recall to doanything to my mind是什么

Imagine being able to recall just about anything, your mind functioning as a nearly endless encyclopedic(百科全书的)book of names, pictures, dates and events. Brad Williams’ excellent memory recall makes him a personified version(个人版)of Google. His wide memory allows him to recall almost any news event and anything he has experienced, including specific dates and even the weather. “I was sort of a human Google for my family. I’ve always been able to recall things,” the 51-yearold said on Good Morning America in his first television interview. Williams’ type of detailed, complete memory is called hyperthymesia and few known cases exist. Brad’s brain scan are now being studied by scientists at the Center for Neurobiology(神经生物学)of Learning and Memory, at the University of California. At first, the drive-time radio broadcaster didn’t think his ability to recall so much was anything special. Gradually, over the years, other people noticed how much he was able to remember in detail about events. Then in 2006, he read an article about a wman whom scietists called AJ, which
Williams to come forward. AJ is a writwer of a medical journal, and the only scientifically-documented case of superior memory. “When I read about AJ, my immediate thought was : Oh my God. That’s Brad!” said williams’ brother, Eric Williams. Eric Williams is eager to learn about the inner working of his brother’s mind. He is in the process of making documentary(纪录片)about Brad, appropriately titled: “Unforgettable.” In the film, which hasn’t been finished yet, Williams takes on a person who is Googling answers to 20 questions. He answers 18 of them correctly and is 11 minutes faster than the Google user. “All of us have the ability to store this information, but the difference with Brad is that he can recall it,” Eric Williams said.小题1:According to the passage, which of the following is true about Brad Williams?
A.He has worked for Google, so he recall any news events.
B.He may be one of the rare cases of people with a superior memory.
C.He is now the host of Good Morning America.
D.He is working as a teacher in California.
小题2:Why does Brad Williams have such a good memory?
A.Because he was born with a rare ability.
B.Because his work requires a good memory.
C.Because he has to answer others’ questions.
D.Because he was specially trained in his chilhood.
小题3:The underlined word “prompted” most probably means _______.
小题4:The best title for this passage might be ___________.
A.The Ability to Store All Information
B.A Documentary called Unforgettable
C.“Google Man” Recalls Nearly Every Thing
D.Brad Williams and Google User
小题1:依据第三段第一句“Williams’ type of detailed, complete memory is called hyperthymesia and few known cases exist.”可知,选项B是正确答案。)小题2:根据最后一段提供的信息,不难发现选项A是正确答案。)小题3:根据该词前后的信息可知,“prompted”的含义最可能是“encouraged”。)小题4:根据全文讨论的内容,选项C最能概括短文的中心。)
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The STD Forum is intended only for questions and support pertaining to sexually transmitted diseases other than HIV/AIDS, including , , , , , , other vaginal infections, nongonoccal urethritis (NGU), , , , and . All questions will be answered by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D. or Edward W Hook, MD.
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Please put my mind to rest
I had an incident, like many others on this site and have to post most likely already knowing what the answer will be. I went to a strip club last may (in canada) where during I let things get out of hand and got manually stimulated by hand with saliva as a lubricant until ejaculation for 1-2 minutes for no reason whatsoever. I had washed myself repeatedly with antimicrobial soap and developed a persistent urethral irritation, increased urnary frequency with dribbling, for 2 weeks following. I am in a long-term relationship and this is the first time I have ever strayed and regret my actions beyond anything you can imagine. Following this event, I got a single dose cefexime 400 mg and 1g Azithro (which i took prior to testing) which I pursuaded the MD to give me. I got tested (3 days post), everything came back negative except herpes (public health only performs a nonselective test for IgG) which I was positive for. I opted to get the selective test done and was positive for HSV1 and negative for HSV2 (but this was only 13 days post exposure and never got the titres). I know the IDSA guidelines advise against the use of oral cephalosporins due to emerging gonoccocal resistance and canadian guidelines have opted to double the dose of cefixime to 800 mg po od so I did not receive a best practice regimen. I have never experienced any symptoms of genital herpes or cold sores from what I can remember in my life.
