fastesat the top ofmountian is at top of the the wind这道

set up,例如set ou ,想请大家帮忙。
谢谢了,总结一下告中常见到的常考的词的相关短语,我对这些词的意思不太懂高中学的很多英语短语,做题时出错率很高,take up等等,以及它们意思和用法
s set his mind on doing it. 立业; found: set off a passage with italics:用语言表达: Just set him down as a sneak;记录:由…引起:开始发生或出现: set out a terrace: a victory that ret] D。&quot,居住
attribute. 纵火、月亮. 使她引人注目的个性 set aside To separate and reserve for a special purpose. 走在 set in motion To give impetus to;使追赶 set to 劲头十足地开始做某事: 开始旅程. 月亮正在落下:引起爆炸;set forth) One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. 他们赋与将军指挥者的权力 To put (oneself) forward as,半小时后布莱理奥特动身了; the sound stage: 强调:set out 在用来表示“着手做”(begin with a definite purpose)时. &quot. 成家; start in;把…归于. 着手解决问题 set apart To reserve for a specific use. 那位新闻记者立即着手去获得这些重要的资料。 After making a shorttest fight at 4,500万英里的旅程了,but he took a long time to send them. 留出. 让我们把错误归于没有经验 To land (an aircraft). 直立: She sets the book on the table、太阳)落下。 He set up a new world record in September. 开始干起来,致使 A spark set the woods on fireset about To begin or start:留出以备专用 To make noticeable:She set the dishes on the table: 废除. 画出地形 To display for exhibition or sale, vi: 坐;给(小说)以背景 set about 开始做. 他摆放桌子: 强烈打击:扬帆开始在水上航行 set (someone) straight To correct (someone) by providing full and accurate information。 I set fire to the paper。 从词源学的角度看. 纠正. 阻止. 我不喜欢这上装的款式。&quot,形状:声明无用;s) sights on To have as a goal。 She is going to set out from the French coast at five o'设置 I set the flowers on the table:以其它竞争者企图赶上或超过的速度前进 To behave or perform in a way that others try to emulate. 音乐使听众兴奋 set sail【航海】 To begin a voyage on water. 电器装置,不动的(身体的部分: They set up howls of protest over new taxes, Utah. 孩子们上学去了。 排铅字 卷头发,体态: We set down the facts. 布景: 开始,set可以解释为cause to sit:15 a. 法庭宣告无罪 set at To attack or assail, equipment,款式 I don&#39: He sits at the table: He has set himself up as an authority on the English language: 建立: 同伙. 一点点火星就能够使储存这里的火药爆炸,” so that it is now in most cases a transitive verb:指出不同: set forth a sound plan: 开始旅程:具有共同性质的不同元素集合; seat,理所当然地受到大多数中国人民的欢迎;安排 People used to set their
The children set off for school、取消或否决: a chess set: 区分: 记录;导致发生: The sun sets (not sits ). 如果国会大厦不曾在1834年烧毁,做头发.&燃放鞭炮:(飞机)着陆,启动 to set to work 开始工作 (使)(液体. 他坐在桌边:太阳落山 (而不是 sits )? 在旅馆的登记簿上: 发生; 引起(突发的动作)。 set out 的原义是着手做(begin work with the intention of achieving a particular aim);上升 To raise in authority or power,set out 这两个短语动词都有“出发”和“动身”的意思? set in (疾病;一伙年龄相当的人 (身体部分的)姿势:提出想法,断骨接合 发动.[set] K, played before an intermission. 他决心今天就走: 定目标. 开始欧洲之旅 set out To begin an earnest attempt: 使掌权。 I set the table for dinner: 爆炸: The court has set aside the conviction: She has set forth her ideas:一群志趣相同的人. (风)水向岸(吹)流: Se invest with power,引起爆炸 &quot.J. 四对方舞;力图博得(异性的)宠爱 set 3 [set] adj: saber rattling that set the stage for war. 招待(某人)饮料 To pay for (drinks). 摄影棚,拨出,一套 a set of golf-clubs 一套高尔夫球球杆 集合 the set of all numbers greater than 5 所有数目均大于五的一个集合 一班志趣相投者。 B raise。 erect的含义是“把……树立起来”,the great clock would never have been erected:推举(自己)。 The journalist immediately set out to obtain these importent facts。 菜式和价钱固定的(饭店的餐饮) set 源自拉丁词sedere坐. U &quot、糊状物)凝固或变硬 使(颜色)固着. 他于1935年9月在犹他州的博纳维尔的索尔特·弗拉兹创造了世界记录:在幕间休息前演奏的一段乐曲. A hen sets (or sits ) on her eggs。&quot:点燃或使燃烧 set foot in To enter:制定计划,其他人在后面跟着跑: s) heart on To be determined to do something. 一组: a set of positive integers,着手处理 set aside 宣告无效. 用斜体字强调一段 To start on a journey. 当他是个阴险的人 To assign to a cause: Swindlers have set me up: The dogs set at the fox;坐下: the high-school set. 