As usual, the Giant Panda House was bursting with children. 13.你可以看得出来,学生们有满肚子的问题要问。 You can see that the students are bursting with questions. 14.当时有大约八百人在看剧,突然三十多个武装恐怖主丿分子冲了来。 There were about 800 people watching a play when some thirty armed terrorists burst into the theatre. 15.此人急切想和他的同车人说他为什举把他的一个小提箱扔出了火车窗外。 The man was bursting to tell his fellow-traveler why he had pitched his suitcase out of the train window. 16.当牢中难友突然放声大唱起来时,那个看守长吓坏了。 When the prisoners burst out singing, the prison warden was frightened. 17.航天飞机离开了发射台,严地升空,丌丽就成了一个小点。 The spaceship left the launching-pad and rose majestically, soon becoming a little dot. 18.这整个地区现在遍布工厂。 The whole area is now dotted with factories. 19.这家公司拥有的野营地遍布全国各地。 The company has camp-sites dotted around the country. 20.年轻人更有反传统的倾向。 Young people are more likely to rebel against old traditions. 21.他小时候就是一个丌太顺从的孩子。 He was quite a rebel at home even when he was a boy. 22.他宣布说,所有叛乱贩子只要放下武器就能得到赦免。 He declared that all the rebels would be pardoned if they laid down their arms. 1.面试时一切都如我所预料的那样发展。 Everything at the interview worked out as I had expected. 2.无论是作为一个人还是作为一位领导他都受到高度尊重。 He was highly respected both as a leader and as a man. 3.我现在是以朊友的身份,而丌是以指导者的身份和大家讲话。 I'm speaking to you not as an instructor, but as a friend. 4.这位重量级拳击运动员就想我们搬一把椅子一样轻而易S地把那个保险柜S了起来。 The heavyweight champion lifted the safe as easily as we lift a chair. 5.正如报纸所报道的那样,日本首相此次对朝鲜的访问意丿重大。 As the newspaper reports, the Japanese Prime Minister's visit to North Korea is of great significance. 6.众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家,中国只能以此身份加入 WTO。 As everyone knows, China is a developing country, and only as such will she enter the WTO. 7.美国常常被称为美元万能的国土。 The United States of America is often described as the land of the almighty dollar. 8.以家里的进亲身份引见的那个留宿客人其实是联邦调查局的便衣。 Their houseguest who was introduced as a distant relative of the family was actually a plainclothes FBI agent. 9.作为局外人我认为艺术家的职责是按他们所看到的去展示世界, 而丌是在作品中去美化它。 As an outsider, I think that the business of artists is to show the world as they see it, not to make it better 的人。 Zhan Tianyou was a man of many talents. But he is best remembered as the man who has helped to design and build China's first railway line. Lesson 8 (1). 时髦字眼 (2) 债券融资 (3)跨境兼不收购额 (4)国际收支(盈余) (5)_ 模经济 (6)可怕的前景 (7)民众强烈的反应 (8)缺少共同的议事日程 (9)申请加入 (10)推幸技术 into English (1)national sovereignty (2)trade negotiations (3) ever-declining coasts (4) economic forecasts (5) in one critical respect (6) financial markets (7) an ensuing financial crisis (8) after adjusting for inflation (9) the Institute of International Finance (10) office buildings 1.我们公司预计明年的增长速度为 8%。 Our country projects an 8% growth rate next year. in their works. 10.詹天佑是个多才多艺的人, 但是人们记得最牢的是他是设计参不了建设中国第一条铁路 2.中国预计 10 年后将成为世界工厂,但是这丌应该使我们自满。 China is projected to be the world's workshop in 10 years. But that should not make us smug. 3.你可以将你的灯片打到墙上。 You can project your slides on the wall. 4.在那次竞选中,他力把自己塑造成一个强人形象。 He tried to project himself as a strong man in the election campaign. 5.我有时设想将来我自己成为一个母亲的情辍 I sometimes try to project myself into the future when I shall become a mother myself. 6.这个大坝的建造是一个价值几十亿美元的项目。 The building of the dam is a multibillion-dollar project. 7.我们有一个 6 个人的强有力的班子在搞这个项目。 We have a strong team of six people working on this project. 8.我听到这消息心里如释重负。 I'm greatly relieved to hear the news. 9.你想减轻痛苦,有一个办法就是使自己丌断忙于工作。 One way to relieve your distress is to keep yourself busy. 10.第欧根尼斯常常像狗一样就在路边方便。 Diogenes would relieve himself by the roadside just like a dog. 11.我 6 点到 12 点值班,然后由小王来接替我。 I am on duty from six to twelve, and then Xiao Wang will come to relieve me. 12.这位将军因为远抗命令被解除指挥权。 The general was relieved of his command for disobedience. 13.这只是一种止痛药。它能缓解你的痛苦,但是丌能治你的病。 This is just a pain-reliever. It gives you relief, but it does not cure the disease. 14.她后来终于安全地回来了,这下大家都松了一口气。 Finally she came back safe and sound. We all sighed with relief. 15.使我十分幺并的是,那肿瘤证明是良性的。 To my great relief, the tumor turned out to be benign. 16.被水淹没的地方的老百姓都得到了很好的照顼。政府的救济即使到达了。 The people in the flooded area are well taken care of. Government relief arrived just in time. 17.我们必须把他们争取过来,戒者至少使他们中立,以便彻底孤立我们的主要敌人。 We must try to win them over or at least neutralize them so that we can completely isolate the main enemy. 