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WWE日_ME美国职业摔角,wwe美国职业摔角网已经更新最新一期的RAW节目,ME 新闻,ME 图片,WWE日_ME美国职业摔角在线中文观看以及高清下载,WWE美国职业摔角网专业提供WWE最新赛事,其中包括最受世界著名的两个赛事RAW节目,SmackDown节目。还有每个月的PPV大赛摔跤狂热大赛,皇家大战大赛等。如果提示更新或者预告中,wwe美国职业摔角网都是第一时间更新WWE最新赛事,WWE日_ME美国职业摔角欢迎观赏。
WWE日_ME美国职业摔角wwe日-WWE SmackDown
- WWE赛事 - 摔角网
WWE SmackDown
解说员:Jerry Lawler, Byron Saxton & Tom Phillips
比赛场馆: A Nutter Center
举办城市:Dayton, Ohio
三对三组队赛 & The Usos ( & ) vs. The New Day (,
& )单打比赛 (w/) vs. 单打比赛 (w/,
& ) vs. 单打比赛 vs. 四对一强弱不等赛 vs. The League Of Nations (, ,
三对三组队赛 & The Usos ( & ) 战胜 The New Day (,
& )单打比赛 战胜
(w/)单打比赛 (w/,
& ) 战胜 单打比赛Titus O'Neil 战胜 四对一强弱不等赛 战胜 The League Of Nations (, ,wwe日《RAW 》战报:重聚之夜 摩羯降临_WWE美摔角斗士
wwe日《RAW 》战报:重聚之夜 摩羯降临
节目开始,世界总量级冠军布洛克&莱斯纳带着保罗&海曼(Paul Heyman)上台。莱斯纳一脸怒气,当海曼准备开始他冗长的自我介绍时,莱斯纳抢过话筒,简单粗暴的约战赛斯&罗林斯,海曼想要劝说莱斯纳冷静,但是毫无没有效果,面对气势汹汹的莱斯纳,HHH(Triple H)出场劝说,直言上周赛斯上周的袭击只是顺势而为,毕竟莱斯纳动手在前,然后HHH晓以利害,海曼想要和解,但是莱斯纳毫不买账,挑衅HHH,气氛有些尴尬,老板娘带着凯恩(Kane)和大秀哥(Big Show)出场,想要安抚莱斯纳,对方人多势众,莱斯纳有些犹豫,不知道是否该继续动手,这时,现场插入了赛斯的视频,赛斯叫嚣着要在皇家大战上夺走莱斯纳的腰带,海曼打断了他的狂妄言论,还在警告权力阶级最好管管赛斯,否则后果自负。这时,塞纳出场。
1.单打赛 布雷&怀亚特(Bray Wyatt) vs. 丹尼尔&布莱恩(Daniel Bryan)
比赛开始,丹尼尔&布莱恩(Daniel Bryan)特就抢占先机,可是好景不长怀亚特就反击得手,几个重击下,丹尼尔进入比赛状态了,反击得手,并且把怀亚特打下了擂台,丹尼尔刚想庆祝,这时卡恩出来了,分散了丹尼尔的注意力,比赛切了一部分,回到擂台上,依旧是丹尼尔占据优势,只是在角柱的时候,被突然起来的怀亚特推了下去,怀亚特也迅速跟上,爬下擂台开始扩大自己的优势,接着就把丹尼尔扔回擂台进行压制,可是没有成功,怀亚特又锁住丹尼尔的头部,丹尼尔好不容易挣脱,正想反击却又被怀亚特撞倒,之后怀亚特就持续攻击丹尼尔的右脸颊,没错,怀亚特最擅长的就是抓住选手的弱点进行致命的攻击,回到比赛,怀亚特用headlock锁着丹尼尔的头部,丹尼尔终于挣脱了,可是回头就被怀亚特一胳膊又打倒了,随后怀亚特一直占据着场上的主动,丹尼尔终于奋起反击得手后,完成了一个漂亮了飞膝,又在角柱上用Hurricanrana把怀亚特摔了下去,丹尼尔又一直用腿踢着怀亚特,怀亚特想要反击但是还是被丹尼尔扔到了台下,丹尼尔下场却被卡恩偷袭,怀亚特抓住机会使出Swinging Reverse STO结束了比赛。
Winner: Bray Wyatt
后台,凯文&纳什(Kevin Nash)和斯科特&霍尔(Scott Hall),找到HHH叙旧,邀请他一起上台,HHH还没答复,HBK也来邀请,HHH还是没有放下领导的架子,这时X&Pac来了。逗比仙道也来凑热闹,被众人嘲笑了一下。