为(饮料)付账 Informal To stimulate or exhilarate;安放: He set out to understand why the plan had failed;赋与权力.&quot,订立(规则;创立)均由set的上述含义引伸出来;断骨复位。 不变的:建立事业 Middle English setten 中古英语 setten from Old English settan * see sed- 源自 古英语 settan *参见 sed- Originally set meant “to cause (something) to sit: 一套: 使引人注目,1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats、设备或其它支持而建立企业 Informal 【非正式用语】 To treat (someone) to drinks;强调. 幕间舞曲. 开始经商;他一旦下决心要做这事. 守卫让狗攻击逃犯 set fire to To cause to ignite and burn。&quot. 策划绑架 Informal To put (someone else) into a compromising situation by deceit or trickery. 一点火星使整座森林烧了起来,使产生. 我把花放在桌子上: 【非正式用语】 刺激或鼓励;使从事 He set the man to chop wood:建立家庭 set up shop To establish one&#39。 (运动的)方向,头发定型 〈植〉结子: Let&#39. 我们记下事实 To regard、时间;As a traditional way to celebrate the new year. 纵火。 The fastest runner set the pace and the others followed.K。 set up。 A statue will be set up in front of the building.,合伙攻击某人,记载: set off a bomb: 组装: 认为. 作为一个整体的一套书或期刊 A number of couples required for participation in a square dance。 &quot:通过提供资本;(衣服的)样子,I usually do the job properly,写下 How shall I set myself down in the hotel register;区分: 使兴奋. 他们发起反对新税的吼声 To establish in business by providing capital,放弃 To declare invalid: The music set the audience on fire: 【数学】 集合. 她把书放在桌子上. 提出一个合理的计划 To express in words, setting 摆设;树秧 做头发、态度) set eyes 一动不动的眼睛 准备好的;驳回: set up a new machine,卷梳头发 make a dead set at 联合攻击某人. 她已经表达出了想法 set forward To begin a journey: 自称. 胜利鼓舞了球队 To lay plans for: set out seedlings: 保留为将来之用。 set on 攻击. 骗子骗了我 set upon Tclock in the morning: 【非正式用语】 哄骗;开始打斗 set up 建立(事业): 插入:一组互属并成套使用的同类物品,有准备的 They were at the starting line and all set to begin: set off a chemical reaction. 幕间曲. 他为我们树立了一个好榜样: 给予刺激. 早上4点15分开始进行了短时间的试飞,所以现在它大多情况下是及物动词; propose,但是他把这些资料寄来却用了很长时间;〈电影〉摄影棚 〈网球〉 一局。 然而set off的原义是使爆炸(cause to explode) The slightest spark can set off the explosives stored here. 为将来紧急情况贮备食物和钱是明智的 set down To cause to sit: 最初set 意思是“使…就坐”:减慢进程;一盘 幼苗;规定的 规定学习的: 着陆。 调整: Sit通常是不及物动词;If he&#39,000美元 set by To reserve for future use.m: That coat set me back $1,什么也阻挡不住他。 使; annul or overrule. 她准备早上五点钟从法国海岸出发:为展览或出售而摆设 To plant;建议. 参加四对方舞所需的许多对舞伴 The movements constituting a square dance。 Sit is generally an intransitive verb:分开或留出以备专用 To discard or reject。用于风和水 set off To give rise to。 He set up a fine example to all of us: Guards set dogs upon the escaping prisoners. 一套国际象棋 A group of persons sharing a common interest: 引起。 The monument was erected after the war. 他自称是英语专家 To assemble and erect:为戏剧表演所设的背景 The entire enclosure in which a movie is filmed:这样演奏的音乐 The collective receiving apparatus assembled to operate a radio or television. 做榜样. 他开始明白为什么计划失败了 To lay out systematically and graphically: set about solving the problem. &quot. 认为有价值或值得 set the pace To go at a speed that other competitors attempt to match or surpass. 使他与人群分开的特征 To direct attention to by contrast. 那件衣服花了我1. 狗群冲向狐狸 set back To slow down the progress of:移向岸边:[s&micro,000. When I really set out to take care of somebody. 让小孩坐这儿 T 制定. 正整数集合 Sports A group of tennis games constituting one division or unit of a match. 这座楼前将要建立一座雕像;决定的 He' claim to be. 控诉加快了裁决过程 set (one&#39. 飞行员艰难地使飞机着陆 set forth To present for consideration:组装收音机或电视机的元件集合 Mathematics A collection of distinct elements having specific common properties。 使爆 炸, setting off firecrackers is justifiably welcomed by most Chinese people、标准) 〈计〉设置 指定:引起点火或燃烧 To cau hinder: features setting him off from the crowd. 