为什么流感的英语是flu而不是popular cold flu?

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你可能喜欢为什么猪流感叫swine flu而不是pig flu?_百度知道
为什么猪流感叫swine flu而不是pig flu?
swine和pig都是指猪,为什么不用PIG这个更常用的词? mikelpc说这个问题就像问禽流感为什么叫禽流感一样,这不是一样的,不能类比的,你没明白为什么这个问题。不过还是谢谢你回答,尽管不是答案。
swine也是猪的意思... 你这个问题就像问禽流感为什么叫禽流感一样.
swine和pig还有hog,都是指猪,他们的区别:The words &swine,& &hogs,& and &pigs& refer to animals of the porcine family or pig family. The term swine can also refer to the pig family in a general way, and &pig& can be used in referencing young animals. &Hog& will generally refer to animals at or nearing market weight or finished for market.
swine is more formal than pig.
牛津高阶英语词典里的解释 (swine) [pl.] (old use or technical) pigs: a herd of swine ◆ swine fever (= a disease of pigs)swine用在old use(老式的用法)或technical(专用性术语)词例◆swine fever
When we last talked, you promised there would be less television and _______food. A. rubbish B. garbage C. junk D. spam2. There was a time when women ________ their waists to have a nice figure. A. bounded B. bonded C. binded D. bound3. When people move to a new country, they may experience _______________. A. culture shock B. cultural shock C. cultured shock D. civilized shock4. He was sure the doctor would give him ________ that would make him feel better. A. a shoot B. a shot C. an inject D. a reject5. The doctor told the patient, &____________ my advice and you'll feel better.& A. Hear B. Listen C. Follow D. Take at6. A healthy person can fight ________ the flu in three to five days, though a cough can last two more weeks. A. off B. away C. back D. with7. Looking well is important, but _________ when it comes at the risk of your health. A. not B. no C. not more D. not longer8. I know if I watch too much TV, I'll have heart trouble and high blood pressure. But I'd _______________ TV. A. die rather than giving up B. die instead of give up C. rather die than to give up D. rather die than give up9. School is important, but ____________ is your health. A. too B. as well C. also D. so10. If you get involved with some sort of physical exercise, you'll get _________. A. sick a lot less B. a lot of less sick C. less sick a lot D. a less lot sick11. She is not physically strong, and cold weather often _________ her. A. gets the best of B. gets the most of C. takes advantage of D. gets the upper hand of12. We are so concerned with the popular notion of appearance ________ the word &diet& has lost its original meaning. A. so B. what C. that D. which13. If you are a young lady in your twenties, you may want to be ________ a diet. A. on B. in C. for D. with14. The clinic of a small university usually __________ only small problems rather than major surgical operations A. addresses B. addresses at C. addresses to D. addresses at15. When moving to a new location, people may become very sad or ____________. A. depressed B. repressed C. oppressed D. pressed.16. The doctor does not have any __________ in the morning, but there is a cancellation at 3 pm. A. openings B. openness. C. opens D. openedness
junk food 习惯用语“垃圾食品”2、D
bound 是bind的过去式,意为“约束;绑;包扎;捆绑“该句意为:曾经一段时间,女人用束腰的方法来保持好的体形(就是人们常说的瘦腰)waists:腰
意为“束缚,限制;跳跃,弹起”bond:作名词,意为“债券”;作动词,意为“结合;约cdabcdcdbcbcccad以上答案仅供参考。 1.C (junk food = 垃圾食品)2.C (binded = 收紧)3.B (cultural 是形容词)4.C (inject= 打针)5. C (follow my advice= 跟我的指示。 单有listen不可以,是listen to 才可以)6. A (fight off flu= 赶走感冒)7.A
(除了这个其他都连不上)8. C (rather die than to give up=宁愿死也不要放弃)9. D (but so is.......是连起来一起用的,意思是:但同样的······)10. A (get sick a lot less=更少生病)11.C (就这个连得上,说的通)12. C (that 在这里是个转折的意思)13. A (on a diet 是连在一起用的)14. A (addresses 是独立用的)15. A (sad 和 depress 用同样的意思)
junk food 习惯用语“垃圾食品”2、D
bound 是bind的过去式,意为“约束;绑;包扎;捆绑“该句意为:曾经一段时间,女人用束腰的方法来保持好的体形(就是人们常说的瘦腰)waists:腰
culture shock 固定词组“文化冲击”例如:Most people feel culture shock when traveling to a foreign culture.去海外旅行时,许多人会感觉到不同文化的冲击。4、C
give...an inject意为“打针”
inject:动词,“注入;注射” 名词为injection
follow/take one’s advice 固定搭配,意为“按照某人的建议做”6、A
fight可与很多介词搭配,fight off意为“抵抗, 摆脱“,通常用于困难,疾病该句意为“一个健康的人三到五天就可摆脱流感(flue),但感冒至少要两周”例如:He fought off the cold by taking aspirin.