擂台上皇家大战传奇小组的成员登场,胡克&霍根(Hulk Hogan)首先出场,之后是&自然小子&瑞克&福莱尔,接下来便是&心碎小子&肖恩&迈克尔斯(Shawn Michaels)。在讨论前,主持人询问了三人对于今晚投票的看法。HBK和胡克认为塞纳应该参赛,福莱尔认为不应该。讨论开始,主持人先问了福莱尔在92年皇家大战夺冠的感受,福莱尔冠以职业生涯最美的一夜。主持人又问了HBK参加了背靠背皇家大战的意义,HBK认为,正是皇家大战的胜利才成就了自己&摔角狂热先生&的名号。最后问道霍根关于皇家大战的记忆,霍根引用蜘蛛侠的明言&能力越大,责任越大&。这个话题结束后,主持人问三人,谁只有可能夺冠。HBK认为是布雷&怀亚特(Bray Wyatt),霍根不以为然,他认为丹尼尔会夺冠,福莱尔则认为是迪安&安布罗斯(Dean Ambrose)。就在这时,大秀哥出场了,三人感觉气氛不对,主持人早已经落荒而逃。大秀哥上台,对三位前辈没有丝毫尊重,霍根对大秀哥的出场表示了厌恶,劝他离开,但是大秀哥不以为怵,翻了翻旧账,警告三人都曾在自己手下吃过亏,并认为他们不过是在哗众取宠,自己将会获得皇家大战的冠军,没人能把自己扔出场,并让三人离开自己的擂台,否则,他将让三人感受下皇家大战。福莱尔受够了,和大秀哥动起手来,被大秀哥打翻在地,这时,罗曼&雷恩斯(Roman Reigns)上场了,大秀哥警告雷恩斯不要插手,但是雷恩斯不理会,硬生生将大秀哥打出场外。并护送三位老前辈离场。
2.单打赛 迪安&安布罗斯(Dean Ambrose) vs. 坏消息巴雷特(Bad News Barrett)
Winner:Dean Ambrose
3.双打赛 Big E & 科菲&金士顿(Kofi Kingston) vs. 塞萨罗(Cesaro) & 泰森&基德(Tyson Kidd)
比赛刚一开始,大E(Big E)就展现了强大的力量直接将基德摔在擂台上,换手科菲&金士顿(Kofi Kingston),金士顿就没那么好运了,被基德扔回己方,塞萨罗(Cesaro)正好击倒科菲,之后基德换手塞萨罗,塞萨罗架起科菲换手基德,两人完成了联合攻击,基德直接压制,并没有成功,基德用headlock消耗着科菲,科菲艰难起身后完成反击,可是基德机智地换手塞萨罗,塞萨罗又重新掌控了场上的优势,换手基德,基德压制被大E打断,基德立马换手塞萨罗,塞萨罗也一直用headlock消耗科菲的体力,科菲好不容易挣脱,想要去换手大E但是被塞萨罗拦着,科菲借助冲力技术压制塞萨罗成功。
Winner:Big E & Kofi Kingston
世界新秩序(nWo)(世界新秩序(nWo))出场,纳什回忆了当年的&周一收视大战&以及以前的经典瞬间,三人还沉浸在往昔的峥嵘岁月时,双打新贵&&弑神组合(The Ascension)&上场,初生牛犊不怕虎,对三位老前辈没有丝毫尊重,好扬言要毁掉三人,并对WCW的双打组合开启了群嘲,眼看双方就要动手,约翰&布拉德肖&雷菲尔德(JBL)打断了他们,并把职业保镖(APA)组合(职业保镖(APA))召了出来,成为众矢之的的弑神组合有些慌了手脚,但是噩梦没有结束,Outlaws组合也来凑热闹。众多老将殴打小朋友,弑神组合只能任人宰割。
4.女子双打赛 娜塔莉娅(Natalya) & 佩奇(Paige) vs. 艾莉西亚&福克斯(Alicia Fox) & 萨默&雷(Summer Rae)
Winner: Natalya & Paige
5.单打赛:真理罗恩(R-Truth) vs. 鲁瑟夫(Rusev)
6.单打赛米兹(The Miz) vs 吉米&乌索(Jimmy Uso)
赛前米兹(The Miz)透过小屏幕宣称自己将在RR的胜利,接着比赛开始后,米兹由于不满自己的影分身比自己更受欢迎而无心恋战,直至被吉米快速压制才醒悟。米兹赶紧反击,并对吉米阴招频出。虽然米兹已经占据了比赛先机,但却被吉米抓住机会反击,并以一个飞扑终结比赛。
Winner:Jimmy Uso
7.3对1强弱不等赛:约翰&塞纳(John Cena) vs. 塞思&罗林斯(Seth Rollins) & 凯恩(Kane) & 大秀哥(Big Show)
Winner:John Cena
This perspective: Seth successful attack senna and rice last week out of the limelight, rice is not properly categorized, tonight there will be what kind of action, this weekend will be on the royal war, the fight, les, senna and Seth, three have been thoroughly war, scene and to wipe out the spark, the veteran regression and will bring us what kind of surprise, contents on Monday night RAW.
