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Could Gold Apple Watch cost $5,000? - CNET
Could Gold Apple Watch cost $5,000?
Could Gold Apple Watch cost $5,000?
Is Apple really going to compete with the high-end watch brands? Some speculate that most of the Apple Watches will be pricey.
September 17,
This is how Apple's most expensive watch is presented on the company's site. The shot could be straight from a fashion catalog.
screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET
My wrists and I have had a troubled relationship since last week.Ever since Apple revealed its vast array of watches, my lower forearms have looked up at me and hissed: "Well? You're going to leave us naked?"So I spent some time yesterday
and perusing all the different types of watches that will soon
be available.The fancier model -- the so-called
-- does look relatively lovely on tiny female forms. But how much might it cost? All Tim Cook offered last week was that the watches -- the cheapest presumably being the sporty ones you'll sweat all over -- will start at $349.Then along comes influential Apple observer John Gruber to insert .
" is not a product from a tech company, and it will not be understood, at all, by the tech world," he said. This incites a kaleidoscope of optimism for those who find tech minds frightfully insular. For Gruber, the higher-end watches -- the Apple Watch made of stainless steel and the Watch Edition adorned with 18-karat gold -- will be competing directly with fancy watches.What they will offer is a (hopefully) gorgeous watch with some fancy gizmos attached. It's a persuasive concept, one that makes your standard Rolexy thing a klutzy lump of gold that can merely tell the time and make you look like something of a exhibitionist half-wit.However, if you want your artistic creation to seem valuable, you have to price it as such. So Gruber wagers that the stainless steel Apple watch will start at around $999. The Edition, however, he places at $4,999. In his words: "I think Apple Watch prices are going to be shockingly high --
gasp-inducingly, get-me-to-the-fainting-couch high -- from the
perspective of the tech industry. But at the same time, there is room
for them to be disruptively low from the perspective of the traditional watch and jewelry world."The thing that's missing currently is the full gamut of what Apple's watches will be capable of doing. We've seen the basic hardware, but we don't know that much about the software.Between now and their launch -- some time in 2015 -- Apple's team has time, surely, to develop and keep in secrecy all sorts of amusing functionality. This functionality will keep your first date enthralled for hours as you waft your Apple Watch before his or her mesmerized eyes.Not only will you seem to be a person of means, but one who means to know where the world is at. Even if the fanciest of its watches costs $4,999, Apple still has the problem of obsolescence and general pain-in-the-buttness. Do you really want an extra item to charge every night? Do you really want to replace your watch every couple of years? Or might there, as Gruber suggests, be a nifty software-update solution so that you don't have to toss it in the drawer next to all your old iPhones?What's most important here, though, is that Apple is proving ever more that what is conventionally called tech is not its main domain.We humans are posers, as much if not more than we're thinkers. We sift the world through imagery, rather than substance. Somehow, substance is a more shifty essence than is our world of impressions.Impressions are instant, substance takes time. There are too many demands on our time for us to bother to dig deep into the substance of everything (or even anything much at all). So we sift our world by looking at it and absorbing impressions.
More Technically Incorrect
Apple's watches will exist first to make certain impressions. Buried a little deeper, however, will likely be a certain substance that is unique to these fashion accessories. This is what Apple means when it says these are the most "personal" devices it's ever made.It's like any relationship. You're first moved by looks. Then you hope that there's something more behind them, something that will be the glue that creates a deeper, longer-lasting bond.You might choose to pay $4,999 or even more for a gold Apple Watch Edition. But you'll need it to be more than just a pretty face. And that's where Apple hopes to make a killing.
About the author
Chris Matyszczyk is an award-winning creative director who advises major corporations on content creation and marketing. He brings an irreverent, sarcastic, and sometimes ironic voice to the tech world.