他服阿斯匹林来治疗感冒。fight with:与…并肩战斗;为反对…而战斗;与…打架例如:Try to stop the children from fighting with each other.
but not 但决不是,该句意为“外表身材很重要,但决不是以健康为代价“8、D
would rather...than....表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……宁可……”通常后跟不带to的动词原形,例如:I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. 我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影9、D
but so is的用法,通常用于转语气,可翻译为:但同样也...该句意为“学习很重要,但身体健康同样也很重要”如:GDP Is Important, but so Is the quality of people's life(国家的GDP固然重要,但人民的生活质量同样重要)来自英语时事报的句子as well也有“同样,也,一样”的意思,但不与but连用,并且but so is在语感上很顺10、A
a lot less 意为“少很多” 该句意为“如果你参加一些锻炼的话,你的病会少生很多”例如:if you really want to fly just eat a lot less!如果你真的想要飞吃少了很多!Claudia spent a lot less money on clothes than I did. 克洛迪娅买衣服花的钱要比我少得多11、D
get the upper hand of
占上风该句意为“她的身体很弱,抵御不了寒冷的天气“例如:I try to be cool and sensible, but sometimes my feelings get the upper hand of me. 我想冷静、有理智,但是有时候我爱感情用事。收藏指正 get the better/best of 打败;战胜take advantage of:利用...有利条件,使用get the most of:充分利用....12、C
on a diet 节食(固定词组)14
address:在这里的意思“对付,处理”例:address the problem of prollution 处理污染问题address其他含义,不止有“地址”含义:如:a、演说,致词address the crowd 向人群演讲b、称呼例:address sb. as Dr.称呼某人为博士c、向....致意例:address one's thanks to sb.向某人表示感谢15、A
depress 动词 使沮丧;压低;使萧条
depressed 过去分词 作adj(形容词)沮丧的;经济萧条的;
oppressed 意为 受压制的,受压迫的16、 A
开会,开幕(式)have a openging
1.Cjunk food 为垃圾食品,不是真正的垃圾,garbage等不能用2.Cbind和bound都有捆绑之意,但此题需要过去式。3.Bcultural shock 指文化冲突 4.Can injection 为注射的含义5.Cfollow有追随、按着。。。。去做的含义6.Bfight away 有打跑,赶走等含义7.Dno longer指时间上,不再.......的含义8.D.9.
1.C (junk food = 垃圾食品)2.C (binded = 收紧)3.B (cultural 是形容词)4.C (inject= 打针)5. C (follow my advice= 跟我的指示。 单有listen不可以,是listen to 才可以)6. A (fight off flu= 赶走感冒)7.A
(除了这个其他都连不上)8. C (rather die than to give up=宁愿死也不要放弃)9. D (but so is.......是连起来一起用的,意思是:但同样的······)10. A (get sick a lot less=更少生病)11.C (就这个连得上,说的通)12. C (that 在这里是个转折的意思)13. A (on a diet 是连在一起用的)14. A (addresses 是独立用的)15. A (sad 和 depress 用同样的意思)16. C (opens in the morning)
推荐答案对的但是15和16解释的不好15题有了个sad,所以后面选的应该是和sad同义的,所以用depressed表示沮丧的16题不是开会的意思 是空闲空缺机会的意思 上午没空缺,但是下午有人取消了(所以有空)推荐答案解释错了,如果是开会的意思的话,那上午没开会,干嘛还要提下午有人取消所以有空呢
1Cjunk food 垃圾食物;无营养的速食;华而不实的东西 算了,很多人在做,我就收工了。做小题去吧。这么多?要慢慢做了。
1.C junk food垃圾食品,固定搭配,其他的如garbage,rubbish多指生活垃圾
2.D bind 可以作为及物动词和不及物动词,作及物动词时过去式为bound,不及物动词时为binded
3.A culture shock为固定搭配意为文化冲击,这是一个两个名词组成的词组
4.B give sb a shot 固定搭配意为打一针
5.C follow one's advice/suggestion 听从某人的建议
6.D fight with 和……抵抗
7.A but not 的固定用法,而不是……
8.D would rather do than do
9.B as well 引导的倒装句
10.B a lot of可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词
11.A get the best of everything 养尊处优
12.C so that 固定搭配
13.A on a diet 遵守饮食特别规定的,固定搭配
14.A 作为及物动词,提出的意思
15.A 根据语义,depressed为沮丧的意思
1. When we last talked, you promised there would be less television and
juck food.