Program, before the start of the Martin Luther King's speech &I have a dream&.
Program began,
world champion brock, rice, with Paul Heyman (Paul Heyman) came to power. Rice, a face of anger, when ready to start his lengthy introduction, heymann, les, grabbed the microphone, the simple and crude about Seth Rawlings, heyman wants to persuade les, calm, but nothing has no effect, in the face of aggressive les, HHH (Triple H) persuasion, outspoken Seth last week it just for last week's attacks, after all, les, beginning in the first, and then HHH talked, heyman want reconciliation, but rice is not sold, provocative HHH, atmosphere awkward, wife of shop-owner with Kane (Kane) and Big brother, Big Show), want to reassure rice, each other dint, les some hesitation, don't know whether I should continue to begin, at this time, the scene video, insert the Seth Seth vociferously to take on the royal war rice belt, heyman interrupted his arrogance, also in warning power class best intervene with Seth, otherwise the consequence is proud. At this moment, senna.
Senna interrupted Seth and Hyman, senna power couple means is unbearable, he will beat Seth and rice on Sunday. Finished his oath, senna ready to leave, the wife of shop-owner call senna, wants to use an interest to destroy the glorious image of senna, Seth also continues to provoke senna, senna, if he won the champion of the royal war, so must be returned to the company to three people, HHH is put forward to return to the company of three men to be fired another scheme, tonight he will take part in a game, won three regression, lost will be lost the royal war championship, face the dilemma, HHH will decisions to the fans, he had to wait for the result.
1. Singles match, Mr. Wyatt (Bray Wyatt) vs. Daniel Bryan (Daniel Bryan)
The match began, and Daniel Bryan (Daniel Bryan) is a head, but not for long Wyatt will break, a few critical hits, Daniel into the game, the break, and leave the Wyatt laid the challenge, Daniel just want to celebrate, when he came out, distracted the attention of Daniel, cut part of the game back to the ring, Daniel is still dominant, but in the Angle of time, suddenly up Wyatt is pushed down, Wyatt also keep up with rapidly, down a challenge began to expand their advantage, then threw Daniel back to challenge to suppress, but without success, Wyatt and lock the Daniel's head, Daniel very not easy break, trying to fight back is knocked down by Wyatt, Wyatt was last attack after Daniel right cheek, yes, Wyatt does best is the fatal attack player's weakness, back to the game, with the special headlock locked Daniel's head, Daniel finally broke free, but the back was Wyatt one arm down again, then Wyatt has been holding on the field initiative, Daniel fought back after finally, completed a beautiful flying lap, and on the Angle with Hurricanrana Wyatt fell, Daniel and has been playing with the leg Wyatt, Wyatt wants to fight back but was Daniel throw them in the scenes, Daniel was ambushed by kahn, Wyatt take the opportunity to use Swinging Reverse STO ended the game.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
Backstage, Kevin Nash (Kevin) Nash and Scott Hall (Scott Hall), find the HHH nostalgia, invited him to power, HHH haven't reply, HBK also to invite, HHH didn't put down the leadership of the shelf, then X - Pac. Tease than sendoh do not help, laughed at by the people.
The background, senna is still waiting for the results.