我点燃了纸. 开始战斗 set up To place in an upright position: The indictment set the judicial process in motion。如. 留出,她乘坐小船从海岸出发: The pilot set the plane down hard: She set out at dawn for town:热忱地开始工作:开始一个热切的计划:通过对比引起注意;声称是。 to set the clock 调整钟表 The teacher set us a test: 种:提高权威或权力. 安放在…的: character traits that set her apart,erect这两个近义词的一般含义是“建立”、坏天气或其他自然状况)开始并且(可 能)持续下去 set off 出发: 提供基础;着手. 种小树 To start a journey. 他让那人去伐木。 He sets the table,随时可开始:使坐; cause to occur. 建立一家慈善机构 To cause,搁下 记下:以其它人企图超越的方式行动或做事 set the stage for To provide the underlying basis for,启程 (= set out,我应如何写自己的身份呢, nothing will stop him. set;大道具,规定;妨碍 Informal To cost. 领先,后面总是跟动词不定式;(观点的)趋向:集合并装配;一天下午. 炸弹爆炸 To indicate as being different: 提出;使更为突出:通过欺骗使(他人)妥协. 她日出时出发去镇上 set to To begin wt like the set of this coat. 抬起; consider. 【橄榄球】 犯规 Middle English sette 中古英语 sette from Old French 源自 古法语 from Medieval Latin secta [retinue] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 secta [随员] from Latin [faction] * see sect 源自 拉丁语 [派系] *参见 sect set 1 [set] vt;看作: It is wise to set food and money by in case of a future emergency。 注: 【非正式用语】 花费,这只大钟决不会建立起来;s set the error down to inexperience.set 加副词up所构成的短语动词set up(建立,拨出,Bleriot set off half an hour later. 发生化学反应 To cause to explode. 她想上医学院 set on fire To cause to ignite and burn: “Evening was setting in as I took the road over Mountain Top”(Charles Siebert) “当我行于山顶公路时夜幕降临”(查尔斯·谢伯特) To m accentuate. 插入礼服袖子中 To begin to happen or be apparent;使更为美观 This gold frame sets off your oil painting very well,指向 the set of the tide 潮水的流向 电器装置: set in the sleeve of a gown, typically dance music. 他们都在起跑线上: 生动形象地摆出. 有一些例外. 老师安排了我们一个测验,a rocket will have set off on its 35 million mile trip to Mars… 到现在那只火箭已经出发踏上飞往火星的3.See Synonyms at circle 中学同伴参见 circle A group of books or periodicals published as a unit:构成比赛一部分或一个单元的一组网球比赛 Football An offensive formation.(名词) A group of things of the same kind that belong toge 给断骨复位;外景 Music 【音乐】 A session of music,作为一种传统的庆贺新年活动,都可以解释为start to move或begin a journey;电视机 〈戏〉布景:组成四对方舞的动作 The scenery constructed for a theatrical performance;指定研究的 set books 指定书目 固定的:引起;跑得最快的人确定了步速,认真地开始做 开始争吵. 决心做某事 set (one&#39. 开始旅程 set in To insert. 展览;收音机. 人们过去常根据收音机对表. 起航: They set the general up as a dictator,遇到了一场暴风雨; &quot: set off for Europe: 着手;位于…的 a city set on a hill 位于山上的城市 决心的,它与set up常常可以换用 If the House of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834. 当我真要照顾某人时. 这个金色镜框把你的油画衬托得很美丽,沉没 The moon is setting, or other backing。 母鸡孵 (或 sits ) 在它的卵上 set set 2 AHD;开始 To begin fighting;导致(突然的活动) The news set off a rush of activity。 衬托. 这消息令人蜂拥而动. 抛弃:放于竖直位置 To elevate:通过提供充实而正确的信息纠正(某人) set store by To regard as valuable or worthwhile;(颜色)固定 (使鸟类)孵蛋 (星星;废止 to set aside a verdict 取消一项判决 set down 放下. 组装一台新机器 To establish;结果 为(戏剧)提供场景: She set her sigh distinguish.[sWt] n: 把…归于. 为战争提供基础的作响的军刀 set up housekeeping To establish a household;树立. 我在桌上摆好餐具准备开饭. 【体育运动】 一局;s business operations,一般为舞曲 The music so played: 打击或袭击,我一般是会把此工作做好的。 There are some exceptions. 进入 set foot on To step on:拍摄电影的封闭场所: set up a charity;成立(组织) 为某人提供 必需品或有用的东西 set up as 使自己立业当… 自称为… set oneself up as a scholar 自称为学者 set 2 [set] n:写下:开始或出发;袭击 使攻击. 自由神像是树立在纽约港的入口处的. 这座纪念碑是战后建立起来的: 计划: 开始;指派: 表达。 The Statue of Liberty was erected at the entrance of New York Harbour
出门在外也不愁Soon afterwards, he had come up with the fastest three.这句话有问题吗,不是top 3吗?_百度知道
Soon afterwards, he had come up with the fastest three.这句话有问题吗,不是top 3吗?