1. Is there any way I got infected with anything bacterial or viral from my exposure?
2. Is there any way for me to transmit anything to my partner.
3. being close to a year from my incident should I get retested for anything? --& I have had epidymytis in the past 2 years without any sexual explanantion and have a hydrocele on my left testicle.
Thanks for your help
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Welcome to the forum.
This was a zero risk sexual exposure for all practical purposes.&&Below is the link to a recent thread in which I discuss the general principles of STD/HIV transmission, which will help explain why exposures like yours are risk free:
Testing for STDs was fine for reassurance, despite the low risk, but if I had been your doctor, I would not have given in to your request for treatment.&&In any case, your treatment was 100% effective against either chlamydia or gonorrhea.&&Despite the evolving issues around cephalosporin resistance, the combination of cefixime 400 mg and azithromycin 1.0 g is nearly 100% effective against gonorrhea -- and when you combine that fact with the negative test result, it is impossible you are currently infected with gonorrhea.
Those comments pretty well cover all three of your questions, but to be explicit so there is no possibility of misunderstanding:
1) The risk of infection was very low, but not zero.&&However, the subsequent evidence and treatment, plus the low risk of the exposure, amount to 100% assurance you have no STD or any other infection from the sexual event you have described.
2) No.&&You cannot transmit something you do not have.
3) I didn't realize it had been so long.&&It is time to move on without fear or concern about STDs.
Regards--&&HHH, MD
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Thanks for your prompt response.
While I know the risks were extremely low, it was the saliva exposure with vigorous contact that prompted my fears as I know the mouth is full of various bacteria and there was definite exposure to my urethra during the event. Prior to NAAT testing and taking the antibiotic I got an in office dipstick test which was negative as well.
I was honestly quite shocked with the HSV1 positive test as I had no recent memory of any sort of sores whatsoever. I know members of my family have suffered from oral cold sores but I havent and despite the high prevalence of the infection I had no reason to think I had it. I know that since I got a positive IgG result testing 3 days after my exposure I can say with confidence this had been a past infection. But I also know I did not give adequate time to seroconvert for HSV2 before testing. I have had pimples in my pubic hair region before (single lesions) which i popped and released pus and blood following i wrote these off as nothing and they did not resemble herpetic lesions. In addition never have i had a lesion on my actual penis.&&Despite the miniscule risk for having acquired HSV2 from my exposure I was wondering if I should retest for the HSV2 IgG, as I know asymptomatic infections are present. In addition I was wondering if theres any way to identify if my HSV1 infection could be genital in nature (as i have never experienced symptoms of either oral or genital herpes)
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This information doesn't change my opinion or advice.&&Half the US population has positive HSV-1 blood tests, and most recall no symptoms at any time.&&There is no way to know where (anatomically) you are infected unless someday you develop an oral or genital outbreak that can be tested for the virus.&&But the odds are strong it's oral and dates to your childhood.&&There is absolutely no chance you acquired HSV-2 from the event and I recommend you not be retested for it.
Do your best to accept the scientific evidence and the reasoned reassurance you have had -- probably from your own doctors as well as from me.&&It's time to move on without concern about any STD or any other infection from the exposure described.
That will end this thread.&&Best wishes.
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Thanks Dr. H
I have read a number of your posts regarding incidents identical to mine but it was definitely more reassuring to hear an individualized response from you. Thanks for your time. I will try my best to put this whole incident behind me. My guilt is what has driven me to these anxiety driven irrational thoughts and I have honestly have struggled in dealing with the latter, despite a somewhat partial confession to my partner of the incident. Thanks for bearing with me, I am not going to add any what if follow ups to this thread, and will take your recommendations as final. I know it is just the regret playing with my mind.