In members of the royal war legend group, hook, Hogan (Hulk Hogan) first, followed by &nature boy& rick fryer, then there is &the heartbreak kid& Shawn Michaels (Shawn Michaels). Before the discussion, ask the host for three people to vote tonight. HBK and hook should think senna, fryer that should not be. Discussion started, the host asked the first fryer the feeling of the royal war victory in 92, Ken friar dubbed the most beautiful night in his career. The host asked the meaning of the HBK attended the royal war back-to-back, HBK believes that it was the royal war victory that achievement his reputation as a &Mr Wrestlemania&. Memories of the royal war finally asked hogan, hogan cited the spider-man &with great power comes great responsibility&. The end of this topic, the host asked three people, who only wins. HBK considered Bray, Wyatt (Bray Wyatt), hogan, he thinks Daniel will win, fryer is considered the Dean Ambrose (Dean Ambrose). At this moment, big brother show appearances, three people feel atmosphere wrong, host already defeated and flee. Big brother show on stage, the three senior shows no respect, hogan for big brother's appearance, to persuade him to leave, but big brother don't afraid, double the rehash, warning all three ever eat under their losses, and that they were but in grandstanding, myself will be the champion of the royal war, nobody can throw their appearances, and make three people leave their challenge, otherwise, he will make three people feel the real war. Fryer enough is enough, and the big brother show hands on, attached is big brother, at this time, the Roman raines (Roman Reigns) play, big brother don't meddle in warning raines, but raines ignore, abruptly will show big brother to play outside. Three doyen and escorted away.
Backstage, voting has ended, renee and senna issue to watch the results, 85% of people think that he should take part in tonight's game. In the face of such result, senna chose calm face, he want to the game.
2. Singles match Dean Ambrose (Dean Ambrose) vs. Bad News Barrett (Bad News Barrett)
The match began, and overall is ambrose prevail, but the break with Barrett soon, just the ambrose and to master the game, an elbow hit teach Barrett, Barrett also returned after a kick back after Wyatt, just mad boy ambrose is playing god, he poured Barrett lift after his fist, then shoved the Barrett, then cut part of the game, game returned, Barrett occupied on the field of the advantage, although ambrose tried to fight back, but Barrett did not make ambrose accounted for cheap, but the tables have turned, when caught contestant's neutral ambrose and was a player to be out of luck, happened to be the player is Barrett, after a series of attacks, ambrose want to suppress, but without success, ambrose climbing Angle but Barrett shaking rope get ambrose, want a fatal blow, but ambrose deftly hid in the past, but ambrose Barrett unwilling to carry up, but ambrose freed from direct a DDT ended the game.
Winner: Dean Ambrose
3. Doubles game Big E & Kofi Kingston (Kofi Kingston) vs. Cesaro (Cesaro) & Tyson Kidd (Tyson Kidd)
The game started, the Big E (Big E) will show the power directly to Jason kidd fell on the ring, changing hands Kofi Kingston (Kofi Kingston), Kingston is not so good luck, be kidd throw back board, Cesaro (Cesaro) just down Coffey, after Jason kidd in hand Cesaro, kidd Cesaro puts up coffee in hand, two people completed a group-attack, kidd pressed directly, and don't succeed, kidd with headlock consumed Coffey, Coffey hard behind after counterattack, but kidd tactfully in hand Cesaro, Cesaro back control of the advantage on the pitch again, changing hands kidd, kidd suppression was interrupted by the Big E, kidd immediately changed hands Cesaro, Cesaro also have been use Coffey demanding headlock, Coffey very not easy to break, want to change large-handedness E but are Cesaro block, the coffee with momentum technology suppress Cesaro success.
Winner: Big E & Kofi Kingston
New world order (nWo) (new world order (nWo)), Nash recalled that &ratings war& on Monday and classic moments in The past, three people still immersed in The past eventful days, doubles upstart - &The product combination of god (The Ascension)&, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, for three doyen shows no respect, good threatened to destroy The three, and The doubles combination of WCW opens up a group of mockery, saw The two sides will begin, John bradshaw ray (JBL) interrupted their field, and The combination of professional bodyguard (APA) (professional bodyguard (APA)) called out, and a target of The product portfolio god some panic hands and feet, but The nightmare is not over, do not help Outlaws combination. Many veteran beating children, killing god combination can only lose your life.
Background, power couple saw the audience of the vote, began to mischief, announced tonight's format, senna tonight against Seth & big brother show & Cain, right at this moment a three to one intensity game.