they continued to move forward out of the way, the race for these children was held at a special swimming pool in Los Angeles. No sooner had the game begun than the children dived into the water. Instead of stopping. Soon afterwards. A child pulling his tricycle dropped it, but most of them pushed or dragged them. Tricycles were lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water:Last weekend. Of course. Even though they were not champion in this race. Another child, he had come up with the fastest three. Many pedaled their tricycles, some of them covered the whole length of the swimming pool without coming up for breath even once. He rose to surface drgging up his tricycle and smiled, which hindered two other competitors, who temporarily dropped behind others, all the children had completed their race, was pedaling hard. They found their tricycles and started off soon. Whether they will ever become the future Olympic champions, only time will tellcontext. The boy won the race at the last few second
”.这句话没有问题Soon afterwards,与the top three意思在此基本相同。表示“很快,他赶上了最快的三个孩子, he had come up with the fastest three
街头用语,网络用语,top 3一般作为娱乐用语两者的意思差不多
出门在外也不愁大二上学期 英语对话 口语考试答案_百度文库
大二上学期 英语对话 口语考试答案
)41. terrible
C. sea&#39. This can make
changes. Shark D. Cheetah (
D. That B. A. walk B. A. invented(
We could not run faster than cheetahs(猎豹). Dirty rivers kill fish. swim
D. factories
D. the other part(
)54. We could not
better than lions. Then
D. much C. some B! Is
D. A. most special
D. dangerous
also die. one selves
)42!We are not the biggest or fastestWe sometimes call the lion “the king of the jungle” because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals, but they can be
planes and now we can move the fastest.In the sea. desert&#39. hospitals(
)51. While(
)53. front
B. run C. A;s food chain. Remember that we are a part of the food chain. A. A. making D, so we invented guns. A. It can swim faster than
other sea animals, the shark is one of the animals at the
43s inventions are great,
we are in danger too. most important(
)47. beginning(
)44. helpful(
)50. strongest
C, man built
. Lion C, and it can use its big teeth to eat them. cleverest
C. A. other parts
D, we are protecting
B. For example. Now we can hunt the best. catch(
)49. useful
D. A. complete(
)52. great
B. A, too. one part
B, and now they make the air and rivers dirty?
.What is at the top of the world&#39. A. another part
C. themselves
D. A, but we are the
. interesting
C. fight B. If we kill one part of the food chain. Man B.People&#39. hotels
B. having C. any(
)45. used B.
bears cannot eat the fish and the bears die. wonderful
D. but C. land&#39. do
C. mountain&#39. yourselves
C. also B. It is the highest animal in the
food chain. schools
C. A. When
)55. It can
faster than many animals and s(
walk B;    B. top   B;C;    D;C )43;D; &#160. run C. factories     &#160. A. terrible &#160. complete( &#160. most important( &#160. A. A. Cheetah  &#160. A. swim   D. Shark D; )49. hotels &#160. When  )44. Lion C. more &#160. fight B;C. jump( &#160. A; &#160. catch(A    D )47. While( B   D. Man B. mountain')55;B )51. invented( &#160. most special   B; C; C;A )45. so( D &#160. A. also B; &#160. another part &#160. land'C )50;    B )46; A)42;  s      &#160. A. making D. A;D; &#160. having C; &#160. any(      s &#160( &#160. the other part( &#160. useful  D; &#160. interesting   &#160. beginning( B &#160. That B;D. sea'   &#160. used B. kill     &#160. but C;D;  B )52. do   C; B. A; D)54. strongest   &#160. one part &#160. other parts   &#160. much C; B. end  s &#160. some B; D; C; B;s(   &#160. helpful(     B;C. A. schools  D; &#160. or   &#160. Then   B. A. front          C;D;(    A )48. A. hospitals(   B)41. great   &#160. wonderful &#160. cleverest &#160. dangerous &#160. desert&#39. A. A;  D;   C;)53. themselves &#160. A; C. one selves &#160. yourselves   D
BACDA 46-5041-45.BCCDD保证正确.BDAAC 51-55!望采纳
We sometimes call the lion “the king of the jungle” because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals. It can
faster than many animals and it can hunt the best. It is the highest animal in the
food chain.
In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the
of the food chain. It can swim faster than
other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them.
What is at the top of the world's food chain?
!We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the
We could not run faster than cheetahs(猎豹),
planes and now we can move the fastest. We could not
better than lions, so we in...


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