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Sorry to follow up a little after your responses,&&but I wanted to ask a question regarding the epidydmitis episode i experience a year prior to this unfortunate event. I had a severe swelling of my left testicle which cleared my symptoms with a 7 day course of cipro. The Dr. at the walkin clinic told me it could have been caused by gonorrhea but I never had a sexual encounter that could have triggered the infection and i know quinilones are no longer very effective at treating the bacteria but could potentially have done so. I was wondering what the likelihood of the origin of the infection could have been. How do EColi infections arise in that sort of fashion (ie epidymitis without sexual contact as the suspected eitology? --& also could my hydrocele have anything to do with it? the majority of the symptoms were on the affected testicle) Also about 8 years prior i had a uti (which i know is rare in men) PRIOR to being sexually active in anyway (other then masturbating myself with saliva) which i left untreated for about a week to the point where bloody casts were appearing in my urine accompanied by severe dysuria (potentially acute pyelonephritis). At that point i went to the hospital and again was treated with cipro which resolved my symptoms. I am just concerned with these previous infections. I know that I am not currently infected with anything from my recent perceived &risky& sexual encounter. I was just concerned of how these other infections could arise and what the likelihood the epidydymitis arose without sexual contact.
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UTIs are not common in men, but they happen.&&Epididymitis is a well established and well known rare complication of UTIs in men.&&To my knowledge the reasons behind it are not known, but it not believed to be related in any way to sexual activity of any kind, including masturbation.&&In any case, this is not an STD problem so not a vlid topic for this forum.&&Sorry, but there will be no further commenbts or advice from me.
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MedHelp is a division of .高频词,一定要记得哦!
n. 唤回;回想,回忆;记忆力;收回;撤销;取消v. 回忆起;召回;收回;撤销;取消;使复苏,使恢复
Her teacher recalled: `She was always on about modelling.'
I recalled all that Ray had told me.
Do you recall him saying anything about that?
I don't recall her mentioning him.
搭配:[+ player]
Joe Hart was recalled to the England squad for the match with Wales.
搭配:[+ product]
The company said it was recalling one of its drugs.
搭配:[+ ambassador, parliament]
Spain recalled its ambassador after a row over refugees.
Parliament was recalled from its summer recess.
You will recall that I sent you a warning of troubled times. Well now, almost everything I forecast has come about.
As far as I recall, she first met him at university.
The man, as I recall, was a foreigner.
He was a mathematician, as I recall.
n /'ri:k?:l/
He had a good memory, and total recall of her spoken words.
搭配:[+ of player]
It would be great to get a recall to the Scotland squad.
搭配:[+ of product]
the recall of several products containing the chemical
搭配:[+ of ambassador, parliament]
The recall of ambassador Alan Green was a public signal of America's concern.
The old days you long for are gone beyond recall.
The ground has been polluted beyond recall.
stories lost beyond recall
1.a request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair)
2.a call to return
the recall of our ambassador
3.a bugle call that signals troops to return
4.the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)
he has total recall of the episode
5.the act of removing an official by petition
1.recall k have a recollection
I can't remember saying any such thing
I can't think what her last name was
can you remember her phone number?
Do you remember that he once loved you?
call up memories
2.go back to something earlier
This harks back to a previous remark of his to mind
His words echoed John F. Kennedy
4.summon to return
The ambassador was recalled to his country
The company called back many of the workers it had laid off during the recession
5.cause one's (or someone else's) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression
She was recalled by a loud laugh
6. bar from sale or distribution
The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty
7.cause to be returned
Recall the defective auto tires
The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt
1.The recall of the general could mean he had lost the battle.
2.The recall shows that people who prepare meats for sale must be very careful.
3.He has instant recall.
4.My powers of recall are not what they were.
5.Elected judges may be removed by a recall vote.
1.& to recall that … ;to recall …
2.& to recall doing sth
3.& to recall sb doing sth
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Anything here actually, genuinely blow your mind?
3 years 37 weeks ago
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:regarding&the&cars,&it&is&mindboggeling&that&people&dare&take&such&automotive&masterpieces&to&the&streets&here &however&one&thing&you&can&do&if&you&live&in&GZ&and&have&a&supercar,&you&can&drive&a&couple&of&ours&to&the&south&and&take&your&car&around&a&propper&F1&track. &:& I thought China was a pretty good place to live in terms of avoiding fires, everything's stone and tiles. Gas is a worry though, I knew a kid whose mother died in the shower from a gas leak. I used to have to do all my smoking in the kitchen where the gas is kept. Always half expected to wake up in intensive care one night with a bald, burnt head&a gas canister&stuck up my arse.:I don't see many fires, but I've seen numerous people with burns.