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3秒自动关闭窗口SimpleCD | Within Temptation -《The Silent Force》Premium Version[APE]
Within Temptation -《The Silent Force》Premium Version[APE]
简介: 专辑中文名: The Silent Force歌手: Within Temptation资源格式: APE版本: Premium Version发行时间: 2004年地区: 荷兰语言: 英语简介: 专辑介绍:Within Temptation成立于1996年,自从荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团The Gathering,约莫于95、96年开始,在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式,逐渐受到愈来愈多乐迷的喜爱,The Gathering的音乐风格也对相当多的新生代乐团产生启发和影响,而The Gathering的影响力有多大,从同为荷兰乐团的后生晚辈Within Temptation和After Forever身上就能听得到! 1996年,吉他手Robert Westerholt离开其原属的乐团The Circle(后来更名为Voyage),希望另组新团以展开全新的开始,首先他找来他的女友Sharon den Adel担任主唱,接着他又邀请The Circle的前团员加入,于是bass手Jeroen van Veen和吉他手Michiel Papenhove两人决定跳槽来新团,最后,他们再找来一位鼓手Dennis Leeflang,Within Temptation就这样正式成军。不过此时他们仍缺一名keyboard手,很快地这个位置就由Robert的弟弟所补上,WT的阵容也终于抵定。 不久后,他们想方设法联络了不同的唱片机构,WT录制了一卷4曲的demo tape,并寄发给多家唱片公司,希望争取唱片合约,而这张demo也引起多家厂牌的注意,Within Temptation 最后决定与 DSFA Records签约。在与DSFA签约之后,一切进入正轨,然而由于团员们与鼓手不合,于是鼓手的位置很快便由新任的Ivar de Graaf入替。 1997年4月,Within Temptation正式发行了首张专辑,令人印象深刻。专辑风格若扣除吉他手Robert的death vocal演出,事实上就是全然优美导向的gothic metal,不过正由于death腔的加入及厚重的吉他刷扣,使得这张专辑既能呈现动人的优美气息,又不失金属乐该有的重量感。整张专辑的编曲结构虽然简单,但是丰富的情感和气氛烘托,伴随Sharon迷人演唱的引领,反倒能够紧紧地吸引住听者的耳朵!随后WT便受邀参与年度大型金属乐盛会Dynamo
97,此后的几个月时间,WT都在欧洲各地持续地展开演唱行程。他们甚至进行了两周的巡回演出,历经德国到澳大利亚。随后又有一些其它的精彩的演唱会,其中包括在Noor derslag。 97年年底鼓手Ivar离团,并由Ciro Palma入替。98年期间,WT除了参与了Dynamo
98,并继续一些演出之外,也推出了一张EP。进入99年后,WT决定暂停演出活动,并开始着手新专辑的创作,而Ivar也在此间重新归队。 2000年,是个变化很大的一年。他们接到邀请去参加在Benelux举行的一次盛大的庆祝活动经过一年多的潜沉,Within Temptation终于在2000年末发表了第二张正式专辑,同时此张作品也同步推出了2CD的特别版,多收录了一张制作精致的CD-ROM,除了有乐团介绍、团员照、一个小game及一首bonus曲外,也包含了几首WT现场演出的video,看到女主唱Sharon在表演时,穿着大礼服狂甩头的模样实在是令人惊讶的! Within Temptation可说是一支表现出色的荷兰美声派gothic乐团,汲取前辈The Gathering的悠扬气氛作风,再更专注于乐曲的情感呈现,并以女主唱Sharon飘渺的动人音色为主轴,2000年末所发表的第二张专辑,不论在各方面都较上张专辑成熟相当多,乐团焦点Sharon明显能听出她唱腔上的进步,除了音色更为浑美外,在转音及高音表现上也都更显出色!而这张专辑的乐风走向则变得更为柔美,金属成份不但大为地减少,death腔的运用也已不复见,改而加入部份男女唱诗班的合唱演出,曲式的编写可说是针对Sharon所量身订作,完全突显出Sharon的美妙音色。(介绍来自网络)压缩包内没有图片,但是有一个镜像文件,包含两个视频(专辑录音制作片段和一首MV)还有一个Start文件,介绍专辑特典。资源来自骡子搜索,之前的APE经网友验证是MP3转换而来,故这次发布的是Premium Version版本,比首版多增加两首歌曲,超值收藏。感谢原发布者的慷慨
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17楼:OMOM 来自
19楼:陆少 来自
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20楼:郑柯 来自


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