2. There was a time when women __binded_ their waists to have a nice figure.
3. When people move to a new country, they may experience __culture shock_.
4. He was sure the doctor would give him _an inject_ that would make him feel better.
5. The doctor told the patient, take at my advice and you'll feel better.&
6. A healthy person can fight _off
the flu in three to five days, though a cough can last two more weeks.
7. Looking well is important, but _not___ when it comes at the risk of your health.
8. I know if I watch too much TV, I'll have heart trouble and ...
出门在外也不愁小题1:A小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A小题5:C小题6:B小题7:D小题8:C小题9:B小题10:C不同于流行的思想,有时流感(流感)并不坏天气造成的。它是由病毒引起的(病毒)在体内。最近,甲型H1N1流感已经扩散在世界上大部分地区。文章中告诉我们怎样预防甲型H1N1流感。小题1:根据句意; 这里指最近,近来。故选A。小题2:句意:传播这种病毒的最平常的方式,故选B。小题3:根据A/H1N1首字母的发音故选C。小题4:这里指病毒会通过手传播。故选A。小题5:这里指当朋友来拜访你,主语是单数故用comes。小题6:句意:通过手拿一些吃的东西,故选B。小题7:句意:几天过后,他被感染了。故选D。小题8:这里是一定语从句,故用who。小题9:这里指代的是tissues, 故用B。小题10:固定短语,stop…from doing ,故选C。
People live in different houses. You may know a wooden house or a paper house. But do you know a(n) &&&1&&&house?In 2008, the first ice house in North America opens its &&&2&&&to welcome some visitors. The floors, windows and walls are all made of ice. It has ten bedrooms &&&3&&&twenty people can stay there each night. Visitors to the house &&&4&&&in ice beds, sit on ice chairs and eat from ice plates. Well, the toilets are not made of ice, of course. It’s usually below zero so it is very &&&5&&&inside the house. However, do the visitors just sit there to &&&6&&&warm? No, visitors have to &&&7&&&special clothes. These can make &&&8&&feel warm until morning.Workers &&&9&&&about four weeks designing the ice house. Visitors can only stay in this ice house in winter. It isn’t &&&10&&&in hot summer. Because this house is so special, it is becoming popular with young people.小题1:A.toyB.waterC.iceD.candle小题2:A.windowB.door C.shop
D.book小题3:A.butB.becauseC.ifD.and小题4:A.cookB.lieC.standD.change小题5:A.coldB.hotC.brightD.dark小题6:A.say B.shineC.keepD.call小题7:A.makeB.wear C.dressD.hope小题8:A.themB.youC.itD.us小题9:A.needB.costC.payD.spend小题10:A.earlyB.cleanC.closedD.open
Want a good night's sleep? Then turn off your computer, cell phone or PSP two hours before you go to bed.These things have bright lights. When our eyes see bright lights just before sleep, our sleep patterns (模式) change, a study has found.Our body clock starts shutting us down for bed at 9 or 10 pm. But bright lights make our minds think that it is still daytime. That wakes us up and leaves us sleepless, experts say. But if you read a paper book before sleeping, you won't have this problem. This is because light from a bedside lamp (台灯) does not go straight into our eyes. Also, if you are watching a television from across the bedroom, you won't have problems falling asleep. The TV sends light to us from a distance, so the light won't be as strong.小题1:The writer tells us to turn off the computer&&&&&&&&&before bed time.A.half an hourB.an hourC.two hoursD.three hours小题2:Which of the following may make us sleepless?A.Reading a newspaper.B.Talking on QQ.C.Reading a book.D.Watching TV.小题3:Why can't we sleep well if we use a computer before bed time?A.We think it is daytime if we leave computers on.B.We feel too excited to sleep after using computers.C.Lights from computers are brighter than other lights.D.Lights from computers can change our sleep patterns.