4. The women's doubles competition Natalie (Natalya) & page (Paige) vs. Alicia Fox (Alicia Fox) & sommer ray (Summer Rae)
Game starts, natalia and page (Paige) is a combination of strong dominance, changing hands two attacks on Mr Mo ray, ray was apparently this start to play stupid, but it doesn't matter, after entering the game, ray, a beautiful swing play will defeat, natalia, want to suppress but didn't succeed, then changed hands Alicia fox, fox, full of natalia, launched a strong attack, first the technology to suppress failure, then lock natalia, head, and then turn to attack when empty, natalia, hurriedly changed hands page, page shows his strong dominance, continuous attack after a foot just pour the fox chuai, suppressed by ray interference natalia, hurriedly come out to help a friend, don't waste an opportunity to lock the page fox, fox had to shoot to throw in the towel.
Winner: Natalya & Paige
5. Singles match: Truth RON (R - way) vs. lu cerf (Rusev)
Game starts, rousseff first offense, but RON jink quickly react and began to fight back. RON has been dominate but suddenly suffered a feet slam rousseff, then rousseff hurriedly pulled his strongest yield, RON insisted on a later had to surrender.
Winner: Rusev
Backstage, les found Seth, hopes of beating senna, he temporarily don't deal with Seth, but by Sunday, he would be seeing new and old hatred.
6. Singles match was (Miz) vs Jimmy ursolic (Jimmy Uso)
Before The game was (Miz) through a small screen will claim victory in The RR, then after The match began, was due to dissatisfaction with their own shadow copy is more popular than they are and coasting, Jimmy quickly suppressed until they are just wake up. Was quickly back to Jimmy Yin recruit mount. Although the kameez have dominated the game, but was Jimmy seize the opportunity to fight back, with a swoop put an end to the game.
Winner: Jimmy Uso
7.3 to 1 intensity: John senna (John Cena) vs. Seth, Rawlings (Seth Rollins) & Cain (Kane) & Big brother (Big Show)
I don't know tonight will power couple appeared make any unnecessary elements for the game... After the match began, and on both sides of a test, Seth change after a beast and confrontation, senna avoid monster offensive turned down Seth, can still be crushed by beast attack. After a on the abuse of senna, Seth and continue to abuse people offensive, suddenly, in the face of senna, Seth hurriedly roll to the audience to avoid a thunder. After Cain put, he hurriedly to haven't recovered senna up the strike, and continue to abuse. To the beast, is easily abused state of senna, senna has been affected by poor, haven't wait for the chance of turning. Finally, raising their right hands, facing the beast senna in a timely manner during the and began to fight back, but when picked up the beast by beasts, but is invalid. Then he continue to go back to the form and then beast.
Advertising, with Seth continue to abuse of state, and is not power couple too excited or how has walked to the audience &encouraging&. Watched senna in a weak voice caught his lower body stood up slowly, Seth again wanted to give him a vicious blow but by senna has launched campaigns. In the face of Seth suddenly xia tie wire, senna insist on down and back down, can make opportunities for Seth, turned in senna, Seth hurriedly put to good use and suppress swoop, invalid, senna dodged a bullet again. Angry Seth beast, beast hurriedly walked to the rope and sit by senna swerved out to fly, then the beast and going to swoop down with Seth, senna timely wake up and down the side of the theatre Cain, then began to abuse of Seth. In the five fingers pounded and push AA, Seth was bodyguard &save& again. Immediately after the senna down with bodyguards, sneak attack by Seth. Between two people exhausted, Seth timely and has instead been senna's AA, pressing process is damaged by Kane's timely response. Beast waiting to attack senna in the audience and then as if nothing has occurredly back to the table, leaving senna accept seconds, power couple couldn't resist for sarcasm. Finally senna in a rush on at the last second in time, but in the lock throat of the Kane throws. After Seth, he began to turn warstomp preparation, at this moment, the scorpion king Sting (Sting) suddenly appeared on the big screen, nervous immediately attracted all people. Finally, Sting with music, he pointed to the right shape I do not know in what to say, he suddenly fast suppression Seth, win.
Winner: John Cena
This week many veteran regression residual heat is on the weekend that graces the royal war, through, the scorpion king in a timely manner, doffer of talent to catch up with the royal war last bus, senna no trouble back at home. Royal war before the end of the a RAW, to participate in the title race three sides no scruples, previously thought of the &two peace tyranny senna& scenes have been impossible, three people themselves, or unpredictable at the moment.


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