3 years 37 weeks ago
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:& I don't think they live to be that old, I think many just 'look' old. I knew a kid of&about 22&with 50% of his hair already turned grey.:also, if you are 80 years old in China today, the first 50 years of your life would have been lived in a relatively clean environment, albeit with potential food shortages. Typically the environmental impact on your overall health is greatest if it is in the growing years. The cancer villages is a new phenomena and the effects are not yet fully seen. Also, any statistics on life expectancy would be void in a country where people are born in hiding due to the OCP, therefore will never make it into the statistics, or any statistics are doctored in the name of face.&
3 years 37 weeks ago
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:& That's just a matter of economics, isn't it? Heard a story today about a 36 year old girl marrying a rich guy of 86. That's the way to do it, a few years of wrinkled old balls and she's home free.:It's astonishing how some of them can completely shut down their emotions. Marriage is all about money, power and face.
3 years 37 weeks ago
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:& Yeh, roads are crazy, but then it occurred to me that at only 44 years of age i've probably been driving for longer than 95% of the population. My wife told me that as a kid she saw&almost no&cars around, and she's only 29. Everyone used to be on bicycles. Now everyone drives like they're still on bicycles. Wayyy too casual. Road etiquette is something that develops over time, and road savvy is passed down from father to son. Here they ain't had time to develop either. What gets me the most though is the, "I'm not looking, so you have to give way" approach that so many adopt in getting from A to B. It's&quite deliberate.:@cooter: That's 'harmonizing' at it's best. How is that possible?I am not driving anything in China, and I am 'enforcing ()' Western traffic (pedestrian) rules. As a person, I am 'not scared easy', so I rarely back up and give right way to the car. When I am crossing the road, drivers all have look in their eyes like 'Wow.... look, UFO is landing!'.&......looking for wooden surface: 'knock, knock.......&I haven't been hit by anything moving on Chinese roads, yet......:I'm boggled by the way they deal with accidents.& Two people get out of their cars and argue in the middle of the street, blocking traffic.& They continue to do this until a policeman comes to take photos, then the policeman will continue to block traffic while taking said pictures.& What blows my mind is that two people think they are more important than the thousands of people they are impeding.& Ahhh harmony.:wagon: Under Chinese law if you move your car from the scene of an accident your insurance is null and void and you could be prosecuted as well. That's why they don't move it, even the Police won't move it until an insurance agent arrives, unless someone is injured and the vehicles have to be moved to get the injured person / persons out.:Hugh that is not true, only if there is a disagreement as to who is at fault. If you have the classic rear-ending then it can only be the person in the car behind not keeping his distance. Chinese law actually dictates to move vehicles away, just like in the rest of the world, provided it is safe to do so,&ie&vehicles can still drive, which they alsways ca as these small fender benders rarely do more than scratch a bit of plastic.&:Yes, Scandinavian, I agree, but the key point in your reply was "if there is disagreement", in my experience in China there is ALWAYS disagreement, someone may have fired an RPG at the rear of another car and they will still argue who is at fault.
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:Silva:&Wishing you were American, and spending most of your free time on an internet forum lying about it: THAT is desperate. If you are ashamed to admit you are Chinese, perhaps you should think about why.:most foreigners could make more money on welfare or working at a fast food joint than working in china, but we stay here because in some small way we hope to make things better in the long run in china, if may be naive but every little bit helps, if we complain its to let out the frustrations of dealing with the impossible, what doesnt kill you, only makes you stronger, but we dont
put our head in the sand and become a selfish pusillanimous. i dont know how to put this type of character and fortitude into a chinese mind or even get a person to understand it. not every relationship in life has to be a non zero sum gain.
3 years 37 weeks ago
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3 years 37 weeks ago
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:& Yeh, God bless you mate, it is cheezy, Yangshou is about as far from real China as my cock is from Halle Berry's pussy. Totally agree with you though, my first experience in Yangshou was very VERY cool. Losing it's grace quite gradually now though.
3 years 37 weeks ago
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3 years 35 weeks ago
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A:&probably 30 minutes and that was a couple of years back getting a crow
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