There was a lovely vegetable patch (菜园). A large tree grew there. Both the patch and the tree gave the place a wonderful look, and they were the pride of the gardener. But no one knew that the vegetables and the tree couldn’t stand (忍受) each other. The vegetables hated the tree’s shadow (阴影), because it left them only just enough light to live. The tree, on the other hand, hated the vegetables because they drank nearly all the water, leaving him just enough to live.The situation became so serious that the vegetables decided to use up all the water in the ground so that the tree would die. The tree answered back by not protecting the vegetables from the hot sun, so they began to dry up. Soon the vegetables were really weak, and the tree was drying up.The gardener wondered why and stopped watering them. When he did that, both the tree and the vegetables realized that it was better to help each other. They learned how to live in harmony with those around them. So they decided to work together, using both the shade and the water to grow well. After seeing how well they were doing, the gardener gave the best care to his vegetable patch, watering and fertilizing (施肥) it better than any other patch for miles around.小题1:Why didn’t the vegetables and the tree get on well with each other?A.Because the vegetables wanted more light.B.Because the tree drank almost all the water.C.Because the vegetables weren’t the pride of the gardener.D.Because the vegetables didn’t look as wonderful as the tree.小题2:From the passage we know &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.A.the vegetables were sorry to see the tree drying upB.the gardener was very angry with the vegetables and the treeC.the gardener didn’t know what was happening in the patch at firstD.the tree didn’t know how important the sun was to the vegetables小题3:The underlined phrase “in harmony” means “&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&” in Chinese.A.长久地B.小心地C.有效地D.和谐地小题4:Of the following, which order is right according to the story?① The gardener worked on the patch even harder than before.② The gardener stopped watering the vegetables and the tree. ③ The vegetables decided to use up all the water in the ground.④ The tree and the vegetables realized the importance of helping each other.A.③②④①B.④②③①C.②①④③D.①③④②小题5:The passage is mainly about &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.A.why the sunlight and water were very important B.how the gardener took care of his vegetable patch C.why the gardener was proud of his vegetable patchD.what happened between the vegetables and the tree
What does blood do for us? It brings food to all parts of our bodies and takes waste away from them. All parts of our bodies are made of cells. These cells are very small. They all need all the time. No one could make pictures of cells because no one could see them. What makes the blood move round the body? The heart is a pump. It pumps the blood and sends it round the body. The heart has rooms with doors between them. It pumps blood in and out through these doors by changing the size of the rooms so that the doors are opened and shut. The heart keeps a stream of blood going all around the body and back again to itself. The heart is a very important part of one's body. When it stops beating, one will die.小题1:Blood is important to our body because it can &&&&&&&&A.provide pictures of cellsB.bring food and wasteC.from a streamD.move around the heart小题2:What does the underline word "microscope" mean in Chinese?A.显微镜B.探测仪C.放大镜D.摄像机小题3:According to the passage, a pump is used to &&&&&&&&A.open or shut doorsB.send something upC.change the size of roomsD.make something in or out
Electric bicycles which run on battery-operated (电瓶) motors are winning over riders of ordinary bikes&& 41&their speed, quality and environmental advantage. They were first&& 42&on 1980s in China, but the selling was not very good. Today, thanks&43&&improvements on battery quality, the electric bikes sell well. There are now more than 100 electric bicycle producers in China and 26 million such bicycles were produced in 2011. Japan is another large& 44&&of such bicycles in the world with a total production reaching 381,721in 2010.