what do you think about that thinkvantage是什么么意思

What do you think about raising pets at home?的海词问答与网友补充:
相关词典网站:think about是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
have on one's mind,
"I'm thinking about my friends abroad"
"She always thinks about her children first"
take into consideration,
"He entertained the notion of moving to South America"
think about的用法和样例:
The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house.
What do you think about that?
I'll have to think about it.
It's not just the food for the guests I have to think about there are all the etceteras as well.
I'll think about it while I have a chew.
May I think about it for a moment?
I will think about it.
I'd have to think about it.
think about的详细讲解:
think about
think over
:think of多用来指“想起,认为”。
Last night,before I went to bed,I thought of my parents.
What do you think of that book?
:think about多用来指“考虑某事情或对某事进行思考”。
Think about what you have done!
:think over意思是“仔细考虑,认真思考”。
Before you answer this question,please think it over.
think about的海词问答与网友补充:
think about的相关资料:
think about 在《外研社英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
思考, ... &&
和 ... 调情
漫不经心地摆弄, 轻率地...
相关词典网站:According to postmodern theory, language is not reliable. What do you think about that, do you agree or disagree, why? | LinkedInWe are all mortal. We all grow old. What do you think about that? | A conversation
Canton, GA
United States
This conversation is closed.
We are all mortal. We all grow old. What do you think about that?
If you are old you probable have a lot to say about living and can summarize many things you've learned in life.
If you're young, you probably have many questions you'd like to ask someone about what it's like to grow old.
If you could only ask one question, or give only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Closing Statement from John Moonstroller
Once I was strong and boastful. The oceans were mountains were a hill I had to cross to get to where I was going. I've flown like a bird, swam like a fish and danced with death many times. Now I'm weak and frail and await my end. "It's not fair", I thought to learn so much, to understand so many things and loose it all in the end.
Where is the justice in that? There has to be something I missed.
This is a video that Juliette Zahn posted on my TED question. The person in this video, Nick Vajikic sums up how we should all feel about life.
"It's a lie to think that your not good enough.",
"It's a lie to think that your not worth anything".
After watching this video The feelings of weakness left. Now I feel I have much to do and "...miles to go before I sleep."
Considering how inhuman some people can be, growing old is the only way to insure that tyranny, injustice, and evil does not, forever, inhabit this world.
We should embrace growing old and give it the respect it deserves. Growing old and dying is a process that insures that life itself will never end.


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