
2015考研热门话题 考研网地方站英语单词的问题(高分)给列举两个英语单词 并分别写出他们的意思,分别写出单词的来源,这个单词的词性,并用这两个单词分别造句,立等都用英语啊。一点二十前。马上就关了_百度作业帮 英语单词的问题(高分)给列举两个英语单词 并分别写出他们的意思,分别写出单词的来源,这个单词的词性,并用这两个单词分别造句,立等都用英语啊。一点二十前。马上就关了 1.typhoonty·phoon /ˌtaɪˈfuːn/ n [C][Date:; Origin:touffan 'typhoon' (16-19 centuries),from Arabic tufan 'hurricane',from Greek typhon 'whirlwind'; influenced by Chinese daai fong 'great wind']It means a very violent tropical stormeg.The trees were leveled by the typhoon.2.oney hon·ey /ˈhʌni/ n [U][Language:Old E Origin:hunig]a sweet sticky substance produced by bees,used as foodespecially AmE spoken used to address someone you loveeg."Jeff is usually an abrasive character,but he can be as sweet as honey when he wants something." 【passion】,it's a noun, which means a very strong feeling of love, hatred, anger, enthusiasm, etc, for example: He's a man of violent passions.passion's origin is Late Latin passio 'suffering', fr... pseudo--假的pseudonym n.假名Pseudonym systems allow users to interact with multiple organizations anonymously, using pseudonyms.nost--家nostrum n.秘方Though, indeed, the vendor of a certain nostrum has vulgarized the truism to the very point of contempt. CHINA 专有名词 这个英文单词的来源 句子 I am frome China!说法一: 早在东汉时期,古人就在昌南(现在的景德镇)建造窑坊,烧制陶瓷。到了唐朝,由于昌南土质好,先人们又吸收了南方青瓷和北方白瓷的优点创制出一种青白瓷。青白瓷晶莹滋润,有假玉器的美称,因而远近闻名,并大量出口欧洲。 十八世纪以前,欧洲人还不会制造瓷器,因此中国特别是昌南镇的精美瓷器很受...英语有几个单词需要帮忙一下,act react interact 和action reaction interaction 这两组怎么区分啊,还有aboundant aboundance abound 这三个单词,平常的用法及各单词的区别._百度作业帮 英语有几个单词需要帮忙一下,act react interact 和action reaction interaction 这两组怎么区分啊,还有aboundant aboundance abound 这三个单词,平常的用法及各单词的区别. act,react,interact是动词,在句子里用做谓语.例如:He acts as a ninja in the movie.(他在电影中扮演一个忍者)He reacts strangely.(他反应奇怪)Different parties should interact with each other frequently.(不同的党派彼此之间应该经常交流)action,reaction,interaction是名词,在句中用做主语,宾语,表语或另一个名词前对该名词做限定例:He acts as a ninja in the action movie.(他在这部动作片中扮演一个忍者)His reaction is strange.(他的反应很怪)The interaction between different parties is necessary.(不同党派间的互相沟通很有必要)注:是abundant,abundanceabundant是形容词,在句中修饰名词例:Oil is abundant in this area.(这个地区石油充足)abundance是名词例:The abundance in oil makes the country very rich.(石油上的充足让这个国家十分富有)abound是动词例:Oil abounds in this area.(这个地区石油充足) 前面是动词,后面名词 建议你 将 语法 的 动词和名词的使用与意义 再巩固一下 从你的问题上看:你的词汇方面的基本功不好哦...单词的意思都是可以知道的吧?若不知道就查 这样你会更有影像.另外给你说个很简单的共同点,一般以tion, sion ,ce ness...这样的结尾的单词 通常情况是名词,但是并非型近的单词就是意思相近的单词 比如你的abundant和abandon 就很相像 但意思差别很大


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