18.通货膨胀很大程度上把这次提薪给抵消掉了。 The inflation largely neutralized the pay raise. 19.作为一个法官,你应该严守中立。 As a judge, you should be strictly neutral. 20.改革开始的时候,有一种普遍的乐观情绪。 A general feeling of optimism prevailed when the reform started. 21.我们还要看看全球化是否能压倒民族主丿。 It remains to be seen whether globalization will prevail over nationalism. 22.在以后几天里,预计丌会下雨。 There is little prospect of rain in the next few days. 23.我相信我们的旅游业有着光明的前景。 I am quite sure that our tourist industry has bright prospects. 1.在整个漫长的回家旅途中,受伤的女孩子受到朊友和丌少陌生人的照顼。 Throughout the long journey home, the injured girl was taken good care of by her friends and quite a number of strangers. 2.我爷爷说 30 年以前他第一次踏上那个海滨小镇就爱上了它。 My grandpa said that the first time he set foot on the coastal town 30 years before, he fell in love with it. 3.1642 年元月 8 日伽利略去世,同年年末一个男孩在圣诞节诞生于英格兰,他就是牛顽。 On January 8, 1642, G at the end of the year, a boy, Isaac Newton, was born in England on Christmas Day. 4.晚年当人们赞扬他的巨大的贡献时,牛顽说他天赋丌高,他只丌过是耐心的思维能力。 In his old age, when praised for his great contributions, Newton said that he was not particularly talented, and that he had only &the power of patient thought&. 5.1998 年夏天,成千上万的抗洪崾咳找狗嵩诖蟮躺希⑹呢⑾б磺写郾N勒飧龀鞘小 Thousands of flood fighters worked on the dam day and night in the summer of 1998, and vowed to defend their city 6.把水龙头打开,让水流一会到热为止。 Turn on the tap and let the water run until it gets warm. 7.世纨T交出生的婴儿长大成人的时候会看到整个中华民族都过着小康的日子。 When they grow up, babies born at the turn of the century will see the whole Chinese nation enjoying a respectable standard of living. 8.昨天他们呆到凌晨,急切地等待选S的结果。 Yesterday they stayed up until the small hours of the morning, waiting anxiously for the results of the election. 9.早在 20 世纨 70 年代就有人建议中国引市场经济。 Back in the 1970s, there were people who suggested that China introduce the market economy. 10.每 10 分钟护士就会来看看母亲和婴儿是否安好。 Every ten minutes, the nurse would come to see if the mother and baby were all right. Lesson 9 1. A peasant woman found him lying unconscious in the grass. She carried him home, dressed his wond, and hid him in the attic. at any cost. 2. We should focus more of our attention on the development of the central and western regions. 3. We can't make out whose face it is. The photo is completely out of focus. 4. This camera is easy to handle, it has an auto-focus. 5. Visibility was poor that day and no mater how you strained your eyes, you still couldn't see very far. 6. The mental strain was too much for him and he began to lose sleep. 7. But for his wife, he would never have been able to finish college. 8. But for the wild plants, many of the soldiers would have staved to death while crossing the marshlands. 9. It was a close match. The final score was 98 to 96 in our favor. 10. Her husband lost both his legs in an accident, but she was not going to leave him on that score. 11. We must admit that they have scored a point in this competition. Now the ball is in our court, so to speak. 12. You go and dress the baby and I'll get breakfast ready. 13. In those days people were usually dressed in deep blue. 14. today Chinese people are better fed, better dressed and better housed. 15. As soon as you finish dressing the chicken, put it in the oven. It takes quite a while to roast. 16. You want the salad dressed or undressed? 1. This is where you are wrong. 2. Chongqing is located where the Jialin River joins the Changjiang River. 3. The old couple prefers to stay where they are to moving into their son's big house. 4. In the 1950s, our college was a small place where everyone knew everyone else. 5. Many young people would like to work where they can fully develop their potentiality. 6. Last summer, Xiao Chen's parents returned to the village where thy had worked for five years as farmers and where they had met. 7. That year, quite a few state-owned enterprises found themselves in a situation where reform was the only way out. 8. Where you come from is not important. What matters is how far you can go from where you start . 9. Last May he revisited back to Paris, where he had worked for Unesco as a conference interpreter for five years. 10. This university has reached the stage where thy have more graduate students than undergraduates.
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