&&45&China is one of the largest producers of electric bicycles in the world, the&& 46&&of its producers with mass production (大批量生产) is actually small.Electric bicycles are still&& 47&in China. Time is needed for people to become familiar with them and accept them. Each bike’s price of between 2,000 yuan (US $318) and 3,000 yuan (US $477) is still&&48&&for ordinary citizens (民众). Although such bikes are quick, safe and&49&to operate, their batteries still have shortcomings (不足). They weigh more than 10 their service life is&& 50&&two years and they&& 51&&400 yuan each.There were more than 450 million bikes in China in 2006. If just one percent of all these bikes are replaced by electric& 52&&, the market will be very large. And&& 53&&the battery is further improved and the price is&&& 54&&&, many of us will not be able to keep back from&&& 55&&the latest electric bikes小题1:A.because ofB.becauseC.towardsD.at小题2:A.buildB.builtC.buildingD.to build小题3:A.forB.inC.byD.to小题4:A.producerB.productionC.produceD.to produce小题5:A.ButB.IfC.AlthoughD.When小题6:A.buyerB.numberC.priceD.owner小题7:A.oldB.tallC.newD.short小题8:A.smallB.largeC.expensiveD.high小题9:A.easyB.difficultC.hardD.easily小题10:A.other thanB.more thanC.overD.less than小题11:A.spendB.costC.takeD.make小题12:A.carsB.bikeC.onesD.one小题13:A.whereB.unlessC.whetherD.if小题14:A.increasedB.raisedC.reducedD.lifted小题15:A.buyingB.broughtC.to buyD.buy
Some students cheat(作弊) because they’re busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without &&43&&the time studying. Other students might feel that they can’t pass the test without cheating. Even when there seems to be a “good reason” for cheating, it isn’t a good &&44&. A student who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test &&45&&to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so they can find some better ways together. Talking about these problems and &&46&&them out will help feel better than cheating. If a student gets &&47&&cheating, the teacher may give a “zero” on the test, send him or her to the head teacher’s office, and call his or her parents. Worse than the bad grade may be the feeling of having disappointed those people, &&48&&parents and teachers. A parent may worry that you are not an &&49&&person and a teacher might watch you more &&50&&the next time you’re taking a test. There are plenty of reasons why a kid shouldn’t cheat, but some students have already cheated. If that’s you, it’s &&51&&too late to stop cheating. Cheating can become a habit, but a student is always able to act better and make better &&52&. It might help to talk the problem over with a parent, teacher, or friend. &&小题1:A.takingB.spendingC.costingD.using小题2:A.ideaB.purposeC.customD.conclusion小题3:A.decidesB.hopesC.refusesD.needs小题4:A.breakingB.dreamingC.missingD.working小题5:A.caughtB.offeredC.appearedD.suggested小题6:A.andB.besidesC.likeD.among小题7:A.outsideB.advantageousC.interestingD.honest小题8:A.closelyB.bravelyC.certainlyD.hardly小题9:A.alwaysB.neverC.onceD.neither小题10:A.educationB.decisionsC.challengesD.risks
There are two websites I think you should know about. Do you find it difficult to say a word correctly? Do you want to hear the correct pronunciation(发音)? If so, what you’ve been looking for . This site is designed to pronounce words and phrases in precise(严谨的) manner. All you have to do is to go to the Pronunciation Help and type in a word. You can also practice your spoken English and improve your communication skill.Another useful site is . It has been specifically designed to help you with every step of writing. This site is a must-visit for all those who want to become a writer. It not only talks about different kinds of writing but also discusses a lot about grammar. I’m sure that this site will help you with your writing skills and different writing styles with its sound tips. So get connected and log in to play. Happy surfing!小题1:We can know from passage that
is _______.A.a website on the InternetB.an electronic dictionary that can pronounce wordsC.a website teaches you how to writeD.a part of the Pronunciation Help小题2:What is not offered on the website ?A.Sound tips on how to writeB.Guide to different stages(步骤) of writingC.Advice on grammar learning.D.The pronunciation of each word in your article.小题3:This passage is probably from ________.A.a magazine about computerB.a novelC.a newspaperD.a comic book
I’d like to tell you about my dream classroom in the future.My classroom will be very& 31&&,so we can do lots of activities in the classroom.In summer,it will be& 32&&and in winter it will be warm,so it will be& 33&&.There will be a beautiful garden in front of it.We can see many trees and& 34&in it.There will be a cable TV in our classroom and we can& 35&&it at noon.Everyone will have a& 36&&on the desk,so we can read information& 37&&the Internet.The lessons will be interesting.We& 38&&use pens or pencils.We will use computers to do our homework.The teachers won’t use& 39&&to write on the blackboard.They will& 40&&the lessons with the help of the computer.小题1:A.bigB.longC.smallD.short小题2:A.coldB.warmC.hot D.cool小题3:A.dullB.comfortableC.boring D.uncomfortable小题4:A.flowersB.booksC.chairsD.lights小题5:A.eatB.watchC.buy D.look at小题6:A.radioB.phoneC.clockD.computer小题7:A.inB.nearC.at D.on小题8:A.willB.canC.won’t D.aren’t小题9:A.pensB.chalkC.pencils D.paper小题10:A.giveB.studyC.have D.learn


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